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Posts posted by johnnysd

  1. On 4/25/2019 at 1:14 AM, DragonFairy said:

    This is how I always imagined them handling the use of the OP. And with CGI, I think it can be done well. I've always envisioned it like ribbons of light, a different color for each part of the OP, being actually woven in different patterns for different weaves.


    Yes, learning the truth caused many of the Aiel to go crazy, like Sevanna's first lover, and many others to totally abandon the Aiel way of life (forget what they call it). And I think they need to show the Emonds Fielders' each having a couple stops along their way to Baerlon and Tar Valon, to give us a good sense of how long of a journey it is.



    Well, if they're gonna have "pillow friends out the wazoo", they'll have nudity. It's unfortunate that they will have to pander to the PC crowd and it really is a sad commentary on modern society that we can't enjoy a tv show/movie without nudity. But I think they need to choose the scenes carefully. Like it's one thing to see Aviendha running off nude to Rhuidean, but not dignified Moiraine. Just showing her bare shoulders will be enough to know that she too, has to go nude.

    I will be very upset if they mix in real world cursing with WoT style cursing. It is a big part of RJ's world building and helps to set it apart as alternative world. (I believe "bloody" is actually a curse word in the UK.)



    Not saying I agree with polygamy, but if you can have homosexuality, why not polygamy? Besides the fact that it is totally accepted in Aiel culture. But I think they can do as independent trysts, with Min being the one he finally stays with. I don't think they should cut any of the 3 relationships because they are important in the development of the characters, and where Elayne is concerned, Rand's feelings for her impact his decision in dealing with Rahvin because he knows if he allows his feelings for her to become public, she will become a target. (Personally, I would really like to keep Elayne's pregnancy because there was a lot about it I found amusing.) I would really miss the scene when they all bond Rand and become fully aware of his love for them. I thought it was a beautiful scene, but I know we can't have it all.


    The use of the Bowl of Winds is what finally checked the Dark One's control of the weather. It was a major victory for the Aes Sedai and Wind Finders, so I think it needs to stay in.

    Shadar Logoth and it's consequences (Mat accepting the dagger) is already pretty important, I think. Fain will probably be important for the first season or so, but then I say kill him off.


    I hope they don't sacrifice the development of the main characters for the sake of time or big action/battle scenes. The growth of our main characters and their friendship bonds are one of the things that sets WoT apart from most other fantasy books I've read. It's actually what I love so much about Harry Potter and why I can watch those movies over and over and have read the books twice. I just fell in love the with the characters and their devotion to each other.



    I agree with most of what you wrote. Personally I would keep all cursing as it is in the books, but they will likely test that and see if it works when filmed. Pretty sure I read pillow friends are confirmed so that could be a big element and nudity. I dont need it one way or the other, I would just be surprised if they go the TV-14 direction with this, but some recent Neflix shows have been successful this way such as Sabrina but maybe they do. Suspect the temptation to be more adult because of GOT will be very high though.


    I thought Rafe had already said the polygamy was out but maybe separate relationships.


    My guess is they will cast much like GOT with mostly young and lesser know character actors, but cast a star in the main role. I know Charlize Theron very much wanted to be in GOT so I could see someone like her as Moiraine. I suspect hers is first casting we learn about since she is "lead" for season 1

  2. 5 hours ago, Ji'e'toh said:

    as I reread the series I'm concerned about how the producers can implement the magic/one power within the series, GoT works because magic is kept in the background. it's there it's important but it's not in your face(exception: Night King & minions & Dragons) I'm not sure the non-science fantasy reading general public would accept overly magical TV which is the audience Amazon will need to win over to make this the next Game of Thrones 

    Dont really agree with. Some of the magic scenes in GOT are also among the favorite scenes, and the dragons are hugely popular which is pure fantasy. People will accept magic fine as long as the presentation makes it organic and believable. That is possible with Wheel of Time, whereas most magic is poorly written and comes off as silly. TEOTW is very strong source material so I think it will be presented fine, and let's not forget it is their most anticipated show. The popularity of the books is huge.

  3. My guess is that the WOT will have nudity (possibly quite a lot depending on how they handle pillow friends and the White Tower), and some sexual situations but it wont be in a very graphic way like GOT, but I cant imagine there not being nudity and sex. I think WOT will be solidly TV-MA but not as hard as GOT. Cursing will be the interesting thing, I suspect they will have some real cursing mixed in with the WOT style cursing. Wouldnt be surprised with a Graendal "orgy" scene that is pretty explicit for shock value.


    I think the travelling people need to stay it's so important to the overall arc.


    To be honest, much of Perrins arc can be just excised without really any loss, especially the endless Faile kidnapping thing. 


    I dont see them keeping the polygamy as is though. Not sure that would work.


    To be honest, I am not so sure that the story doesn't get changed quite a bit right around the Lanfear/Moiraine fight. I could see them changing that entire Arc. And Taim should be corrected back as originally intended.


    Bowl of the Winds? Not sure that adds a lot either. Shadar Logoth may be emphasized more. Fain may be more front and center.

  4. 3 hours ago, What's a Seawolf? said:

    Going to copy something I wrote a couple years ago regarding the transition to a TV series:


    Toughest part about trying to discuss the potential TV series is balancing what I personally want to see (a very close adaption with corresponding huge budgets to accommodate everything) vs what actually has a chance to happen.


    For example, some combination of Nyn, Egwene, Min, Siuan etc can be cut or combined.


    But to me, that would lose so much of the WoT feel.


    First and foremost I want the characters and their relationships to be carried across to the TV screen.  It's what made WoT so engaging and long lasting.  We knew how the characters thought, what made them tick, and how they related to each other.


    I'd keep all the major characters (let's call them the EotW crew plus Siuan and a few others.)  Maybe diminished roles, but have them.


    The big decision (and this is all just a random splattering of thoughts right now) is what to do with the Seanchan and Aiel.  Seanchan first.  For budgetary and story conciseness, do you want to have just one big bad (all manner of DO forces) or do you want to mix in the Seanchan?


    The Aiel have similar considerations.  Huge new culture, requiring a ton of additional actors.  Is it worth keeping them in?


    As readers, the obvious answer is YES.  But I can see how each would be left on the cutting room floor due to budget or story condensing.


    Personally, I hope the approach is not to cut characters and peoples but storylines.


    Stick to four main storylines, each spreading out as seasons continue.  Rand, Mat, Perrin and Aes Sedai.


    What the the BIG events? (i.e season finale's)


    Battle in the Blight/Eye of the World visit (probably need to bulk up.  I can also see this being completely changed to a new, more 'massive' TVish ending.)

    Battle at Falme

    Battle of Emond's Field

    Battle of Caemelyn (FoH)

    Dumai's Wells


    Rand's TGS realization and nearly destroying the Seanchan/WT battle


    Some new storyline's will be undoubetdly worked in, but take those and build all storyline's towards them.  (Yes I stopped at TGS, but I figure after that it's just one season that's basically the Last Battle.)


    Season 1:  EotW

    -Major priority: Establishing the characters, relationships and world (Dream sequences are huge, as are developing compelling villians.  Ishy yes, but if those two forsaken are going to be the big battle at the end, they need development or forshadowing as well.)


    Season 2: TGH, with maybe some TDR thrown in

    -Major priority: Further character growth, splitting of the team, Rand coming to abilities.  World building.


    I'm not going to go season by season because I haven't put much thought into this, but the main point is that I hope the writers etc. build off of and towards main events instead of just cutting characters.  For example, the cleansing being a big event means you have to focus on the Madness of male Aes Sedai, which means some form of Asha'man and the effects the madness has.


    Bowl of Winds storyline and most supergirl adventures?  Cut the former, and alter the latter to fit whatever major events you chose and the new storylines to build towards them.


    As much as I hate to say it, it would not be a bad idea to leave Thom actually dead after the confrontation in tEotW.  Moraine as well after FoH.  Snakes and Foxes are AWESOME, and I'd leave them in, but maybe think of another reason for Mat to go back, or have it just be Moraine parting some knowledge in Finnland before dying.  (She doesn't do much in the Last Battle anyway.)


    Thinking through the big events, Fain is not very relevant.  He can easily be killed off early or not be in at all, and anything major he does be given to someone else.


    One of the reasons to possibly cut the Seanchan is to give more development time to the Forsaken, who in theory are going to be the main villains.  (Can you imagine if the show creators can successfully translate the 'Where in the world is Demandred' we all went through to numerous forsaken over the course of the series?  Would make for great intrigue amongst viewers I believe.)


    I'm going to stop now, since I could probably go on for about 10 pages.  I don't even know if any of that made any sense.  Forgive the misspelling of names, been a long time since I've reread the series.


    I guess the main point is don't cut characters just because there are too many, work the important ones into the storylines, even if it means changing a bunch.  Just try to keep the personalities in tact.


    Really not agreeing with much of this to be honest. In my view, WOT is not about battles. There certainly are some key battles, but the focus is really on the progression and change of the characters. The Aiel are in many ways the core of the books, really impossible to take them out. I think the core main players will stay but I think the most vulnerable actually might actually be Elayne and Morgase.  And I suspect large chunks of Perrins and Faile's story gets seriously truncated.  I would expect more of the Black Ajah, Cadsuane earlier, and much less political hopping about. Taim will be Demandred. I think Lanfears and Moiranes story gets changed a lot. And the Forsaken get more screen time.

  5. 6 hours ago, Werthead said:





    We know now from RJ's notes that yes, Taim was Demandred and, yes, it was changed because the fans figured it out. So that could be kept the same, and Shara kept firmly off-screen altogether.



    Really? I had not read that. To be honest, I think the switch really weakened the entire series. Not enough to knock of its pedestal as the best book series ever, but that switch was just nonsensical.


    It's also something the series should switch back

  6. Not sure they need to cut that much. Despite being hugely long books, I think there is less actual plot in a book from ASOAIF as an example. I think they could do much of the core story if not all of it in 8 seasons. A lot of the stuff in later seasons like Faile's imprisonment, Elayne retaking the throne can be greatly reduced and consolidated. Morgase's imprisonment as well.


    I think the best thing they can do is to make Mazrim Taim be Demandred as originally intended. Yes I know Jordan denied this but I still don't believe him, he just made it too obvious.


    I really dont think you can delete any of the main set of characters. Polygamy wont play well so that will likely be morphed into a more girl-centric love triangle +1, encouraging female viewers to "ship" either Elayne, Avi or Min and form Camp Avi, Camp Elayne and Camp Min, and maybe early Camp Egwene. They could actually skip Avi and Min and change it to just Egwene versus Elayne but I dont think they will do that.


    Also, I actually do think that the WOT is actually women driven. Egwene and Nynaeve are as important as Matt and Perrin in many ways. 


    It will also be interesting to see how "adult" it is. Jordan's writings were for the most part PG-13 but a lot of the content is at least as hard as Game of Thrones, especially if you want to portray the Forsaken correctly. I expect it to be pretty explicit actually.

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