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Alicatia sent Seheria a message to meet her at a secluded inn in the city. The name escaped her, but it it didn't matter she'd remembered it upon the note. Alicatia knew not many other Aes Sedai went there, and it was the perfect place to begin teaching their newest member some of the ins and outs of being a darkfriend. It wasn't as simple as just swearing your soul to the Great Lord. There were things that you had to learn. Alicatia had other plans for the older sister as well. And it would become clear by the end as to what it was. But that was for later and Alicatia waited patiently at a table in the far corner of the inn's common room. The place was barely lite and all faces were hid in the shadows. It was the ambiance of the place that made it perfect for the romantic tryst or the dealings of shady things. Alicatia knew that both went down in this establishment.


Alicatia work a dark cloak and the hood shaded her face in the more shadows than the place offered. No one would know if she were a Sister or not and that was the point. The drink she had ordered, honeyed tea arrived and she sipped as she waited for Seheria to arrive, it wouldn't be a long wait she was sure, but it was a wait, she'd arrived a good ten minutes early.


Seheria's heart fluttered as she read the message from the other Aes Sedai. On the surface it was not very impressive, just a friendly invite to meet up the city. Not something she would normally flinch at, but it wasn't that there was a message, or even what it said that rattled her; it was who it was from, and what it had to mean. She didn't know precisely what was in store, and that was part of what had her on nerves. She pulled herself together and made her way calmly to her rooms where she quickly grabbed a dark green cloak and a long simple chain to wear around her neck. She draped the cloak over her arm and made her way to the city.


She was cautious to be sure she wasn't being followed, though she knew she wasn't. When she got a few blocks from the inn she was looking for she slipped her great serpent ring off of her finger and onto the necklace she was wearing, being sure to drop it down under her dress. She pulled the hood of the cloak up over head and tried to still her breathing. She tried to tell herself she wasn't doing anything wrong, and she had nothing to hide, but she was still new at this and she couldn't help but feel a little scared. When she entered the in she took a minute to let her eyes adjust to the dimmer light in the common room and to get a look at the layout. She wasn't sure where her new friend would be seated but she assumed that the woman would be there by now. She decided to head to where she would have sat and smiled when she saw the woman she had come to meet nursing her tea and waiting for her in the back.


Seherai ordered a tea as well and slipped in to the seat across from Alicatia. She left her hood up but in the dim light and on the angle she was on, she knew the woman could see her face clearly so she held the Aes Sedai face of serenity that was so practiced she could hold it in her sleep, and she kept her voice from wavering as she made a quick courteous greeting.


Alicatia nodded a hello to her now companion as she sat down across from her. This really was not a custom many of other Ajah's did, but the Black was of all Ajahs and none, much like the Amyrlin Seat. They played at being their chosen Ajah, but they were defiantly not working towards the same goals.


Alicatia started explaining to Seheria. "There are many things you will need to know. And many things you may have already seen but didn't know you had." During her brief sentence she started making various darkfriend signs for identifying others of their kind. There were several different kinds, and it was important to know them all. Each sign was just a simple jester if notices and replied to accordingly would single they were a friend. Alicatia had read in a book that the Maidens of the Spear with in the Aiel used similar communications. Theirs however was much more complex, having how conversations with just their hands. It was an intriguing study.


Alicaita continued her speech and her hand signals. "We must be able to identify our selves to others with out actually giving away our secret. That is where hand signals come in." Alicatia continued making the signals with her hands as she went on. "Each signal has an appropriate response, you must know those as well. It is like a lock and key with out both you cannot reveal your secret to them." Alicatia smiled, "This prevents someone from knowing one signal and gaining your trust."


Alicatia grinned. "Were you watching everything in the room? Did you notice anything?" Alicatia was hoping she at least caught on to the small movements of her hands after she'd been told about singals. That would be a good stepping stone, if not we would have to open the woman's eyes to the small things like that.


Alicatia did not waste time getting to why she had summoned Seheria, which was just as well as Seheria was never one for small talk. She knew there was a purpose for the meeting and she was pleased to be let in on what it was about, if only just to get her nerves stilled. She was amazed by the things the woman told her, and even more amazed that she had never noticed these secret signs around the Tower. Of course she never really thought the Black Ajah existed before so why would she have been looking for secret signals between the Sisters?


It only made sense that they would exist though. She had begun to wonder just who else in the Tower had sworn the same oaths as she had a few nights before. Now more than ever she was truly on edge as she walked through the tower, it would be nice to know which Sisters she could trust, who had her back and who she could go to if she needed something. Of course she knew she couldn't fully trust other Black Sisters, they all had their own motives, plots and reasons to serve as they did but at the core they were all going through the same things she was, they were all hiding inches away from being found out, inches away from death. She should have known that they would have a system to identify each other, its not as though you could simply say, 'Hello, are you a Black?' most Aes Sedai would try to have your head just for thinking that let alone speaking the words. But they had to have a way to know each other, otherwise an Ajah could not exist. Perhaps individuals scattered across the tower all serving the Great Lord, but an Ajah would fall apart if there was no way to know each other or communicate.


Alicita finished speaking of the use and need of signals and asked if Seheria was watching what was going on in the room and if she had noticed anything. She was used to trying to seem like she always knew more than the people around her, even when she didn't, but she had to let go. This woman knew too much, and she knew just how little Seheria knew about this. If she ever wanted to learn it all and really have a hold on all her new Ajah could give her she had to be open to learning, and admitting what she did not know.


"I was not looking for anything before you started speaking of hand signals, but from that point forward I was watching your hands. I'm not sure if you did anything meaningful with them of course, but I was watching." She had been Aes Sedai far too long to be feeling like a Novice again, but here she was, feeling forced to look weak, when she should be stronger now than ever. Hopefully Alicita would see how hard it was for her and not have too much fun with knowing she was the only link Seheria had and that she was the only one who could teach her what she needed to know.


Alicatia smiled. "Good. Hands are important, but I wouldn't flash them around the Tower to often. Our Sisters do not like to be found out so easily. There are other means of communication with our Sisters. I will show you them at another time. This is mostly for identifying friends outside of the Tower."


"There are different signals to identify who and what you are to another." Alicatia flashed a simple sign, it looked like nothing more than a twitch of her hand. "This is I am a dark friend, to which you would reply with." Alicatia made another quick gesture. "This would be the affirmative that you were one as well. You cannot do them out of order." Alicatia showed Seheria them again only slowly so she could see the proper motions involved.


"Try them slowly at first and then try to work them into an everyday conversation." Alicatia smiled, "Practice here for a while on your own, then make small talk with others here, and see what you find out." Alicatia knew the possibilities of finding a friend here was greater than else where, but that was still slim, this was more of a place to practice the dark secrets in the shadows with out too much of a bother.


Seheria watched closely as Alicatia showed her the signals, and she was pleased that she slowed them down too. She didn't want to admit that she hadn't caught them the first time, but she wanted to be sure she was doing them correctly. It wouldn't help any if she fumbled the signal, no one would reply, and she would miss a lot. She picked it up quickly enough when they were slowed down and she signaled it back to Alicatia to be certain she had it. As she was trying them out herself to be sure she had it right, the thought finally hit her, This is the sign to say 'I am a darkfriend' She flickered the sign and then paled as she realized that that is exactly what she was, a darkfriend.


It wasn't that she suddenly didn't want to be one, it was more the weight of the word it self. She was what she was and she had no regrets. She was already much more pleased with her life than she had been in years, much more in charge of herself, and getting much more out of her life than she did as a forgotten Yellow. It was the fact that for years the word 'darkfriend' had meant the worst kind of enemy. They were those who were despised over everyone, the greater common foe of all other rivals, and suddenly she was one. I am a darkfriend. She thought again. The colour slowly came back to her face as she let the years of stigma roll off of the word. She was herself, and these people were her allies now, not the enemy.


She slipped out of the seat and made her way to start mingling with the crowd as instructed. She wasn't expecting to have many responces, but she did think that Alicatia may have stacked the deck a little and had some known darkfriends about to be sure that Seheria had really picked it up? After a few moments of mingling Seheria returned to the table.


"I think the man in the far corner with the brown jacket signaled back to me, but he did a lot of talking with his hands and it may have been a fluke. The woman sitting at the end of the bar though did signal back and I am sure it was meant as the reply." Seheria hoped that she had done well enough, and she wished she could be more certain about the man. She just hoped that she hadn't missed too many people who had signaled back to her. She was looking, but they were so subtle that she could have missed them, and the people were not likely to signal again to be sure she saw.


Alicatia nodded. It was possible that there were darkfriends here. It was not uncommon, she didn't know for sure. "There are ways to confirm your assumptions." Alicatia smiled. "There are many factions with our friends, some prefer to go by their profession, others by what they seek or who they server specifically." Alicatia made a signal. "I am of our Ajah." She didn't come out and say it just in case there were other Aes Sedai with in hearing. "The appropriate response would be that of their profession or what they want you to know about them."


"It will take time to learn them all, but we have that luxury. Come sit and we will learn more of them." Alicatia ordered some food, it would be a little while in their discussion. Alicatia started with small talk, slowly showing Seheria each sign. I'm an assassin. I serve this chosen or that chosen. I have information. "This sign is important for us. You may not want to reveal your true profession but you have information for someone." You can also ask for information with this one." Alicatia flashed another signal slowly.


Alicatia had plans for the newest sister, it had been sent down to her from on high. "There is one among us who is yet to be raised but has been loyal." She hoped that the sister understood. "I want you to watch her, get to know her until the time in which she reaches the shawl. Then bring her into the fold." Alicatia pushed a piece of paper across the table.


It merely read: Kate al'Ker.


"It will be good practice. She is young, but she is more knowledgeable than yourself having been raised to be one of us. And I hear she is a bit of a pain. I wish you luck."


Alicatia finished the last of her meal. Alicatia explained to Seheria that if she needed assistance to hide a note in a specific spot and she would make arrangements to meet here again two days after the note was written. That would keep our meetings to a minimum. She also told Seheria of one that would go to the surpreme council. "You are to chose a spot as well so the council can relay messages to you as well as those in your heart. That is another matter all together we will discuss later."


OOC: you can handle approaching Kate anyway you want as an Accepted, just watching her or actually trying to find out more about her in conversation, totally up to you.


Seheria paid close attention to all of the signals and after a time was able to remember each one and its meaning. She would have plenty of time to practice them in her own rooms to get better at making them look natural and less obvious when she did them, but she would know enough now to be able to find and communicate with other darkfriends should she need to.


As they finished up their meeting Alicatia slid a piece of paper across the table and told Seheria to watch this girl, and lead her to the Ajah. Luckily the girl was known as one of their own already, so Seheria felt it was a good place to start. She wouldn't have to worry about slipping up and being caught. Not that she planned on making any mistakes, but she was new to this and it was going to be good to know going in that the girl would find out her secret and run off to tell someone. She had to start somewhere, and this was as good of a place as any. The only real concern would be getting the proper message to her and not getting caught by others around the tower. She would watch her words as always, that wasn't a new concept to any Aes Sedai. Seheria finished up her meal and thanked Alicatia for all she had taught her and then set off on her way.


(OOC: Do you want to continue in this thread with Kate or start a new one?)


Kate walked the halls of the Tower contemplating the human body and how to supposedly heal it. Her latest class had her thinking a lot about how the body worked and how it could be damaged with out actually making anyone aware of what went wrong. Being in the Tower with other Aes Sedai would make delving an issue. How did one cover up their tracks when someone could find them as easily as she laid them. That was her latest research project in the guise of uncovering illnesses yet to be found in a body. She smiled at her own deviousness. No one knew her thoughts, and she was proud of her deception.


Some of Kate's acquaintances in Acceptedhood had been raised, she only hoped her time would be soon, but she knew it would come one day. She was a good student and had progressed well since breaking the block. It was only a matter of time.


Lost in her thoughts Kate dropped curtsey's to the passing Aes Sedai and nodded towards others including servants, she was never rude to anyone really, well not to their faces. Kate continued to walk with her thoughts through the corridors of the White Tower.


Seheria wandered through the Tower with a purpose. She was looking for Kate Al'Kerr. What she would do when she found her she was not quiet sure, but she was looking for her just the same. With so many others running through the place the girl was proving more difficult to lock down. The Aes Sedai had spotted her a few times though out the last little while and had picked up a few tidbits about the girl, but she still didn't really feel she knew enough about her to approach her. Luckily the girl did show a little interest in the Yellows, not as much it seemed as the Greens, but a little interest. It wouldn't seem that odd if Seherai was noticed taking an interest in the girl or even approaching her.


She finally came across Kate, who appeared to be wandering the halls as well. Seheria was going to stop her and finally do what she was meant to do, but she still wasn't quite sure how she was going to go about it. Luckily the girl the girl didn't seem to be aware of her as Seheria began to follow her. Perhaps she would think of something to say by the time the girl got where she was going. Hopefully the girl would have time to acknowledge her, but if she were in rush Seheria would find a way to let the girl know that they needed to speak. She couldn't wait too much longer to do what must be done, the girl was going to be raised soon, and Seheria had to introduce herself before that day.

  • 2 weeks later...

Kate had a strange feeling she was being followed and watched. Kate made a few erratic turns and twists down the hallways that she hadn't truly meant to walk down, and she was right the woman followed each one. It could be coincidence but Kate didn't think so. She abruptly turned around and dropped a curtsy. "Pardon Aes Sedai, but why are you following me."


Kate didn't get up from the curtsy but she glanced around her, there was no one around, she'd wandered into an even more secluded place than she had been in before. Kate didn't know this Aes Sedai. And she wasn't sure she wanted to, but it was too late now. After several seconds of her curtsy she stood up straight and looked the woman in the eyes. She was no coward, but Kate was wishing for her quarterstaff. She had no idea what this woman wanted with following her.


(OOC: sorry it took so long was a hectic week. Sorry it's short as well.)


As they wandered further down the lesser traveled halls of the White Tower Seheria had a few moments where she thought to turn off, confront the girl another day. But it would happen, she would have to do it sometime and her days were limited to do it on time. She didn't have much to lose, the girl was one of them, and there was no fear of the girl taking Seheria to trial. Her only fear was that someone would over hear, someone would find out. No matter when she approached this girl that fear would be present, and the girl seemed to be leading her to places with less and less people around. Seheria never let fear get the better of her, and this time would be no different. Still she wasn't quiet sure how she was going to handle the first conversation.


The girl spun around, deliberately confronting the Aes Sedai, but dropping directly into the proper curtsy. "Pardon Aes Sedai, but why are you following me." She spoke calmly and with just the proper amount of respect to keep her in line, but just enough force to properly challenge the Sister. Seherai watched as Kate took in her surrounding quickly and couldn't help but think of what good instincts the girl had. Some girls were flighty, and wouldn't learn the basic skills like this girl showed in just the few seconds of this confrontation. The girl rose and waited for Seheria's reply.


"I have heard that you have some strength and interest in some of the things my Ajah excels at, and I thought perhaps we could have a little chat about your future. I've been watching you for a short time, trying to get more of a feel for your personality before I approached you. You have been in this Tower for a long while, but I've not had a chance to get to know you. From what I have seen in the time I've been watching you, you don't seem to have many friends here. I want you to know that when you are raised, you can find many friends among my Sisters.You are quite skilled at the things we focus on, and you have a great potential." She felt like she was all but screaming what she wanted to get across to the girl, and hopefully she would pick it up, from what she had seen and heard she thought the girl would have no trouble hearing what she was saying. Seheria knew there were more subtle ways to get her message out, but she was not one for small talk and subtlety unless it was absolutely needed. She knew this case did not need any more subtlety and that if they spoke much longer someone may come along. The quicker they could do this the better, but she had to feel the girl out and give her time to really be figure out all it meant. She couldn't rush her, but she didn't have to drag the thing out.


Kate's eyed the woman cautiously but her words caught her. Was she really approaching her as that sort of friend. Kate's smile darkened. As she spoke she flashed a darkfriend sign at the woman, "I don't need any friends." It wasn't the truth persay but it was the attitude she had taken upon entering the Tower. Kate really didn't want any friends it was much harder to hide your true self if you got too close to others.


Kate wasn't sure of the woman, but she waited for the sign to be displayed. "I may have an interest in your Ajah, however." She didn't know what the womans true Ajah was, but she hoped it wouldn't look like a lie. "How long have you been watching me? I mean before this. How much do you know about me?" Kate really wanted to know that answer, it would not be good for a common sister to know her parentage - none at all. The Black Ajah however probably was very privy to her ancestry. Not that it was a good thing either to know her mother, but her mother was honorable in terms of service to the White Tower and to the Great Lord. She sacrificed herself to save the knowledge she held.


Seheria was pleased that she had picked up on the signal the girl sent, she had been looking for it, but she didn't have much practice with them yet. Especially with something as important as this, at a time when it would make a difference. She casually signaled back with the proper motions as she listened to the Accepted, who seemed to be getting her back up. The girl had every right to be cautious and defensive, Seheria would have felt the same way had someone announced that they knew her secret and had been following her for days, still the girl was only Accepted. Seheria wasn't completely sure on the pecking order for this situation. The girl was an Accepted so she deferred to Aes Sedai, but the girl had served the Great Lord longer and knew much more about the darkfriend world. Still, Seheria was Aes Sedai and Kate was Accepted, in this Tower Seheria held the reins, at the very least until the girl took the oaths, or until she was told otherwise.


Seheria pulled herself up a little bit straighter and added a slight stiffness to her tone as she answered the girls questions,"True friends are hard to come by, but when you find people you can confide in and trust it can prove to be a very big advantage. Some friends sit and sip tea, talking about the weather and the lovely new dresses they bought, other friends do other things, but all friends share. They share their thoughts, they share there interests and they share their information. Friends help each other when it is needed. Friends do not necessarily need to be attached at the hips, but it is always good to have friends, and know which are true friends should you need them. You learn a lot about your friends if you care to form closer relationships, and knowing things can get you far in this world. Who you befriend is up to you, but as much as there are advantages in being independent, having friends can have it's advantages as well." Seheria loosened slightly, trying to make this meeting look more relax and casual in case someone walked by, the last thing she wanted was to have someone think they need to find out why Seheria was reprimanding an Accepted in the halls of the White Tower.


"As for what I know of you and how long I have been watching, I know enough to have heard of your potential, and I've seen enough to know that you were not played up in the descriptions. My friends know more than I do, but do not mistake that for meaning I don't know anything. I know what I need to know, and I'm sure that is all." The Aes Sedai looked around to be sure there was still no one close enough to hear, "Do not take this as a threat, child, it is quite the opposite. Accepted and Aes Sedai cannot be friends, but someday we two could be friends. Though I prefer not to discuss hair styles and the latest fashion." Seheria was certain the girl would follow that, she was almost certain a blind dog could follow that conversation. Hopefully the girl would have sense enough to be pleased that she was being approached, and not take this confrontation too harshly. Seheria was sure that Kate, of all people, would know that this was a good thing, meant as a welcome, not a threat. But in the moment it could feel much more threating to know that people she didn't know knew her, and the secret she was trying to keep.


"If you would like to discuss anything more with me, you are welcome in my rooms any time. If I am not there leave me a message and I will find you. You are familiar with the Yellow Halls?" When the girl nodded Seheria told her which room was hers and set off back down the maze of halls.


Several days after the woman had approached her Kate wandered the Yellow halls, it was not uncommon for her, she'd been in them before running errands. As an aspiring Yellow it wasn't uncommon for her to fetch things for the Aes Sedai in the Infirmary. But today she was on no such errand she was here to speak about a friendship that would last a life time or however long the Great Lord saw her fit to live. She had no delusions, she was expendable, all darkfriends were. They all played their part and in return were granted eternal glory in the Great Lord.


Kate wasn't sure what she was going to expect, but she had to make this work, there was probably only one shot to join where she wanted and she couldn't screw it up. It was her line to the Great Lord and her glory. She wanted this to be true. She had signaled correctly and Kate was sure of them but she didn't know them, she didn't know anyone in the Ajah. She didn't even know the woman deamed her Aunt, she'd never met her, not once. Kate had been born after the bond had been broken.


Kate approached the correct door and hoped that she was there. There had not been a set time and Kate was a tiny bit nervous. She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Hoped for an answer.

Posted (edited)

Seheria had spent the morning in the infirmary and was pleased when relief came at the lunch hour. She had gotten used to being there days on end, booking herself in and taking on extra shifts. It was something to do, something to keep herself busy. She taught when she needed a break from the infirmary but rarely did anything else. She was pleased to leave earlier this day. She didn't have plans, but a break was overdue. She had a meal sent to her room and she had taken to spending more time there. She hoped the Accepted she had invited would come and she hoped that she would come when Seheria was there. It would be a shame to be out when the girl came, she may not come back. She had begun to worry that the she had missed the girl, that she had lost her chance to complete her task. She would not let that happen, she could not let that happen.


A knock at the door startled her and Seheria cursed under her breath for being so jumpy as she made her way to answer it. She smiled when she saw it was Kate and she showed the girl to a chair. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up, or that you had come at time I was out. I am sorry that I did not set a time to meet, but I didn't want you to feel that you needed to show up. I wanted you to come of your own deciding. I am pleased you decided to come. Would you like some tea?" Seheria asked as she set off to make a pot. She would have some even if the girl didn't. She still hadn't thought out exactly how she would go about this meeting, but there was no use planning it all out when she didn't know what the girl would say.


"Last time we spoke I did most of the speaking. Do you remember what we spoke of?" She knew the girl would, but she it was as much of an opening as she could think to make. "You seemed a little put off that I had heard a few things about you, so I thought I would give you chance to tell me about yourself in your own words. Tell me what you want me to know. No lies, mind. I know you did not take the Oaths yet, but you are supposed to be trying to live as though you have. Remember, someday you will be raised and how far you get in this Tower and in this world is based partially on your abilities and partially on who you know." Seheria was trying to keep an open and approachable feel to herself, but she just wasn't a bubbly person naturally. She knew the girl wasn't the bubbly, forthcoming type either. This was going to be challenging conversation to have, but it was a necessary one and she knew the girl knew that too.


The two sat and conversed for a few hours, by the end of that meeting Seheria knew all she needed to know to report back to Alicatia. Over the next few weeks Seherai and Kate met a few more times, and Seheria got things set up for the girl be iniated into the Ajah. Just a short while after Kate was raised to Aes Sedai she too swore the oaths and joined the Black Ajah in a ceremony quite like the one Seheria had herself deep in the bowels of the White Tower.

Edited by Kathleen
had to quickly finish the RP and tie up loose ends.
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