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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I was walking the path peacefully minding my own business this morning when I inadvertently approached a robin.  I maintained my pace and made no threatening gestures or movements toward the bird.  I recall no incident of ever being malicious toward the critter.  When I closed to an unknown yet magical distance the robin bolted in fear for the nearby underbrush.  Since I claim no reason for causing this reaction I blame it on instinct.  In the days of the Garden of Eden the bird would have remained and maybe even approached me to beg for some petting.  Over the years they have learned to fear man.  Especially young men with BB guns or sling shots or stones.  Nature told the bird to flee.  Besides being taught from birth to run from danger the Tinkers lived in nature every day.  Part of their urge to run was taught.  Part of it was learned from nature.  No.  That doesn't matter to anyone for any reason.  This is Fiddlesticks.  Stuff is not supposed to make sense.  ;)

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