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Reluctant LoA *mutters*


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After a hellish day at school, I come home to find my mother board DEAD! Yeah, fun stuff. We ordered replacement stuff for it (along with some upgrades...:D ), but I'll be lucky if I get those by the end of NEXT week. It's limping along and rebooting whenever it feels like it, so I am trying not to royally tick myself off by staying close to it for very long.


*sighs* This means that I'll be checking in as much as I can over the next week or so, but I can't make any promises about being here or not. I'm going to go ahead and call it a LoA, but you'll prolly see me around once or twice.


*hugs* Ya'll cross your fingers that FedEx and UPS get their shipments out... oh... tomorrow? *sighs* Yeah, too much to hope for, I know. *grumbles and mutters curses under her breath*

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Okay, so I'm a total freak. :shock: I first read that you came home and found your mother dead, not your mother board. Then I got to the part about getting upgrades and such... and I was like "what the ...?" and I went back and read the thing properly.


Anyway, hope your stuff comes soon! And that your mum enjoys her upgrades. ;) Or something like that/

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Thanks, Caly! I do, too. Dana's keyboard feels freakin' weird and I hae to watch my fingers while I type. *grumbles*


And yeah, I do, Silver, but what I want and what I want to spend isn't an option at Best Buy or Circuit City. We don't have a dedicated computer store (oddly enough), and everyone else's overhead is nauseating. I managed to nearly rebuild my computer for $450 (including shipping) by doing it online. I'd have paid that for the processor and the mother board alone at a local store. :P


Savannah is NOT backwater, trust me. I'd be a lot happier if I lived somewhere that backwater, though. The lack of traffic alone would make life so much easier. Not to mention the lack of tourists and so many freakin' traffic lights stacked on top of each other every 1000 feet or so.

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  • 3 weeks later...



My new computer is up and running beautifully (and FAST, too! *grins*). I should be back to my normal hauntings by the weekend! :D Right now I have to recollect all my links and smileys and stuff. *sighs* Not to mention rescue all of my files from Dana's computer. LOL They're getting so lonely over there...

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