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Posts posted by Jehaine

  1. I think that's because Jeh's version isn't uploaded yet Eadon, her's is in a document, once we get it on the website it should be fixed. Scroll bar is pretty cool, what does everyone think of it?? Jeh I am going to respond to your comments on the pm in a moment here. *G*


    Okay, given the feedback on Elgee's scrollbar i'll add it into the version i'm working on as well. I'm also going through the generated Strength and Skill scores to check for errors there. There's a couple i found so far, i'll try to get in touch with them as well.


    Also, more feedback: Since a number of characters are Dead rather than Inactive, i'd like to suggest making a table for them as well. For some reason, it doesn't really fit well to lob them in amongst the Abandoned and Dropped. Layout would be:




    Active Characters


    Dead Characters


    Inactive Characters




    Thoughts? Also, replied to Jade's PM.

  2. I'd go for a 'roof' of some kind, which would be wheer the Draghkar pen would be. The Draghkar would be used to scout the area, and find a potential threat before it comes across the Fortress.


    Also, a Trolloc (with accompanying Myrdraal) garrison to the sides of the Fortress to guard the access points, patrol the area and do the other stuff the Dreadlords can't be bothered with.

  3. Right, Larindhra's last name fixed.


    Before the final version of the table is complete, i'd need to talk to Jade about a couple of things.


    I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime keep finding those errors! ^_^


    Edit: Using my attachment, of course. Don't have poor Jade reupload a page three times per day now ;D

  4. Well, i AM still single... <.<;;


    Kidding aside though, you'd still need to crosscheck the listed scores with the actual OP scores that were given out, as there still are a couple of characters with a wrong Strength score in comparison to their element values.


    Esther Tremaine (-2) 7 6 5 5 9 34 (34) 34 68


    First example on the list (active character). Her element value adds up to 32, but her Strength was listed as 34, so i added a -2 to indicate her Strength was two points too high and left it as it was in case it was because of stuff i didn't know about.


    Unless you'd like to send me all the OP scores so i can do it...? ;)

  5. Mirandha Bayana: Name typo fixed.


    Jerinia Zaralyn: +1 Skill added, Skill fixed.


    Masuko Svetanya: OP scores fixed.


    Ata Dorye: Note added that she was formerly stilled to avoid confusion.


    In Other News: Table beautimafacated to look more purdy and less mashed. The whole thing is centered now, and divided in two at the point i believe Jade was looking to split it.


    Also, the Active and Inactive Character headers are now much better readable.


    Edit: Uploaded the CORRECT version this time. The one where Masuko and Jerinia's scores are actually fixed ^^;

  6. My thoughts, just because i can (;D):


    Pointy End: Pretty much anyone over WS 5, or a NPC that exists solely for training purposes will do i reckon.


    Intro post: Yup, even though you're already at the Fortress and know you can channel, the CotS doesn't know this yet ICly and would still need to test you. Not to mention assign you to a room, a Mentor (i think) etc. etc. etc.


    Rivalry RP: Working on a good IC reason for it, trust me :P

  7. Right, here's the entire page. Tables have all been updated, and the names with numbers at the end need to be checked.


    Annie (-2) means AS Annie has two element points LESS than her Strength score indicates, meaning that either she submitted the wrong ones or the cost was listed under Strength.


    Either way, this should make things a whole lot easier once more ^_^


    On a sidenote, the part where the table's messed up should be fixed as well ;)


    Edit: Broke the max post length, made it an attachment instead. The Strength table is made wider because of Ata's entry, i left it as it is as much as i could because i have no clue what to do with it.


    It's a zipfile because i couldn't upload html extensions, but the page is in there. Just replace the current page with it and everything should work out fine (after crosschecking, of course ^^)


    Edit 2: Jade, how about making two tables on the same page then? You could even copy-paste the table header for simplicity's sake.


    Edit 3: Jerinia has 33 Skill, not 30... Though i left it on 30 because i didn't want to mess with the numbers and potentially mess up somewheres ^^;

  8. @ Muirenn:


    Thanks for explaining, i ended up getting an email from CotS telling me much the same thing. For some reason, i thought the 'buying additional points' thing was when you got a Strength of, say, 30 assigned, you could instead drop your listed Strength to 26 (30-4) for example and get 34 (30+4) element points to play around with buying cost with.




    @ Jaydena:


    No probs, no probs ^^;


    *puts on grey shawl*


    Now, about those rewards... ;)

  9. Well, we got a couple of new members, lost a couple of others and the Aiel just got folded into the Freelanders not too long ago.


    Other than that... you'd have to wait for someone else to reply as i'm not that old myself ^^;

  10. I assume you people meant centimeters there. Height in meters -110 would definitely make her look skinny ^^;


    But sure, i'll add a couple of pounds then. Odd though, never heard of that -110 thing before, and the site i linked to uses the scale of the CDC.


    Oh wells.

  11. Umm... first off, the weight:




    That's the site i always use for height to weight ratios, and for 16 year old girls 136 pounds is listed as being in the 20th percentile, listed as 'In Normal Range'. I can change it if you want, just figured i'd mention it isn't all that odd ^^;


    As for the disorders... Actually, that was the idea. Aiel is something people are born as, not like the Warders or the Band which you apply for and are tested for combat value before joining.


    As for the Asperger, yes, i know about the clumsyness, more specifically because i have Asperger myself ^^;. The main point is, she could still be a Maiden, just not a very good one. I'd say WS 10 is about the extent of her capabilities (and that would still be pushing it) and i'm perfectly happy with that limitation as i never intended her to be a melee goddess.


    Simply put, you could say i'm making a (below-)average Maiden on purpose ^^;


    On a sidenote, i'm playing with the idea to have her be tested as having the ability to channel during the course of the RP, which would negate the need to reach high WS levels in the first place. But that's something to decide after i see how she works out ^_^

  12. Well, from what i gather there's a lot of options open to choose from for CotS Dreadies, so i don't really have any suggestions.


    Only thing that springs to mind is that the options to choose from in the WT reqs almost pale in comparison... Maybe make a general board-wide list of optional RPs to choose from, and keep a couple of 'div specific' ones listed separately?


    What would be Weapon Specialisation to CotS would be Warders 101 in the WT, for example.


    Dunno if i'm making sense, it's that time of the morning again here ^^;

  13. Not really, i believe it adds too many brackets into the mix, ultimately making things more confusing. Better leave the element scores as-is and focus on just altering the way Strength is shown.


    On that note, i've always seen the gradually increasing cost as more effort being involved to reach that level of strength in a particular element. Still, compared to someone who recieved lower scores they'd still have placed more effort in studying elements.


    Suggestion: Wouldn't it be better to recaucllate Potency as Original Strength + Skill? After all, they shouldn't necessarily take a hit in that area if they decided to place their efforts in Earth rather than, say, Air. Just because Air is easier to master for a woman doesn't change the fact that the amount of effort put into an element remains the same.


    So, in Deanne's case (to prevent picking on Jade here :D):




    [td]           Name           [/td]

    [td]  Air  [/td]

    [td]  Earth  [/td]

    [td]  Fire  [/td]

    [td]  Spirit  [/td]

    [td]  Water  [/td]

    [td]  Strength  [/td]

    [td]  Skill  [/td]

    [td]  Potency  [/td]



    [td]Deanne Heillan (-2)[/td]






    [td]28 (30-2)[/td]






    With Potency being based on Cost + Skill, regardless of elemental values. As mentioned, even though the scores are higher or lower, the amount of potential (which Potency is in fact meant to represent) they have is set from birth. It's just what elements they focus their efforts on that ultimately decides what they can weave, and that in itself shouldn't be making that much of a difference imho.



    Blurting out ideas again.


    Edit: Actually, come to think of it, Strength is the only thing that makes the table look off. So how about we keep it simple and just list Cost as the value for Strength, removing the 'sum of the elements' altogether?


    There'd be little to no editing or playing around with brackets required, the table looks nice and tidy... and best of all, the scores can be checked by any random bloke who happens to come on the site. Which means if a new person wants to make an Aes Sedai and looks at the scores table, they can figure out how the system works simply by checking the existing scores.



  14. I dunno, even though my fave would have to be Ishamael (pre-death form, i don't know a lot about him as Moridin), my Dreadie character tends to disagree with me and favor Sammael.


    I really don't know, to be honest. Though i tend to play evil characters as manipulators, resembling Moghedien more in terms of MO.


    But yeah, welcome to the CotS. We're always on the lookout for more targets slaves people, so welcome aboard ^^

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