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Robbin Poh

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Posts posted by Robbin Poh

  1. Brandon is certainly fit to criticize, but his opinion on what was done correctly or wrong is not necessarily true. Don't forget that Brandon himself assigned so many pages to Androl, and many character interactions took on a two dimensional cardboard tone.

    So much focus spent on developing how to hack gateways, but what was the point? Just to insert a little action-adventure story arc for Androl and his Aes Sedai

  2. If that 

    1 hour ago, DaddyFinn said:


    Good points in this thread also. Considering that Rand is still taking his first baby steps with channeling, he's doing well.

    The fatal loophole in this analysis is that Siuan shields him with barely any effort just half a day ago. 

    I think the key differences are the horn, and Ishy seeing the horn's effect on Rand and Egwene, as well as the power in that sword weave, so he gives up for this turning

  3. 39 minutes ago, mogi68 said:

    The two bits I really liked about the episode:

    1. "I will never serve him. In a thousand lifetimes. I know that, I'm sure of it" 

    2. Rand looking up and instantly being transfixed by Elayne





    white phosphorous 🤪




    Maybe ter'angreal? Whitecloaks tell themselves whatever is convenient that they want to hear when they want to use something

  4. 19 hours ago, Mirefox said:

    I’m sorry, what?  I can’t take posts like this seriously.  If you like the show, great, but let’s not pretend that the characters are all the same.  I mean, have you seen Lan?


    The characters may end up at the same geographical location as they are in the books but they are not all the same characters.

    Stop pretending you decide the gold standard for what characters should be. You are just another reader, more specifically, one who didn't pay enough attention and forgot too much.

  5. Damane can't pick up their own bracelet, only other peoples. Hence why they are kept in separate rooms.


    Anyway, the show had some weird moments, but not as weird as in the books and I think can be easily explained unlike the books. 

    1) Egwene has a talent for warding or channelling dexterity, and/or she is a hero too and hearing the horn awakened some channelling skills she had. Being a hero also explains why she said sorry to Rand, and why the script let Ishy comment "How did you...?" and look puzzled how she is suddenly able to fend him off for so long.

    2) Rand awakened some LTT memories when he heard the horn, hence him suddenly being sure he had never turned in 1000 turnings, and then using those memories, he invented a form of destructive weaves that can kill forsaken for good. (Although their souls might still be spun out again in the next turning of the wheel.) Maybe he didn't use it on the forsaken during AOL because maybe it disrupts the pattern, but he had no choice this time. Possibly it is what Show balefire looks like, ie for melee combat only, and no special time-undoing effects

    3) Moiraine could create a huge fire dragon because it was mostly just an illusion.

    But somethings are just plotholes that can't be fixed. Like Moiraine being able to destroy an entire navy from several km away. And Maighan and Moiraine both being able to use the OP as a weapon not in defense of their lives or the lives of their warders.


  6. Recently joined the forum, came to vent at people venting at the show.
    Please reread the books to remind yourselves the characters are exactly how they should be at this point in the plot. Also, RJ had to write books 1,2,3 with self-contained climax endings because he wasn't sure if he could find publishers for the next book, hence Rand's unrealistic victory each time even though he was still so untrained and inexperienced. It was only later on when WOT was a hit that RJ felt more free to revise the plot structure of books 4-11 as a continuous flow.

  7. Season 1 had better publicity, but wasn't good enough to retain many audiences. 

    Season 2 had no publicity, the directing and writing was so much better. I notice the videos, viewership and discussion on social media increasing significantly as the season progresses. It will probably have much better longevity than season 1, new viewers will be joining in and there will probably be sustained discussions on social media all the way until season 3.

    And because it made significant changes from the books, so people have the room to speculate and theorize, whereas the earlier seasons of GOT followed the books closely so people needn't speculate at all, while the writing standard in the later seasons of GOT had dropped so much that people were too turned off to care what will happen. Someone important will die or do terrible things, the show writers are just resorting to shock tactics or exaggerated melodramatic plot twists, thinking that was what made the earlier seasons work so well.

  8. 3 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

    My alternate ending of the story has a much bigger role for fain, I always thought the story would be much more interesting if at the end Rand realised there was no creator, that the dark lord is just an ancient evil that was trapped away in a previous turning, a mortal who gained supernatural powers and knowledge. 

    Rand finishes the last battle killing the dark lord, because humanity will continue being good and evil, this being has no impact on that, and the battle is won, but then, he realises there is a new evil risen, one that can destroy the world, one that needs to be inprisoned, and so Rand dies not killing the dark one, but imprisoning the next. 

    That feels quite like Brandon Sanderson's plot style, I recall in one of his books, a side character became the new god.

    But RJ's style is epic fantasy, so there is more of a fundamental approach to good and evil and freedom of choice etc. I just wish he had written the Shadar Logoth evil more clearly. Although RJ wrote that it originated from the evil of mankind alone, no darkfriends needed, but the DO has to exist for mankind to choose to become evil, therefore the evil of Shadar Logoth cannot truly be completely independent of the DO's evil. It should be more of a Saidin vs Saidar relationship, opposing but closely connected. Sort of like how the Horn and Heroes are probably not created by the Creator directly, but arose due to unknown mechanisms.

  9. I think my theory that he gets it thru the horn is more plausible on screen than getting them thru drinking potions served by Forsaken, else every darkfriend would be queuing up for this tea to get special powers. Not to mention that there was an awful lot of that wood left in the tray, if it really worked, Mat can stuff them in his pockets to feed to all his friends as well as the whole TR, then the TR army would be the leading force that forces the Seanchan to submit, unites everyone, and leads them to defeat the Sharans and darkspawn in the last battle. I can already hear all the negative reviews threatening to kill me if I were the producer.

  10. If they had kept it without offering any better buildup to how he gained those skills, the result would be worse. In the books, it was acceptable to just give a handwaving reason that he had always been skilled even though he had never used it even once in book 1 nor had anyone else mentioned it, but suddenly becoming Mary Sue in the show like that would be too much even compared to Nynaeve.

  11. 1 hour ago, Mirefox said:

    In the boom, Mat actually had a strong foundation for his fighting skills thanks to his noble father, who taught him how to fight with a bo staff.  Because we can’t have noble male characters, Abel was a drunk philanderer, Mat is a thief and a coward, and if he suddenly starts fighting competently they better have a good explanation other than some mystical Matrix-style fight program installation.  At the same time, the show has also dropped Rand’s training and we are presumably going to see him fight a swordmaster soon, so things like logical character progression aren’t necessarily a concern of the show.

    How is Mat's staff fighting ability a logical character progression? RJ just decided in book 3 that Mat was an expert staff fighter and had always been, yet that skill was never mentioned once in books 1 and 2. You'd think that Mat would at least have brought his staff when he left TR, but he only brought his bow.
    How is Rand's sword fighting ability a logical character progression? By training on and off for a few months with Lan, then he's suddenly good enough to beat a real blademaster?
    How is Perrin's axe fighting ability a logical character progression? By going berserker he is suddenly good with wielding an axe as well? If it's from his wolfbrother ability, then he should only be as good a fighter as a wolf and he should be biting people, not wielding an axe proficiently.

  12. 20 hours ago, Scarloc99 said:

    Some issues I see with your theory. 

    In the book it explicitly states that the horn could never work for the shadow at the end. We also know that the evil of Shadar Logoth is a very different almost opposite evil to the dark lord. 

    Mat also ceases to be the holder of the horn halfway through the story. 

    All those events I think are happening as per the books, nothing we have seen has suggested otherwise.

    In the show, why not hide the real horn in Thakandar, then counterfeit a Horn to give Turak, that would eliminate the risk of Mat or anyone not DF recovering the Horn and blowing it. In the books, it was a clear loophole, even if Ishy was still too mad then, Lanfear and probably a few others were already free by the time the Shienaran party were chasing after Fain's group, so they could have taken the horn from Fain easily for safekeeping. Even Slayer could have done it too. Instead everyone on the Shadow side just stood by why a wildcard like Fain did whatever he liked with an artifact of strategic importance in the battle of Falme and the Final battle.

    Anyway, if we stay with book canon and keep SL's evil as independent and almost opposite to the DO and Shadow's evil, then let's ask the question, shouldn't it be also possible for there to be a  force for good that is independent and almost opposite to the Creator and Light. In which case, then that force is the Hero reincarnation system and the Horn. But I still think my theory will fit better with the rest of WOT book lore. More importantly, it provides a reasonable method for Mat to gain all his new powers in one shot, much more reasonable than suddenly being an expert staff fighter all along.

  13. My theory for the Horn, which also explains how show Mat will get his battle memory, strategic ability and fighting skills. It will be by blowing the Horn.

    (Edit 29 Sept 2023: I recalled this prophecy "Let whosoever sounds me think not of glory, but only of salvation". It all fits perfectly! 
    "Q: "Hawkwing says they follow the banner and the Dragon. Moiraine says the Heroes will follow whoever winds the horn. Was Moiraine wrong?"

    A: *Arch look* "Moiraine doesn't know everything. She was speaking the truth as she knows it." (I took this to imply that Moir was misinformed, and the conflict resolved, until he continued.) "However, she is correct in that whoever sounds the horn 'controls the Heroes.'" [exact quote] (I started to get confused at this point. Is Moir right or is she wrong? What's he trying to tell me?)

    Q: "Then what happens if the Dragon and the banner are on opposite sides of the conflict from whoever sounds the horn?"

    A: "Then we get a [rift] in the Pattern."")


    Assumption 1

    People are born neutral, in between Light and Shadow. They may go thru life without ever consciously choosing a side. In AMOL, Rand chooses to repair the prison instead of killing the DO because he understood that people needed to retain both negative and positive emotions to have whole personalities.

    Assumption 2
    The Dagger, Shadar Logoth and Mashadar are an offshoot from the DO's power. The prerequisite for their existence was that people had to be capable of negative thoughts and negative actions, even if it was done in the name of good. Since the DO must exist for this to be possible, it makes more sense if the evil of Shadar Logoth is an offshoot of the Shadow's.


    That's why Fain got a power boost enough to kill a Fade when he had the dagger, yet Ishy didn't mention anything about the dagger or how Fain could be powerful enough to torture and kill Fades. ie it was a natural equipment upgrade. In the books, it was mentioned that even the Forsaken were uncomfortable with Fain's power. 


    Considering how Aridhol transformed into Shadar Logoth, the dagger ability similarly weakens a person's mental resilience and gradually tilt his psychological alliance over to the Shadow. Mat resisted it once, and was healed of his influence, but the damage was done, his mental resilience against it remains very very weak, he still wants it like Gollum wants the Ring. If he chose to give in to the temptation and touch it again, he will turn irrevocably over to the Shadow.

    That would match up with Ishy's confidence in turning Mat and his mission for Min to bring him to Falme, ie make Mat touch it again
    If you think about it, the Heroes of the Horn are Heroes for their heroic actions by simple humans. Whereas Aridhol turned into Shadar Logoth due to the evil actions of simple humans. So the Horn can be considered the anti-thesis of the Dagger, and therefore the Horn and the Heroes are a subset/offshoot of the Light.
    The Shadow works by tempting even the unwilling into damnation, therefore it makes sense for the dagger to corrupt minds to turn them evil. But the Light can't work like that too, else it'll be just as bad. 


    So instead, the Horn's cause and effect relation with people is reversed. Only people who have made a conscious and determined decision to walk/stay in the Light can effectively blow the Horn. It's got to be a life-changing level of resolve.


    Darkfriends are unable to touch the Horn at all, maybe it generates a psychological barrier as strong as a physical/magical barrier. This would explain why the Horn needed to be in a special box, else they wouldn't be able to carry it to Falme. This would also explain why no Darkfriend blew it to cement the Horn's affiliation to the Dark side even though they have had it for so long. (Drawback is the Horn would also become a effective darkfriend detector, so this theory might need further tweaking)


    As for people who have never consciously chosen Light or Shadow since birth, they might be able to touch the Horn, but blowing it does nothing. This would explain why Ishy did not just get a non-DF peasant who is not DF to blow the horn then control him using compulsion to make the Heroes fight for the Shadow.
    Consequence of Theory
    Ishy needs someone like Turak or possibly a zealot like Masema or a dedicated Whitecloak to blow the horn, as (1) they have a strong resolve to walk in the Light but also (2) a fvcked up mentality about what's right and wrong. The first criteria allows people like Turak to blow the horn effectively. The second criteria allows Ishy to manipulate people like that to command the Heroes to fight for the Shadow.


    So maybe after Min brings Mat to Falme, Ishy places him with the dagger, but Mat resists the dagger's temptation and eventually picked up the Horn instead. As for Min's vision of Mat stabbing Rand, that might be Mat's ruse to trick Ishy.


    And when he blew the Horn of Valere, it was an indicator he has cemented his resolve to walk in the Light for evermore.


    The perks of being Hornblower is that the experience of all Heroes of the Horn is filtered into something that best suits his natural aptitudes and personality.

    He gets his luck by being a Taveren that is triggered as soon as he blows the Horn.

    PS: Of course this also means probably no more Finnland in the show

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