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Jagen Sedai

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Posts posted by Jagen Sedai

  1. Hey Kathleen did u get my PMs?


    Also for any wo want to join, I will do the opening post tomorrow or Thursday. Can you guys please link me the bios of the characters you will be using? I will need them (from the Sisters anyway).

  2. Thank you Kathleen!

    I'll keep Celestine on standby. I technically had her in two short RPs (one I didn't quite finish before), and I can grab those links if you like?


    I figured I might need approval for the second idea, which is why I wanted to state up front that it'll get destroyed somehow in the end or handed over to the storerooms. When I am home I will send a more detailed synopsis.

  3. I had a second RP idea as well, but I'm not sure if I should just focus on one for now. A lot of people want to rp and I do have two characters to do so... My second idea involved a rumor of strange happenings, and by the few details it sounds like a wilder... But investigation reveals that it is a ter'an'greal that a non-channeler is using.


    My thoughts were that this ter'an'greal allows a non-channeler to use the Power in a way a magic wand would.

    By the end of the RP, because such a thing would be obviously dangerous, I figure two routes are plausible:

    1) The Aes Sedai claim it for the white tower, their goal to be to put it safely in the storerooms;

    2) They decide it is too dangerous for anyone and it should be destroyed somehow (or maybe it cannot be moved.... My thoughts further extend that it is a large object that a house was built around and has been being used for generations to protect the strong/rich family that has it and has been using it to manipulate other people or situations over time).



  4. To be fair, when you read about scholars in our world like Isaac Newton, you realize how much he didn't want to share his knowledge. Many didn't, and many scientists still don't, because they want to be the first with some credit to their work. Speaking of Newton, up until the day he died he refused to acknowledge contributions from his hated rival, Robert Hooke, who helped Newton think about gravitational motion in a new way.

  5. Also, I want to add I just thought of something potentially interesting: since I do want my Yellow character to go over the dark side (hehe), perhaps the captured Aes Sedai should be Celestine. Her capture could be a huge factor in her deciding to go to the Dark ONe, a sort of final straw on general mistreatment through her life.

  6. Thank you.


    First, I've decided to go about ideas in sort of a D&D style campaign planning.


    Something I wanted to do but never went through with is this: Jagen gets word from some Red Eyes-and-Ears that there is an unknown Aes Sedai captured by the Seanchan, but who has an ageless face. Jagen wants to go on a rescue mission. She is bonded to Aslan but, depending on if I can get in touch with her player, she may or may not bring him along. I would welcome more than one character coming on this mission.


    Coincidentally I have already started this RP idea on the Seanchan side: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/95054-house-elioth-elmora-tarabon-seanchan-open-rp/


    Potential Problem: I am unsure if the WT in our timeline knows how to mask the ability to channel. If not, a work around would be a ter'an'greal that can do this.

  7. It's not a problem. I think during the period I was inactive, was probably when that website was made, and it just never transferred over :p


    I need OP stats for Celestine, but here are my stats for Jagen:


    Name Air Earth Fire Spirit Water Strength Skill Potency

    Jagen Halin 8 5 5 8 5 31(beginning) (33)(full potential) 35 66


    I'd also like to put up her bio at some point, too!

  8. YESSS Pleasee.... also I need OP scores for my Yellow! Can you help?


    Also, I will immediately set about a storyline where we (my Red and your Green, preferably) can go on an adventure :D


    Coincidentally, I'm actually aiming my new Yellow for the Black, too... >:)

  9. Hello all,


    Right now I have two WT characters; my main and foremost on DM is Jagen, a Red Sitter.


    I also have Celestine Erebruz, who was just raised a sister for the Yellow. I didn't even get OP scores for her though :/


    Nonetheless, I really wanna RP and I have a few vague ideas (D&D style) in mind.

    Also, I'd like to know who is active anyway because that would help me come up with more or better detailed ideas, as I know who I have to work with.

  10. I would love to become active with an Aiel character I've had for years (I RPed her WAAYY back in the early 2000s), but... I need some really interesting plot lines to keep me going. Thinking we need to D&D this.

  11. Why has my character been removed from the website? Even my OP scores are missing! (I DO have them on file, however). I'd like to think I wasn't gone THAT long (actually, a year to be exact, but it's been very rough... I moved countries, began a new job, and had to settle in a new place, so... yea).


    I'm talking about my character Jagen Halin. I've been active with her (on and off) since ***2001*** on DM. My other character, Celestine Erebruz, has dropped off my RP radar a while ago, but she IS on the list... I'm pretty sure I mentioned this last year too, and for some reason it was never changed. I messaged Matalina, but she said she doesn't run the website and I need to talk to whoever is in charge of the WT.... but I'd need to talk to whoever owns the WEBSITE, right?

  12. faroresdragn: I have to admit, your rant on names seemed ill-informed. Sumeko and Yukiri are obviously Japanese women's names. I say obviously because even assuming you're unfamiliar with said names, a quick Google search would reveal this knowledge. As another poster pointed out, Birgitte is actually a common name in at least one country. Randland isn't the USA, you know. You're also complaining no two characters have the same name, but this is technically untrue, as flipping through the WoT Companion reveals--but then you complain two characters' names are too similar. Cant' have it both ways. Besides, statistically speaking, I know plenty of small groups of people that are often together where two people have similar-sounding names, or the same name, so Saerin and Sarine are not unrealistic. Lastly, many fantasy book series and even D&D related stuff has very unique names that do not always point to a real-world origin.


    also... "As poor of a job as Jordan does representing womens behavior and personalities..." I keep seeing men saying this hella lot more than women. Myself, I think he did just fine. Amazingly good, actually, considering RJ himself is obviously a guy. I actually saw a poster once say "women seem to have little problem with the female characters of the books [how they're portrayed], but people in general don't like them..." By "people" he obviously meant *men*. And I really wish men would stop saying they saw the women as unrealistic. I would liek to say "Until you know a woman's way of thinking, probably just stop saying this would be nice," BUT I will acknowledge that AS A WHOLE, the Aes Sedai, for example, were far too into themselves and catty, BUT this could be a side-effect of being cut off from the world for so long while being indoctrinated into this women's only place... HOWEVER the Wise Ones are another group of powerful women, and the Sea Folk Windfinders and Sailmistresses, who were by far better... WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THEIR CULTURE. And people keep ignoring culture and just focusing on gender to make this argument against RJ's portrayal of women. IN my humbel opnion, the biggest thing he fucked up with just the AS and WT.



    For some of my own complaints:

    - The Aes Sedai and the WT in general should have been handled better. As an organization they should have been more efficient and on a personal level, more humble and not so uppity.

    - Anything having to do with Perrin and/or Faile. I seriously hate them both and find them completely useless to the ENTIRE storyline.

    - Disappointed Rand let the Black Tower go on by itself, and gave so much power to men he barely knew regarding the BT.

    - ELAYNE.

  13. I would definitely be Red Ajah. I've always been partial to them, at least since about book 3 or so. Honestly, if saidin were Tainted and I lived in WoT, hell yea I'd be on a mission to capture and gentle every single channeling man I heard of... though, post-taint era, I'd shift the Reds as happened in the books, with perhaps minor tweaking. I wouldn't be able to do the Bond because of severe trust issues, but I feel like it is up to the White Tower as an organization to reach out to men to join their ranks once the Taint is cleansed. I mean they certainly have enough ROOM in the Tower to do so; more than enough! Honestly, the White Tower has that responsibility to the world. I don't agree with the way RJ wrote the WT at all--as incompetent and more closed up than involved in the world. Like half the AS population or more should have been out in the world DOING things, but beyond Moiraine and some advisors, and Adeleas and Vandene, we never hear of anything the other sisters were doing. Of course, I understand that story-wise, we probably just didn't know what they did, but still... Green Ajah I agree should have been working in the Borderlands the entire time. Reds should have been all over Randland doing their thing, and Blues and Yellows too. Grays pretty much already are doing that. Whites and Browns, well, they're already in the Knowledge Capitol of Randland, but I feel they also could have been educators in major cities.


    All that said, White or Brown would have been my next choices. Because yes to knowledge and books. As it is, I already RP my Red Ajah character as being extremely interested in the cosmos and spending time in the library, as well as trying to write her own book to put into said library. :)


    Speaking of RP, to make anything even remotely interesting for Aes Sedai (and Warder) haracters, they really need to get out there in Randland and solve problems. Staying in the WT is boring and uninspiring.

  14. Cura's eyes widened at seeing the Seeker's symbol; the ivory plaque worked with a Raven and Tower. She did not even question his identity, for no one would pose as a Seeker. As if by instinct she flicked her wrist, tugging the a'dam so Suri would make her bow. Cura herself bowed deep. "My apologies, Seeker. In this land, we can never be too careful, with the foreigners who do not know our ways." She straightened and offered him a smile, though it was tight-lipped in her nervousness. Why a Seeker was here, she had no idea, but neither was it her place to ask or to know.


    "Please, right this way. The High Lady is in audience with Lord Andran, and her son, High Lord Leranse. It is casual, of course, so there will be no problem or delay in announcing your arrival." She knew she had to be as cooperative as possible and would never have dreamed of being anything else. Cura worked for High Lady Retamin, but it was the Empress, May She Live Forever, who always received loyalty above all others. Anything less would be blasphemy. Serving her Seekers was a way to serve the Empress more directly than even through her High Lady!


    Cura approached the open doors of the audience room and quickly knelt; Suri, who'd finally got used to when to perform certain actions, went face-down on the floor. The High Lady Retamin had gone, but High Lord Leranse was still in the room. Lord Ardan had removed that curious veil from his face, and Leranse was informing him of why he should shave the facial hair, too.

    As appropriate, Cura stayed kneeling until Leranse addressed her. "Yes, der'sul'dam?"

    "Forgiveness, High Lord, for disturbing you, but a Seeker requests the High Lady Retamin's presence." She could not delay this information.

    Leranse stood up, in surprise, looking over the Seeker. "Ah, y-yes, of course, Seeker. Let me locate my mother immediately. Ardan! Come with me." The young High Lord would not trust Ardan by himself with a Seeker; nor would he leave him to try to request his mother to return to the audience chamber. He immediately moved off the dias as a short da'covale rushed forward and presented the Seeker with a tray to chose a drink, and light snack if he wished, her dark eyes never leaving the floor.


    Cura wanted to make sure the Seeker was pleased with his visit, and she wanted to fill the quietness of the room. "These lands do bring forth many good things for the Empire and the Empress, May She Live Forever," she began pleasantly. "Such as this one," she gestured to the da'covale with the tray. "A Sea Folk; do you see her hand tattoos? She is quite the dancer. Would you care to see?"



    OOC: Feel free to have the High Lady return in your post ^-^

  15. Jagen regarded Aslan silently for a few moments. So he had finally decided to bring up the relocation. The Sitter picked up her cup and sipped what little tea was left, collecting her thoughts. "The Black Tower, that is where you want to be, yes? When you are not here in Tar Valon?" She set down the cup and moved it and its saucer to the corner of her desk. "When you are here, it is best to have you.. Asha'man.. in the Tower, not in the city. The Aes Sedai are more than well equipped to--" she hesitated, "house you, yes," she said instead of saying 'managing', "and certainly you will not have to scare the common people. They may be used to us, but not you; not Asha'man. Even the sight of your black coats surely worries them."


    "So where would you like to be? Here, in the Red Quarters? You are, whether I like it or not, bonded to me. We should be close. But should you need to be spending time at your... Black Tower... I will not stop you. As for the origination of the message of moving into the Red Quarters, who do you think began those discussions? I am a Sitter, Aslan. This conversation originated with me." Among others, she added to herself. But no conversation about a topic so important would escape Jagen. "We--the Red Ajah--will come to know as our Warders," she purposely left out that the bond was backwards in their particular case, "and recognize you, therefore, as companions in helping to fight the Dark One. We are on the same side. I hardly have ulterior motives you need be worrying about."

  16. Jagen sat down at her study table and was already flipping through the book, for the moment ignoring Aslan. It was not meant to be rude, but rather to let the man calm down a bit. He'd avoided saying anything about the Black Tower other than some utterance about the weather, so the Sitter decided to let it slide for now. Perhaps their meeting was overdue for an end.


    "Do you go for strolls or are you normally closed up for studies all day?" he asked just as she marked a third area in the book.

    For a moment she grinned, more to herself, and let it go back to her usual expressionless look before glancing his way. "Is there a particular reason why you're asking?" she inquired, genuinely wondering what on the earth would make him ask such a thing. Nonetheless, she answered, "Usually I study, and at night venture out. That is the time to study the stars and planets, after all."


    She glanced back at her book and sighed heavily enough to make her veil flutter. "I think it's time you return... home, Aslan. I shall walk you to the garden where we have a Traveling area. Clearly, you wish to be outside, yes?" she guessed, letting a little smile return. She was a bit amused at how squeamish he must've been in the White Tower.

  17. Jagen cradled the book to her torso, watching Aslan carefully. She was positive that, just for a moment, he had channeled. She listened to his words, and then sniffed. "This means you do not want a book, yes?" She turned half away, as if her body could somehow protect the book from weaves of saidin. "I highly suggest you do not do what you just did, Aslan. You must promise me to not do that again unless it is a matter of utmost safety."


    She frowned deeply, finally mulling over his words. The halls on each side of them seemed to be empty. Someone coughed some distance off, but no other sound came close other than the swishing of her own gown. "As for your request... some information must be shared, Aslan. It depends on what it is. I'm not exactly going to be asking for a map of your... home." Her lips tightened just slightly. "I'm more curious about how your organization functions. Forget for a moment the Ajah I belong to, and see me as a social scholar. Yes, that. I am rather interested in how such a town can spring up so quickly and how the day to day business goes. Now that hardly sounds harmful, yes?"


    She turned away more fully this time. "Come; if you do not wish to get a book, I have what I need. We should return to the private quarters."

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