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The Gwampy Thread

loki redfern

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I come here to escape that "other" world.


The abuse is just a fringe benefit.  ;)


CAUTION:  the above named vices may be addictive to some individuals.




Gotta go to work now.  >:(




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Spamming DM while at work.


* remembers those glorious days *

* endless hours learning the DM lingo *

* learning to type between the stars *

* discovering the smileys *  ;D

* trying to develop an avatar *

* instantaneous high speed spamming *

* free, of course *

* smiles *

* nods *



Those were the days.


Gone forever.

It's probably all my fault that the old company folded.

Had nothing to do with the poor economy in Michigan.

Or the automotive industry.

It's all because I was getting paid to spam DM.


* tries to look...uuuhhhmmmm...responsible for the state of the union...or something similar *

* not that good of a pretender *


It just is NOT my fault at all!!!  >:(

If I hadn't been spamming DM I would have been doing something much less worthwhile like wandering about where people could see that I had nothing better to do.

* realizes that rationalization is not valid logic *

* doesn't really care any more *


I was doing so good.

Only spamming a couple of lines per week.

Now, here I am again.

Spilling my guts.

Spewing a bunch of crap just because I can.

Filling the Gwampy thread to the brim.

At least I won't be harming the Tinkers any more.

That discussion group is history...see site for details.


Probably ought to get ready for work over in that other world.


Bye for now.



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I can too control it.  >:(

I just choose not to.  >:(

* chooses to control it at the moment just to prove the point *




I can when I want...


* feels that familiar uncontrollable urge *

* tries to fight it *

* knows for a fact that it is an incontinentally losing battle *

* gives in to fate *

* lets it rip *





to.  :-[



* realizes what he just did *

I'd never do that in the other world.

* hangs his head and shakes it side-to-side *


I'm slipping back into my old habits.

Spamming DM every day.

Letting artificial butt bombs.

Won't be long and I'll be writing long posts and juggling my balls again.



* looks around for the "non-spammers only" wagon that he fell off from *

* tries to look determined *

* takes a few steps in the direction of the wagon *

* really knows he should climb back on *


Spamming doesn't really cure my ills...it's just a crutch.

The more that I spam the more that I'll want to spam.

It's an endless addiction that never heals.

It will only get worse.

Saint Peter will call me and I'll hold up one finger asking him to wait until I'm done spamming...you know what THAT will get me!!!   :o

I really should just shut off the computer and go get ready for work.

And forget that GrandpaG ever existed.


That's what I ought to do.


* opens a gateway to the Black Tower to see why nobody guessed that sound *

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