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ATC: Idiot's Guide to Torture 101

Guest Semirhage


Dear Semirhage,


I was just wondering, you are the most noted of the Forsaken to using painful methods, do you always use the One Power or do you also use torture devices, like the ones used in the Middle Ages, and so on? If so, what are some of your favorites and why?


From Mooseygirl4



P.S. I am not from the Great White North nor have I dated a moose. Oh, and Demandred, I’m quite a bit smarter than you think. And newborns don’t NEED a pacifier. Though, I hardly expected YOU to know that.




The One Power IS a torture device, however for the sake of this discussion, I will presume you meant OTHER torture devices. The ones used during the Middle Ages were crude and messy – fit only to be used by little boys who think pulling the wings off insects are “wicked coolâ€. I must confess that for a few years after waking up I found the world almost bereft of interesting material, but lately I have discovered a few possibilities. One that springs to mind is forcing a subject with an IQ of 90 or higher to read anything written by the current crop of High School students. I have made grown men cry by just threatening to show them “enyting wrote by teh txt spkr genaracionâ€. Actually making them do it produces the most delightfully entertaining convulsions.


Yours … well, not, but you know what I mean



Ps: I am reassured to hear that Moose have not lowered their standards.

Pps: Personally, I would not brag about being smarter than Demandred thinks. Firstly, that is assuming he thinks. Secondly, being thought smarter than your average deckchair isn't exactly high praise.





*stifles a yawn* Semi, you continue to be ever-so-boring. Everyone knows the pain and torture that is high school-produced 'literature'. I would have thought you could think of something more interesting to torture the children with, even if this Age is dreadfully dull...






Like saying boo at them from dark corners, Moggie dearest ... ?






For those of us not as skilled at using the One Power for torture, you had to be creative in other means of extracting the info you need. My favorite method was to wear a really HAWT pair of daisy dukes and dance to Footloose or Girls Just Want To Have Fun for a few hours. If you put toothpicks in their eyelids, they HAVE to watch, and you get the info you want right away.


~~Aran'gar "Does my butt look fat in this?" Balthamel




I am starting to think that forcing a person to listen to the ramblings from this person with the moose addiction might be cureler than anything our dear Semi has ever though up.






You're only bitter because I got you REALLY good that one time, Semi. Admit it!






Well with THAT shrieking voice you would have managed to get Lanfear away from a mirror *rolls eyes*






Personally, I find torture to be overrated. Pleasure them to death... that should show them. Or dress them up in a cute pink leotard. Same diff ^_^






Make them listen to anything by a rapper for any amount of time. The more guests it features, the more painful.






Torture? I could give you a list, but you'd just tell me how self-centered I am, again. Of course, you'd probably ignore me, anyway, since trying to decode your grammar when you're angry is at the top of my list of tortures in this new age. Make sure you tip the person who helped you edit this question, by the way.






*signs a head shot for Mooseygirl4*


"To Mooseygirl4,


I am sure the previous 3 versions of you were awesome as well.


Yours Truly,




Sure I can flex for you. I work out daily and am glad you appreciate the sculpture that is my body.






Torture, although useful in some circumstances, only traumatizes my work and i've found that it doesn't lend itself to the overall desired results. I however, have been experimenting with certain procedures to remove the parts of the brain in my subject that give them the will to deny me my end result.






Aww, Aggy... Still trying to get a date?






I won't deny myself the un-intentional benefits of my endeavors, if thats what you're asking.






Odd. I've always found that stimulating conversation, stunning good looks, artistic talent, and alcohol are a lot easier than brain surgery.






good looks are easier than brain surgery?


honestly? have you spent the last 40 years with your eyes closed? Its taken man kind 4 leading culture societies a couple decades to define fashion, slang and style. Brain surgery and a person is only tied up for a short while, and recover in a few weeks, not half a life time.






Honestly, you really think that fads and fashion are permanent? The beauty you believe these "leading cultures" have developed over the last four decades is a transient quality. The pitiful denizens of the future will look back on this time and see nothing more than uncultured, uncouth, and generally barbaric quasi-humans. They will believe themselves the pinnacle of mankind, only because we have not revealed our glory to them. The Dark One forbid, but there may actually come a time when these cattle might actually consider Asmodean and his fool's errand "art", which only shows how deep their imperfections run.






Painful as it might be to admit, what Asmo is doing must at some level be recognised as art. Since noise is an artform. It has however absolutely no relation whatsoever to music.






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