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Everything posted by Andy MacLeod
Somebody didn't read all their books in Novice class, tsk tsk tsk... *smiles as the gorgeous warhorse pulls a "Imgonna eat you Child" and keeps her hand where it is with a smile. Showing his teeth a moment, the warhorse takes an enthusiastic bite in the hidden cookie and lets the Recruit give the lightest nose pat from the tip of a finger... Bribery only goes so far, Young Human...*
Well, this introduces something else: who is likely to be voted out and how that should or shouldn't influence a vote beyond existing reasons / or lack thereof... OK, I need to think about that a bit. Experienced players, how does that factor into your vote?
I think it's ok to reveal that I was silent here at the beginning because I was asking Ithi questions about how the game is played LOL You guys launched right into it and I was still trying to makes sense of what I was supposed to do. When the first player voted, I figured it was time to vote (I did not know then that we can unvote and that it would take DOZENS of pages per day). I went with what I information I had at the time, and I stand by my impression that this remark was suspicious. But now, I see that people go into MUCH deeper reasoning... hence the post where I explain my reasoning. Now, I take the time to observe before commenting. Also, I just figured out the multi-quoting thing, yays!! This sounds like a wolf team that got what they wanted and now tries to pretend it wasn't their doing so they don't look like they were leading it all along... Yeah, and that tracks with what I'd expect if these experienced players work in cahoots.
24??? 24 PAGES?? Ouch, I may never sleep again if that's what I have to catch up on when I wake up 😱
Read the whole series, multiple times, Sir 😊 *extends a hand to let the big warhorse smell her... and the cookie she's holding in the other hand*
Sir @dicetosser1 *curtsies and spreads her skirts* it is a pleasure. Is this your warhorse, Sir? A joust?? How exciting!! Oh, yes, yes, yes!!
Here's what I'm getting... Zander, Dice and Turin seem to act as a team and ask each other's opinion under cover of being experienced players and so openly that they are going to say Mafia would never do it in the open... but hiding in plain sight is as old a strategy as the world... Here's how I see them play: - Zander's seeds confusion by creating an avalanche of posts - his task seems to be to create confusion through sheer explosion of posts and accusations in every direction... Meanwhile, he throws very half-hearted dirt at Turin but in the same post clears Dice... smells like a well-oiled team at work to me. - Turin "takes the fall" with one vote against him from his team to dispel suspicion that they might be working together, while Dice and Zander continue to saw suspicion towards other players. His role is to articulate very reasonable reasons and play friendly with the Town folks - Dice shapes the narrative towards Cairos being a wolf and calls to his teammates to maintain the appearance that he's not in cohoot with them... but in effect, both him and Turin vote for Cairos... I saw veteran-wolfs are piling on... maybe? ALSO: I like you all, this is a game, please don't hate me 🫣 You asked for patterns of people that could go together, and, well, that's what I see...
Yup, first time and, off the record, I'll play this once 'cause you are all nice, but I hate games where you have to throw dirt at others. Frankly, there's enough of that going on in the world. End parenthesis. For me, it was the stuff Turin said that could be true either way ("we can't protect you at night", speaking to the cop/sheriff, is true whether if he's Town or Mafia). It felt like a clever use of word that must be hiding something (like Moiraine tells Verin, when Verin comes to help Rand escape because Verin was at best playing with truth in what she told Leanne). I'm kind of taking the same approach as when rooting out the Black Ajah: find lies or inconsistencies... In the same post, Turin used "we" to suggest he was Town and it seemed a sign of strategy. Since then, overall, he's been pretty good at shaping the conversation... Good player or Mafia? 🧐
You calling Zander for his advice... but maybe it's just that you guys know each other from past games 🙃 Not sure what's signal and what's noise yet...
Hi @dicetosser1! (I am sorry, I am unsure of the proper title for you in the Band) Glad to see you here 🙂 I try not to derail the mafia game beyond my first timer bloopers lol, but we do have a welcome nom nom voucher for returning members going in on Gray... I'll tag you there 😉 *moves out of the way and looks around, intimidated by the swift response to the food call... 😄* So, are you going to grab a cookie and tell us of your adventures around the fire?
I don't understand this paragraph, but since I made the Godfather allusion, my bad if it's an actual thing. I just thought of it from folk culture because of the "mafia" component. Apologies if I somehow triggered a thing from a non-basic game level...
Sounds like a challenge to me...
Parenthesis: it's my first time playing and I feel like Rand, when he first comes to Cairhien and everybody is playing the Game of Houses and reads things into anything he does or doesn't do 😅
Here, Dear, you can hold on to these pants. They're the ones I mended the other day. *pats @Donchadh's cheek* Careful with that long sword of yours... you wouldn't want to lend yourself in trouble with this GodFather fellow the kind sheriff told us about. I do think this Turin was very clever with his words... VOTE: TURIN
Sorry, sorry, not meaning to cause havoc. This was a joke 🫣 and duly noted. First timer here...
A March event - Hoist the Colors!!
Andy MacLeod replied to Andy MacLeod's topic in The White Tower & Warders
Blueberry mead!! 💙😋 ... and now I'm ravenous. Someone bring me that steak, please... -
A March event - Hoist the Colors!!
Andy MacLeod replied to Andy MacLeod's topic in The White Tower & Warders