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Everything posted by LilyElizabeth

  1. (BT) - 7 (WT) - 37 (SG) - 48 (S) - 43 (BT) Arie - 7 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (WT) Heavy - 13 (SG) Arie - 30 (SG) Lily - 18 (S) SD - 43
  2. I don't care for kaf, but for you, Elgee, I'll drink a little.
  3. (BT) - 7 (WT) - 36 (SG) - 47 (S) - 43 (BT) Arie - 7 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (WT) Heavy - 12 (SG) Arie - 30 (SG) Lily - 17 (S) SD - 43
  4. There are two Ls. _ E L _ O _ E T O T H E _ A _ _ O N E ' S _ L A _ _ _ O _ N _.
  5. *brings Mother some Kaf* Don't worry. It's not poisoned or anything.
  6. (BT) - 7 (WT) - 34 (SG) - 45 (S) - 40 (BT) Arie - 7 (WT) Arie - 4 (WT) WD - 17 (WT) CaddySedai - 3 (WT) Heavy - 10 (SG) Arie - 29 (SG) Lily - 16 (S) SD - 40
  7. There are two Ns, but no Is _ E _ _ O _ E T O T H E _ A _ _ O N E ' S _ _ A _ _ _ O _ N _.
  8. I didn't mean to contradict Elgee. I love Elgee. I merely have a different opinion than she. I guess the Amyrlin and the Dark One's opinions would often differ.
  9. There are four E's _ E _ _ O _ E T O T H E _ A _ _ O _ E ' S _ _ A _ _ _ O _ _ _.
  10. One easy place to get your feet wet is the game I recently started in Shayol Ghul. It's called the Executioner, but it's basically just hangman. Personally, I do favor belonging to more than one group, but everybody's different.
  11. There is one H _ _ _ _ O _ _ T O T H _ _ A _ _ O _ _ ' S _ _ A _ _ _ O _ _ _.
  12. There are 4 O's. Well done. _ _ _ _ O _ _ T O T _ _ _ A _ _ O _ _ ' S _ _ A _ _ _ O _ _ _.
  13. Those look great! All that yummy fruit! Thank you!
  14. Yes. There are both. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ T _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ ' S _ _ A _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  15. Yes there are two T's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
  16. I agree with Elgee. I know we're going to like you. Come play in the orgs. And don't believe a word about the Darkfriends. Lies. All lies.
  17. Executioner Rules: The Executioner thinks up a word (or a short sentence up to 5 words long) and shows you how many letters it has. Then you have to guess what it says. You do this by throwing out letters and hoping they are the correct ones! Each time you guess a correct letter, the Executioner has to add it on the billboard and show you exactly where the letters belong. If the letter or a guess (if you feel you already know the word and don't need all the letters) is wrong, he adds another notch into your coffin :). I A M T _ _ E _ C E C U T _ _ _ E R You can be wrong exactly 9 times at which point, the Executioner (GM) is the winner! Points: If no one guesses the Executioners secret word, the Executioner gets 20 points while the rest of you who participated all lose 1 point! BWAHAHAHAHA. If the Executioner's word is guessed, he gets 10 points, the person that guessed (the whole word/sentence or simply the final letter) gets 15 points, while the others who guessed the right letters split 15 points among themselves. Criteria: Wait for the Executioner to add the letters you guessed right into the word/short sentence and then try and guess another letter. No point in just throwing 5 random letters out there, the odds are against you, so wait for him to acknowledge each letter one at a time and say if it's wrong or not. Note The only languages allowed for Executioner will be English or the Randland Old Tongue. English is the primary language of Dragonmount, and the Old Tongue is allowed for book flavor. This is not out of disrespect to other languages, but to ensure a fair game to all players concerned. Any executioner mod who breaks this rule will forfeit points for that round. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We're going to forego the points this time. I'll move this thread to Thakandar once the game is over. Ready? Let's go! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Good luck!
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