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Sewing and the One Power


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Is it just me, or does using the One Power resemble mental knitting? I mean, you have different types of "thread" that you weave to get a certain result. Even with unraveling a weave, it's said that anyone who can knit can do it, and sometimes the flows are referred to as "threads." Is it just me?


That is how women channel, yes and women only. For men it is vastly different. I think it is why in the books, women have better dexterity than men, but less power.


It is described differently, but the difference wasn't between men and women, it was between the AoL and the Third Age. During the AoL, the weaves were referred to as webs. In book 12, when Rand feels LTT is taking over his mind, he keeps reminding himself not to use AoL terminology in his head; he's weaving a ward, not spinning a web, he's inverting a weave, not reversing a web...Now that I'm thinking, AoL terminology reminds me of spiders... I guess that's why Moghedien got her name from, since she was supposed to be the most knowledgeable of the Forsaken in things concerning the OP... if I remember correctly, a Moghedien was a dangerous spider.


when rand is brought before morgase(eye of the world chapter 40),

elaida is present,sitting on a stool,knitting,maybe she was doing it

to keep her channeling abilities sharp lol.

Yeah, Semirhage knits too, and she was said to be an exceptionally dexterous weaver...When she kidnapped Cabriana Mercandes and tortured her, Cabriana was amazed at the complexity of the weave she used to strip off her clothing and reduce it to dust without even setting it afire...


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