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books of Robert Jordan

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  1. I'm going to be a real killjoy (in the eyes of the fans of the tv series): I hope this is the last season, and there will be no more desecration.
  2. There were many quality posts by/from quality commenters on DM, Wm, TV, TL (a pity what happened to them) etc, or even at ASOIAF etc. Usually the same people, albeit many times with different usernames. True, the days with Callandor, DomA, Cannoli, Gonzo, Davian etcetc will never come back (and I really miss Terez, Mr Ares etc) again, and DM was much more moderated than the other sites, DM was and is still a very good place to discuss WOT. (DM was always accused by some folks that 'they only post about "Who is the stronger?"', but that's not true.) edit: I forgot to mention rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan where one still can find useful informations, but I was just a reader there, I didn't participate in anything.
  3. Well, two times (I think there are no more cases) even Robert Jordan sensed a longer timeline, but these (very brief) occasions (inner monologues/thoughts) are just very minor or rather insignificant errors. It's really interesting that many readers (especially 'readers' of audio books) have the same reaction ("I’m now in shock. I wasn’t aware the events of this series were so compressed"), but Jordan always tells us almost directly the timeline. Oh, and good luck on your journey!
  4. http://www.stevenac.net/wot/wotchron.htm
  5. DM never had been inferior to wotmania. And, by the way, 'wotmania' is still 'alive'.
  6. From the outside it looks like magic, from the inside it's science.
  7. I have no idea why would anybody do that, but I will share a little bit of information that can reveal a lot: after this year's Emmy Awards even the most rabid defenders of the Amazon show (where they ban you for the slightest criticism of the show) acknowledged that the show is not good. This response, and I have to repeat it: from the most rabid fans of the Amazon show, speaks volumes.
  8. Never heard that one so far, and even before S1 "It's a new turning etc." was the main propaganda I mean, promotion. And: Robert Jordan: "It's my story, guys. If you have ideas, write your own stories." That settles everything, I think.
  9. Robert Jordan: (Perhaps New Spring could be done in a three hour feature length movie.) "I'm not saying that it will be done, but it could." "It's a chancy thing. I would not support anyone doing a feature film of, say, The Eye of the World. I do not think it could be compressed into three hours. Certainly not into two. That would make it incomprehensible. But... [end of this side of the tape]... the screenwriter makes further changes, because, although it's a collaborative effort, if the director says I don't like this, do it some other way, do it this way, and the screenwriter does that. And if the screenwriter doesn't do that, they'll get another screenwriter. And then the actor says 'I don't believe this character would say this.' And the actress says I don't want to do that, see, I want to do it this way, so they change the dialogue, and they change the scene. And the director, again, comes up and says 'I think it should be done in this fashion' and he shapes it. And what goes up on the screen bears, you hope, some resemblance to what was on the page." "I used to think that it might be impossible for a movie to really encompass any of the books, but since seeing The Lord of the Rings, I've changed my mind. In any case, Harriet says (and Plato agrees with her) that the only thing to do when you sell a book to Hollywood is to take the money, walk away very fast before they can take it back, and never, ever go to see the movie." [The underlined text is a very wrong approach...] And reading Jordan's objections and advices on the graphic adaptation of New Spring, one can presume Robert Jordan's reaction to the promo pictures, the trailers, or even just an episode...
  10. [Off, just a little bit: Netflix (whats-on-netflix), but interesting numbers...
  11. I think it does. (From my point of view.) He was towering above anybody else, see the sales figures, even the number of the sold copies of NS in its first year (hardcover!) was unreachable to anybody else in the last 20 years, except GRRM, who got a minuscule help from HBO. I don't think he did it for the money.. While he was able to answer many questions in one book, Robert Jordan: I wrote New Spring to be accessible to people with no knowledge of the world at all. Of course, people who do know the world will spot some things that others won't, and perhaps get a few answers to some of their questions. And they will get to see something that I have been asked about fairly often, the test for Aes Sedai. maybe he felt that he could even write a prequel, because he was sitting on top of the world. He sold more copies of NS than the second and third and fourth and fifth most successful author of TOR combined! About their 'homosexuality' (Moi and Siuan are not homosexuals): "Sometimes I wish we still were novices, you and I. Still innocent enough to see it all as a gleeman's tale come true, still innocent enough to think we would find men—they would be princes, remember, handsome and strong and gentle? – who could bear to live with women of an Aes Sedai's power. Still innocent enough to dream of the happy ending to the gleeman's tale, of living our lives as other women do, just with more than they." "We are Aes Sedai, Siuan. We have our duty. Even if you and I had not been born to channel, would you give it up for a home and a husband, even a prince? I do not believe it. That is a village goodwife's dream. Not even the Greens go so far." And one can find easily many more proofs of their heterosexuality. (And to 'contradict' myself: don't forget: the WT based on the Vatican/Catholic Church. Things happen in similar strict institutions.) I didn't have much time, but I've selected a few quotes from Robert Jordan – these are the 'official' assertions (and you can accept them, or you can refuse them), you can read them here : Eric from Nashville: Was the storyline for "New Spring" one that was created at the same time as the rest of the WoT plot, or did you come up with it specifically for the Legends anthology? RJ: The basis was notes that I had made for myself on backstory, things that I had never intended to put into the books themselves, but that I needed to know to write the books: such as where did Moiraine and Lan meet, and where did they come from. RJ: First, Bob Silverberg asked me to do a short piece for an anthology entitle Legends, and the result was the novella New Spring. What I first mapped out to write, though, would have been much too long, so I had to revise extensively just to keep it down to novella length. Later, I happened to mention this to my publisher in the States, Tom Doherty of Tor Books, and he asked me whether I could expand the novella to the originally planned novel length. That wasn't really possible, but what I did was rewrite the novella to a considerable extent to make it what I originally wanted. And I was quite right about the length. As a novella, it was a little over 30,000 words. As a novel, the story is about 120,000 words. Why did you decide to publish New Spring between the main volumes? Robert Jordan: Actually, it was a way to take a little break. To still be writing, but write something that was a little different. I also thought I could do the short novels quickly enough that they would not delay the main sequence novels and would provide my readers with a book a little quicker than they would otherwise get it. RJ: You know, the reception of New Spring: the Novel surprised me. Some people were upset or even angry that I wasn't getting on with the main story. I even heard people say there was no reason to read the novel if you had read the novella. (That, by the way, is very wrong. There is stuff in that novel that won't ever be anywhere else, including the test for Aes Sedai and the reasons why certain people have the relationships they do in the books among other things.) Anyway, given the reactions of so many people, I decided to shelve the other two prequels for a while. Unfortunately Robert Jordan took too seriously of the reactions to COT, that's why KOD went a little bit awry, but that's for another topic.
  12. NS is basically a 'I get a bunch of questions about the WT, Moi, Lan from my readers all the time, and I've collected my answers into a short book.' (Moi disappears early in the series, way earlier than FOH, but very popular character, Lan's situation is the same.) There's a good story in it, but it could have been much better: and while its length limits everything, Jordan should have cut certain things, or rather he should have written a longer novel, but writing a longer novel meant putting aside the new book in the main series, which not a good news, so we got this half-polished end product. I think it's clear, and it was clear even back then: WOT is RAND's story, WOT is all about Rand, without him there is no cohesion, without him just interesting tidbits 'every' storyline, and it's very obvious that Jordan did not put enough time and thinking into NS.
  13. https://www.wotseries.com/2024/06/02/wheel-of-time-spent-over-260-million-first-two-seasons/
  14. WOT is often compared to GOT, so: Ran skipped entire seasons (of GOT), Linda only watched a few episodes (of GOT)...
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