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Looking for a Mentor


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Guest Faile1987

*pokes Covai*


Hey, mentor mine :D don´t seduce poor newbies :D


*wonders if you can be still accounted as a newbie when you haven´t finished your welcome thread but are already entangled in a lot of classes and stuff...;)*


Anyways, welcome Aldazar!

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Just two things, 1: Failes mentor is Covai, that's why she (:D) said that her mentor shouldn't scare you away. 2: *gets down on hands and knees while kissing the hem of Muir's dress err... pants, i guess* I beg you, please post on the BEM lesson. :cry:


:D oh wait, I'm supposed to be sad... :cry: there we go, sorry

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Guest Faile1987

*tries to cheer Noy up then remembers her own char´s massive depressions and decides to accompany Noy in his sadness*



And yes 1.) I´m a she :D (thanks to Jason for pointing that out ;))

2.) Covai´s my mentor now :D

3.) yes, please Muirenn post *considers kissing the hem of her robe/pants or whatever inappropriate as she´s a girl and thus only looks pleading with her large brown eyes* Please :)

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Guest Faile1987

yeah....isn´t it great to have someone to indulge in your depressions with?


*sits down and thinks about bleak and dark things*



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*face turned downward in shame and embarisment*


*pushes foot around on the foor*


*ready to appologise* Sorry Muir, I sorta ignored the thread where I already begged you to post on the BEM and you explained why you havn't posted yet... anywhoo, sorry for repeatedly bothering you.


*is feeling very ashamed of himself*

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*thinks he realizes what kepen means* Do you mean you don't know how to create a character, or that you don't know how to get started on your character?


And Aldazar, compaired to Muir, all of us who posted are newbies (maybe not covai)

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Guest Dalinar

*reads kepen's last line*


*gives Muir a loooong, steady look*


I'm not sure I can trust you with that kind of offer, missy ;P


Aaaaanyway, sorry I missed your post Kepen or I would have been onto it sooner. Muir is of course welcome to take you on as her mentee, but in the mean time if you have any questions or concerns about joining up that you would like answered then don't hesitate to ask. I don't think I have a character bio for you yet (unless you're one of a couple I received in the last week that I'm waiting to hear back about) so that would probably be a good start!


Stop by our website - http://www.blacktowerdiv.com/home.php - when you have some time. There are whole sections of it that are a bit out of date (particularly with regards to explaining the boards) now that we have moved back to dragonmount.com for our forums, but it is still a good guide until I finish making the updates to the pages and get them uploaded.




Div Leader. :D

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*sigh* in five days it will be the 24th, that day will be your two month aniversary... that means that in five days, you will have been around for two months, which means that you have almost been around for two months, get it? :D

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Guest Faile1987

*has totally forgotten when she has joined the rp site, but her 1st DM anniversary will be on September 1st - woot*


Anyway, spam is fun and so: *spams some random madness, pain and depression*




*recalls that her first DM 7.0 month-annversary has been yesterday and she missed to mention it*




I have failed *sits down and cries questioning herself*

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