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Posts posted by GrandpaG

  1. I remember seeing a movie called Dune long, long ago. Maybe thirty years or so? I might have read part of the book, too. I don't remember. I recall something about a desert. Giant worms. Bad guys. Good guys. Or, maybe that was Eye of the World? I know I read that book at least five times. I'm tired. It's been a long Labor Day. Putting vinyl siding on the dormers. HOT !!! Sweat. Stink. Sore muscles. Good exercise. SUCKS !!! Summer is gone and I'm only a little over half done! And the garage badly needs new shingles before winter. Maybe steel? Don't know. Don't care. Bye for now.




  2. Ellen Sedai, or "The Black Widow" as she preferred to think of herself nowadays smiled as she watched her son stepping gracefully through his sword forms. Some day soon he would take a place of honor along side her in the Last Battle. He would make a fine dreadlord. Perhaps her mentor Moghedian could hook him up with a male tutor. That was almost too much to wish for. Everything that he knew so far he had learned on his own. She knew that if he went to the Black Tower that she would never see him again. No. She had been patient this long... she could wait a little longer for everything to fall into place.


    It seemed like just yesterday that she had been ordered to gain control of this hell hole in the middle of nowhere. Now, she understood. This small hamlet that she now ruled was strategic for controlling trade between the coastal cities of Ebou Dar, Illian, and Tear and the western ports from Tanchico to the Arad Domain coast and beyond. This area was known as the Shadow Coast and by jingles the Shadow would indeed control it. With her being the rightful dictator here, all was as it should be. Her plan was coming together nicely. It did sometimes bother her a little that it had been necessary to exterminate Jolly Johnnie because she really did enjoy his company. She missed his smile. Sometimes. But, work was work and her job took precedence over her personal feelings. Maybe when this whole nasty Last Battle business was done she might find time to live her life as she pleased. Maybe.

  3. Beans and rice.

    Beans and weenies.

    Beans and corn.

    Beans and pork.


    Baked beans.

    Re-fried beans.

    Chili with beans (con carny).

    Green beans.


    Just plain beans.


    "You don't know beans."


    "Oh, beans."


    I like beans.


    Beans like me.

  4. My son plays bass.

    Or anyway, he used to.

    Not so much anymore.

    Kind of lost interest, I guess.

    That's what happened with me and beer.

    I used to like it really well.

    Now, one or two each summer is plenty.

    Not much point, really, other than remembering the flavor.

    Some people don't like beer.

    I like smoking but can't now that I'm old.

    I'm not really old.

    Just kinda.

  5. I'm peculiar... sometimes.


    I used to pretend to be dignified... sometimes.


    Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly.


    I'm stinky from putting on siding all day so I'd best get a shower before bed.



  6. Well it's about time!!!


    I thought that I was going to have to use the reply box at the top of the page...AGAIN !!!


    I know... I know... if I would just give in and join the rest of the world in the fast lane.


    It reminds me of being a little old lady trying to cross the street at a busy intersection with no traffic light. Everyone else is shooting through the intersection at high speed. Even if she was in a car she wouldn't stand a chance. On foot, all she can do is wait until the traffic cop finally shows up from his break and motions for her to cross. She can either buy a fast car or wait. I choose to wait. And yes, complain. That's what old people do isn't it? My back hurts. I can't afford to fly to Jamaica for a winter vacation. My grandkids don't want to be around me any more. All of my friends are dead.


    Speaking of dead, no I am not... I've just been very very busy. The weather here has been absolutely delightful with the exception of a few days a week or so ago when it was so hot you could fry eggs on rocks. Putting new siding on my house is taking all summer as expected. The roof will have to wait for fall. Unless I fall off the ladder and break some bones or puncture some organs or something. I'm off work tonight because the doctor told me I had to. Otherwise I wouldn't have had time to check in. Nothing serious I hope. Already ruled out a blood clot in a vein. Might be retaining water. Don't know. That's the other thing about old people besides complaining. Talking about deterioration of body parts and/or functions. We do it to try to get sympathy but it seldom does more than turn off the listener. See what I mean?


    Anyway... Hi and bye until the next time I can spare a few moments.




  7. I'm on a rain delay from putting vinyl siding on the house. GrandmaG is making a lunch for a couple of our granddaughters. Warm little biscuits. Think I'll have some, too.


    Dragonmount is ticking me off again today so this will be my only post (after waiting five minutes to get in). Haven't been here for a while and I didn't want you to think that I was dead or something...just busy. I don't know that my son will think about letting you know if I do kick the bucket. I guess you'll figure it out after a year or so. Although, once before I went several months without logging in. Oh, well. I'll be dead so I probably won't be aware that I haven't logged in for a while. But if ghosts exist, maybe I can visit you posthumously? Time will tell. It won't matter after December 21st anyway, right?


    Better go eat some yummy warm biscuits.




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