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Posts posted by Talmanes

  1. I think it would be a huge blow overall, but that's why Suroth was trying to cover it up. Tuon is a whole different breed, there's not much that would break her. Most people, especially the Sul'dam would be horrified (and were horrified). I agree it probably would have been a bigger plot point later (and maybe even the end of the Sul'dam and damane as we know them in the future).

  2. I really don't think it was Sanderson that made Perrin the way he was. If you look at his arcs for the most part, he does very little of important for most of the series, and is overall one of (if not the most) useless of the main characters.


    Rand's conquering Tear.

    Mat's rescuing Elayne/Nyn.

    Perrin is... blacksmith...and saving his GF in a dream.


    Rand's in the Waste getting the Aiel.

    Mat is getting his battle memories and key to Finnland.

    Perrin...went home (granted I liked the arc of battling the Trollocs in Two Rivers, but it's not really important to the overall story)


    Rand is taking back Carhien and battling Shaido.

    Mat is forming the Band, kills Couladin.

    Perrin is...on his way to Carhien.


    And most importantly:

    Rand is cleansing the Source, preparing for the Last Battle.

    Mat is binding the Seanchan to Rand becoming royalty.

    Perrin, oh Perrin, is spending three books trying to rescue his wife (and not doing the specific thing he was asked to do).


    I know a lot of those are over simplifications, but in my current reread it's really hit me harder than ever before how useless Perrin is most if the book. His big moments pale to the big moments of Rand and Mat, and while I get that each serves a role and has a distinctive personality, it's Perrin who just doesn't do much.


    Not to mention it's Perrin who tries to get out of his authority position so often. Rand embraced his destiny early on, Mat complains he's no lord, but keeps going anyway, but literally even toward the end of the books he's still not feeling like a leader for his people.

  3. @solarz it might not make a lot of sense, but that's what AS have traditionally done. Especially in the Salidar arc we consistently get comments from AS (and thoughts in their POVs) that while it's amazing they have so many Novices, they don't like it and feel they shouldn't have to recruit, or change from only taking young girls as Novices. AS would take girls with the spark to the Tower if they came across them, but it's stated way early on in the books that those born with the spark are way less common vs. those that can be taught. Many AS even specifically state they think they should go back to the old way with pretty much just letting people come to them.


    It's shortsighted arrogance but it comes from a long line of tradition which we know AS view almost like law. They think they're too good to go out recruiting, and that if it's meant to be it will happen.

  4. I was thinking about this again, and there are several times in the books people are 'dressing down' for whatever reason, and it seems like wool is always the go to regardless of weather


    There were a couple of mentions I think with Nyn on wearing good wool, but it being so hot she wishes she could be wearing silk.



  5. Okay while I find the summaries to be hilarious (reminds me of the fantastic joke plot summary thing I read on some other site a log time ago, and I know this is OT but if anyone knows what I'm talking about and can link it that would be great) there were hints about what he was really doing.


    He had completely ingratiated himself to Egwene as Halima and there was essentially controlling her in a way with the headaches, little by little. Egwene also says in a POV that sometimes it's too easy to let things slip when getting a massage.


    We also know he killed the AS that were most likely to succeed with Egwene's plan to change the gate chains into cuendillar as well, trying to stop her, and I cant remember if that's who ratted to the Tower about it too or not.


    If Egwene wouldn't have spur of the moment decided to go in Bode's place and got captured, could have turned out very differently.

  6. I actually just bought a big two sided shelf display thing from a closeout sale at a store because I have too many books to bookshelf ratio. 


    I was planning on spray painting black and then the WoT logo in gold up top, but I don't know how it's going to come out...doesn't look great with just the spray paint t so far, but at least I'll have more shelving!

  7. I did just get to the part in CoT where Rand thinks of 'spinning a web' and says that is LTT it came from.


    I guess maybe it was just one of those things the author uses once, then was fresh in the brain and keeps using it for a bit.

  8. This whole topic is something I've pondered a lot. I get the base idea of using the TP to help seal the Bore, but you'd think  eventually that would allow the DO to get free again if the TP corrupts the TS.


    I know we have the Canon that the DO was sealed away at the moment of creation, but then we also know the Dragon and Dark One have been fighting for basically I infinity so how did the DO get out, get sealed again, only to get out (at least partially) when the Bore was drilled.


    The ending of AMoL does have that air of finality to it, like this is a better seal this time, but it makes me wonder how it was done in Ages past, and will it still be undone in future Ages? Technically it would be, so Rand has saved the world...for now. Everyone will be long dead before it happens again, but the Wheel will turn.

  9. So I actually posted in a similar BT thread, but a couple by a band called Beast in Black make me think WoT.


    They have one called Eternal Fire that lyrically sounds a lot like the One Power being referenced (and also mentioned rebirth and triumph, makes me think of Rand).


    They also have one called Blood of a Lion about a King reclaiming their crown, which makes me think of the whole Elayne arc.


    There is also a band called Neverland with a song called Voice Inside I think about Rand/LT.

  10. I mean I think it's way too broad to say that just because they follow a pascifistic Way, they must be Aiel. The Tinkers still follow basically the Way of The Leaf the same way, though they don't know why at this point. I disagree with the only option for another group following a very different way on the other side of the world (even taking into account the Breaking) is that they are descended from the same group.


    Unfortunately there is very little info on the Amayar so we'll never really get any sort of confirmation on their whole story.

  11. I mean Rand's father was Aiel, so that's why he looks Aiel: he is.


    I think honestly the biggest argument against Aiel being 'created' by anyone is the fact that they can Channel (potentially) and ate therefore human. 


    We know in the AoL they did create nonhuman races like the Nym, but actually creating other human beings that can channel, seems to be Creator proportion, and I don't buy that at all.


    I still hold to giving the Aiel all if the physical abilities to be warriors wouldn't have made sense for a race of pacifists either. Plus we do know Aiel could channel before the Breaking (in CoT one of the Wise Ones does the baby delving thing and states it's from before the Breaking).

  12. So in my reread I was at the Cleansing and for the first time I recall in the series we hear the term 'net' when referring to weaves if the Power.


    It starts with the Forsaken, then the Asha'man and Aes Sedai, then seems to keep being used.


    Am I crazy or did that term just come out of nowhere? I don't recall it being used before but it seems to be used often after that point.

  13. AWe've seen it's possible but you have to make a real effort at it. Think about Siuan, Leanne, and Logain. All survived being stilled/gentled for a good while before being Healed.


    A bit off topic but I wonder if any men ever actually sought out Gentling. We know the Aiel sent their male Channelers to the Blight to die fighting the Shadow, but I mean when your whole life you've been taught to fear male Channelers you'd think there'd be at least some cases of men who realize they can seeking out AS assistance despite knowing the cost.


    I know it was made up to get support for the Rebels, but I think it would be crazy interesting to read a story about a male Channeler actually seeking out Red Ajah for help, and them slowly twisting him into declaring himself as a False Dragon before taking him down.

  14. On the BS books part yeah I remember reading the blog post he did about the decision to split AMoL into multiple books. Started writing and realized it would be impossible for one book.


    KoD is the one where things started to speed back up, but BS didn't have much of a choice but to wrap things up quickly and try to wrap everything he could up neatly as possible.


    I know a lot if people really hate the BS books, but I think he did the best he could, it was never going to be RJ, and he did inherit a pretty impossible task. 


    I think if he'd been able to take his time he could have done better (looking at SA which is shaping up to be one of the greatest Epic Fantasy series of all time IMO) but it is what it is.


    I believe TD and Harriet both acknowledged RJ wouldn't have actually only done one more book either, and based on the pacing toward the end I think he would have fit probably 4-5 more books in tbh.

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