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Posts posted by Jehaine

  1. Saira nodded, slipping into a stance as she tried to recall the lessons about the Void she had seen her father give her brothers back in Kandor. While her control of it was still a bit shaky, it had certainly been enough to help ignore her sore muscles after running the daily pre-training laps, for which she was grateful.


    From within the calmless the Void brought her, empty of emotions, she heard Ronas give his last assignment. Or at least what would be the last if they managed to pass this test. Had she not been wrapped in the Void as the sergeant commented about the training their opponents had been getting, she would have grinned at seeing one of his tricks. She -- they -- had been made quite aware of the tricks up the old sergeant's sleeve over the course of the past two weeks, and they had not always come out on top, either. That Ronas would have picked more-than-capable adversaries in this last test was something she had been expecting by now.


    That still didn't make it any easier though, Readying her weapon with both hands, she gave one of the soldiers a brief nod, letting his attack to pull him away from the other two to leave them some room to fight as well.


    Having sparred with Elynde a number of times during her training, she had adopted some of her weapon style. Rather than trying to block the man's blows, she was deflecting them, something she had found was much more agreeable with her current physical strength. As he charged, she tried to read his movements as he was undoubtedly reading hers, and the Void shook each time their weapons clashed.


    This continued for a good amount of time, both sides gradually pressing harder as they had started to get a feel for the other's movements. Saira wasn't having the upper hand though, more than once she only managed to dodge an attack at the last moment, and her hands were starting to hurt from the strain on her wrists.


    She moved forwards again, locking blades with her opponent, putting her strength into it to try and push him off balance. While it was something unexpected, he quickly corrected, pushing her back with a quick shove before making a horizontal slash aimed at her torso. She however couldn't recover her balance on time, and the training sword struck against her upper right arm, sending a jolt of pain up to her shoulder.


    Saira grimaced, taking the sword up in her left hand only. While her right would be counted as 'out of the fight', she still wasn't intending to give up. Seeing this, her opponent just shrugged, taking up his stance again after seeing Saira didn't want to give up yet.


    Again, the lunge forwards. Again, the blades locked. However, as he pushed her back again to repeat his technique, she sidestepped, lockign her leg in between his to trip him up, sending the both of them falling on the ground. As soon as she did however, she rolled over, landing her training sword on her opponent's back with a sharp crack.


    "Heh, yer lucky i landed on my sword there, miss. Still, a win's a win, good match."


    Grinning, she allowed her opponent to help her up, brushing some grass off of her clothes. While she knew Ronas would have probably winced in disgust after seeing the move she won the spar with, a killing blow was a killing blow no matter how you looked at it. Unless you counted the welt on her arm, anyway. She hoped he wouldn't.

  2. lol, i saw three replies and no CC edit and i figured something had to be wrong ^^;


    Anyway, the cannonballs... Yeah, that kind of slipped in there somehow. I guess i mentally linked pirates to cannons too much, my bad ^^;


    Still... Would there be stuff like catapults, trebuchets, ballistas or other kinds of non-channeler, non-gunpowder artillery in Randland? Since there are ships, i'm guessing there has to be something for naval combat save for sailing close enough for the crew to use longbows before boarding.


    Sure, there's the option of adding in a rogue channeler, but that sounds too much like ripping off the Seanchan, and i'd prefer not to :D

  3. Same with Arienna (my Wolfkin) Winter, i assure you she'd have joined this once she gets the whole Howling thing under control.


    @ devon: Which reminds me, i stil have to type up mine. Will probably start later today, i'll see if i can find the pic of her.

  4. Having never seen someone channeling before -- and a man at that -- the feeling of surprise was almost enough to wash out the sarcasm. Almost. Still, as some kind of gate... weaved itself in the air in front of her, she wasted little time walking through. She appreciated the treatment she had been getting: No nonsense, you either kept up or got left behind.


    Smirking, she suppressed the fond memories of her childhood and stepped through the portal.


    Once at the other end, she coughed softly despite herself as her lungs still needed to get used to the thick scent of the Blight. Looking around, she saw that everything was rotting, plants and animals twisted with mutations that had plagued them since the day they were spawned. It was warm here as well, and sweat beaded on her face from the sudden switch from searing cold to oppresive heat.


    Still coughing every once in a while as the scent of the Blight got in her throat, she turned around, waiting for Tigara. She didn't say a word, just waited to see where he'd lead her to next. If anything, the trip had been a lot shorter than it would have been on foot, of that she was certain. She didn't know how the blonde man had done what he did, but one thing she knew for sure.


    She wanted to master that trick as well.

  5. There are a few Aiel out there - I've a Maiden and there's one or two others, but our ranks could definitely use some company.  The same as the Seanchan. :)  I've a character there, too.


    Great! ^^


    I have an idea for an Aiel i (used to) play, but i never got around to it as the forum (no, not this one) became plagued with trojans at the time. I might resurrect her here ^_^. Maiden of the spear btw, capable of channeling though it hasn't surfaced yet, nor is she tested by a Wise One. I'll probably be taking a hit in WS when i switch from non-channeler to channeler, but i don't mind ^^


    Speaking of, what's the WS cap for Wise Ones anyway?


    As for the Seanchan... I'll most likely be going morat'raken. Still, i'm talking to someone who used to play here a long while ago, and it kind of depends on her joining or not whether i get her off the ground (pun intended)

  6. Well, according to the description on Club of Air, 9 Air is enough to topple a stone wall with it. Generally speaking, human body armor isn't that tough in comparison, so i'd say an 8 is fine.


    You can go for a perfect 10 if you want, but imho it'd only be useful if your opponent uses the same tactic and you want to overpower his/her weave.

  7. *nods* Right, here goes...


    Not even an Acolyte yet since Rebecca hasn't been tested, but my Talent application is underway. If i'm doing something wrong with it, i might as well find out now rather than when i reach third tier and aim to get it ^^;

  8. Well, just about anything will do, actually. Might make an Aiel character as well.


    Not sure whether i'll go Wise One or Warrior, how many Aiel are out there anyway?


    Same for Seanchan... But that's a different topic altogether ^^;

  9. After having rounded what must have been the twentieth hill so far -- she could swear the man was doing this on purpose, blast him! -- she could see a lone figure waiting a bit further off. Given their location, she assumed he was waiting for them, given that the area was to remote for it to be a coincidence. She wrapped her cloak a bit tighter around herself, rubbed a straf snowflake out of her eye, and looked again.


    And winced in disgust.


    'Light, if that's the uniform, i'm going to stab myself. After i stab the person designing it.'


    While she was fine with wearing black herself, this went way overboard even for a fashion statement. The uniform resembled that of the Whitecloaks so much it was almost annoying. At his reply, she simply nodded at Tigara, not saying anything to prevent a sarcastic undertone sneaking into her words.

  10. Melenis simply nodded at Thera in reply to her threat. There was no reason for her to be afraid of it, given that to her, the business she had come to the Grounds for was important. And since it was, there simply was no reason for her to be assigned to cleaning duty, much less be afraid of it.


    If it weren't for the Void however, she wouldn't have been able to suppress a small shake of her head as Gaidan stammered his greeting. The boy had been so full of enthousiasm, plans and ideas during the trip, that it was almost painful to see him choke up now. Still, there was her own greeting to take care of next, and it might help to calm down Gaidan a bit by taking (part of) Thera's attention away from him. With a simple salute, her voice was as composed as if she had just been asked about the weather.


    - "Melenis Stormgate ma'm, from Far Madding. I have a weapon with which i have a promise to fulfill, and i came here to learn how to use it."


    Her whole reason of existance, compressed into two sentences. She had given it quite a bit of thought on how to choose her words, but had ultimately decided that her usual matter-of-factness would end up being the best way. She did however raise an eyebrow as Gaidan came clean on his real name. In hindsight, there were moments where he hesitated when she called him by his name, as if he were still getting used to it. Still, she figured everyone was entitled to their secrets -- she wouldn't want to have everyone find out about her father, herself. The Mistress of Training would make a decision on it, and that would be that.

  11. The man that had helped her get away from the guards had been sent out by his group to lead her to the Fortress. None of the Darkfriends from the town were able to channel, let alone Travel, which meant the two would have a long ride ahead of them. Regardless, the prospect of good... career options kept them going, though only the man ahead of her knew their actual destination.


    The air started to get colder, the muddy roads turned to dirt as they traveled north, always north. Rebecca had had a good cloak with her, but wasn't used to low temperatures like this one. She tsked at the situation though, for the Darkfriend's sake she hoped at least half of what she had been told was true, or the Oath she had sworn would be the most short-lived one of her life. Not that she broke promises easily, far from that. However, if the other party didn't live up to their part of the bargain... well, let's just say she wasn't inclined to either.


    And so far, she had seen nothing but roads, and now snow. Great. She glared at the man's back, silently wishing he'd hurry up and get them at this amazing Fortress that no one apparently knew was there. Except for the Darkfriends, of course. She clenched her teeth together to stop them from chattering, and glared again as if she could already see her dagger sticking out of the man's back.


    This had better be good, or there'd be hell to pay...

  12. OOC: Combined intro post for Sylvistri and myself.




    Jorn was relieved to be sitting in an Inn after the journey from Lugard. He had several reasons but the foremost was it meant a break in his non-stop training, followed by a chance to think. He had been training so hard that it left room for nothing else, not even time to think.


    Now that he had a chance, he ordered a drink of cider and sat at a back table where he could see the door and the stairs. Warder training is already making me constantly watch my back! He chuckled a little and then took a long drink of his cider. I want to be a Warder but I dress and bear the name of an Amadician. Hm, what had the Aes Sedai said, Warders were often called Gaidan? Yes, that's it. I will change my name to Gaidan, but what about a last name? He listened to the voices around and pushed everything but names out of his mind. After a few moments he chose a few syllables out and pieced them together, Ha-tor-ri, Hatori, yes that would do nicely. Gaidan Hatori, he would have to remember to tell the Lady and her Warder.




    A couple of minutes after Jorn-- err, Hatori had decided on a new name, Melenis came walking into the Inn. A brief glance through the room told her it wasn't too crowded, and from the looks of it there were enough bouncers present to take care of a fight before it broke out. Good.


    Making her way to the bar, she ordered a drink and waited for it to be served before walking with it to one of the free tables. The bun on the back of her head would tell those familiar with Far Madding fashion that she would most likely be from there, though the rather uncommon weapon slung across her back appeared to attract some looks -- mostly from the aforementioned bouncers.




    Jor...Gaidan sat there sipping his cider and casually watching the crowd. He missed his father and brothers but didn't regret his choice to leave. It had been necessary, both for their protection and his honor. Shaking his head ruefully, he thought Everyone has honor.


    Gaidan's attention was caught by a young woman entering the Inn, well it wasn't so much her but her weapon that caught his eyes and held them. It was similar to a spear but with a full blade on one end, like a sword. Fascinated, as he had never seen one, he stood up after she sat down and approached her slowly. He wasn't scared but he was careful not to startle or offend her as he approached. Giving her enough time to see and judge him as friendly he politely asked with only a slight hint of his Amadician accent, not that his clothes wouldn't give him away.


    " Hello, I'm Gaidan Hatori." and after she looked at him, he continued, " I'm sorry to bother you. I couldn't help but notice your weapon. I must admit I have never seen it's like and would be honored if you could explain it to me. I myself am just learning the sword but hope to learn about many weapons. May I sit?" As he asked his question he adjusted the sword strap across his chest. It was a simple and well worn sword that was common on warriors of any land. It had been a gift from his current teacher. He did his best to look a picture of a calm and patient man, but couldn't quite still his nerves and face from showing his eagerness.




    From the calmness of the Void, Melenis had felt Gaidan approach, though she gave no sign that she had noticed. Hearing te man's introduction, she looked to the side to take in his appearance. Though looking a few years younger than she was, they were of the same height, and judging by the way his clothes looked he had seen quite a bit of travel thus far. She didn't recognise the accent, but then again she never really had been out of Far Madding much during her life.


    - "I'm not sure what it's called, though my grandfather called it an ashandarei when i asked."


    She glanced at his sword, noticing the signs of wear on the sheath. Given that he admitted he still had much to learn as well as his barely suppressed nerves, she guessed it had been a gift of someone he knew. Taking another sip of water, she motioned to one of the free chairs at her table.


    - "I don't own this Inn, help yourself."


    She saw no need in haste, still having a fair share of road ahead of her. Thus, she could allow the young man to ask his questions for a while, at least until she finished her drink.




    He noticed her calm and seeming indifferent manner, but rather then be offended by it he tried to imitate it. So as he took the chair opposite her he cleared his mind and assumed the mental state know as the Flame and the Void. Letting insubtantial thoughts enter the flame he picked out what she had called her weapon and asked,


    " Ashandarei, how does it work? My brothers occasionally used staffs, is it like that?"


    He noticed more about her now that he was in the Void. She also seemed to have been travelling. She also wore colorful clothes cut like a mans. Simple and well fitting to allow any movement while fighting. Then a thought slipped across the outer edges of his mind and it brought another question.


    " If you don't mind my asking, what is your name? I have already given mine so what else can I say about myself? Where I'm from I'd rather forget, but I left to protect not to run. I have travelling companions, two, a Warrior and a Lady. I owe the Lady very much and so I go with her to train as a Warrior myself. I would give her anything for the kindness she has shown me but all she asked is that I go train to be a Warrior and help others when I'm ready. I have only the knowledge of the sword as I have learned while travelling in the past weeks. I was a simple village boy before that. Not much else to say then that."


    Realizing he was rambling and trying to get her to like him for who he was becoming, he smiled at her a little sheepishly and took another drink from his mug. Realizing his was empty he motioned to the serving girl to bring more for his companion and himself.




    - "It is similar to a staff, yes. The shape of the weapon allows me the offensive abilities of a sword or spear and the defensive capabilities of a staff."


    Melenis listened to Gaidan as he talked, finishing her drink when he signaled a serving maid for refills. He had a point about asking for an introduction though, even though he had been the one to approach her. There was no harm in doing so anyway.


    - "I am Melenis Stormgate, from Far Madding. I've never left my hometown up until now, but i have good reasons to. Personal reasons."


    Though still sounding fairly emotionless from within the Void, the tone at which she said that last part sounded quite final. She would not give hers, and in return she would not ask about his. Still, it wasn't everyday that a village boy decided to drop everything to follow a Lady, and rarer still for a Lady to recruit untrained village boys as warriors, and she figured there was something Gaidan was holding back. She had promised herself not to pry for his reasons, but there were of course workarounds to that.


    - "A Warrior and a Lady, you said? Might i ask where you are all headed?"


    There was something, a lone thought tickling in the back of her mind. If what she suspected was right, there might be more to this nameless Lady than what was apparent at first sight. While Aes Sedai didn't enjoy going into Far Madding, the stories about them were far less reluctant to enter.




    There was something about the way she asked that tickled his mind and voiced caution. He realized he might have said too much, It is not for me to say what the Lady is, it is her choice. Thinking quickly he replied in a way that wouldn't be a lie but it wouldn't be the whole truth either. He also kept his voice low enough to where she was the only one how could hear him.


    " I am going to Tar Valen to learn fighting from the best warriors, while my companions are escorting me and helping me by starting my training. Where they go after that I have not asked. I know they cannot stay with me there. They helped me when no one else would so I shall follow their advice and learn to be the best swordsman I can be and then help others as best I can. I hope that answers your question, so how about you? Where are you heading?"


    I hope that answers her question. He noticed he was again without cider, and remembering the Lady's permission to eat and drink to his hearts content, he ordered another round. He needed to be catious about his words but he liked this woman who was a warrior. She reminded him of his tolerent older brothers whenever he pestered them about something. Of course she seemed to be smarter then they were so he would have to be sly about how he worded things. He hoped he wouldn't always have to be this guarded with his words.




    Melenis gave herself a small nod as Gaidan confirmed her suspicions. Hearing the words Tar Valon was all she needed as a confirmation, after the boy had said 'Warrior' as opposed to 'guards'. Still, despite her confidence that she could probably drag that information out of him, there was no purpose in stepping on his toes, so she let the matter rest.


    - "Then you travel for the same reasons i do, and with the same destination. Given that traveling in a group is safer than traveling alone, i would like to join you on the way there. Agreed?"


    She looked at him then, the slightly tilted look she was giving him perhaps the first sign of visible emotion she had shown since entering the Inn. While she never placed much value in the 'will of the Wheel', believing then to be the excuses of the lazy and the weak-willed, this was an opportunity that would benefit her personal safety on the roads. And that in itself was a good reason as any until she got some practical skill with her weapon.




    Could it be fate? he thought surprised. Well he liked her well enough as a fellow warrior, but he couldn't help but thinking it was more then simple coincidence. He was about to answer when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Warder approaching their table. It gave him confidence and a course of action.


    " I would be glad of the extra company but you would also need to ask my teacher and the Lady."


    He looked at the Warder then knowing he had heard and in explaination he told him thus.


    " Sir, this is Melenis Stormgate from Far Madding. She says she is heading to my destination and wishes to travel with us. No offense sir but I could use a sparring partner who is closer to my skill level and it would free you up to watch and correct me."


    The last came out almost pleadingly, but he had many bruises under his clothes from the Warder's tutelage. He really felt he could use the change of partner.


    The Warder glanced at first Melenis and then Gaidan with a calculating look in his expressionless face. After a moment he sat down and motioned for a drink from the serving girl. He waited in silence until he got his drink and then he replied.


    " Well seeing as we are travelling to the same place I see no reason not to. However I must ask why or at least where you are going to in Tar Valon?"


    The Warder's voice was low but steady and calm while he spoke. Almost like a mist setling on the ground, he words just seemed to flow and settle on the two sharing the table.




    Even from within the Void, Melenis couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the Warder's sudden appearance. She hadn't heard him enter or sensed him nearby, proving to her that she was right to pick Tar Valon as a place for training.


    - "To my knowledge I am not able to channel, nor am I inclined to. What I seek is to train my skill with the weapon I hold, though I am told i would still end up at the White Tower either way."


    Taking another sip, she placed her mug down on the table, looking at the Warder as she awaited his answer. She wasn't intending in the least to start groveling and begging to join them; she'd reach the White Tower with their group, or join up with a merchant caravan and arrive without them a day or two later. The offer of being trained along the way, potentially wasting less time made joining up with Gaidan the better alternative of the two, that was all.




    Gaidan's jaw would have dropped had he not been in the Void, as it was he his eyes widened a little and he went perfectly still for a moment as she remained calm and rather then beg or ask real nicely, she made a simple response without any demands or questions to go with them. That act alone put her firmly in his small list of people he had high respect for. He held his tongue however as it was no longer his choice.


    The Warder looked at her a moment with his calm, yet piercing stare before he responded in a matter of fact voice.


    " I will see to it that you are allowed to accompany us. Know that I do this because there is more to you then you let on and I respect that." Turning back to Gaidan he said, " The Lady will be fine with it, now quit staring like a village boy. We leave at dawn."


    Then he nodded to them both and drained his mug in one shot. Standing he moved quietly through the crowd and disappeared up the stairs.


    Gaidan visibly took control of himself, while thinking, That was an order to go to bed if I ever heard one! Finishing his cider, he stood and said in a mostly calm voice,


    " Well I'm off to bed. G'night and I'll see you at dawn."




    - "Good. My apologies for the inconvenience to your travel plans."


    Melenis gave the Warder a slight bow. Being one to favor organisation and planning herself, she could understand how some people would be annoyed at having someone join up with them. There would be extra travel supplies that would need to be bought, the training would most likely end up being revised as well... She really did feel somewhat bad about it, given that these sort of situations generally ended up annoying her as well when they happened to her.


    She gave Gaidan a nod as he finished her cider, standing up after finishing a drink of her own. She motioned one of the waitresses to come closer, counting out a handful of copper on the table to pay for the drinks. She may not have had much in the way of money to spend, but she didn't want to appear as a leech either this soon after having joined their group. Bidding the Warder goodnight, she asked for a pallet to be prepared in one of the cheaper rooms. It was all her budget could afford, and it was all she'd ask for.




    The next morning they set out after the Lady was introduced to Melenis. By the time the morning sun's light reached them clearly they were well out of Caemlyn on the road to Tar Valon.


    They made good pace, travelling quickly now as everyone seemed to be set on reaching the fabled city. They only stopped to eat midday meals and to make camp at night. Travelling in that manner they reached Tar Valon in four days.


    During the nightly stops, which were a few hours before nightfall, they set camp quickly. After which the Warder taught them some basic forms and then watched them practice the forms whie correcting when needed. At least they wouldn't accidently cut themselve or anyone else. Gaidan noticed that Melenis had more knowledge the he did and so pushed himself harder.


    When they arrived in the city, Gaidan couldn't help but stare at the towers and walkways. He had heard rumors of this fabled place, but hadn't really expected it to be so grand. So he rode through the town allowing the horse to follow the other horses while he was in a daze trying to take in all the sites and sounds.


    Upon reaching the White Tower the Warder lead Melenis and him to the Warders Yard and showed them what was where briefly before leaving them before the Mistress of Trainees' door.


    Gaidan stared in awe at all the Warders and Trainees as the went about various tasks. The whole of the entire Yard amazed him with its military look and feel. Surprisingly he felt like he had finally come home. Here he wouldn't be a runt for his size and he could train in styles or disciplines that matched his size. He smiled braodly before controlling his features and assuming the Void. Then he prepared to knock on the door before him.




    Melenis had been looking around Tar Valon as they were being led through it by the Aes Sedai and her Warder, but rather than marvel at the buildings her eye was more attuned to the practical. She memorised the location of markets, streets and Inns, figuring them to be more important than sightseeing. As such, she had a decent idea of what the layout of the city was by the time they headed onto the White Tower Grounds where the Warders trained.


    As amazed as Gaidan had been on seeing the city, so too was Melenis surprised at the amount of weapon training going on. Or rather, the level of skill at which said training was taking place. During the sparring sessions with Gaidan, she turned out slightly more skilled than he had been, but the visible gap between herself and some... no, most of the others on the Grounds still managed to impress her.


    Noticing the boy's smile, she softly cleared her throat, the Void aiding her in bringing her attention back to te present. With a brief nod sent at Gaidan to inform him she was ready, she waited for a reply after he had knocked on the door...

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