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Brown Ajah History week: Middle Ages and Literature


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For me the draw to history has always been the idea behind "a kid in Camalot." I can't help but ask my self what would I do differently with the knowledge, freedoms, and abilities if I was put in a place and time like the Middle Ages. It's one of the reasons I love playing paper and pen games like d&d.

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That's another good point. There is much to be said for the idea behind, what would I have done. Along with that, there is, how would my life have been different if I had lived then. Lacking modern medicines and such, it is unlikely I would have survived early childhood. If I had, I would have been completely blind in one eye and been sickly into my adult life. There are certainly perks to the modern age. But I still like the Middle Ages.


And since we are discussing this period, and there is an approaching eclipse, I have to mention Ladyhawke. I know it's a movie rather than literature, but it fits the discussion. There are historical elements, lords and castles, the role of the church, superstitions. There is legend, the curse. There is adventure, romance, and drama. I gained my fascination of the crossbow, from that movie. I think it is a good example of the elements we have been discussing.

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