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Posted (edited)

Kitten made sure to wake up before the stroke of dawn to begin the preparations of their grand re-opening party. She got up the girls, the help, and the boy servants from their cots. Each had a designated task Jodelle and Sapphira had already assigned them. Kitten liked being the facilitator.


She walked out of the tavern near the workhouse out back, so that she could watch the animals that were to be slaughtered for the celebration. “No that’s not right”, she told the boy. Grabbing a knife, she showed him the proper way to slit the sheep’s throat so that the blood would drain out correctly. He began to hang the sheep upside down and she walked back inside to see the maids in the kitchen.


Weeks before, she had secured all the necessary spices for the feast. The men that came tonight were to have the best meats and sweets Caemlyn had to offer. In the adjacent room, the finest ale was being brewed. Near the many barrels, they had stockpiled aged wine for their more prestigious of customers. Kitten observed the way that the women cut vegetables and boiled water, waiting for the meat to be brought in. “All’s well here”, she thought to herself.


She went down the corridor until she reached the main room. She couldn’t decide if the room was prettier during the day or night. She loved the big windows that let light dance upon the floors, whether it came from the Sun or the Stars. She loved the new cherry wood they had put into the floor. The tavern beforehand was falling apart. Jodelle had bought it for an incredibly low price and she certainly received what she paid for. Her and her sisters had painstakingly saved to have the Haus closed and re-done. They had imported the most luxurious silks and fabrics, the most hearty wood, and the most vivacious men to tear apart the place and put it back together. To kill boredom, she had followed the men as they worked, giving them meaningless critiques and orders to somehow reassert her dominance. They had done a fine job, as she looked around at the many identical, round tables filling the void. Each had sturdy, wooden chairs that were able to withstand even the most portly of men. The fireplace was opposite the bar. It was a great stone mass that could warm up the entire room in minutes. In front of the fireplace lay great animal skins as carpets. Many would gather around for toasts and tales. As for the bar, it was refurbished. She personally envisioned the addition of the grand mirror. It took a great number of men to install it; the mirror was so vast it covered the entire section of the wall. It made the Haus look much bigger than it was and Kitten found it amusing to watch drunkards’ confusion between reality and imitation.


You’ll have to scrub harder—like this,” she yelled and pantomimed at one of the girls on the floor.


She ran into the special den they had added to the building to entertain their wealthy customers. She found the girls sprawled all over the newly upholstered furniture.


Margo, come here. Fetch me the candles. The rest of you, up! Up!


She ran back out until she reached the beginning of the staircase. She eyed from there that each table had already been given three small candles. Margo handed her the larger and brighter ones, as Kitten stood hanging off the banister trying to place them in the light fixtures. She realized she’d have to come back later to light them all.


She ascended the stairs until it brought her to their fitting room. She found their servant seamstress there threading last minute alterations.


“How fares your day?”


The girl replied with a detailed explanation of her work. All the “girls” were to have warm, spring colored, low-cut dresses. Kitten could see the array of pink, green, blue, and yellow fabrics. Kitten had helped design an imposing and yet beautiful, red and gold dress (she had made sure that she would be the only one wearing that shade). She vainly thought of how great it would look with her dark hair and fair skin.


I should be finished with yours in two hours time.


Kitten loved her seamstress; she was her favorite worker they employed. The woman was straightforward and hardworking. Kitten made a point of rewarding her patience and diligence. She gave the woman a wide grin before leaving the room.


Busy hours past slowly while Kitten stayed in her room working on her own make up and hair. Her dressing-woman was in the room helping her squeeze into the dress to make sure it fit suitably. She applied several layers of expensive parfumes made to last all night. She had powdered her face, lined her eyes, and rouged her lips. She could see in the rooms across the hall her twin, Sapphira, stretching (to prepare for a long night of dancing) and Jodelle explaining final details of the night to her workers. She could hardly contain herself. She could hear the music filling up her chest. She could feel her bare feet on the strong wood tables, dancing and jumping. But most of all she could see the gold and silver coins being dropped one by one in front of her eyes. Clink. Clink. Clink.


Kitten was so eager she could not contain herself. She yelled to her sisters, “Almost ready!” She noted the sun had not yet set, and so the Three still had time…



Emmeline Belrose

Edited by Faun
Posted (edited)

Still clutching the battered and beaten piece of paper that had blown into his face while walking down the Caemlyn Road, Jon read it over again out loud, "Haus of Three Grand Re-opening." The words were spelled out in a thick bold print. The flyer, or invitation as Jon saw it went on to list some of the services that the Haus of Three offered including: fine food, luxurious liquor, and some final point about women that was only partially legible. Apparently there would be singing, and dancing too. All in all it sounded like one heck of a party, and Jon wasn't planning on missing it for the world. Although Jon doesn't drink much in the way of alcohol on account of his ridiculously low tolerance, he still enjoyed the tavern atmosphere - the wilder the better. More than once Jon had used his stout walking stick to defend himself in the middle of a bar fight, or to fend off an jealous drunkard who thought Jon was being a little too charming with his lady friend.


He had asked around about the Haus of Three, and it's proprietors. Apparently it was owned and operated by three sisters, two of which were twins! That information alone had generated all kinds of attention in the last gaming den he visited. Jon was excited, and hoped his business dealings with the sisters would go as well as he planned. He had heard that the ladies couldn't find a supplier for quality tabac, so he set his contacts on the problem at hand, and came up with three casks of fine Andoran weed, another cask all the way from Saldaea, and finally a cask of the finest Two-Rivers leaf. Since no guest should attend a party without bringing a gift, Jon was personally carrying a finely carved ivory comb, a twisted torc with the head of something called a dragon at each end, and a bottle of oosquai he had won only last night at a poker game. Jon didn't know which of the sisters yet belonged to which of the gifts, but finding out would be half the fun of attending the party in the first place.


Arriving at the Haus of Three well before it was truly ready to open, Jon keeps his eyes downcast and slips onto the grounds behind a pair of staff carrying a large create between them. Jon hopes that the other servants will assume he belongs since he looks busy, and is also carrying a great deal of weight. Passing a still draining sheep, careful to avoid any blood splatter, Jon heads into the main chamber. He circumspectly examines the surroundings, nodding in approval at the new floor - cherry wood, not to shabby. The large windows let in an abundance of light, 'it will be a real shame when the first drunkard gets thrown through one of those windows.' Jon thinks, while taking stock of the work that been done. Adding together the cost of the staff, the silk and fabric decorations, and the work Jon can't help but be impressed at what the three ladies have accomplished. Hopefully if his plans worked out the way he hoped they would, they would soon all be working together to everyone's mutual benefit. That's when he saw her... from the descriptions he had heard this was Emmeline, or 'Kitten' as she preferred to be called. 'Oh oh, she will know I'm not a member of her staff.' Taking a deep calming breath, Jon affixes his third best smile to his face and sets his bulging backpack on a chair beside one of the sturdy tables. Offering a deep bow, bending himself parallel with the floor Jon never takes his eyes off of the woman before him, "Greetings Sister of the Haus, my name is Jon Smythe and I hope I'm not to early to brighten your day..."


Jon Smythe


*edited in name at end of post

Edited by Delfon
Posted (edited)

Kitten came running down the stairs. She felt she was running out of time and she wanted the party to go perfectly (or in the case of taverns, the opposite of perfect). She went through a mental checklist. Food, drinks, sweeping, decorations, makeup, hair...something was missing. She went through the list over and over again when she turned to see a man standing near one of the tables. She was taken aback for a moment.Who is he?,she thought to herself. She eyed him curiously. He was of normal height. He wasn't a person she hadn't seen before. What caught her eye was the ring he wore upon his finger. A family heirloom was enough to intrigue her, if only for a minute. The man before smiled and bowed before her. She watched his eyes, there was some slight thing she hadn't noticed before. She looked down and figured she knew what it was. The thing she had forgotten in all the chaos: the dress to go over her white slip. In her head, she thought she might as well act normal.


She answered his introduction with a simple "Charmed." She held out her hand to have him kiss it.


"I'd introduce myself but I imagine you have a vague idea of who I am, since you're here and so ahead of time. You can call me Kitten.She stood there watching him for a moment before Sapphira walked up behind her.


"Oh sister! Come. Meet our first guest of tonight." She paused. "Jon Smythe!" As the two acquainted themselves, she walked over to the bar and grabbed the finest bottle of wine the Haus had. She grabbed three cups and poured an equal amount in each. The thought of lacing his cup with something that would help her to get to know him better came across her mind, but she'd have no way of doing that without being seen.


"Here." She handed the glasses to Sapphira and Jon. "To our first guest!" Before she had time to finish the toast, Jodelle began to descend the stairs. Seeing her, Kitten ran to grab her a glass and handed it to her as she reached the floor. She bowed her head slightly because she knew that her sister did not like it, but out of the sheer respect and love for her, she could not help it.


"Jodelle, this is our first guest. He was so eager to come to our party, he couldn't wait till it started." In a circle they all huddled together to celebrate a new time in their lives. It only took Kitten once to raise the glass to her lips to finish the drink. She loved the way it set her body on fire, helping to prepare herself for the long night ahead of her.


All three were joking and making small talk. Kitten had tuned out the conversation. She was watching Jon. She liked when he spoke, he was somewhat polite and charming, but no different than any other man. She was bored. She saw him looking at her.


"You know," Kitten said, "I'd love to persuade you to be my escort to the party. I seem to be in the shortage of one. If you're interested, stop by my room beforehand. It's the last room on the right in the left wing of the upstairs corridor. Now.." She kept speaking before anyone could interrupt. She could see Sapphira's questioning eyes and knew exactly what she was thinking. She looked back at her with a small smile. Seventeen years and they knew each other better than they knew their own selves. "I'll have servants take your bags, which are all over my tables, upstairs to one of the guest rooms. You're to stay the night, free of charge. Think of it as a present for being our first customer. One of our girls will give you a tour of the Haus if you'd like, but as my sisters and I have important things to tend to, it'd be beneficial if you could stay in your room until the celebration begins. You seem to have been traveling, you'll have some time to wash up and get ready. If you need clothes I'm sure we have some left behind that would fit your stature. Now I must go."


She walked up to her room and forgot all about Jon. She put on her dress and finished last minute details. With Margo and a few other of her waiting-women, she went over plans and strategies. Tonight would certainly be a good night.



Emmeline Belrose

Edited by Faun
Posted (edited)

Watching the woman's eyes had paid off, they drifted across his physical features without pause. 'A woman who is used to the attentions of men, she will expect charm and flirtation then.' Jon just managed to catch the slight pause as her eyes ran past his ring, 'She knows I come from a noble family, her prices just went up.' Jon mentally groaned, but kept his thoughts from his face. So caught up in his assessment of her thoughts and motivations Jon didn't even notice that she was only wearing a shift.


"Charmed." She said speaking simply, and offering her hand. Jon took the proffered hand gently in both of his, finally breaking eye contact as he bent down for the kiss. Wanting to stand out Jon didn't kiss the back of her hand, which would have been proper, but instead turned her hand over and planted the kiss on her wrist. Jon held the kiss just long enough to feel a few beats of her heart before straightening. As Jon rose from his kiss, he finally noticed the woman's state of dress. Jon was immediately glad that she wasn't kissing his wrist, as his pulse quickened at the sight. By sheer willpower alone he managed to keep surprise from his face. Although he did let his eyes slowly follow the silk draped curves of her body, drinking in the sight of her. His pulse quickened again as she took a deep breath, this one Jon suspected was for his benefit, as it stretched the silk almost to bursting. He smiled, this time his second best smile as he resumed their conversation.


"If Kitten is your wish, then Kitten it shall be. I must admit that I did in fact have an idea who you were prior to my arrival today." Glancing past Kitten, Jon adds, "In fact I had an idea who both of you were." While offering Sapphira a similarly low bow, once again locking eyes with the person he is bowing to. "I came early so that I could provide my services to the Haus." Jon offers, gesturing toward the overstuffed pack. Taking his glass, Jon adds to Kitten's toast, "To your first guest, and to our future endeavors." Jon repeats the toast after bowing to Jodelle. Rising the glass to his lips, Jon takes the barest of sips. Just enough liquid to not be rude, but very careful of his incredibly low tolerance to alcohol. "That's right Kitten, I simply had to arrive before everybody else. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to offer these..." Jon trails off, pulling the five casks from his pack and setting them on the sturdy table. "Three casks of Andoran, another from Saldaea, and this..." Trailing off again, Jon turns the last cask to show the brand on the side, "Two-Rivers Leaf, and out of season. I can be a very resourceful man when the occasion warrants."


After a quick and dirty negotiation for the tabac, including the rights for future shipments. Jon settled into the conversation at hand, sharing his attention between the three sisters. "I would be honoured to be your date for the evening, escorts tend to get paid and I couldn't charge you for the pleasure of your company. I will meet you as requested, after I've had a chance to wash the road off, and change into something more elegant." At the offer of a guided tour, Jon nods, "That would be lovely, but I think I will hold off on the tour until you're available to guide me personally." With another nod, Jon watches Kitten go, enjoying the nearly backless silk shift as she headed up the stairs. Taking his own bag, but gesturing the servant forward, Jon follows them to his rooms. Once there he takes his time cleaning, and dressing. Making sure he looks fantastic for this evenings festivities.


Jon Smythe


*edit, once again adding my name to the end of the post.

Edited by Delfon

Sapphira bent again, stretching her back, reaching her hand down to her toes that stuck up into the air, her heel on the floor, and leg outstretched in front of her. The young woman angled her neck in such a way to point her chin out in a neck stretch, towards her forward leg. It felt so good she moaned.


After holding that pose a few moments longer, she unfolded her body and rose, arms stretching up in the air, and then slowly drifting down her sides. With that finished, she was ready to don her gown.


Sapphira knew her place, she was not in charge of decorations, nor alcohol - not in charge of the serving alcohol to customers part of that chain anyway. She made all the monetary arrangements, keeping a close watch on the budget, ordering just enough, and then a little more, never too much to ensure profits. Her only other official work at the tavern was as an entertainer, a dancer, in both the common room, and the nobles' lounge, and with that latter she had agreed to outdo herself in her dancing, showing off her more exotic moves, and the prowess with which she could wield every part of her body; and wearing dressier, yet more revealing outfits.


Her general costume for tonight was laid out upon her bed, a midnight-blue and charcoal satin dress that would cling to her curves, and was translucent enough when the light hit her that the guests would be able to vaguely discern some details of her anatomy. She donned it quickly, lined her eyes with the blackest antimony paste the sisters had purchased, and then slid into silver silk slippers. She tossed her dark blond hair back and forth to exaggerate the tousle to it, checked to make sure her moonstone anklet had not slipped off her dainty foot, and then exited the chamber and made her way to the common room.


As she entered the common room she subconsciously changed her gait to give her hips more of a sultry sway, her long hair falling down her shoulders, past her waist to nicely compliment the movement of her hips. Now she was Pixie, and it was Pixie who spotted and approached her twin and what appeared to be their very first guest. At realizing Kitten was still wearing only a shift Pixie had to fight back laughter. If it wasn't a ploy to get their first guests rowdy, then, knowing Kitten, it was likely an honest, absent-minded mistake. Either way it was funny, but the dancer managed to conceal her amusement in front of the male guest, though later she would make sure to tease her sister about it.


Jon Smythe, Pixie smiled her pouty, alluring smile and watched him make a perfect bow in introduction. As the small talk began, she realized the man was there on business, and for a few moments her entire attitude changed. She was again Sapphira, treasurer of the tavern, and it was she who inspected the cases of Tabac the young merchant displayed, and it was she who did the haggling and made the appropriate purchase. With a gratified, almost sedated smile of pleasure at what she felt had been a good deal, Sapphira accepted the flagon of wine from her twin and enjoyed only a tiny sip. Once more, she became Pixie, and too much wine would hinder tonight's performance, and tonight she intended to be especially spectacular. She listened, amused at Kitten's invitation for an escort. The air between her twin and the merchant sizzled with chemistry that burned hotter than acid. The group quickly dissipated, as her beloved older sister Jodelle left, noticeably in the direction of Smythe's room. Pixie already knew she would have enjoyed watching the interaction that was sure to ensue between the proprietor and the first guest; but she was pressed for time, and would make sure to hear tell of it from Jodelle herself later on, as the three lounged in eldest's room, rubbing sore feet and removing powders and pastes from their faces.


Pixie was finished with preparations. If matters were left to her sisters there would not even be a party that night, as they fussed over every minute aspect of the important event. The tavern had begun to fill up and over the course of only a few minutes the common room was packed with thirsty howling male customers and a few intrigued female guests. Pixie quickly sent a serving girl to fetch her sister as demands for the famed moon twins were shouted all across the bar and among the tables.


Pixie stuck two fingers between her lips and whistled, the shrill sound both quieting the boisterous clientele, and signaling the musicians to begin playing. A deft hand stroked the strings of a lute in a slow, sultry rhythm as Pixie kicked off her slippers and jumped up onto a central table, beginning to dance with snake-like movements, as though trying to writhe out of her dress; the bells on her anklet jingling slightly, sensually. And then at once a drum was introduced and a flute, and the tempo took on an exciting tune as Pixie's dance altered to accompany it, involving far more shaking and hopping. Better not to get this crowd too worked up with the sultry stuff.


Shouting and jeers were thrown her way and she smiled and laughed at some of the untamed words. She spotted Kitten across the room and signaled her for the next phase of the party. The guests needed dance partners. Whoops of satisfaction stormed the air of the common room as courtesans filed in, adorned in brightly colored dresses with skirts as fluffy as froth on ale. As the opening song ended and another began, Pixie hopped off the table, determined not to wear herself out too early, and located a table she felt had not had adequate attention. There were only a couple of men at the table, and one woman who looked almost out-of-place in Haus of Three. The young dancer seated herself on the edge of the table itself, inches from one of the males. She grinned and winked at him, "So how are you enjoying your evening?"


OOC: Any and everyone, feel free to jump in!



Sapphira Lunetta "Pixie" Belrose

The pale side of the moon

Posted (edited)

Jodelle watched as her sisters scurried around, jumping outof their skins in their excitement, and yet still managing to heed their responsibilities. She stood leaning against the smooth, polished surface of herglorious new bar and sipped the fortifying drink in her hands. She thought it was funny how the twins worked so hard to monitor preparations for the evening,and she was left only to supervise their supervisions and make necessary adjustments. But whoever complained about having too many people working for you? She wandered the grounds with a drink in one hand and a wad of her skirtsin the other, taking in the preparations and double-checking the details. She watched Kitten start to put the candles in one of the smaller chandeliersbefore getting sidetracked and sighed.


“Elliot!” She caught the six-year-old Son of the Haus by the collar as he made to run past her towards the front yard and planted a tall lighter in his palm, motioning for him to get a stool and help finish Kitten’s work. Jodelle glided on to the kitchen where she stepped carefully around the cooks as they worked. Sniffing the marinated meats, tasting the greens, and dipping all five tips of the proprietary fingerson one hand into a warm pot of cream mixed with honey and sweet berries, she smiled;partly for how splendidly things were going, and partly for how delicious herfingers were. She knocked backed the remainder of her drink before exiting thekitchen through the back door, and briefly overlooked the slaughtering grounds before moving back inside.


She wandered upstairs to the rooms with various seamstresses and girls readying themselves, including the beautiful blondes’. Those two she knew she need not worry about, and so went directly into the room with the most girls doing their toilette. The chatter quieted somewhat as she made her entrance, and although she motioned for them to continue, there remained that highly satisfying air of reverence that seemed to float in a cloud around her wherever she went in her Haus. She picked up a comband stood behind a young girl with long, chestnut hair who sat struggling withit in front of one of the many mirrors on the walls. She combed the girl’slocks lovingly, and arranged them in an intricate array of coiled curls andhanging strands before moving on to help others lace up, paint, and fragrancethemselves. She instructed the moreexperienced workers to help the less so before moving on to her own chambers toready herself.


Taking Ivanka – her oldestand most loyal servant – to her own chamber, she stripped down and found thegreen gown she’d had made for opening night and had the aging courtesan laceher up. Jodelle sat down in front of her mirror as she watched the woman pinher hair in the ornate fashion her mistress was accustomed to, and it pleasedher to see the reflection of the dark, mahogany and stone in the room behindher, rather than the infinite, dizzying reflections of reflections ofreflections that predominated many areas of the Haus. It was disorienting howmany looking glasses decorated many of the private chambers, and yet it was aninvestment Jodelle believed would pay off in the long run. People liked to seethemselves being natural and losing control, sometimes.


She dipped a tiny brush inthe tub of lamb fat that sat on her dresser and brushed her eyelashes upward,then lined her eyes delicately with the shimmering, fly-green powder Sapphirahad gotten for her. Jodelle had no idea what the stuff actually was, but shenever asked, and was satisfied just calling it Pixie dust. Painting her lipswith the soft mixture of beeswax, black cherries, and boysenberries (for addedflavor), Jodelle basked in the intimacy of using the things her darling sistershad acquired for her. She stood up andproceeded down the stairs where she heard the curious voices of Kitten, Pixie,and some stranger by her bar.


Sheapproached and stayed mostly silent in the man’s company except to introduceherself and participate in detached, calculated negotiations. She valued herreputation as a woman of few words in times of serious discussion. Once Kittenand the man – Jon Smyth, as he’d introduced himself – had finished flirting,and Pixie taking advantage of bargaining with his distraction, Jodelle smiledat him invitingly and sipped her wine for a minute before speaking.


“Well, Mr. Smythe, as excitedas we all are for this evening’s events, I’m afraid I cannot offer you a tasteof anything before the festivities officially start – other than the wine, ofcourse. In the meantime, however, come with me and I’ll show you where you cancall your new home.” Jodelle smiled and collected her skirts as she lead him up the stairs to his room.


“As you can see, all ourfurnishings are new and custom made – you’ll notice those carvings around thebases of the wooden furniture are not merely of flowers and foliage – andwhatever you do not find immediately available can be made so upon request.Again, the carvings might serve as inspiration in instances of boredom.” She stayed behind speaking to Jon privately for some time before leaving abruptly. Once outsidethe door, the smile disintegrated from her face and she ran down the hallway,past the gallery, head spinning. The last thought before she passed out on hercouch was amazement at how good she had gotten at hiding her own anxiety fromherself, and how she hoped her sisters would take the initiative and know toput Ivanka in charge of Jodelle’s own responsibilities until this sudden boughtof sickness had passed.



Jodelle "Buttercup" Belrose




OOC: Hello, everybody! I realize I have not made a properintroduction of myself, and that this post is not by any means the best I haveto offer, but I’ve been up for about eighteen hours, andI knew that if I didn’t write this before going to bed, I wouldn’t get another chance to write for several days. The next one will be better, though, so until I can come back around, everyone enjoy the party! :D



Edited by Aurora

Jon knew the ladies had used their charms to distract him during their negotiations, but he didn't care. In fact it give him ideas for future business dealings. Jon filed a few ideas away for future consideration, 'A partnership of sorts, if I were to use this place as an office - give the ladies a cut, and have them help out negotiations either by plying my trading partners with charms or alcohol, or simply be around to distract them...' "I wouldn't dream of tasting anything before time, half the fun of most things is the anticipation before hand." Expecting a servant to lead him, Jon was surprised to be led upstairs by Jodelle herself. Jon suspected that she just wanted a minute or two alone to assess the man that was flirting with her sister. "Thank you Mistress Jodelle." Jon says formally, "I will ask if I require anything. The rooms are quite beautiful, as are the proprietors" After Jodelle left abruptly Jon pondered if Jodelle was nervous about tonight, with her abrupt departure, and the hint of tightness around the eyes. 'Perhaps nerves, or maybe illness? It might have been nothing at all, I'm not even sure I saw anything there.'


Having short hair makes it easy for Jon to get cleaned up quickly. First scrubbing the grime one collects while traveling off, and then washing with a standard non-scented soap. Once truly clean, Jon washes once more, this time using his own special blend of patchouli, lavender essential oils, and a hint of both vanilla and cinnamon. The overall effect of the mixture would be a heady, but decidedly masculine scent, with a hint of passion from the vanilla and cinnamon. The scents should last throughout the party as they will be absorbed into Jon's clothing. Dawning a simple pair of trousers, and a plain white tunic, Jon peeks into the hallway to make sure none of the sisters see him sneaking about. Waiting and watching the room Kitten went into for a servant to exit, Jon slips into the hallway and presses a coin into the servants hand. Quickly, and quietly asking a few questions about what Kitten would be wearing this evening, Jon thanks the servant, pressing another coin into their hand and requesting that they keep this conversation to themselves.


Jon heads back to his room - mind racing, 'I don't have anything with me that will go well with that.' Several ideas race through his mind, most quickly dashed, 'I could have something made - no time! I could buy a new outfit locally - no, it would have to be already made and altered to fit me, again no time!' Scanning across the collection of clothing he brought with him scattered across the bed. He has several pieces that would be perfect with only a splash of colour here, and a slight alteration there. The changes designed not to match Kittens outfit, but to complement it, making her stand out more whenever she was near him. Pulling out his writing box, Jon quickly unstops the ink pot, and set to work writing a note to the on staff seamstress. The note details the materials, and work needing to be done. As well as the reason he's requesting that she do the work in the first place. Lastly, an apology for the last minute request. Quickly sanding and blotting the page, careful not to smudge or smear the fresh ink Jon folds the page carefully to make it easier to conceal. Jon grabs a small pouch of coins, enough to more than offset the cost of both the materials and the work, and waits peeking into the hallway from the door once again. Jon is lucky today, the same servant is headed back to Kittens room. Elated, Jon steps into the hall and waves the servant over. Giving instructions to give both the pouch and the note to the seamstress without Kitten noticing Jon presses another coin into their hand.


Pacing back and forth across the room impatiently, not knowing if the seamstress would have time to even make the changes Jon requested, or if the servant got caught delivering the message ruining the surprise, or worse simply kept the money. Jon's thoughts were a jumble of twisted negativity until there was a quick knock at the door, followed by it opening and the seamstress entering without waiting on an answer, the requested materials tucked under her arm. "You're lucky you included your reasoning in your note Master Smythe. I don't have time to add another alteration to the list I already have, but your idea's will make Mistress Kitten look all the more ravishing so I will spare you a few minutes." Jon nodded in thanks, and gestured to the bed with his party clothes spread out upon them. Over the next twenty minutes Jon's clothing was transformed subtlety, a mixture of his own ideas, and those of the seamstress added together to make the perfect outfit to complement Kittens. Jon admired the seamstress while she was at her work, she was diligent and patient. Never rushing a stitch even though she was in a hurry. After the seamstress finished her work, Jon thanked her and set to work getting dressed for the evening. Once dressed Jon slips the ivory comb into his back pocket, so it remains hidden behind his jacket. Jon then adds the dragon torc to his inside jacket pocket, and tucks the wrapped bottle of oosquai under his arm.


Stepping into the hallway Jon hears a shrill whistle from downstairs, and musicians begin to play. At first the slow sultry chords of a lute can be heard, followed by the rhythmic pounding of a drum, with a flute accompanying. The tempo picked up, as Jon leaned on the railing to take a look below, Pixie was dancing barefoot on a table below, shaking and hopping in ways that Jon didn't quite think a person could do. The effect on the gathered crowd was plain, and as the music shifted into a new song Jon saw a collection of attractive women in similar attire filter into the crowd. Jon followed Pixie across the room with his eyes until she sat on the edge of a table, laughing slightly as she worked the room. Making sure to keep his back to Kittens room, so that Kitten can't get a good look at what he's wearing until he's ready Jon sets himself to waiting.


Jon Smythe

Posted (edited)

Kitten was close to killing her wait staff. Oh, so close. No one had been able to find her moonstone necklace and she absolutely refused to go out without it. She threw her lamp against the wall and watched it smash into pieces. She was furious. She threw all her clothes out of her closet. She turned over her bed. She even threw one of her drawers out of her window (breaking the window too).


"Margo, find it NOW, before I will have your hide for a saddle cloth."


Light! She was so late. Sapphira had come into her room earlier asking why she was not ready and Kitten almost threw a shoe at her face. Almost.


"Emmy, Emmy! Look! Look at my crown!" Elliott ran around her room with his arms in the air. Kitten hissed. She grabbed him from his arm and picked him up.


"You boneheaded fool! That necklace is mine." She ripped it off his head. She thought if Jodelle would be okay with her throwing him too.


"Get him out before I kill him." Kitten wrapped her amulet around her neck, with the moon pendant sitting upon her breast, moving with each of her breaths. She looked in the mirror one final time. Her hair had been made into curls that fell upon her back. Her makeup was perfect with her eyes big and her lips tempting. She loved her red, satin dress. It cut below the start of her chest and it hugged her waist before flaring out. It stopped at her ankles, but was easy to lift up for dancing. The sleeves past her elbow with white lace at the cuffs. Her favorite was the bodice which was decorated with jewels and gold ribbons. She smiled looking at herself, because she knew all eyes would be on her and she loved the attention. She motioned to Margo to go down the stairs and to have someone blow the horn whenever she walked upon the first step of the staircase. She knew exactly how to make an entrance.


She gave Margo a few minutes before she left the room. As she walked out, she saw Jon from behind. She called his name and watched him turn around. She found herself a little bit surprised by his attire. She expected something utterly plain but his clothes were very complimentary, at least for her.


"Are you ready?" She asked him. He held out his arm and she wrapped her hand around it. They walked up to the staircase as Margo let out a blast from the horn. She had her eyes on the crowd as everyone stopped what they were doing to figure out what was going on. She said as loud as she could "Welcome to our Haus!" As she and Jon descended, the room was filled with applause and whistles. She smiled to herself, things were certainly going better.


She walked out onto the floor, hugging and greeting her former clientele. She introduced Jon to all of them. "Come with me and I'll show you the important men." She whispered in his ear. She showed him well-established merchants, leaders in the community, and affluent men. Thereupon one of the local, powerful mayors came up to Kitten and Jon. He handed her a glass of wine and she took it happily. They stood speaking for a while until the girls flooded the floor, each grabbing a man and dancing to a music style more suited to couples. The mayor grabbed Kitten's hand and said, "Jon, it was so nice speaking to you, but if you excuse me I'd like to have one dance with this fine lady." Not looking back to see Jon's reaction, Kitten glided onto the floor and began to dance with the mayor. "What a pig." She thought to herself. He couldn't keep her hands off of her. He had pulled her so close she was stuck to him and he had his hands on inappropriate places. But she smiled and did not let it show on her face. He was one of her biggest customers and he endorsed their tavern in his town. So she put up with him, even though he had a wife and six kids. She let herself not feel, which was easy for her to do.


"What are the chances I can get you for tonight?" He asked her.


"Slim." She said coyly. The partners began to switch and Kitten went to find Jon. She saw him speaking to Sapphira alone in a corner. She thought of interrupting before she saw Jon pull out a gift wrapped in cloth that he presented to Sapphira. She watched her twin exclaim in excitement. As she was observing a man came up to her to ask how much she was. She replied with, "More than you can afford."


Kitten was ablaze. "Okay," she thought, "I can do much better." She grabbed a cup of their strongest liquor and downed it in seconds. She clapped at the musicians and told them to change their songs to something more upbeat. She took of her shoes, grabbed a cup of beer and had a few men lift her onto the table. She was just a little bit dizzy and found herself stumbling.


"Here, here!" She yelled. She had a group of men around her table waiting anxiously to see her next move. She began to sing an old, rowdy song that everyone in the room knew. It involved beats and jumps, and also lots of drinking. The men began to clap as she danced on the table and sang. On each tenth clap, the men would toast together and she would jump, lifting her skirts. It was a fun little song and it always kept the party going. Sapphira was lifted onto the table with her. They both loved doing the dance together, their dresses high and men cheering. At the end of the song, Kitten grabbed Sapphira and kissed her full on the lips. It's something they did on occasion, not because they enjoyed it. To her and her sister, it was normal, something you do with family. But they did it because it always seemed to drive everyone wild in the room. All the men began shouting and banging on the tables. Kitten smirked. She always got the attention she wanted.


Emmeline Belrose

Edited by Faun
Posted (edited)

Jodelle heard Ivanka’s voice calling to her, and was vaguely aware of the dull sensation of being shaken. It was like swimming in molasses as she struggled to open her eyes, and her servant cheered and praised the Light quietly just for that. As Jodelle’s vision came into focus, so did her hearing, and if it weren’t for the comforting familiarity of the racket coming from below and the reverberating tremors in the floorboards and bed, she would have collapsed back into unconsciousness from mental defeat. She labored to push herself up on an elbow and took a meek whiff of the smelling salts from her nightstand. Ivanka,familiar with her mistress’s methods of coping with faintness was already pouring her a drink, and Jodelle greeted it with trembling hands and lips.


It was a short while before she had washed her face, reapplied her delicate paint, and had Ivanka adjust her hair,but when they were done, Jodelle patted the good woman’s shoulder to thank her and send her on her way. Before going downstairs, she spent several minutes more meditating on her breathing and working the numbness out of her bones by simply feeling the vibrations from below. In the corridor, she clapped her heels and turned right, chin high, and marched gracefully to the gallery where several of her employees stood jubilantly interacting with the guests below,dancing around the railing, sitting on it, and in one case preparing to climb downit’s posts into the arms of four young men below. She glided up behind the girls Heidi and Abigail, hands resting lightly on the smalls of their backs.


“How’s it going so far, girls?” She smiled for them as she looked down to the band.


“Pretty good, mistress! Are we going down now?” Abigail waved to somebody in the crowd and yanked up her skirt several hands to ruffle it teasingly.


Jodelle smiled and nodded before moving to her position in the shadows just beyond the head of the stairs and signaling to the girls to take their positions. They lined up evenly on either side of the staircase, stomping, flashing, and wailing along with the music as they began their crafted descent, and Jodelle held her appearance at the top for several seconds before moving down with the dancers onto the open floor. The twirling,laughing, wild working girls filled the room in a rush of vibrant color to the appreciative hollering of the crowd. Jodelle made her way over to each Side of the Moon and kissed them fondly to show her approval of how they’d taken control of getting the party going before gliding over to the bar to pick up her drink.


It was a heavy, clear, blown-glass goblet with her initials – JB – designed ornately into the outside. It sat onthe designated silver tray on which all her drinks were placed, and the light from the fireplace gleamed mysteriously through the dark red liquid inside as the shadows of dancers and drunkards flitted by.


Jodelle scanned the room, eyes open for the last person she saw before blacking out, and her eyes landed on his enterprising head as he bowed graciously to Sapphira, who was bouncing on the balls of herfeet in excitement at the gift he had apparently given her. Jodelle grabbed a hold of the flailing arm of a passing dancer and signaled to Jon Smythe and whispered, “Fetch him to me.”


The girl snuck up behind himand attempted to slither her arm beneath his to seduce him over to the bar.When he arrived, Jodelle smiled warmly and gestured to the array of drinks behind her, then brought her hand around to indicate the tavern as a whole. “How are you liking my establishment thus far, Mr. Smythe? I wish to offer you my sincerest apology for having so abruptly abandoned my responsibilities to making you feel welcome earlier. I was struck with an unexplained bought of illness, but I do imagine I am feeling infinitely better now. Have your eyes perhaps lit upon any particular damsel with whom you might be interested to spend a night on the Haus?” She winked playfully and delighted at the sensation of the cool liquid touching her lips as she paused to hear the young man speak.



Edited by Aurora

Awww it felt good to be heading back into civilization. It had been awhile since Zander had a chance for a leave. And he had decided to had back to Andor his homeland. It felt good not to have to "babysit" any new flaming recruits. Camelyn was as big and busy as ever. But that didn't matter he needed a strong drink, some beautiful women and maybe some dicing or a good ole fashioned fight. Being a Sargent in the Band was a good life and Zander was one of the few that a grown accustomed to the battlefield and its horrors. Some men were merchants, some blacksmiths and some were hawkers...Zander was a soldier, a fighter and he was good at it.


As Zander strode into the city he noticed a boy handing flyers out, A Grand Opening of the Haus of Three it read. A new bar. "Well, well" Zander said smiling looks like I might find some fun there. He made his way through the town to the bar and strode in. The place was already alive and well. The first thing Zander noticed was the beautiful women dancing on the tables and he knew he was at the right place. Removing his cloak and adjusting his 2 short swords he headed to the bar. And walked up to the woman behind the bar. "Hello beautiful I need a room for the night." Zander said smiling with his half grin. " And then a meal and some drinks...I need a bloody bath I smell like a flaming trollic." Zander winced it spite of himself. He probably should watch his tounge but the woman just smiled and showed him to his room. Zander watched as she swayed her way up the stairs and led him to his room.


Zander bathed and trimmed his beard short. And combed his hair. He put on some clean clothes and left his swords in the room but strapped his knives on. Zander wasn't really planning on trouble but somehow his mouth always seemed to find it. Brushing his hair out of his eyes he made his way out of the room and back downstairs. The music was lively and so where the women. Walking to a available seat Zander watched as one of the serving girls came over and he ordered a meal and a pitcher of ale....Zander was sure it was going to be an interesting night...


With the party getting started below, Jon expected to see Kitten come out any second. Several times he turned around at the sound of her door opening to see another flustered servant scurry out, or dart inside looking apprehensive - almost like they had bad news to deliver. A loud crash from within the room made Jon jump, looking at Kitten's door with his head tilted to one side as if staring at the door would tell him what was going on inside. A second louder crash from within had Jon headed inside to find out what was happening, but a pair of servants exiting the room held up their hands, and waved him back to his place by the railing. Even Sapphira had left the room looking chased, although her cornered expression turned to a bright knowing smile as soon as the door slammed behind her. She looked apologetically at Jon before heading back down to the party below.


Elliott ran out of the room looking afraid, and chastised in equal parts. Elliott was followed almost immediately by a servant, who corralled the boy into another room and closed the door. Jon didn't know why the boy looked afraid, or chastised for that matter. All he really wanted to know is when Kitten was going to come out of that door. Turning back to the party below, Jon barely got settled when he heard the door open behind him again. This time he didn't even bother to turn around, just waited people watching the crowd below. Then he heard Kitten's voice behind him, calling his name. Jon smiled, 'Finally.' he thought as he turned around. When he first saw her his thoughts changed instantly, 'She is completely, and totally worth the wait.'


Knowing Kitten would feed off his attention he took his time looking her over, not leering as she's probably used to, but admiring as one might a fine sculpture. From her tiny red slippers which barely covered her feet, up past the flared out red satin before tightening in around her waist. The bejeweled bodice, decorated with gold ribbon cinching both the dress and her body. The curve of her breasts only partially covered, and amplified by the bodice showed what some would consider an improper amount of cleavage. That dress would be of mixed use in a negotiation. Good because it would surely distract any man around her, but bad because Jon could see every breath Kitten took. Jon just barely managed to maintain his expression, holding in a laugh, 'How could I ever think that would be a bad thing?' Jon noted the sleeves and the lace cuffs with his peripheral vision, but his focus was traveling from her cleavage, across the moon amulet, and up to her alluring lips. Jon stopped his inspection when his kindly blue eyes met the icy blue of hers, "A man could get lost in those eyes..." Jon spoke quietly, although that was meant to be a thought. Unaware of that slip Jon smiled, bringing out his best smile for the occasion, "You look ravishing Emmel-Kitten." Mentally shaking his head, 'That's just the way to start a date. I hope she doesn't mind me calling her by her true name.'


Extending my arm for Kitten to take, Jon responds with "Of course, I've been looking forward to the jealousy of every man in the room all day." when asked if he is ready. The horn sounds, and every eye in the building is suddenly trained on Jon and Kitten, well truth be told Jon would wager that half the men there didn't even see him. Keeping his best smile in place was harder than expected when he overheard some of the quietly said rude comments. Luckily they were drowned out by applause, cheers and complements. There was even a shouted marriage proposal which Jon really hoped was aimed at Kitten.


Watching Kitten work a room felt like watching a master artisan at his craft, were Kitten a painter, this would be her canvas. Jon savored the attention she gave him, knowing that soon enough she would be pulled away. When she leaned in close pressing herself to him, Jon almost missed her whispered message. Jon had to focus hard on her words, and not the warmth of her breath or her closeness. Holding her waist to prevent her from pulling back so he could respond, Jon whispered back, "I thank you Kitten, truly. You have placed me on a pedestal, when normally I would have been on the fringes - unnoticed." Kitten introduced Jon to various merchants, a few of which Jon had met while traveling with his family - though most were new to him. All of the community leaders, and all but one of the affluent men were new. Jon memorized their names, and titles forever watchful of new business opportunities. The mayor was a true test of Jon's patience, the man was clearly using meeting him to get to Kitten. The man leered openly, going so far as licking his lips while he spoke to her cleavage. Knowing that any business dealings in this area would be hampered severely if he offended this man, Jon held himself composed, but his smile shifted down to his least - barely passable in a social situation. The man latched onto Kittens hand, excusing himself for a dance. Jon didn't bother responding since the man didn't care what he thought anyway. Jon also thought the bloody mayor would have dragged her to the floor if she hadn't glided gracefully along with him.


Jon watched the mayor pawing all over Kitten, and bit back his anger at such a brute of a man. When Jon saw the man's hands slide down Kittens back, past her waist to grab a firm double handful of Kittens rear - he had to turn his mind to something else before he made a scene. Besides, Kitten seemed to have the fellow under control, and Jon could see three of the tavern's toughs splitting their attention between the two sisters. Jon switched from Kitten's garnish for the evening into a deal making merchant once again. Always prepared, Jon worked his way around the room speaking quietly to each of the tavern's servers, and the bartenders themselves. "Whenever I order a round of drinks, I would like you to switch mine to something that contains no alcohol. I'm not much of a drinker, and would like to keep my wits about me this evening so that I can better help Kitten." A few coins for the staff that show reluctance, and Jon heads back into the crowd.


Working his way through the people he met earlier Jon joined conversations, and dropped a few hints of future business. One fellow seemed open to a deal right here and now, and Jon was happy to oblige. Jon ordered a round from a server he had spoken with earlier, and set to working out the business details with his fellow merchant. As the busy server brought back their drinks, the two merchants had just finished shaking hands. Another deal secured, Jon offered a toast, "Here's to a long and profitable association!" Downing his water shot in one go, he coughed a little as if it were strong drink. Scanning the room to see if he missed anyone Jon nods, 'That is it for business, time for pleasure!'


Working his way through the crowd, Jon finds Sapphira remarkably alone for a moment and slips in beside her bowing. "Good evening Sapphira. I wanted to thank you for your hospitality, as such I got you a present." Jon reaches into his coat, and pulls out the dragon headed torc. "I saw your love for your anklet, and thought you might like this." Jon continues speaking with Sapphira for a few minutes before he feels a hand snaking up his side, and wrapping him arm. When the woman gestures to the bar, Jon nods, "It seems that your sister would like to speak with me Sapphira, would you do me the kindness of saving a dance for me?"


At the bar Jon greets Jodelle with a bow, "Jon please, or I will be forced to call you Mistress Belrose." Smiling, once again his second best smile, "This place is simply wonderful, a man could truly loose himself here, or a woman." Jon says indicating a clearly intoxicated woman on the dance floor. "I will not accept your apology, as there is nothing to forgive. I'm glad you're feeling better though. Would you like me to ask around my contacts, and see if I can't find you a concoction to make you feel better in the future?" Nodding at her response. "I am forced to once again refuses your kind offer. It has been my experience that if you come to a party on the arm of a woman, you should leave the party on the arm of that same woman." Gesturing to the bartender, "Can you bring me my package please." Jon takes a cloth wrapped bundle from the bartender, "Both to thank you for your hospitality, and to show you a kindness in return." Jon extends the wrapped bottle of oosquai to Jodelle.

Posted (edited)

Kitten sat dealing cards to the men around her, chewing over her rejection. Since she had parted with Jon, she watched him making advances with her sisters. He had danced with Sapphira, he had drank with Jodelle, and gave them each some mysterious present that Kitten could not make out from where she was in the crowd. And what had she gotten from her own date? Nothing, except an empty arm to walk around with. Her thoughts were interrupted by the game at hand. She dealed again slyly. One of the men at the table had made a previous arrangement with her as he did from time to time. They had agreed on signals that would help the man make decisions on what hand to play. He payed her a lofty sum, more so than he would receive from winning, but she learned that for some men money didn't matter, it was all about their pride. She took another drink from her glass, hoping that with each sip the haziness would blur her mind and she would forget the feelings that were tearing inside her.


"Do I like him?" She thought to herself. She knew the answer was yes but admitting it out front was impossible. She thought of the things she did like about him. She liked his smile, she liked how polite and courteous he was and how different he acted from the men she was accustomed to, and she liked being around him because he was straightforward, honest, and kind. She grabbed the full glass and finished it. Over the years she had developed a high tolerance to alcohol, surpassing most of her male visitors and so she knew it was going to take a lot of drinking to get to the point of blissful ignorance she hoped to attain.


She tugged at her hair and brushed it behind her ear. The man saw her signal and threw his cards on the table, grabbing all the money from the center. "Hoorah!" people screamed. All the men stood up now, some fighting and some cheering. Usually Kitten would have been right in the middle of the fight, adding fire to the flame, but she was in such a somber mood, she walked away from it.


She advanced towards the bar which she saw inhabited mostly by the girls and the men that were picking them. She was feeling a little feisty and thought she should have at least a little bit of fun tonight. She put one gold mark on the table and looked around at the man standing nearby. She said, "Anyone who can out-drink me can have the gold piece. I'll only go against three of you so pick your best and let the game begin" She smiled sheepishly.


Drink after drink, Kitten took. She beat the first man easily as he walked out of the Haus in embarrassment. The second man was harder and she barely came out on top. She was in the midst of going against the third one. She raised her eyebrows at the bartender who secretly managed to dilute her drink with water and other liquids. Still, she had been drinking all night and the relief the bartender gave her was slight. She could feel herself at the end of consciousness when the man's head next to her slammed against the bar. "Phew," she thought to herself, "That was a close one." She felt that she had to get away from the bar, she was tired of the applause and compliments as unfulfilling as they were.


She walked close to the walls for support, looking for something else to occupy herself with. She was avoiding Jon, Sapphira, and Jodelle. She had absolutely no desire to speak to any of them. "How could he not want me?" "Does he like Sapphira better? Or his senior, Jodelle?" "Was she not enough?" "Why did she even care?" "Why couldn't she forget about him as easily as she could forget the other men that had come into her life?" While different questions crossed her mind, she bumped into a young and highly attractive man that could be no older than her by a few months. He introduced himself as Brent and his friend next to him was some simple name she couldn't hear over the music and hollering. "I'd tell you my name but I don't even know it anymore! But guess what, my date left me and I'm in a sour mood. Think you boys can cheer me up?" They had pulled three chairs near each other in one of the more solitary spaces in tavern. Guy number one had his arm around her waist with his hands running up and down her torso. Guy number two was breathing hard on her neck, kissing the entire area down to the start of her dress. She could feel her heart beating against his lips as he pressed it to her translucent skin. "Finally," she breathed, "A distraction."


Emmeline Belrose

Edited by Faun

Standing at the bar with Jodelle, Jon watches Kitten across the room. She looked distracted while she was dealing the cards, perhaps even troubled. 'I wonder what's troubling her? She does seem to be drinking a lot.' Jon found himself half way across the room when a fight broke out at the table where Kitten was sitting. He only relaxed a little when he saw her stagger away from the table appearing uninjured. With Jon's adrenaline calming down at seeing Kitten safe, Jon starts to work his way through the crowd. The going is much slower when you politely cross the room, instead of pushing your way through the crowd. By the time he got near to the bar the third man's head was just slamming into the polished wood, pushing past the crowd Jon can't find Kitten at the bar. A mild panic broils within Jon as he scans the crowd desperately trying to find Kitten, until he catches sight of her walking away along the wall. 'How are so many people in my way!' Loosing sight of her for a moment more, Jon missed Kitten bumping into Brent. Once more scanning the room, Jon looks for Kitten's tell tale curls falling down her back. Spotting her just as she enters a solitary area near the back corner, Jon begins dodging and pushing his way over to reach Kitten.


Pushing apart the last two people that were in his way with a muttered apology, Jon finally stands looking down at Kitten and her two companions, "Emmeline!?" Jon stands stunned, shocked to his bones by what he sees. His mind numbs, and moves as if swimming through molasses. 'This isn't happening' Jon's mind silently screams while he outwardly still stands with his mouth hanging open like a fool. His thoughts bounce from pure violent rage at the men, through heart shattering sadness. Deep feelings of betrayal worm their way though him, which abruptly strikes him as very odd. 'I've only known this woman for less than half a day. How is it that I feel so strongly?' Jon closes his mouth suddenly, his teeth clicking with the haste of the action, "Um, er - excuse me." Jon adds lamely, before turning on his heel and heading upstairs. A tiny part of his mind notices with annoyance that the crowd no longer blocks his way as he moves easily through the room, and up the stairs.


Jon Smythe

Posted (edited)

In the middle of her passion, Kitten was mortified to see Jon in front of her. She could see the anger pass through his face as well as the disappointment and sadness. And though she was clearly intoxicated, she could feel his pain pierce through the cloud of confusion that surrounded her. Before she had a chance to say anything, he had already excused himself and was heading towards the stairs. She had never seen a man react like that, never seen someone besides her sisters care about her. She was screaming on the inside, hoping somehow someone would hear her. She tried to push off the two men that were around her like vultures, but her movements were too sluggish. "Get off of me!" She managed to say through slurred speech. She gathered her strength and shoved one of the men off and pushed herself off the seat she was in. She fell to the floor only to have a servant help her up. "Get me, Margo." she whispered. Up came Margo with a glass of cool water that Kitten drank. She was determined to confront Jon or at least try to fix her mistake. She wrapped her arms around Margo who carefully assisted her to the stairs. Though not many steps on a sober day, the path before her seemed daunting and impossible. She ascended three steps before throwing up over the banister. She knew she looked like a fool, but she wasn't thinking of it then. She took one more step and was breathless, and so she sat down drinking more of her water. "Why do I always do such rash things before thinking?" She wasn't sure if she said it aloud or in her head, but Margo was visibly shocked when Kitten hit her own forehead. "I'm so drunk I can't even remember what I was doing." Margo lifted her up once again and slowly brought her to the top. Kitten paused again in a failed attempt to regain her composure. Everything in front of her was spinning and it was all that she could do to keep herself from vomiting again.


When Margo led her to in front of Jon's room, Kitten dismissed her. She looked at the room in front of her, wiped her mouth, pushed back her hair and smoothed out her dress. She had meant to knock on Jon's door but ended up thudding against it. When he opened it, she had also meant to explain everything she was feeling but somehow she only was able to say a soft "I'm sorry" before passing out in his arms for the rest of the night.


Emmeline Belrose

Edited by Faun

Standing in the middle of his room looking around at his scattered preparations for the party. Jon doesn't really know what he's doing. He came into the room thinking to pack up and leave. Once he was here in his room he just stood there staring at his belongings, and not really seeing them. How ones mind can race, while not really thinking anything at all would be a mystery to think about another time. Jon's mind is pulled back to reality when he hears Kitten outside his door dismissing Margo. She sounds like a drunk person trying to be quiet, which in effect becomes a shouted whisper. Walking over to the door to wait for her to knock, or walk away afraid to knock Jon is surprised when he hears a thud. 'Did she just fall against my door?' Jon thought worriedly. Rushing the remaining distance Jon carefully opened the door to find Kitten wavering before him. Her hair tousled, and makeup smeared. She was still beautiful. In an instant Jon's mind snaps alert, thoughts racing once more tumbling over one another in their haste, but this time each thought came with with crystal clarity, 'She must care for me too.' 'If she cared, then what the bloody hell was she doing downstairs?' 'I'm so glad she came after me.' 'Is that vomit down the front of her dress?' His barrage of thoughts was interrupted by her soft words, "I'm sorry." Never in Jon's life had two little words meant so much. Every negative thought was instantly banished, and replaced by a spreading warmth. Opening his mouth to respond, Jon instead lunges to catch Kitten as she collapses into him.


Scooping her up, careful that her dress is collected at the bottom to avoid flashing the party below, and that her bust doesn't escape what little fabric still covers her. Jon makes his way to Kitten's room, bending to open the door with the arm hooked behind her knees Jon carefully moves sideways into the room. Margo is there, and Jon nods her out of the room. Of course she doesn't move, just raises an eyebrow until Jon adds, "You have my oath that no harm will come to your mistress on my watch, and that I will take no advantage of her current state. This I swear under the light, and by my hope of rebirth and salvation." Margo's eyes widen with the strength of his vow, and she drops a quick curtsy before heading out of the room, "If you need anything, I will be right outside. There is a fresh pitcher of water for washing there, and two more for drinking there." she adds from the doorway. "Thank you Margo." Jon says nodding to her as she closes the door.


Taking Kitten to her bed, Jon sits her carefully on the edge so he can unfasten her corset. Always keeping one hand on the back of her neck so her head is supported, and she remains upright, "You need to breath more than you can in this thing." Jon says not expecting an answer. Sitting behind her he leans her against his chest while he removes the stained corset, only now noticing that his own clothing is marked by her sickness from when she fell against him. Carefully stripping her out of the rest of her clothing, Jon cleans her as quickly as he can. True to his word, Jon is methodical with his work. As soon as she is cleaned enough to dawn a fresh shift, he digs through her drawers until he finds one to cover her with. Taking his time, Jon wipes away all the makeup, idly chatting about whatever floats into his mind. Nothing of note, just completely random stories from his past, or thoughts on the future. Really he's just talking so some part of Kitten can hear his voice, and possibly so Margo can hear that is mouth isn't busy elsewhere.


Once she is fully cleaned up, he sets to work stripping off his outer vomit stained layers. Giving himself a quick once over with a wash cloth, while still continuing his constant stream of random words. Kitten's brow furrowed for a moment, and she began thrashing and kicking as if in a bad dream. Jon was there in an instant, laying beside her and stroking her hair. Whispering comforting things into her ear until she calmed down moments later. Then she rolled over, and wrapped an arm across Jon's chest, snuggling in as close as humanly possible. Jon smiled, as her warmth suffused him completely. Stretching as far as he could Jon pulled the ivory comb from his pile of clothing, and carefully combed out Kittens hair while she slept peacefully. Only once her hair was tangle free did Jon allow his weary eyes to begin to drift closed. His last actions were to slip the comb into the hand resting on his chest, and to kiss her forehead, whispering "Goodnight Emmeline." before falling fast asleep.


Jon Smythe

Posted (edited)

Pixie finished attending to the man at the table and winked before she fled across the room to check on Jon. The moment she stepped over to him he pulled her into a quiet corner, offering her a beautiful gift, a dragon torc, exactly something she might have chosen for herself. Pixie gasped as he removed it from his pocket. Normally she would have been able to contain herself but the torc really was exquisite. "Thank you so much Master Smythe, I really did not expect something of this value from a man I just met," she paused to flash him a mischievous smile, "I am indebted to you, and I do not take my debts lightly. If a dance is what will pay you back for this, then a dance we shall do."


Stepping onto the dance floor, Pixie pulled Jon's arms around her, and made sure he was close enough to feel the curves of her body. The young blonde was determined to repay the merchant for the extraordinary gift he'd given her. She twisted, turning her back to him, and danced in a way that made other men in the common room turn red and shift in their seats. Pixie gave a low throaty laugh as the song ended and mocked an innocent curtsey for Jon. At that moment she spotted Kitten across the room glaring at her. How long has she been watching? And why under the Light does she look so furious?


To get her mind off her sister's seemingly odd possessiveness over a man, Pixie strode over to a table with what looked to be a mercenary officer, an officer of the Band of the Red Han, in fact, a group of fighters she had heard of but had yet to know much about. She bent down, leaning her whole upper torso across the table to give him an enticing view down the front of her corset, and to ensure whoever stood behind her would enjoy the curvature of her hips through the tight dress. With a grin, the dancer whispered, "So one of the girls tells me you're a sergeant. You must be very good at fighting. I myself, am a grappling fan."


Sapphira "Pixie" Belrose

The pale side of the moon

Edited by badriyah

Jon smiled brightly as another of his gifts when over better than expected, "What I give, I give freely and without thought to being paid back. You have already more than paid for the gift with your reaction to receiving it Sapphira..." Jon pauses for a moment before adding, "Although I would not object to a dance if that will allow us to forget this indebted business." Jon knew he was in trouble when she flashed that mischievous smile. Jon should have known better. He had seen Sapphira dance exquisitely already tonight, and he was only an average dancer himself. Good enough to not miss a step, or worse step on his partner's feet. Jon lacks the grace and fluidity that Sapphira and Kitten both have.


Sapphira surprised Jon by pulling his arms around her waist, and pressing herself close enough that he could feel her warmth through the thin material of her dress. The soft curves of her body pressing against him would have made him blush if he wasn't so focused on trying to dance moderately well. When the song ended Jon realized that he was breathless, and was confused because Sapphira did most of the dancing. He bowed to her as she curtsied, and had to clear his throat twice before he could say, "Thank you for the dance, it seems I am the one indebted to you now." Before Jon knew what he was doing he added a wink for good measure.


Enjoying the view for a moment..or perhaps two Zander looked up and met the young woman's eyes. Zander was fairly certain he was gonna like this place already. "So one of the girls tells me you're a sergeant. You must be very good at fighting. I myself, am a grappling fan." she asked. Zander flashed a mischievous grin before answering "Well ain't that a bloody fine coincidence my lady, I'm very good and grappling and even better with my hands in general. And yes I do enjoy fighting and I am good at it. I serve as a Sargent in the Band and am here for some R and R. My name is Zander Cross and I think you and I could use a drink." Pulling out a chair and waving to one of the serving girls he smiled and waited for a response.


He noticed the jealous looks from other men across the bar at him. He smiled again a beautiful woman drinks a plenty and the possibility of a flaming fight or 2...Zander knew this night was going to be interesting.

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