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  1. I just listed those 2 as examples of compulsion. I am fairly sure it's the Moggy scene i quoted where i got the impression that it was verbal commands after opening up the suggestive state. very sorry for making you read. lol
  2. Could you provide some examples out of basically all of them. Book 1 where they don't talk to Moiraine I feel is unfair as they don't fully trust her and they do in fact consult Thom for advice a very adult conversation to a complicated problem. Later books Rand and Moiraine have communication issues due to a lack of trust. But I am struggling to find how basically all the other problems in the series could have been resolved with a bit more communication? You guys have a go at me for finding problems in the show but I seriously wonder how some of you ever really enjoyed the books with the amount of issues you bring up about them.
  3. Well not exactly the book has no ter'angreal that allows travel within Randland in the same manner as travelling. I assume this is because of the need to either know the place of departure or destination and is also why I believe that the show version would require a possible anchor at one end or the other. Portal stones are actually close but those I think are part of a closed loop and have some of the multiworld stuff going on with them. Again simply finding something that could explain it from in book does not lessen the horrible misuse. None of the current Aes Sedai had the power to use them either. Redstone doorways take you to a different world so are a different thing entirely. The fact that there are 2 access points linking to 1 anchor point provides the possibility that you could potentially have 3 distinct locations to travel too. Imagine just from an information perspective the incredible advantage of being able to get todays spy information from Tear and Cairhein while remaining in TV. Even just one point is an incredible advantage not too be wasted on a hook up pad.
  4. If you did not notice Moggy you did not have the screen on. The black ajah has no idea she is a forsaken and thus could not count on her helping them out. Stretching how important they are? Even criminals and low lives have friends and family and acquaintances people who they owe money too. And honestly you have zero idea how important those guests are absolutely none, for all we know one of them could be dating someone important and they brought them as there plus one. There could be an important gang member or guild leader there we have no idea, you have no idea. I assume that there was someone performing the marriage ceremony. They are most likely just general folks with varying but because of the number extensive link to the local community. You are also claiming it is an area where 30+ people can disappear without question yet the Ajah spy network is deeply embedded in it. If the Ajah network is embedded there the blacks cover is 1 pigeon away from being blown by your reckoning. Because if they are there 30 people dissapearing and 7 women moving in would probably be the biggest information just about ever there and that is if they have not received rough description of the hunted.
  5. I don't find the idea of a ter'angreal that could facilitate travel incredibly surprising. It's the consequences of said item that are the issue. If you have access to such an item it alters the world as it's value is immense.
  6. Some of those limiters maybe valid. At the moment however the only information we have is that they can physically transport to the FFH and it must have been targeted to that location. 1 Seems unlikely having 2 separate entry portals and they require channeling at both at the same time seems very niche. If you had the ability to make a ter'angreal that functions as this one does why would you limit it in this manner? 2 Having an anchor point for the destination is entirely possible even likely I think. This however does not address the problem that they are using it for a selfish reason rather than to further their goals of saving the world. 3 See 1 4 If the gateway as such works without time limitations from TV it feels a strange rule that the other end functions differently. 5 See 2. This did not have to be an issue if the meeting was in the dream world it would have solved so many of the problems, but I believe the showrunners wanted so desperately to be able to say the sex actually occurred in the flesh they compromised the worldbuilding to achieve it. I genuinely enjoy having discussions like these examining the inner workings of a world I care deeply for is interesting and fun. No one wishes more than me that I was finding enjoyment from this show rather than fault. The level of excitement when I found out my favourite books where going to be on the screen was off the charts.
  7. I did say it is not impossible for the blacks to make it work I'm not sure the blacks have the ability to use compulsion the ability they use on the bride sounded like purely a memory wipe. If they could use compulsion surely they would have used it on the bride. If you are memory wiping and killing every person that comes calling it will just raise more questions. Is it really a massive stretch to imagine in randland a witch hunt scenario when a group of 7 women move into a house and 30 to 40 people suddenly disappear from the area and who were together in that house.
  8. A compulsive need to pick apart any one element of a story is, to me, an indicator that some distance needs to be put between the person who is feeling said need and the story itself Hardly complementary and about me and not the content. Word of God is still not content based information. Expecting people to have such information from an external source is not fair. As for your example I watched the entire Buffy and Angel runs and had no idea till you just mentioned it that Faith had a second name. It is also a poor comparison as Faith's second name has no world altering effects on the actual content. Using external sources to fill in story holes is terrible writing and TV practice.
  9. I'm not sure but Tanchico had a ruler in the books and most rulers have some form of law enforcement be it efficient or corrupt. It's more those close to the 30 or 40 dead that i question not enquiring what happened. There did not appear to be any children present I think which is a bit weird but at least some of those present would have left children with people to be looked after you would think those people are going to try and return the kids. If there were kids i am assuming that the blacks did not kill them Liandrin freed the bride after all. dumping a load of mind washed kids out would cause question. It's all going to be a bit messy is all, not saying that the black sisters cannot deal with it but it is going to cause issues.
  10. That might work for some of the people. But if your son, daughter, or parents had been invited to the wedding or your best friend even maybe those people are going to want to know what happened pretty much regardless or if not them directly they will go to whatever authorities are available.
  11. And again you resort to attacking me. People pick apart the show and the books constantly I have seen people claiming that the choice of Liandrin to wear a red dress with black streaks was her proudly declaring her allegiance to the black ajah in the Hall. There was a multiple page conversation on the 3 oaths after the end of season 2. Fantasy and sci fi and renowned for exactly these types of discussion. It is not a very deep rabbit hole when you are using a Ter'angreal to travel across the entire world instantly in a world where travel is limited to horseback or ships at it's fastest. It damages the characters who have devoted their entire lives to finding the Dragon Reborn to use such an amazing device solely for their own gratification. And again as to your rant at people not accepting the established nature of the FFH the show has never actually confirmed the knowledge in the show it is entirely unfair to blame people for not having seen the showrunner in an external interview give that knowledge. How is it not conductive it is part of the show. I agreed with your guess that the Aes Sedai was Liandrin but in no way at the moment does that theory damage the story as much as the FFH manages to do for such a poor reason as to allow a sex scene to take place. Assuming that it was not just a throwaway line from Moiraine then my next guesses in order would have to be Elaidia or Cadsuane.
  12. I did suggest it could be a ter'angreal in an edit to one of my earlier posts.
  13. Yes but in the books they could always tie off weaves in the show only the forsaken have that ability at the moment. Eladia or Alviarin attempt to open Siuan box in the books and the contents are destroyed.
  14. That could be right, the only thing I would add is that the flows looked to be fire not the best thing for manipulating a locking mechanism. I am assuming we will find out later this season or early next. If I was guessing though I think we will see the contents get turned to ash. If you had to guess do you think we will get a complicated lock and the contents exposed or a flash of fire? The other option would be that the chest is a Ter'angreal and the weaves lock it and when not correctly opened the contents are destroyed. See i do try and come up with things that support show desicions.
  15. The weave that Siuan channeled into the Box in her study to protect it would that not have to be a tied off weave which I thought was not possible for show Aes Sedai.
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