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Everything posted by fra85uk

  1. Yes, he never trashed the show but clearly many things he likes and many are not satisfactory for him (and for a part of the fan-base).
  2. If BS goes on criticizing, I bet some of the more hardcore showcloaks will argue that probably RJ should have chosen Rafe to end WoT books.
  3. "Why did Rand need to be there? Just give Egwene a sword" LOL
  4. Instead of all this ambiguity and incoherent writing that needs philosophical debate , wasn't it easier to have her rescued and then her revenge? How could noone did come up with something so linear and coherent ? Spoiler alert: someone did
  5. The Ingtar reveal as a Darkfriend and his redemption was so effective and moving in the books. There was no reason in the show to keep him while spoiling of this arc and its relevance in Rand's growth. I totally agree with you.
  6. Credit where it is due: ofc the admins of this forum are supporting the show (for many reasons) but still they give room for opposing reasonable opinions.
  7. If it is in the same way that S2 should have been closer to the books... At this point, it is also irrelevant. Rafe and his team are doing THEIR thing and they will succeed or fail not on the basis of how well they will adapt the material but how good this other turning of the wheel will be...
  8. Quite a meltdown of the show-cloaks on the WOTShow subreddit for this. By the way, I guess it is fair criticism. S2 is better than S1 but still (imho) not at a satisfactorily level.
  9. Guys, if S3 is Book 4, I am very curious. It is not easy to adapt it. Just for example, you need to really define well Aiel culture to then make an impact when revealing the Rhuidean truth
  10. At Dumai Wells, the AS clearly put themselves in danger to be able to fight, i.e. to avoid being bound by the Oaths.
  11. GOT had also better actors (really incredible casting), all the technical part was top-notch due to HBO experience. I agree that GOT destroyed itself when ran out of source material but I don't think that Rafe is more talented than D&D either,,,his writing is on par with GOT last season. However, if we want to make a honest comparison, we need to ask ourselves: given GOT early source material, would Rafe (and his crew of writers) be able to give us something as good as GOT early seasons? For me, the answer is no. Overall, cting in WOT is not the weak point of the show (even is Rosamund Pike this season has not been great imho) Many technical aspects seem to have been fixed (even if they still don't know how to do action scenes) Writing is still the biggest issue imho and not (only) because it diverges abruptly from source.
  12. I am very skeptical about the possibility of 8 seasons. I am pretty sure it won't be cancelled because rarely Prime does it (and they started only recently). Were it Netflix, it would have been already dumped two years ago but I don't think that Prime, which is still trying to gain credibility as a platform, will take this route. If I had to bet my 2 cents now, I would say four/five seasons, honestly.
  13. Not wrong, her subplot was the worst part of S2 and honestly Rosamund Pike acting was way below her standards. But she is producer of the show...so she will stay central.
  14. I would rise by a point on both seasons. Again, as bookreader I feel that I am missing the opportunity to see in live-action some of the most iconic moments of the books and I am quite sure there will be no other adaptation in the near-future. Detaching myself from the books, I am trying to see it as a different version but honestly, as a show itself, I don't see it being great either, it has way too many issues. However, the technical part has been improved.
  15. I really love the early books, probably TGH more among them.
  16. He is an expert of the sacred and secret tecnique of nipple-torque
  17. Imagine a tv-drama in which a character loses her sense of hearing Then her partner, a kung fu master, after moaning for 6 episode, discovers ancient medicine that could save her The surgery is performed by a college freshman who has literally dumped all his semester classes. That's it
  18. (which by the way would not be far from some parts of later books but would feel a little bit diminished without having Rand's arc first). P.s. sorry for double post
  19. I agree with much of the criticism on Rand's arc but again this stems from the choice of not directly having him as a main character for two seasons. Honestly, I feel like that they will never switch to him being main character even in future (how many at this point? I am not betting for cancellation but neither on 8 full seasons) and they'll keep other characters' POV even when he will become the leader of the Light he is meant to be (I imagine but who can say that? Frankly i would not be surprised if the Elaida plan of having him on a leash in the White Tower until the last battle this time works) . I imagine that they will keep him as a more "distant" figure of power and still focus on the more developed supporting cast.
  20. I see it a little bit differently When WOT-show was announced I bet noone and say noone would ever ever said: " I Imagine that they will do "who is the Dragon" in S1, Nyn will be "resurrected" by Eg after they have destroyed the forces of the DO, Mat will be part of a disfunctional family, Perrin will have a wife and so on..." In other words, this is for sure not the adaptation that a book-fan could have expected even if any reasonable book-fan would have expected cuts and changes. If I had a time-machine and came here years ago proposing Rafe's script for the WOT-show, I bet I would have been mocked by all the community. However, this is what it is and none of us can change it. Some of us book-fans just stopped watching during/after S1 (the numbers say this) Some are trying to watch (me) trying to think of it as an alternate story but still hoping that they course-correct a little bit Some like/love the show as it is.
  21. This is what I think to watch the TV-show without prejudices and continuosly saying in my head "that's not what happens in the books" However, I also dare to say that I still find myself thinking "why bother adapting WoT if so much has to be changed?" I am an oscillating superposition of these two states, depending on the quality of the just-watched episode.
  22. And then Jain Farstrider gets adapted in some travelling theatre by a Cairhenese playwriter known as Rafim Judchim but...but it is so different from the book!
  23. No way they can possibly do Falme AND Tear in the Season finale Would be more probable to have first half S3 Tear an second half Aiel wastes 5-6 S4 7-8 S5 9-10 S6 and so on up to S8 It would not be an impossible feat, they might ask Lan to study how to do it
  24. Here a rare image of Lan re-discovering Travelling and other lost Talents:
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