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Posted (edited)

Hi guys and gals,


First off I'd like to start by saying I have not read this entire series as of yet but I have a theory on what Jordan was really writing and I'd like to ask your opinions. Years ago I read through the 4th book. I loved the series but life got away on me and I had to stop.  I've had health problems and I find myself at home with lots of time to spare and I recently noticed the show on Amazon prime and it reminded me about this series and me not finishing it. 


I was gonna just watch the show (which I am... I really like it for what it is but its terrible different from what I read years ago)  A few days ago I bought all.the books and started a giant, straight through reading of the series. 


During the off years of my WoT reading life took me into a lot of weird directions and I read about and leard a huge amount about most religions, beliefs systems practiced on our planet. Western beliefs, eastern beliefs, cult beliefs, a huge amount of secret society beliefs and systems...... everything all the way down to ancient pagan teachings and myths and luciferian and satanic belifes. This book series seems to contain just about all of them in full or in part. 


My theory is that this series is really telling a weird version of the myth/legend of Lucifer.... THE ORIGINAL DRAGON/SERPENT. The dragon that has been foretold to be reborn. The Dragon who last broke our planet we used to call Atlantis and we now call Earth. This story is told to us today as the Great Flood. Almost all this planets religions talk of this flood and the pending return of Lucifer/the dragon who caused it. 


Throughout many years I've either met many secret society members or have been a member of a bunch of these groups personally and this is exactly what these people really believe and teach. They follow bloodlines from people/Angel's who they believe to be reincarnations of ancient fallen souls who once lived in and ruled Atlants (and even earlier times). They know that all the ancient ruins that remain visible on our planet today were not made by the people they tell us, these people just stumbled upon the remains and created silly stories about building them and claimed them as their own creations when they are much, much older. These ruins are all over the planet, Egypt, America, Europe, Russia, China..... everywhere including underground and our oceans. 


We have stories about these ancient people and there ancient technologies and we have relegated these stories to myths which they are not. We call some of these ancient fallen souls the Old Gods (which they were not) these people seemed like gods cause they had ancient technologies that made them into almost godlike super beings but it was all technology.  This technology is talked about in old Norse legends. Thor (Perin) and his hammer.  In Greek myths, zues and all his Olympians and all the ancient weapons and tech like the trident of Poseidon all the way down to Lucifers flaming sword we now read about as Excalibur.  


These stories are not just told in out ancient myths (which I argue are true and not really myths at all) but they are talked about in almost ever holy scripture from almost every major religion including Judaism, christianity and hindi. The Torah takes about ancient, secret tech in theory bible and they call some of it the Ark of the covenant,  Arrons Rod/staff of Moses and the menorah. The Christians talk of the same ancient weapons and also talk of the Holy grail, the flaming sword and the spear of destiny and the hindu go into amazing detail about all the ancient Atlantean flying machines called vimanas (which are our modern UFO's, Shivas blue battle suit (think ironman) and her/his sword in all the Sanskrit texts and the Mahabharata. There's actually so many references to ancient weapons and technology in this belief system it's impossible to go into all of it here there is hundreds if not thousands.


The Mexican-American / Aztecs talk about Quetzalcoatl, the dragon, and his ancient secret weapons and technology and flying machines and there's pictures of them all over the Mexican pyramids. They even talk about The Rebirth of this dragon sometime soon and possibly being the savior of the planet this time instead of its Destroyer like last time.


All of these ancient myths and religious beliefs an old stories go hand-in-hand with Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time and they are all telling almost the same exact story it's just like Robert Jordan was telling a story that took place tens of thousands of years ago and disguising it as a fantasy series of today all the way down to Rand and his sword. In the first few minutes of The Wheel of Time TV show on Amazon Prime they show remnants from before the world was broken and they look almost exactly like our Modern Skyscrapers that are covered over by foliage and Forestry.


The trollocs in the series could be compared to the Ancient Giants that used to roam our planet that were created with genetic modification and destroyed during the flood. I'm telling you it seems like there's way more going on with this story and Robert Jordan was really telling the old Legend of Lucifer and the new prophecies containing mentions of the Dragon/Lucifer being reborn sometime soon on our planet in real life and he was mixing up all religious Mythos and ancient stories and created The Wheel of Time as a way to deliver this idea. I mean this would make a whole lot of sense seeing how popular this Series has been and how popular it has remained over the years. When the story Rings true it always catches on and stays popular for a long long time.


Just take a look at the beginning credits of the new Wheel of Time series the main symbol is a serpent eating its own tail and that is a totally luciferian symbol and always has been. Then look at the Aes Sedai in the opening credits, they all have golden Halos like their Angelic beings that have superpowers that once ruled Atlantis before the flood and caused it destruction. 


I actually brought this up with my friend who's read the entire series and he was sorta blown away by my theory and thinks I might be totally into something. If you can accept Lucifer was not the devil which he/she was not and Satan was something totally different and unto itself. (Religion has mixed these two Angel's over time and they are and were never the same being then all of this makes a lot of sense. This is why lucifer was named the lightbeinger/bearer, Prometheus, who brought fire to the humans and tried to help them advance but all hell broke loose instead. Whether you guys believe my theory or not it's up to you but I'm telling you that this is the main secret that all secret societies are hiding from you because they absolutely believe this. If you're in a secret society and you don't know anything about this, Atlantis and all the previous civilizations on this planet than you're just a low member who knows nothing and you're being used.


Well... like I said earlier I made it to about book for and I really like the series but I'm starting over completely from book 1 I'm about 100 pages in and once I finish the series I'll let you know if I still think the same thing but I'm just wondering what you guys are thinking and please don't spoil the books past book for right now because I'm still reading. Hope you all have a great day I can't wait to see your replies to this.



Edited by James1111
Posted (edited)

I always assumed that there were many hints to Arthurian legends in the books. Even down to many names being derivative of those stories.


I always took it as RJ wanted to write an actual epic, like The Fairy Queen, which has ... 12 books. An epic poem is defined as a work of 12 books. He overshot, but that was not his fault. But I think that is what he might have been going for. After he decided to extend it beyong book 3 and then book 6. Why not double that...


Personally I dont see any religious meanings in the stories. But the epic poem The Faery Queene does have some links to religion, that might interest you: start here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faerie_Queene

Edited by Daenelia

I enjoyed your post OP and am interested to read your report back. I'm not familiar with a lot of what you referenced but it's fun to think about the origins of myth and legend and how they've passed through the ages.


I know that RJ was a Freemason, and they talk about the Light a lot, but beyond that I'm not familiar with any of their lore. I've got a mason coming soon to replace a few bricks on my chimney, maybe I'll ask him?

  On 12/2/2021 at 4:03 PM, mogi68 said:

I enjoyed your post OP and am interested to read your report back. I'm not familiar with a lot of what you referenced but it's fun to think about the origins of myth and legend and how they've passed through the ages.


I know that RJ was a Freemason, and they talk about the Light a lot, but beyond that I'm not familiar with any of their lore. I've got a mason coming soon to replace a few bricks on my chimney, maybe I'll ask him?



Hi.... I am very interested in reading your source that Robert Jordan was a Freemason. Do you have a link for this? If so can you post it for me please? I highly suspect he was a High Ranking Mason but I've searched the net and I can not find any mention of this being true but I totally suspect this being the case seeing how much of their beliefs about Lucifer/The Dragon he has in this series. 


Thanks for being a kind, nice and opened minded person. I posted this in a few groups in FB and things went horribly wrong. I've never been attacked like they attacked me. I was called every horrible name one can be called then I was banned completely from the group..... for a theory. 


I could go on and on about all the esoteric and occult belifes and the ties to Lucifer that Jordan has hidden into this series but I dont want to piss off anyone here like I did on FB. If you have any questions about my theory or what led me to think it feel free to ask and I'll answer what I can..... but again, I probably won't go any further on my own cause I dont want to piss off anyone here if I can help it.  Right now I'll leave what I wrote alone and won't add more on my own unless you guys are interested and show signs of knowing more. 


Again... any link to Jordan being a Freemason would be great and only helps prove me correct and I'd love to see it if you can supply one. 


Hope you have a great day and peace to you. 

  On 12/1/2021 at 3:39 PM, Daenelia said:

I always assumed that there were many hints to Arthurian legends in the books. Even down to many names being derivative of those stories.


I always took it as RJ wanted to write an actual epic, like The Fairy Queen, which has ... 12 books. An epic poem is defined as a work of 12 books. He overshot, but that was not his fault. But I think that is what he might have been going for. After he decided to extend it beyong book 3 and then book 6. Why not double that...


Personally I dont see any religious meanings in the stories. But the epic poem The Faery Queene does have some links to religion, that might interest you: start here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faerie_Queene


Thanks for this info... I looked this poem up on the net and its interesting.  I might actually read this but I absolutely hate, hate poetry. Many of our poets were actually writing about ancient beliefs and some have esoteric secrets embedded in them. William blake, Milton, Dante, Shakespeare and a shit ton of others just to mention a few.  Thanks for the heads up about this one. 

  On 12/2/2021 at 4:03 PM, mogi68 said:

I enjoyed your post OP and am interested to read your report back. I'm not familiar with a lot of what you referenced but it's fun to think about the origins of myth and legend and how they've passed through the ages.


I know that RJ was a Freemason, and they talk about the Light a lot, but beyond that I'm not familiar with any of their lore. I've got a mason coming soon to replace a few bricks on my chimney, maybe I'll ask him?




I found it on the net.... 



This is all very interesting but one big parallel that seems to miss the mark to me: Lucifer is clearly a bad guy, and Rand is clearly a good guy. Unless you think RJ was departing from the mythos in that regard?

Posted (edited)
  On 12/5/2021 at 2:28 AM, UOweTamASword said:

This is all very interesting but one big parallel that seems to miss the mark to me: Lucifer is clearly a bad guy, and Rand is clearly a good guy. Unless you think RJ was departing from the mythos in that regard?




What people dont understand is modern religion has merged the Angel Lucifer with the Angel known as Satan and perverted his real story.... according to the Freemason and other belief systems that occult scholars have access too and the general public does not and seeing how Mr. Jordan was a practicing Freemason this goes completely with Lucifer/The Dragon being the overall good guy in his story.  


Knowing now that Jordan was a real, practicing Mason, I completely believe this is exactly his intention in writing this story and probably why he used a Pen name when secretly writing a lot of secret freemason beliefs that he tied into his so-called fantasy story. Many other occult/esoteric writers have hidden secrets deep in their writings as well. I now consider Rober Jordan and esotec genius along the lines of Sir Frances Bacon, Alber Pike and a few others. 


Just something for you guys to think on, research and ponder for yourselves.  Thanks for your comment on my post and hope you have a great night. I honestly can't believe I've had all these books sitting in front of me on my shelf for years and didnt read them all till now. I've researched this alot and I figured out what his story was really about only reading the first 4 books. Can't wait to finish it now. 


Perrin would Probaly be Thor. Haven't really though who hes using Mat to represent. Rands sword would be Excalibur, lucifers ancient sword that was once wielded by Sir Arthur Pendragon. This man was a brilliant story teller to weave all this together the way he has. I really should take this theory to the Masons down the street.... they will freak over this. 

Edited by James1111
Posted (edited)
  On 12/5/2021 at 3:51 AM, James1111 said:



What people dont understand is modern religion has merged the Angel Lucifer with the Angel known as Satan and perverted his real story.... according to the Freemason and other belief systems that occult scholars have access too and the general public does not and seeing how Mr. Jordan was a practicing Freemason this goes completely with Lucifer/The Dragon being the overall good guy in his story.  


Knowing now that Jordan was a real, practicing Mason, I completely believe this is exactly his intention in writing this story and probably why he used a Pen name when secretly writing a lot of secret freemason beliefs that he tied into his so-called fantasy story. Many other occult/esoteric writers have hidden secrets deep in their writings as well. I now consider Rober Jordan and esotec genius along the lines of Sir Frances Bacon, Alber Pike and a few others. 


Just something for you guys to think on, research and ponder for yourselves.  Thanks for your comment on my post and hope you have a great night. I honestly can't believe I've had all these books sitting in front of me on my shelf for years and didnt read them all till now. I've researched this alot and I figured out what his story was really about only reading the first 4 books. Can't wait to finish it now. 


Perrin would Probaly be Thor. Haven't really though who hes using Mat to represent. Rands sword would be Excalibur, lucifers ancient sword that was once wielded by Sir Arthur Pendragon. This man was a brilliant story teller to weave all this together the way he has. I really should take this theory to the Masons down the street.... they will freak over this. 


That’s interesting, but Lucifer was originally just another Greek name for Venus I think, meaning Morning Star. I don’t think they had a myth for him, but perhaps based on the arc of Venus the idea of a star trying to ascend to take the sun’s place, only to fail when the sun rises.


I guess it’s impossible to know what Freemasons may secretly believe, but weird to call that the “real” story. Whether “Lucifer” is associated with the path of Venus or a passage from the prophet Isaiah, either way he is destined to fall from trying to reach too high. Certainly seems like a good parallel to Lews Therin, aka Lord of the Morning, but not Rand.


I suppose you’re saying the Freemasons have a twisted version of this “myth” that Jordan based the Dragon on. And they have a prophecy where Lucifer will rise again? Seems pretty out there but given I am not a freemason I can’t rule it out!


Edit: Unsurprisingly, the connection has already been made: https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Rand_al'Thor/Parallels

Edited by UOweTamASword
  • 1 year later...
  On 12/5/2021 at 3:51 AM, James1111 said:



What people dont understand is modern religion has merged the Angel Lucifer with the Angel known as Satan and perverted his real story.... according to the Freemason and other belief systems that occult scholars have access too and the general public does not and seeing how Mr. Jordan was a practicing Freemason this goes completely with Lucifer/The Dragon being the overall good guy in his story.  


Knowing now that Jordan was a real, practicing Mason, I completely believe this is exactly his intention in writing this story and probably why he used a Pen name when secretly writing a lot of secret freemason beliefs that he tied into his so-called fantasy story. Many other occult/esoteric writers have hidden secrets deep in their writings as well. I now consider Rober Jordan and esotec genius along the lines of Sir Frances Bacon, Alber Pike and a few others. 


Just something for you guys to think on, research and ponder for yourselves.  Thanks for your comment on my post and hope you have a great night. I honestly can't believe I've had all these books sitting in front of me on my shelf for years and didnt read them all till now. I've researched this alot and I figured out what his story was really about only reading the first 4 books. Can't wait to finish it now. 


Perrin would Probaly be Thor. Haven't really though who hes using Mat to represent. Rands sword would be Excalibur, lucifers ancient sword that was once wielded by Sir Arthur Pendragon. This man was a brilliant story teller to weave all this together the way he has. I really should take this theory to the Masons down the street.... they will freak over this. 


If Perrin is Thor, then Mat is definitely Loki

  On 10/19/2023 at 2:07 PM, Pink said:

If Perrin is Thor, then Mat is definitely Loki


What the battle master with only 1 eye, Matt is Odin, 


I relation to the OP, I don't think Robert Jordan was looking at biblical references for his work, which is surprising because he was certainly a very religious man who took communion several times a week. In fact I have always thought it interesting that someone who was so heavily involved in organised religion was able to separate that from his writing, I mean I don't know what it says that the only organised religious group in his story (the white cloaks) are a force of evil in the world. 

Robert Jordan was inspired by Tolkien, it is why EOTW is so closely aligned to Fellowship of the ring, and why so many of the characters early on can be linked directly to LOTR characters (Lan Aragorn, Moiraine Gandalf, the EF5 the hobbits, Loial Treebeard). Tolkien leant very much on nordic mythos for his story. Robert Jordan used some eastern mythos, but this was not a reference to lucifer. I suggest you read the origins of the Wheel of Time, the author was given access to notes and was able to interview those close to RJ including Brandon Sanderson to give a very good book that looks at the writing process and the influences of the story. 

  • 1 year later...

I love to see people talking about this. I thought these things were obvious but not everyone sees quite well these days. You are just about spot on, I’d say. 
P.S. It’s interesting how they try to turn the truth on its head, even down to fantasy novels. Whether one chooses to believe that satan and lucifer are not the same, does not change the root of their ways; wickedness, envy, covetousness, pride, lust, and deceit.

Evil shall slay the wicked.

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