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Seanchan: development of the damane & sul'dame


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I'm fascinate by this relationship and its evolution. From my first reading, I don't recall any history of the beginnings of the damane/sul'dame. Any one know how this started? I vaguely recall that the girls are tested early to see if they can feel anything through the a'dam but I don't remember much.


Specifically, I wonder how the testing works since both those born able to channel and those able to learn can feel through the a'dam. How, in all these years, have they not figured out that both parties can channel? It makes little sense. How could they test so that only learners become damane and birthers are sul'dame?


Also, how are a'dam made? Where do they come from?  Is there an a'dam factory? Are they made to order? If so, how? Do the sul'dam make them?


Is there an explanation for this? Any ideas or theories?


The most info you will find on them is probably the BWB.


The quick answer is an Aes Sedai named Deain brought one to Luthair and showed his followers how to make them.  There is an interesting paragraph that says "Several years after that, the first Sul'dam were found- women who could channel and had the spark, but could not actually channel without training. These women were considered ideal controllers of damane, The leashed Ones."  


Jack, thanks for the correction.


So how do they know those who are born versus those who can learn? I have forgotten how they are tested. I guess I"m trying to imagine the sul'dam/ damane tryouts. I think I remember something about them handing  girl a leash. If she can feel something through it, she's elevated or demoted. I forget. But since anyone who can channel or who can learn to channel is able to feel through the leash, how do they know which they have: a sul'dam or and damane?


They test each girl every year until they pass the age of manifestation for the ability to channel or wear the bracelet.   Those who have the abilty inborn are leashed immedietly.  It doesn't say what the test is.  Those found to be able to use the a'dam but who cannot channel are honored for their abilities and their family gains prestige.


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