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Cemarillinin stood on the bridge looking back at the White Tower, scouting, maybe some local resistanse, that was her excuse. She turned her mare around, and lead the horse down of the bridge signaling with her legs just as she gently nudged the reins. She could feel the mare move beneath her and nodded at a couple tower guards going into the city from the village on the botom of the bridge. She wore a green dress, though had every plan to change into less conspicious garbs when out on the road and away from civility.


She had left all shawls behind, the ring would be easier to hide, but she suspected she could well run into someone where it would be easier for her too just let them search her belongings too keep them from looking too closely under her garb. The last thing she needed was to be recognised as what she was, and have words come back too the White Tower that the green was not her only ajah membership.


She pushed the horse on and watched the sun turn in the sky, it was reflecting of the snow and thus not making ideal traveling weather as it did bother her eyes, she had shielded the horse with skylaps. They would soon enough enter forest though, and she was glad to be off the road, having found a hunting track through the snow, hopefully none of those would be around she figured as she reached the treeline. Keeping an eye out she followed a deertrack till she could find a shielded cluster of bushes, then she unmounted and sliped out of her garb. She had to leave it behind, far to conspicious and obvious of Tar Valon making, but what one would expect of an emisary from the tower riding towards battle grounds, it paid then too stand out and have an air of aristocratsy around you. Not so where she was going, and she sliped into a simpler dress, she didnt like it but it was a nesecity to keep on the low end, she hid her ring in a secret compartment in the sadle, and doned a grey and worn, but clean cloack. She was ready to enter the lands now taken by the shadows, and hoped too stay off the main roads, going up by following the mountains.


She could but hope that it would be the way of least resistance, but first she needed to stock up on suplies which she intended to do in a small town by the mainroad before heading back into the forests.

  • 4 weeks later...

M'bela yawned over the reports, too much paperwork of late to oversee this juristicition, she needed to find someone capable she could halfway trust to take some of it off her, this was no way for her to spend her time. She looked at the letter from her farmer daugther, she was still disapointed the child had not turned out a channeler, but it didnt change the fact that she had done well enough in some other ways, her full brother had yet not been found, though she had a feeling he was back where he was raised if still alive. She didnt have the resources too seek him out, not yet anyway, but she would get him back one day.


The town around her was growing and prospering, she had managed too keep the shadowspawn camps far enough of that they werent overly bothered by them in town, but the mountains where most of them camped was still close enough it was easy to utilize them for campaigns, controls and scouting. She taped her lip and sipped her tea, it was too quiet, mayhaps she needed to take a trip down and hear if any help was needed with whatever prisoners they may have...but it wasnt good to spend too much time on petty thieves and the like, no what they needed would be someone higher up like a political prisoner.

  • 7 months later...

It had been a long time since Seheria had last been out of the Tower for any real distance. The sun was shining down on her, the wind was whipping her cloak around her as she rode from at a full gallop. For many years she had been out of Tar Valon, serving the White Tower and the world alike. She had answered to herself alone. She had come back to Tar Valon expecting a little more of a warm welcome home than she had received, but it wasn't long until she found the welcome she had been looking for. She didn't get it from her original ajah, but her true Sisters made her time at the Tower very worth while. She wanted to make her new Sister's proud, she wanted to make her new master proud, so after some time learning the very basics of what she would need to make it in the world, Seheria set off into the world to learn more than the Tower could teach.


She had pushed her horse hard, trying to get as far from the White Tower as quickly as she could. She had packed lightly, planning on buying what she needed as she went through new territories. She wanted to be as hidden as she could, but she had spent a lot of time traveling the world in the past sixty years. She had nothing to hide in most places, but as she closer to the Shadow held lands she had already stashed any signs of being Aes Sedai away. She had left all she could leave behind, and the only thing she couldn't give up was her ring. It could come in handy, but she hid it from sight anyway. Her ageless face would give her away anyway, but her knowledge and ajah choice may keep her alive in the right hands.


She had never come into these lands before, and she wasn't really sure why she was here now. She was seeking more knowledge, more understanding she supposed. She knew it was dangerous, but she was too close to turn back now.


~ Seheria Mori

Aes Sedai of the ***** Ajah <.<

  • 4 weeks later...

Cemarillinin looked down at the village bellow, she had changed into a simple green brown riding dress with green hem and collar, she had donned a gray cloack, and now pulled the hood well over her head, it was early evening, her ring hung in a string around her neck inside her dress. She kicked the horse into motion, she would rent a room at the inn after buying what she needed from the market before it closed, then be off early in the morning.


Her horse trotted through the snow, and snorted now and again, deep inside her head she could feel the bundle directed back too tar valon, but she shut it out fairly easily, she had become accustomed too it now and would not let it distract her. She arrived at the inn, gave the stable hand a coin, dismounted and handed him the reins, telling him too take the bags inside and have the innkeeper find her a room, she kept another bag she had tied too the back of the sadle with her though as she headed towards the market. She allowed herself to stop here and there as if shoping, and gaze at objects, paying for trinkets some places but geting travel food and other usefull things she needed in other shops and stalls. It was on her way back through the market heading for the inn that her sences went off into a tingle though.


Cema almost stoped in her tracks but old skill kept her going though slowly wading her way through the crowd, not rushing. There was another channeler, and nearby enough that she could feel them, meaning they could feel her. She sighed inwardly, the last thing she needed now was runing into one of her sisters, she could but pray too the great lord the woman stayed in one of the other two inns in the village then the Widows Tear. She couldnt quite place where the other woman was due too the crowd though, and didnt want too obviously searching for her, so she stoped at another boot, if she knew who it was then mayhaps it would be easier to avoid her, but she needed time standing still to try and locate the other one before she located her.


Seheria walked aimlessly through the market. She had need of great deal but was in no hurry to buy it all, and not sure what all she really should have. So much of what people thought of you was based on the way you adorned yourself and the image you put forth, but she was truly at a loss for what image she wanted to portray. She didn't want look like she was above her station, she didn't want to draw attention, but she didn't want to look as though she was trying to sneak by. She wanted to look natural but the trouble was that knew she was not natural here; not yet.


The more prominent worry was not what to buy, but rather what to do when she was done. She couldn't stay there all day, but she had no clue what she was supposed to do when she was done. She had come to gain knowledge but these people would not be the sort she could just walk up to and question, and they were not the sort to slip up with the information she sought. She sighed inwardly at that. She didn't know what information she sought but she had come too far to just turn back. It had been a long time since Seheria felt out of her element but here she did. She felt the familiar tingle of a channeler in her midst and her heart rate increased. If she knew the channeler was here the woman would know she was here too.


Seheria fought off the urge to scan the crowd, if the woman didn't know who she was now, scanning would only point her out. How would she explain her presence out here? What if the woman thought she was a threat? Shivers ran up Seheria's back as she suddenly felt threatened. She was so used to going out in the world with all the confidence of an Aes Sedai, and she suddenly felt like coming here with so little to go on was possibly the stupidest thing she had done. This place was more dangerous for an Aes Sedai than Amadicia! She should have found one name, at least one known person would meet with her, but she had run off with nothing. She had put her life in danger by coming here on nothing, but her life would always be in danger. She needed all the knowledge and experience she could get to help her, and like a child she had run off unprepared. She never did things unprepared!


Slowly she moved on from where she was, looking for the channeler she felt, wracking her brain for what to say if they did meet. So much of her wanted to avoid the woman in case she recognized her, and another part of her wanted to meet the woman and get what ever was in store over with. If it was her time to die it was her time, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that. She turned a corner and saw the ageless face. Seheria dropped her gaze casually and tried to look interested in the trinkets if front of her while she waited.

  • 1 month later...

ooc sorry it failed too allert me about the response


Cemarillinin's instincts told her the other were geting closer, she looked for some shop seeming open close by where she could get inside that might have a second door out based on the structures. She was heading towards one when her neckhairs and instincts told her that the other woman was close by and her gut told her she might been spoted. Casually stoping by a boot she walked around it too look at the different merchandises and thus leting her eyes scan the crowd, untill they rested on what seemed a younger woman. She couldnt see her well enough too make out if the woman had the agelessness of an Aes Sedai, but Cema knew if she had seen her and knew what she was, she would remember her more then other people here would. Because even if she had her hood up, the other would feel her channeling ability and probably looked closer for that reason thus noticing her ageless face. It was a risk she couldnt run, slowly walking around so she was with her side too the other, she positioned her hand. If things was as she heard about where she was going, this could be a scout, in which case there may not be anything too worry about, but if it was a wilder or a young Aes Sedai, she would have too deal with her.


Cema wasnt one for taking risks, and while she had her excuse, this was not on the way she should be taking for scouting, it was a bit off the most logical route. She waited too give the other time too see and posible recognise the sign, if they were from her side she would still have to descide whether to engage with the person and see if there was info too be had, or too just leave. She scouted for a sign out of the corner of her eye, that could tell her what her next move or consideration would need too be.

  • 3 weeks later...

OOC: Seheria has been AS for about 6 decades, but she just recently became black. She would the ageless face. Sorry I didn't make that clear.




Seheria kept her face casual as the other Sister moved closer. She knew the woman knew what she was, at least what she was on the surface. Another Aes Sedai. Seheria hoped the other woman would be the first to engage, there was no way around talking to the woman now, but as long as she waited the other woman just matched her own charade of looking at the items on the table.


She wasn't very practiced at the signs, but it was the easiest way to tell if she was of the same secret ajah or not. It flickered through her mind to not find out. Even if the woman was a Black, there was no guarantee she would take well to being pointed out in such a public way. She knew how she would feel if someone she didn't know pointed her out, in a crowd or alone, but she had to know. She couldn't learn if no one would teach her. Finally Seheria broke the silence by signaling a simple sign that merely meant that she was a friend. If the other Aes Sedai was a black she would know the sign, but it wouldn't say too much. Nothing that Seheria couldn't wiggle out of if she had too. It would let the woman know she wasn't a threat. Perhaps the woman would walk away, not knowing the sign, or pretending not to know, but Seheria had to try. She had to try to trust another. Trust was not something that came easily to her, but was capable of anything if she needed to be.


~Seheria Mori

Aes Sedai

  • 1 month later...

ooc edited my post, and sorry something is up with my daily digest for a while, but it seems too hopefully now be working *crosses fingers*


Cema sat down the figure she was holding, she glanced too the side and saw a signal, not one that made sence too the other answering as such, but one that would be a darkfriend one if that was intentional. As the signal folded away she made another of her own too make sure she read it rigth, and it wasnt just something that had resembled what she thougth she had seen, one could not be too carefull.


The hairs on her neck prickled at the whole situation, she taped her lip and took up a coin too pay for a trinket from the stall as she pondered her next move. Contact had been made, now what too do, she sighed inwardly, there was but one thing too do. Cema signaled the handmotion for follow, and started moving. If the other was a dreadlady she may be having information helpfull, so she could know better which direction too take entering the gate too the blight, silly name made up by someone obviously lacking imagination she mussed as she took a right into another less crowded street. However as her thougths trailed back, stoping too aparent checking her shoe too see if the other was coming behind somewhere, if it was not then she needed too figure out who, a darkfriend channeler, or an Aes Sedai, either way regardless of which option, though especially the last, it needed too be dealt with.


The fact that a truce been let out for all channelers and atempting downward in ranks just because a nae'blis had been chosen didnt mean much just yet too her, too many years of infigthing even in the dark had her vary of trusting even another of her kin. She could but hope her old years with experience would give her the upper hand if it against odds came too blows, though she much prefered too avoid bloody messes, always had. She sidesteped into an alley, walking more slowly using saidar too increase her hearing looking for a hiding place too walk into, an empty house with the people in the market or the like. Cema had no reservations against breaking in if nesicary, locks were easy enough too pick if need be, and by now she changed her apperance while moving through shadows, a little at the time.


She found one just before having too turn into another alley, aparently loosing her trinket, she bendt down and got a quick look around too make sure no one was watching as she slowly opened the door with flows of air, she sliped inside, sat down by the kitchen table and faced the door, waiting for the other, already holding onto the one power quite well, nothing else would be expected in such a meeting.


Seheria watched out of the corner of her eye as the woman beside her flashed a response. It couldn't have been coincidence, it had to have been a proper signal back. The woman told Seheria to follow her as she paid the merchant and began to walk away. Seheria looked at few more items on the table in front of her, to give the other woman some distance. She found a trinket she could live with having and she paid the man on the other side of the table.


Seheria pocketed her purchase and strode away in the direction the other woman had gone. She couldn't really see her but she had watched the woman long enough to know where to go and she knew she was close enough to catch up. Sure enough she spotted the other woman on the far side of the market and Seheria made her way over. She fanned an interest in a few tables as she walked by them, trying to make sure she didn't look like she was on the mission of following someone, but she hurried along enough to keep the other woman from waiting.


The thought of a trap crossed her mind breifly but she pushed it away. Yes this woman could be leading her off to kill her, but the chances seemed slim. If she hadn't signaled back then Seheria would have no idea that the woman knew anything of the woman's true allegiance. Still it would have been odd to see another Sister this far out, just shopping in a market, but it was no reason for the woman to worry. Who would Seheria have reported her too? And what would she report, that she had seen another Sister in a borderland town? Information hardly worth killing her over. No, if the other woman didn't want Seheria to know anything she would have just ignored her. Black Ajah don't just get found out, they let themselves be known, and this woman came and stood right beside her, signaled to her that she understood and signaled back. It seemed too much effort on the other woman's part just to kill her, unless the woman got her kicks from that. Some did. Still it was Seheria's only option if she wanted to find out anything here.


She saw the other woman duck into an abandoned house and carefully she followed her in. Every inch of her begged to grab the source, to be able to defend herself, but that would only cause the other Aes Sedai to embrace as well and get defensive. Seheria had made contact, she had the upper hand. Now it was just a matter of how long she could hold that upper hand before the woman discovered that Seheria was bluffing and was completely at the other's mercy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Cema had checked her reflection in a spoon on the table and was satisfied that it gave enough of a different apreance that she shouldnt be recognized, sometimes simpler was better then major weaves. As the other woman entered without holding the source, Cema let go but kept herself open, she felt confident after all these years in her skill to grab the source quickly enough and slam up a protective shield around herself.


She was getting more decisive as well that she made the right descision, the town on her way too the borderlands was for stocking up, but with what all the rumors of everything going on, the white tower winning back one country and then aparently two others being lost, which was what she needed too confirm even if the shadow intelligence on it was clear enough.


She waited till the door was closed "so which base do you hold?" she wasnt much for chit chat, and geting the important questions out there especialy if the abruptness could surprise the other, may give her the upper hand. But most of all in this situation too what she should do, it could have a lot too say if this was a dreadlady, one of her sisters, or a darkfriend channeler who learned through other means, more importantly it could tell her something about skill levels she more likely might expect in the other woman.


Seheria stepped into the abandoned house and approached the woman. She held her head straight and kept her shoulders back, exuding power. The woman's blunt question caught her off guard, but Seheria didn't faulter.


"Where I am from is of no concern. What I am after would be a much better question to ask. Unfortunately the answer to that question is not very entertaining. Information. That is the answer to the question of what I am after. Information on what? Is that what you wish to know now? The answer to that is anything. I seek any and all information I can get, same as anyone else here."


She kept her tone casual, none threatning. The last thing she needed was for this woman to think she was a threat. But if the other woman was going to be blunt, Seheria could be blunt too. She hadn't thought about the chance that the woman may not be Aes Sedai before. She didn't see any sign that the woman was, she had just assumed. A dangerous assumption. This whole mission was a dangerous game and Seheria was almost out of cards to play.


Cema tilted her head slightly and looked at the woman, "aperances can be missleading, and I call the question rather relevant, so mayhaps you will want too try that again" she kept calm, her voice was also calm, she hadnt lived this long without gaining some experience in the game of conversation. Her tone was that of an elder talking too a younger, something she could lay of if focusing on it, but otherwise was a normal rutine and had been a long time, one she had earned well enough as it more often then not was the truth.


Seheria kept a straight face and studied the other woman. She had the look, stance and tone of an Aes Sedai. Seheria hadn't met any other channellers than Aes Sedai so she didn't know how they acted but she was almost certain this woman was one. The woman and returned to her original question, but Seheria would not lay down without a fight. "If you must know, I hail from the same place that you do." She almost said Sister, but held off. If the woman wasn't an Aes Sedai hopefully it would be enough to convince her that Seheria was the same as she was. It seemed an easy answer, hopefully it would be enough for the other woman, but Seheria doubted it.


Cema studied the other woman for a while silently, if she had had a cup of tea she would been sipping it, then finally she spoke. "It could be dangerous too make asumptions, I do not see why I shouldnt see someone who hailed from the same base as me as anything but trouble right now..." she let it hang in the air, though it did give her a slight headache, if all she heard was true she also was not sure what too do with the woman, and the last thing she wanted was too be draging around a prisoner. But the rashness could also be that of a dreadlady, they had another upbringing then Aes Sedai based on the few she met in her time, she didnt have a great taste for them. It should then not be hard too tell the difference soon enough if she had a battle on her hand rather then an exchange of wits, though granted there was a few foul sister too black or not.


"I want no trouble, and I mean you none. I came for information and I told you as much. You know me for what I am, as I know you for what you are. I have no reason to cause you trouble, that I know of. When I made myself known to you it was simply in the hopes that you had information I would have interest in. I walked into the danger of contacting you; you could mean trouble for me just as easily as I could mean trouble for you. I want no more trouble than you do. At least in this contact we know what we face." It wasn't completely true, she still wasn't sure if this woman was Aes Sedai, let alone who she worked for, what her mission was. Being Black tied them together, but that was a loose alliance in itself.


She had a made bold choice to do as she had, and it could still mean her death. She was losing her grip on the upper hand, but she knew she never truly had it to begin with. It was only a matter of time before the other woman learned the truth. Perhaps it could work for Seheria. If the other woman knew she was in control perhaps she would not think Seheria a threat and not be as hard on her as she otherwise would be.


Cema taped her finger against the table "so tower trained it is then?!" she looked the other woman up and down, it wasnt as much a real question as rethorical, she was thinking a young one, too well trained in conversing for it too be something else. "How many years you been raised girl" she raised an eyebrow as she looked at her. She couldnt say she recognised her, and somehow her instincts told her this one had not hid who she was, and while Cema been out of the tower some in her years as well, not so much that she didnt know somewhat off anyone of older age.


If it was true that she sougth information she was here for the same reason Cema was, the question was now what too do, she most certainly couldnt let her go as was right now, the woman was too inexperienced too chance that, she would not risk her cover on a youngly child barely out of her mothers skirts after so long. However she never been much for killing, and if the late info of sancity was true it hardly was the time for it, nor the place so close too the gate. She sighed inwardly, there was another option, but she didnt know how she liked the thougth of draging around on a younger sister needing training, not sure if she wanted too take on the responsibility. Yet Cema knew the choices was few, she had not the resources in this region too hold a captive and the trouble of subduing her, she knew there really wasnt much of an option for now, not with how she came down weighing the risks and benefits of the different outcomes. However from there too saying so was something else, and leting the youngling sweat a bit did no harm, she needed training in keeping her cool especially where they were going, time too test how much she learned in the tower and what needed working on.


Seheria felt relief rush through her body when the woman mentioned the tower. At least that was something she wouldn't have to pretend. Seheria hated pretending and beating around the bush. She would have to start being more subtle now that she was black, but she had many more years of being to the point and not overly caring about sugar coating. She had come too far into this conversation without trying to hide, it was too late to turn back, but she would have to find a way to balance her impatience with her subtly and mysterious side more, for her own safety.


When the woman asked about how long she had been raised Seheria simply said, "I've been Aes Sedai enough years now to not bother counting anymore." She knew the woman hadn't meant how many years she had been Aes Sedai, but Seheria wasn't about to just offer up the fact that she been only been black long enough to walk out to the borderlands. If the woman wanted more, she would ask again, though Seheria was sure by now the answer was obvious, who else would travel out to the borderlands and approach a channeling woman with out real reason?

  • 2 weeks later...

She sighed inwardly, "rigth, I guess you are coming with me then girl"


She looked her up and down, "asumable your dry enough behind the ears by now that you are capable of conjuring up an illusion", she observed the other woman a but more. "And make sure that ring of your is tucked away nicely after being put an illusion of its own on it, as something of little value, just make sure its safe enough you dont loose it easily"


She stood up, went towards the door, turned her head and looked over her shoulder "and keep your head low, and mouth shut unless otherwise indicated, and you may yet learn too survive long enough too make it through till the next season". She wondered whomever was in charge of recruiting this one or who was in her heart that couldnt catch that the woman needed guidance for all their sakes.


It took all she had but Seheria didn't glare at the woman, not even when she turned away. Truthfully she wasn't angry with the woman she was angry with herself. She had more experience and more sense than she had shown. Her years of traveling the world hadn't been so easy. She should have approached this differently. Why hadn't she? Its not like she didn't have it in her. It wouldn't have been the first time she walked such dangerous rope, and she had made it through extraordinary things, with just as much risk of having her caught as this.


While she did need to learn more, she didn't need to act like the fool she had. This woman took pity on her, but others wouldn't, and now their relationship was set. In the other woman's eyes Seheria was a headstrong child who needed minding, and while that may have been true it only made Seheria push against it more. The only thing that kept her quiet and accepting of her place was the fact that she really didn't know enough to get by in the borderlands. That and the little bit of hope that she could still come out on top. If the woman had thought she was useless enough to have waltzed into the borderlands flaunting her Great Serpent ring, perhaps the woman would give her more guidance than she would have if she thought Seheria knew better. She could what she wanted, she would just have to let the woman think she was more of a fool than she was. Her pride would be hard to push down, but if she could convince herself it was all going to plan then perhaps she really could still come out of this journey on top.


Seheria followed the other woman, trying to find the right balance of humility and pride. She now had a story to keep to and appearances to keep up.


Cema was content, the other woman seemed too contain herself, at least it was a good sign, young Aes Sedai often were too full of themself, and had issues swallowing their pride, what chategorised as young in her mind may not be agreeable by such as the women behind her, but once you got as old as Cema was most of the rest were too be considered young.


She only stoped by the in too collect her things quietly, and then went off on the road, she did not feel the need too alter back her look too keep her room and not be taken for someone else by the inns people. Once they were well out of earshot of the city and the traffic was slowing down so they were alone, she trailed off the road. "Rigth, we will be keeping off the road from now, avoid attention, i got maps with me and we will be following those. But the road will be no place for young ladies when we near the borderlands, and using the power would be counter productive."


That and frankly age made her vary of trusting much of what she heard, rumors could spin things out of context, and some of it sounded entirely too unlikely.

But better safe then sorry, "We will be needing names and you can call me Adelle. You can work on a background story as we set up camp later, but elemental rules in this game, is have some believable easy too remember identities too draw from, and dont spin them too big so you get them mixed up, less is more."


She dug out some bread and dry meat from her sadle bag and handed some too the other woman.

  • 2 weeks later...

Seheria walked in silence with the other woman, though she held her head up and did not act as defeated as she felt, or as small as she was supposed to be pretending to be. Of course sulking around too much would draw attention and she needed to find the balance of looking the part and not drawing attention by the show. She could do it, and she would, if only to prove to that woman that she wasn't as simple as she thought.


As she waited for the woman to return from her room at the inn Seheria wrestled with her thoughts. She could still walk away; keep her freedom to make her own decisions and not be this woman's toy. But she would learn more if she stayed. If she walked away she would be alone in the borderlands with no hint of where to safely turn for answers to the questions she didn't really have to begin with. If she stayed with this Aes Sedai, she would learn some of what the woman knew, and more importantly, who else the woman knew. She had a lead now, even if she had come across it poorly.


When the woman returned Seheria picked up behind her again, as if they were two friends casually walking through the city and out of it. They made their way further off the road and the woman finally began to speak of her plans.


"You may call me Lian. It's not the first name I've gone by." she almost spat it, but she kept her wits about her and the tone showed no hit of the disdain she felt. "I would like to know where we are headed and what we are after. It will be easier to come up with a suitable story if I know the setting we're headed to. If you have a story for yourself, I could work off of it to explain why I've come along."


Seheria accepted the offering off food with an forced smile. She hadn't really thought on it but she took the first bite she realized she had been hungry.

  • 2 weeks later...

Cema smiled, "In the shadow you dont need too know eachother too be working together, or need a backstory too explain going somewhere together." She looked at the younger woman "an order can come from above and you follow it, further unless you run into someone with higher ranking, its none of their buisnis too question details about your orders. Thus again less is more, your a channeler, in general towards the top of the food chain, which means there wont be often you should need too explain yourself in detail, so dont fall into the trap of doing so"


She looked around and trailed off too the left, finding what was her planed for first camp site, evening would be coming, and as was they would be in the border area of the overtaken territory, she had no desire too ride into it as ligth got darker, not knowing what too stumble upon. While she had no worry about dealing with shadowspawn, there was no reason too go runing into them and needing too, and therefor cause attention, being causinous payed out. As was her reasoning was if half what she heard was true there would not just be trollocs arounds, and while old enough she could handle herself around a fade, she prefered too not having too deal with the creapy creatures.


"Cold camp, we dont want too attract shadowspawn" she set up a ward too keep the sound inside the camp area. "And in case of doubt, dont doubt you will know when you run into someone with cause too question you, so if in doubt, keep quiet." She brushed the worse of the horse, and gave it some food. "Keep the sadle on, we may be departing soon enough if the need is there, dont expect too sleep, keep your eyes open" The time was beyond questionging the wiseness of bringing her companion, now she had too trust in her as much as was needed "and when on a mission know when too put your differences aside untill after the goal is completed" She turned and looked firmly at the younger woman "squabling inside a team can risk the mission and put you more at risk then any enemy you may be up against can".


She teathered her horse, then walked over too the younger woman "not all may say so, but it kept me alive as a tumb rule for longer then many of those who would say different." She reached her hand out "while i would have prefered too not have this disruption happen, it have, the wheel weaves as the wheel will, and this is merely a mission for information, so keep your head pulled in, and untill its over you have my word on the service too the dark one, there will not be an issue on my side...what happens after, we can deal with after" Her eyes were uncompromising, she had taken a risk, but there were limits too how far she was willing too cary it, unlike many in the shadow Cema was not a killer where preventable, though if push came too shove neither did she hesitate too do what was nesicary, her old age was attestment too that, though that was something the younger woman infront of her didnt know about due too the disquise, she only had 'Adelles' word for there being an age too talk about.


As Seheria listened to the woman speak she realized that there was a lot less different now than she had assumed. For over six decades she had been Aes Sedai, highest in the world short of the the Sisters in power around the Tower, and even most of those she still thought she should be higher than, and sometimes acted as if she was, even if she knew she pushed her luck.


Of course then, she never thought death would be an option for stepping out of place. But why did death scare her now? She had lived long, but wanted to go out with something worth her station left behind. She didn't want to die only be remembered as a fool. Still that was something to work out another time.


She had already learned one thing from this woman, if it wasn't what she had asked to learn. Aes Sedai were as high up in the food chain of the Shadow as they were in the light. She could stop tiptoeing so much.


So the woman wasn't going to tell her where they were going, or who she was meeting. Could she still plan on leaving Seheria behind? It would be a good place to leave her, in the middle of a wood by herself. Seheria knew she would find her way out, but she may not find her way back to her new companion, or to the information that lay waiting with the woman's contact. She would definitely sleep with one eye open tonight. There was no way she would wake in the morning to an empty camp.


Seheria finished her own food and followed the other woman's lead in tending to her own horse. "One mission at a time. I have no grudge, and I hope you truly mean you have none with me. When I said that I meant you no harm I meant it, and trust me, I have no intention to follow you about for the rest of my days. I will get what I need and I will leave you, in peace. If we meet again, we'll deal with the circumstances at that point. The wheel does weave as it wills." Seheria never was good with small talk. She got her own sleeping arrangements set and prepared to settle in for the night.

  • 1 month later...

T'an watched the two legged from the hill above, they were coming from the other side, the one where she and her kin did not go unless told so. Tonigth she was alone though, well as alone as could be it was not far till the closest encampment of the beasts who were half two legged, but they werent her kin. She was merely scouting though, and this was what she been told, there was too little missions, and too much of this, there was no hunting on these walks.


It had been much of this the last couple seasons, but the two legged were busy, she minded not the ones not here properly or the ordinary two legged, nut some of them were not like the rest, and those she prefered not too deal with. She went down towards the camp, as she steped across a small stream her sences tingled, and she let out a growl before she could stop herself, then backed away and ran of in a half circle around the camp before circling back towards camp, then stoping, it was no use geting the beasts, not for this type of issue.




Cema jolted awake, she grabed the power and nudged her traveling mate in the site, then as she gained eyesigth signaled silence with hand language. She went over too the fire as if she just woke up and was puting on tea, her hairs was tingeling in the back of her neck, she waited too be joined by the fire. "Something broke the line, but only once, I sugest you go too take a leak and see if you can find what" she signaled the direction with her eyes "do a circle, and shield yourself, this is where it would been handy if you had brougth some hands, though it may just be a large animal".


ooc go ahead and find a rock if you want with a print or some such, T'an is a darkhound

Posted (edited)

Seheria wasn't sure how long she had dozed off for but she let out a groan when she was quite rudely awoken. It wasn't loud, and she would have complained more if it wasn't for her aching muscles reminding her she had spend the night on the ground. As she sat up and rubbed her eyes, still half asleep, she saw the unfamiliar woman wave a hand at her. Silence. The sign was the first thing she recognized, and it threw everything back to her. In an instant she was on high alert. Thank the Great Lord the one who found me taught me these bloody signs before she ran off. She didn't teach me much else, but they have gotten me far, and will hopefully take me a great deal further. Now was not the time for idle thoughts though. The woman she was with, Adelle, well, it wasn't her true name, but the only one Seheria had received, had seemed quite on edge and Seheria needed to find out why. She watched the other woman go calmly about her tasks to start the day and so she followed suit. She didn't waste time, but she didn't run straight over in her night dress either. Seheria may keep people waiting just to gain the upper hand, but to this woman she was Lian. Simple and subservient.


Adelle had tea started when Seheria did get to the fire but before she could take a cup the woman spoke, "Something broke the line, but only once, I suggest you go too take a leak and see if you can find what" Seheria just caught the shift in the woman's eye, but it was clear as day what she meant, "do a circle, and shield yourself, this is where it would been handy if you had brougth some hands, though it may just be a large animal".


The woman was obviously hinting at something, she wouldn't be this on guard at the chance there was a stray horse, would she? The first thought that sprung to her mind was a Trolloc, but Trollocs weren't known for their stealth and so Seheria tried to dismiss it, but if it wasn't a Trolloc, that would could it be?


She nodded at the woman called Adelle. If only she hadn't come out so much the weaker of the two, she would have told the woman to look for herself if she was so scared! But she had taken on the role of the sheep, she would let the shepard herd her. Plus this would give her a chance to show the woman she wasn't quiet as useless as she thought. As long as she found something. She wasn't a true tracker, she was a healer, usually the things she dealt with came to her or were easily enough found. But she had been out on her own before, and she wasn't stupid. If something came near them it would have left some trace.


Seheria smiled at the woman as sweetly, "I'll have a look around while you finish with breakfast. Though not too many things will come close to people and fire, we have both here. Since we're still alive, I assume whatever it was came and went and is long gone. Still, if it will put you at ease, I'll try to find out what it was."


She set off walking and looking for signs that something had been there. She hoped the woman didn't think she was trying to be sassy. She was playing dumb, that was her plan now. Play dumb to let the woman offer up the answers to questions Seherai didn't know she should be asking. There were the multitude of other reasons something would follow them and leave them alive. But perhaps there were reasons more than Seheria even imagined. Perhaps the woman wouldn't bite, but even so, if whatever had come too close was still lurking around, Seheria didn't want it know that she expected it. Still, she hope it truly was long gone.


Nothing.Seheria thought as she walked where Adelle had motioned. Could she have imagined it? But then why send me out.Seheria stopped. That woman! Was this her way of getting rid of me? Send me out in the morning on a wild goose chase and then pack up and leave? Her horse is ready to go. Seheria listened for a moment. She didn't hear the horse's hoofs, and she wasn't far enough away to miss them. Even as slowly and quietly as she could, Seheria would have heard the hooves on the ground in this silence. She carried on looking for the beast that had her out here. This is pointless. There a broken sticks all over, but they were in the woods. Nothing had come through here. But I can't go back with nothing. She sent me out after a large animal. If I can't find evidence of that how useless will she think I am?


Seheria pushed a branch out of her way and stepped past it. She stopped and stared in disbelief. She saw a large chunk of stone, with what looked to be a paw print stuck down into it. There was only one thing she could think of that could have done that, a darkhound. But how long ago had that happened? Was it what broke the line or had been there a while. Seheria studied it more closely and walked on a ways to see if she could find more prints and see where they lead. When she was convinced it had to be recent she made her way back to the camp.


With her guard up and being on higher alert, she scanned as far as she could see trying to find the beast, but she was more concerned with getting back to the camp. She couldn't go out after it. Was she even supposed to be against it? Darkhounds are minions of the Dark One. It had been instinct to think of them as the enemy. But she was a minion of the Great Lord of the Dark now herself. So did that mean that darkhounds were no longer a threat? Is that why it didn't hurt her companion and herself? Or had that simply been luck? There was far too much that she still didn't know about who she was now. How much of that could she truly let Adelle see?


When she made it back to the fire she poured herself a cup of tea. As she reached out for the cup she signaled Darkhound. "I didn't find much. A few things to say that something was alive and near us, but it looks like whatever it was is long gone." As her cup was filled and she turned back toward the other woman she darted her eyes in the direction she believed the creature had left, hoping the woman would catch it. Why she didn't just say it all she wasn't sure. Could the beast even understand her if it could hear her? Well, if she was trying to keep the woman thinking she didn't know a thing, she was off to a good start. It was supposed to be a just a cover, and Seheria wished it was only a cover. She hated not knowing what she felt she should know.

Edited by Kathleen
  • 2 weeks later...

Cema nodded "well if you found that you would found proof of other things if there were, so at least presumable nothing too close by, and the horses are calm, so it cant be trollocs nearby"


She setled down with a cup of tea, and broke some bread sharing it with the woman, darkhounds were serious hunters by those she run into and talked too which would know them more, she even seen some in the distance when in the fortress, if it was hunting them they would already been in a multitude of issues, so she relaxed.


"They generally hunt in packs, and I dont forsee there should be anything of imporance enough too send a team after this close too things if what rumors say is even remotely true" she dug inside her bag and found a small jar of honey, added some too her own tea and offered it too the other woman, they would need their energy, and for now was dependant on eachother as long as they stayed together, she had made clear where things stood, time too use some suggar, besides who knew the woman may have potential if instructed some.


"It does strongly indicate that there is a valid source behind rumors and not just fog someone mistook for smoke, and as such may be a sign we are about too cross over into shadow run territory, in which case I do hope you got a well trained horse, because if only a minority of some of the things I heard are true..." she let it hang a second "..well the last thing we need is a nervous horse too deal with"


She consulted her map, "there are a small village, more a collection of houses not too far off, I sugest we stop by there all consider, it may be worth the risk too gain some more info" She looked over at the sadlebags of the other woman, it really shouldnt be nesicary but could she run the risk, she sighed as she acknowledged she could.


"I presume you are familiar with the weave needed too conseal an object as another, make sure any.." she looked up from over her cup "item which can in any way affiliate you with your background is consealed with tied of weaves, there may be times where we are going it may be simpler too allow a look into ones bags then take a stand over principles, so make sure it wont be seemingly of value either"


Cema observed the woman out of the corner of her eye, sometimes she wondered if her life been different, if she had maintained her marriage longer, would she been able too instruct her own daugthers like this maybe, the regretfull events of her youth centuries ago was something she long since made peace with, but in some cases like this she couldnt help but remember what had turned her too the shadow in the first place.


Seheria took the bread from her new comrade and tried to eat as slowly and poised as she could. She had started noticing the hunger while she was off looking for the beast that had disturbed their camp in the night. She hid it well, but she wanted to just stuff the food into her mouth. She had spent a lot time out of the tower and on the road, but most of that time she held up at inns and the only time she stayed on the ground was when she absolutely had to. She didn't like living like a savage, but she could if she had to.


She picked at the food as the other woman spoke. Rumors? Seheria didn't say anything, perhaps the woman would explain. The woman held the honey out to her, and Seheria took it. She normally drank her tea without any, but she saw it for the gesture that it was. Even that was almost enough to put the honey off to the side, she couldn't be sweetened up and she certainly didn't want things sugar coated. Seheria was never one for sugar coating or sympathy. Lian was though, and it was only that thought that made her add the honey to her tea. It left an unpleasant taste in her mouth as it went down, but Seheria swallowed it just the same.


"If you think we can gain useful enough information in the village I have no problem in taking the risk. No one will find anything of interest in what I carry and my horse was trained by the best I could come by. It should be able to walk into almost anything and walk out with a rider in tact. If not, the trainers had better hope I don't make it out either." Seheria let out a gentle laugh. "While we make our way to the village, perhaps you could share the version of rumors you've heard?" She hoped she wasn't being too forward, but the worst the woman could say is no. Seheria finished her bread and took the last sip of her tea, just holding off from sneering as the sweetness stuck on her tongue.

  • 2 weeks later...

Cema was about too answer, figuring the more the woman knew the safer it was, well as much as she would allow too be known when the horses both sudenly snorted.

She frowned, "nothi.." she stoped as she felt the perimiter being breached, and stood up already having a weave forming in her hand as she turned too the direction it was breached and started scaning, she also put up a shield around the imidate area of the fire.


"Enough of this, get ready, what is rumored is the shadow is making its way more firmly into the mainland, and we have company again"



T'an had made a descision, it was too far off to the next circle and something about it all had bothered her, her instincts made her neckhair crawl the more she had considered the situation, so she headed back, she was fairly resistant and experienced enough too hold her own against a couple two legged if she just kept some of her distance.


She circled in on the camp from a different angle, closing up as a ghust of wind came from behind her changing the direction of the air for a moment on her, she could hear the fourlegged move, and set up the pace closing the gap of the camp, stoping just short of it, and moving in circling so the airmovement again was in her favor, what she saw when she crawled in on the camp told her she was rigth.


It was then a matter of what to do, she reconsidered the landscape and the best aproach of fleeing should it be nesicary, she knew this kind, the issue was whom they served, they were dangerous if not servants of her own master, but would have no reason too harm her if they were, unlike some of her kin she was among those in her pack which had had closer encounter enough times in the big mass in the landscape made by their kind in all likelyhood once, back in the bligth, but not all went there, all in all a lot she could do without but on the other hand if you knew how too behave they would leave you alone, her kin was valuable enough in their own way too be left alone as was as long as there was no conflicts.


She descided the landscape was in her favor, raised her head a little so she could see over the bushes and growled, waiting untill they looked her way, every muscle in her body ready too jump at the sligthest sign of any movement from their direction indicating the powers they had being at use.



Cema turned her head, and looked into the glowing orbs, in the bushes there was no way too see the contour of the whole beast, but it may be just as well, she only seen them from a distance before, and had always been unsure if she ever wanted too be up close too one. Her voice was cool but wraped in weaves too carry somewhat into the sorounding area without going too far as she spoke "Anyone else here?" no further breack of her ward indicated they either wasnt going too come forth or there was no one in the imidate area, she let the weave in her hands disolve.


"Well then, I sugest we continue our breakfast, I am not about too turn back needlessly, so lets just keep an eye on it and see what it descides too do, seeing as there is no one here we can actually effectively communicate with" She backed slowly down too the fire and sat down, keeping a hold of the power and readying a weave of water too hopefully sink into the ground if it should become nesicary too slow the thing down. Cema picked up her cup which was now empty yet whole, and refilled it never leting her eyes of the beast.


"As is it seems too be only this here, nothing else has breached the perimiter, so either if it have collected help they are staying outside it, or it is alone patrolling..."


She left it hanging in the air too see if her travel companion may have any comments

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