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While re-listening to the Great Hunt I was at the part where Lan tells Rand about their ancient power wraught swords and i was thinking...


is it possible that Rands 3,000 yr old heron mark blade is also Lews Therins  blade from 3,000 yrs ago?


its not ever specifically said one way or the other, but I was thinking that it’s just the kind of thing the pattern likes to do.

Plus at this point in the story all things that were the dragons are coming back to the dragon...

10 hours ago, Sabio said:

It can't be, later in the series Rand somehow finds LTT's sword and gives it to Tam.  

I thought that was the sword Justice but I could be wrong. 


Ahh that could be it, I got Artur and LTT mixed up again.


All the companion says is "it was found under a submerged statue, Rand reconized it and took to wearing it".  But honestly I can't say I remember Rand wearing it, thought he was wearing the sword Avi gave him for most the series.  There is no mention of Rand giving it away in the companion, but it would make sense that was the sword Rand gave to Tam as his farewell gift. 


The sword Aviendha gave him was Laman's sword, remember. It was taken at the Battle of The Shining Wall as a trophy, since his head would not survive the trip back to the Aiel Waste.

As for the sword Rand gave to Tam, I have always had a very strong feeling that it was, in fact used by both LTT and Artur at different times. 

Especially since Power wrought blades were very very old ones, and they were rare even in the Trolloc Wars.

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