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a sore encounter


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Having slept in ken ran down the hall knowing he was late for breakfast. Ken had junped out of bed and hastly put his cloths on "dang i can't belive i slept in."


Ken came running around a conner and went flying into another child sending both crashing to the floor "oh great" ken got up and offerd his hand to the young woman he nocked down. "i'm sooo sorry me name is ken adrain i'm new around here and i slept in. again i'm sorry for running into you."


looking out side seeing everyone done breakfast ken decieds not to eat. "Can i help you in any way?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Zoe rubbed her stomach sullenly. She was sitting in the Fortress dinning room, regretting to have eaten everything she did. It was omelet day and usually Zoe couldn't help herself. It was too good and so were the cooks. Sometimes she thought them to be darkfriends as their cooking was too good to be true.


Zoe tried getting up a few times, but decided to wait a while longer to let everything settle down. She made a mental note to run some extra laps around the Fortress to lose everything she gained by the immense meal she just had. After a long pause, Zoe finally managed to get up and she walked out of the dinning hall.


Bloody cooks, she thought to herself. It was their fault after all. As that thought left her mind, Zoe suddenly found herself flat on the floor. She didn't even see what knocked her off, but she suspected Karma took part in it. Looking up, she saw a young Child of the light. "I'm sooo sorry. My name is Ken Adrain. I'm new around here and I slept in. Again I'm sorry for running into you. Can I help you in any way?"


Zoe stretched her hand to Ken and he grasped it, helping her up. She was going to give him a good scolding when she suddenly felt a little light headed and leaned on Ken for support. It seemed the fall shook her up more then she thought. "Could you please help me outside? I need some air." Ken nodded, and while grasping her side guided her towards the exit. "I am Zoe by the way", she said with a weak smile.





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  • 5 weeks later...

"Could you please help me outside? I need some air." ken helped her up "Of course Zoe nice to meet you i ony wish it could have been under more pleasent conditions"


Ken and Zoe walked out side in a nice warm and sunny courtyard with trees dotting the yard and childeren in there white uniforms walking around


"Are you feeling better yet? I'm sorry i just got in the other day and slept in which i usally don't do"

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  • 2 months later...

Bert patted his stomach. He'd eaten five omelets. If only the damn serving lady had let him have another one, he was sure he could manage to get it down as well. Now, he was digesting his food on a bench in the courtyard, licking sun and thinking of nothing much indeed. As he turned his head slightly to get the sun out of his eyes, he saw Zoe walking out of the main hall supported by some new kid. His senses flared up, Why's he holding her arm!? He got up abruptly, perhaps too abruptly judging from the queer sounds his stomach was emitting and started a wobble towards Zoe, which eventually evolved into a neat jog. "Heya!" he shouted from afar, waving his hand. As he reached them Zoe returned the salute with a smile and introduced the new child: "Bert, this is Ken, Ken this is Bert!" Bert shot out his hand and grasped Ken's. "Pleased to meet you!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmm i wonder who this is running towards us? as the person ran up Zoe itroduced us "Bert this is Ken,Ken this is Bert. Bert shot out his hand and grasped Ken's. "Pleased to meet you!" Ken grasped Berts hand "Nice to meet you" Bert asked why Ken was carriing Zoe and Ken told Bert about how ken missed breakfast and ran into Zoe and that Zoe asked ken to walk her out side for a bit.

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As Ramai sat quietly in the shade of an ancient pear tree, he rolled a bronze coin from knuckle to knuckle. Taking great care to maintain the repetitive cycle, he had slipped into somewhat of a trance; ignorant of the world outside of his own mind. Plans, plans plans, twas all he thought of it and he was tiring of it at a lightning fast rate. With that, he clenched his fist and the coin toppled to the floor. The sharp irritation brought him back to reality, and he swore loudly. Picking up the coin, he stuffed it into his breeches and looked onwards at the courtyard, the morning sun giving it a free and light air.


Sighing deeply, he noticed Bert running across the courtyard. By the Great Lord, he was a goof. And then Zoe... His face hardened. No.. No harbouring that. This is a mission, not a pleasure trip. A mission... Thumping the floor savagely, he gouged grass from the earth with a clawed hand. Standing up, he schooled his emotions and ambled over, taking his sweet time. He greeted them with a small gesture of his hand, barely recognizable as a wave and resumed his general diminutive attitude. His eyes never meeting anyones.

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Zoe smiled weakly at Bert and sat down at a bench that was conviniently placed next to the group. She smiled occasioanlly as the conversation between Bert and Ken flowed, starting to feel a bit better. She was feeling out of sorts ever since she woke up, but she tried to keep it from putting a damp on her spirit.


Seeing Ramai approach, Zoe smiled widely. She enjoyed his company even though he seemed to go out of his way to appear indifferent to theirs. Half the time he seemed absent. Always quiet and evasive, as if he had something to hide. That thought always prickled her mind. She only hoped one day he'd feel comfortable enough to share it.


Grabbing Ramai's hand tightly, she greeted him with a peck on the cheek and a sunny smile. "We were just thinking about going for a horse ride, since we have no classes until the afternoon. Care to join us?".






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Having just been interrupted in a very intriguing conversation about the properties of a horses buttocks arrival of Ramai, Bert stood up and greeted his somewhat sombre roommate. Even though his face attempted to show nothing, Bert noticed a certain something in his eyes, as if he was chaotically fighting some inner urge whilst at the same time trying to maintain his cool outer visage. Bert punched him playfully on the shoulder and got a dead cold gaze in return. He tried to smile it away, but this only seemed to make it stronger. Zoe saved the day by proposing they go riding, something Bert certainly didn't mind... Too bad. Sure, horses didn't seem to like him, and sure, he didn't seem to like horses back, but if Zoe asked Bert didn't see any other choice than too answer.


Trotting along the others, Bert mentally prepared to master the horse, to look it square in the eye and not neigh first, to climb ontop it's back without stumbling and falling face down in the mud. He'd have no more of that, once was more than enough. He clenched his fists slightly.

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