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Posts posted by LightHelpMe

  1. 2 hours ago, Mirefox said:

    I liked the Suldam costumes and the Whiteckoaks were better than in past episodes.  I personally don’t (subjectively) like the look of the Seanchan but I think the design is objectively good.

    I was very impressed with the Whitecloaks armor, and the way they used it to show differences in rank. Geofram's has gold in it, while Dain's had silver. Couldn't get a good look at Valda's since he was being savaged by bestest boy Hopper.

  2. 11 hours ago, Yamezt said:

    Rand in his red jacket. 


    I quite like Suroth's outfit - It is like a very westernized Hanfu/Hanbok/Kimono 

    I loved Rand's red coat to. I liked how it had a layered look to it.


    Have you seen the IG reel that the head costume designer posted about it? She explains the inspiration and everything that went into constructing it. Sharon_gilham_costume_design


  3. What were your favorite costumes this season? There was so much to like!. But my favorites have to be Moiraine's blouse in episode 8, and Alanna's dress in Ep 1 when she is teaching the novices. The way the front was designed was reminiscent of the way women tucked scarves into their bodices in the 18th century, and I love the puffy sleeves as well. I also love Perrin's vest, and surprisingly Verin's dresses. Simple, but with some nice touches.

  4. On 10/9/2023 at 12:56 PM, notpropaganda73 said:

    don't think the Horn is really that important overall to the story,

    It is very important to the last battle which is what the whole series is building up to. TGH haves us an introduction to it and showed us what to expect. It also reinforces the cyclical nature of time and people being spun out over and over again. They look different with each incarnation and have a different name, but it's the same soul, which is how Hawking recognized Rand. (Although that k particular point is lost in the show.)

  5. Highs:

    Mat telling Fain he wasn't gonna touch the dagger, and he didn't. Loved his ingenuity in making it a weapon he could use without touching it. Such a Mat thinking to do! 

    Mat and Perrin reunion. Very convenient to just run into each other on the street, but, still nice. And telling Perrin Rand's alive but has shit hair. 😆

    Moiraine telling Lan he was always her better, and then rebonding him or whatever she did.

    And of course when Mat blows the Horn and yells his trademark battle cry.

    Rand Indiana Jonesing Turak and his guards.



    Nyaneave and Elayne develop this great plan to rescue Egwene but don't get to execute it.

    Egwene should not have been able to collar Renna because she had every intent on using it to hurt Renna. 

    It seemed like Moiraine broke the Oaths, but a simple change in her wording could have made it clear why she didn't believe she was.

    Egwene shouldn't have been able to hold up against Ishamael for as long as she did, it at all. Having Elayne link with her would have been more believable, and would have better demonstrated Ishamael's strength.

    Magic Captain America shield *face palm*

    Rand's 'battle with Ishamael was so anti-climactic.

    RIP Hopper I knew it had to happen, but it didn't stop me from yelling NO!


  6. 24 minutes ago, Godoggo said:

    I just have a fundmental problem with the world of TV writers WOT.  When you write fantasy, you establish rules.  The rule was, if you think of something as a weapon, you can't touch it, even if it is for a different use.  As a result, as soon as Egwene thought of using it as a weapon, she shouldn't be able to use it.  It's a TV trope that the victim gets to kill the oppressor, but it doesn't make sense here.  Let alone the fact that even if Egwene could have placed the collar, as soon as she gives pain to other, it would create a constantly increasing feedback loop until both would clearly die as each adam increases the pain exponentially to their damane.  

    This is exactly my biggest problem with this episode. The writers ignore established rules when it's convenient. Do enough of that, and your world building falls apart.


    They could have give given Egwene her revenge kill without violating pre-established rules. Nyaneave and Elayne execute their plan (why set that up and then no pay off?). Of course they would have asked Seta how to remove an a'dam. Elayne disables Renna while Nyaneave removes Egwene's collar. Then Egwene is free to collar Renna and get her revenge. 


    That would also put all 3 girls on top of the tower ready to face off against Ishamael, but I digress. There were a few scenes that could have been better and not created any in universe problems with just some minor tweaks.

  7. 1 hour ago, Yamezt said:

    Even if she had figured out, which seems like a huge leap of faith

    Why is it a huge leap of faith for her to have figured it out, without any doubt, but not that she thought it might work? Her thought process on how it worked would be the same. Egwene is supposed to be super smart in the books, and as she is Rafe's favorite character that won't change in the show. And, she had A LOT of time to think in that cell.


    The a'dam is a tool, but it is used to cause physical pain when Damane need to be punished. We saw that with both Egwene & Renna and with Nyaneave & Seta, so I don't understand why you think it only causes mental pain.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Ralph said:

    in the books he went out swinging because they were attacking the wolves.  not self defense. if it were, he would have used that as a defense in the silly trial.  it was defend his friend Hopper. I liked this change - just would have preferred it was quicker so it could be seen as an instinctive reaction not planned revenge

    There was also a Whitecloak approaching with sword drawn, so he could have pled self defense. But Hopper being killed caused him to go into a frenzy. 

    The trial was so stupid, but it did at least show Morgase's wisdom.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Rhaze said:

    The show is enjoyable, but once again, it will never be great because the writers dont care  if it is great, good enough is good enough for them.

    I'm in the same camp. They allow continuity errors that could easily be avoided, and cheesy crap like the magic Captain America shield, and give the show runner's favorite character 2 big moments, neither of which she should have been capable of. People are having to explain how Moiraine didn't break one of the Oaths which could have been avoided simply with different dialogue.


    Maybe Ishamael thinks because he failed to turn Rand he'll get to enjoy blissful death until the Dragon is reborn again or that the other Forsaken can take him out. But, no, it really doesn't make sense for him to just stand there and wait for Rand to stab him.


    It's fun to discuss and theorize, but not about stuff that is simply a matter of less than great writing.

  10. 11 hours ago, Requiem said:

    That's just not true, Renna unlocked and released the adam before she died, with the expectation that if she did Egwene would do the same for her and was then shocked that Egwene let her die.

    I just rewatched that bit and you're right. I guess we're supposed to assume Renna communicated her will to remove the collar as she took the arm band off because Renna took it every time she left Egwene's cell, and Egwene was still controlled through the a'dam.


    I would rather have seen Nyaneave and Elayne execute their plan, because you know the first question they asked Seta was how to remove an a'dam. Egwene could have done with Renna from there, and we wouldn't have the problem of how Egwene was able to touch something she intended to use to hurt her Suldam.

  11. 6 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

    His defence now is battle lust in the middle of a fight so what he did is not murder, is not illegal.

    I realize it was battle lust, but he didn't kill the Whitecloak that was trying to kill him. He killed the man who killed Hopper. And he wasn't there to fight Whitecloaks, he was there to fight Seanchan. I'm not talking about it holding up in court, I'm talking about what is going to do to Perrin. In the books, he only kills Whitecloaks in self defense, and he kills enemies in battle. He could easily see Eamon Valda as an enemy, but not Bornhald.

  12. I am glad I saw this. Somehow I don't think Netflix is gonna email me and ask me if I want the cheaper package with ads. Although I would have heard eventually.


    What really irks me is I have shows that I purchased digitally on Prime years ago that have since been added to their Freevee streaming platform, which includes ads, so now I have to watch the ads!


    As a rule ads don't bother me too much. I grew up watching TV that way.

  13. 2 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

    think some audible stuff (never used audible), and maybe other extras that prime membership gets you. 

    No, Audible is a completely separate service. Same if you want Kindle Unlimited, and even Prime Music has limitations but I don't use it so I can't remember what.

  14. On 10/6/2023 at 9:33 AM, The_Watcher_And_Wanderer said:

    The more I think about it the more I realize how poorly the show has handled Perrin and the Whitecloaks

    This one has me upset too. I know a big part of his arc is his struggle against battle rage and fearing becoming more wolf than man. But in the books, he never outright murders anyone. Dain has no legitimate cause to hate Perrin in the books. He wasn't even there when his father died. It was Child Byar who misinformed Dain and kept egging him on. Geofram was one of only two really decent Whitecloaks in the books (the other being Galad). But the books aside, the show's depiction of him is also that of a reasonable man (for a Whitecloak) whom Perrin had no good reason to kill. He'll know that too, when the dust settles, so now on top of everything else, he has to carry this guilt.

  15. On 10/6/2023 at 1:30 AM, BenPatient said:

    Matt makes his own Ashandarei from the knife...I did not see coming, and I actually like that

    I liked his ingenuity there. It felt like a very Mat thing to do. Two problems with it though--I don't think it would hold up well for any extended period of time, and more importantly, it's too dangerous of a weapon to carry around. He could kill or at least seriously injure someone by accidentally bumping them with it.


    On 10/6/2023 at 1:30 AM, BenPatient said:

    Not sure anyone did the math on the whole double-collar thing. I think RJ probably already ruled that out at some point, didn't he? Like...it would kill them both if they tried it, type of thing.

    The writers don't let little things like book lore bother them! Seriously, I can't remember that specifically, but I do know there is no way Egwene should have been able to touch that collar. Anyone who doubted she intended to use that as a weapon hasn't been paying attention. (That makes two things she should not have been able to do.)


    At first I thought it was just me who had a problem with Suroth. I agree she feels off. Like she's not serious about anything even when she's supposed to be angry. I don't know if it's the actress or the writing, or both.


    I was happy to see Lan being a bad ass again--I missed that. 


    I enjoyed the episode overall, but I definitely have some problems with it.

  16. On 10/5/2023 at 11:54 PM, Storeebooq said:

    Disappointed that they had Eggy kill Renna. I think it was a misstep on her part, and she'll have to grapple with it. They are giving her anger more of an edge here than in the books. 

    I don't know if she's any less angry in the books, Nyaneave just talks her out of it. And of course I guess there is the relief factor. Killing Renna is actually mercy compared to leaving her to be discovered as a Damane, but in the books they hoped it would open some eyes among the Seanchan.

    The way things are presented in the show, she had to kill Renna to remove her collar. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

    egwene is stronger than moiraine at this point, and possibly more trained in war channeling. i can easily accept the scene.

    I can accept this easier than I can Egwene being able to collar Renna. I counted, and Ishamael have her 9 seconds to get that shield in place, and we know it's easier to hold a shield that's already in place even against someone who is stronger. I think it would have been more believable if Elayne had linked with her though. Not a fan of the magic Captain America shield, but whatever.

  18. On 10/5/2023 at 11:46 PM, Rhaze said:

    Ingtar left a bad taste in my mouth that carried through the rest of the episode. I think the question of can a darkfriend be saved was an important arc that Ingtar answered.


     I liked the Heroes of the Horn and even the Mat "I remember" line.


     Nice to see Lan do something other than fail.


    Lanfear playing her own games is fun.


    Liked that Egwene freed herself but you cant ask too many questions or it just falls apart. Take it at face value that Egwene rescued herself,


    Hopper, so sad.


    Fighting scenes were a letdown.


    Moiraine somehow became the most powerful Aes Sedai in millions of years.


    Ishamael died so easily it was a letdown.


    Moghedian was great and I wanted to see more immediately.

    You only need to ask ONE question and the whole scene with Egwene freeing herself falls apart. And why not ask? Don't we want better writing than that?


    I'm loving Lanfear too. She was rather dull in the books, same thing over and over.


    I cried when Hopper died. I knew it had to come, but it happened kind of suddenly. Oh, who am I kidding. I would have cried no matter what. Just maybe not have yelled No! I hope we see Valda with a horribly mangled arm.


    Rand and Ishamael "battle" was so anti-climatic. But if he did just give up and let Rand kill him, he's gonna find out the DO has a nasty sense of humor because there is no way the show is killing him of for good.


    Moghedien was creepy, but I liked it. In the books she usually seemed rather pathetic.

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