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I visit SC, but I do not join (Attn: SC readers/nonmembers)


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Guest Emperor

First off, Hello future SC members of DM!


Now, just out of curiosity and for future planning, what makes you not join this org? I am not asking to guilt you into joining, but more of a conversation topic.


I really appreciate anyone that comes over and participates in our topics as the Seanchan org is trying give something unique to DM.

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Guest Barmacral

I don't come here nearly often enough is why... I'm rather caught up in the whole world building and Pat Rothfuss thing, so by the time I've made it through the WoT boards, newbie boards, fiddlesticks and general discussion, aiel then Illuminators... I'm usually ready to just walk away from the computer to give my eyes a rest.


On occasion I do come visit though. Just never visited enough to justify joining up.

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Guest Emperor

No worries Barm. Stop on by whenever you have a chance. I am slightly offending you put us behind the Aiel board.


*writes down his name in the black book*

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Guest Yveva

but you do have a pretty fancy-schmance sig SBoyd. For that you may stay.



And silver, don't join if it will make you go away!

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Guest Cadsuane

I did join. I just don't know what else to do yet. Mostly because I haven't paid that much attention to anything besides discussion threads. I'm sure if I read info threads I'd know more. ^_^

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I may join, But don't do much of the TV/movie stuff I have like one or two shows a night taht I watch, Sportscenter everynight then something different everyother night.... and it's usually like on the history channel. Like I watched the Special they did on the Movie 300 which made the movie look (factually) like crap lol.

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Guest Yveva

mainly just discuss things :) the more the merrier! Empy doesn't like to think he's just talking to himself all day. hrm. or maybe he does...

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