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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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Age of Empires III.


All civilizations including Asian and Native American at level 54.


Moderate only...Hard is too stressful.


That's where I'm headed when I get done here.


Air conditioner has my music room just about cooled down.


Wifey is already ticked so a few more hours can't hurt... :rolleyes: ... maybe.


It's really not an obsession...just boredom...same as beating games 1 through 13,049 in Free Cell...tonight will be 13,050.


Long three day weekend.


Everyone else in the state is camping in the rain.


I'm home.


Wife is recovering nicely from her heart attack and stint last week but now we're staying home.


Going to WalMart was a tiring task.


A few weeks of cardiac rehab and she'll be ornery as ever back to her old self.


No permanent damage...Plavix for a year and aspirin for life...and good diet and exercise...yeah, right.


Somebody besides me posted in the tinker thread (I peeked).




* tries to remember where he stashed the snow shovel *


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I know; I've already gotten Zidane up to 100. Doesn't mean I'm not still going to try and get everyone there. Plus you have to get Golbez and Exdeath to 100 to unlock secret voice clips for them if you want to complete the Museum. And anyway, you have to keep levelling everyone up to keep unlocking stuff in the shop, which there's an accomplishment for completing, and I can't find anything anywhere that tells me what gets unlocked by who reaching what level.

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I think it's one of the last few, the ones that don't actually tell you outright what you have to do.


I think I'll give Inward Chaos a shot once I finished levelling up Squall; he's at 90 now. Zidane just can't do enough bravery damage, but Squall tears it away like crepe paper.

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But has limited HP attacks and no connections from bravery to HP. If you can get smiting soul then zidane can break opponents easily.

And there are complete lists of the accomplishments on the net if you can't see what they are.


personally I like to be a bugger with Squall and a pain with Cloud and braver forcing them to dodge all the time.

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Yes, I've been using the list off the FF Wiki, I just didn't recall which specific accomplishment it was. I just remembered that all those 100%-completion-type ones are in the last bunch where they only give oblique clues.


I don't have Smiting Soul, obviously. Anyway Squall's HP attacks are easy enough to fire off after a block. I play him aggressively when gathering bravery, then defensively when looking for a kill. I'm not fond of firing off a bunch of HP attacks unless they work like Zidane's Meo Twister and fire the opponent into the distance; I'm not crazy about the vulnerability to breaking.

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For squall heel drop in the air will result in a staggered block that leaves them open.

I don't use unsafe HP attacks recklessly but some like braver is really hard to punish unless you dodge the way I am going and risk getting hit in the aftermath.


nearly everyone has a free HP attack after a block, except for ones like Ultimecia. And the ones near the end are actually collecting something or killing someone.

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You don't even have to dodge Braver; Hell's Gate immediately shoots Sephiroth up out of the way and poised to counter.


I like that Duodecim had Sephiroth programmed to use Hell's Gate on Aerith any time you used her as an assist. That's a grim sense of humor right there.

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Why not try heavens light then since it drops you below the opponent no matter what height.

And I would love to play my Duodecim but my PSP was homebrewed when I bought it so it won't play it. Pain in the butt since it is stopping me playing Birth by Sleep and FMA:Brotherhood.


For me playing Sephiroth I like to do the wave attack in mid-air smash them into the ground then come in with a HP attack.

Mostly I play Squall, Cloud and Cecil. I hate the computer sometimes though when it seems to be able to read all your moves no matter what you do.

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I think I have Sephiroth levelled high enough where he has Heaven's Light, but I haven't played him in a while. Last character I did any work on was Ultimecia. Annoying that the villains are for the most part so much trickier to use effectively than the heroes.

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