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  1. It is 3000 years later and we don't know if she was asleep or awake while sealed away
  2. I find the vision of Janduin interesting in that it means the glass columns can show things that happened after they were created. In the books they dont iirc
  3. https://www.wotseries.com/2025/03/11/wheel-of-time-season-3-review/
  4. I think she supplied her own immorality. Don't think needed any granting
  5. in S1 e3 did anyone ever work what Mat starts to show Dana inside his coat and quickly stops? the dagger?
  6. https://www.wotseries.com/2025/01/15/the-wheel-of-time-season-3-casts-faile-key-aiel-roles/
  7. Now we have a date for S3, I thought perhaps it is a good time to rewatch S1&2. This time I am trying to see it as a standalone story - obviously aware of changes from the books, but not trying to analyse or understand them - just to see the TV show as its own story. Things I picked up in first half of S1E1 that stood out more than previous times... 1. Moiraine saying "the arrogance," and that women have to pick up the pieces left by men causing the Breaking is clearly deliberately juxtaposed with the way Liandrin and the Reds treat the Channeler, and how Liandrin described men channeling. Whether what Moiraine said is true or not, and the hubris of Lews Therin is referred to in the Extras, it seems clear that one is meant to pick up that at least some women have taken up that mantle in this Age. 2. The ambiguity of saying "We must find them before the Dark One does" leaves it very unclear what the role of the Dragon is. 3. I still have no idea how M knew about four ta'veren, or how a non-reader is meant to know what a ta'veren is. 4. Women's Circle seems in Show to mean all the women of the village, which is logical if the other leading roles are not specific to men - possible Marin is Mayor, for example. Trivia seems to be incorrect. 5. Do we ever find out what Egwene's arm wound is from? 6. Is Moiraine less wet than Lan? Umbrella weave! 7. Still want to know how Mat got the armlet. 8. Still a shame the pool scene with the seven colours was cut. 9. Interesting way they have interpreted Listening to the Wind.
  8. https://www.wotseries.com/2024/12/18/wheel-of-time-season-3-casts-olivia-williams-queen-morgase-plus-new-additions/
  9. https://www.wotseries.com/2024/12/11/wheel-of-time-officially-announces-shohreh-aghdashloo-as-elaida-for-season-3/
  10. https://www.wotseries.com/2024/12/07/the-wheel-of-time-season-3-gets-teaser-trailer-and-release-date/
  11. https://www.wotseries.com/2024/11/24/wheeloftime-ccxp24-panel-announcement/#
  12. how dare you argue with obvious facts based on mere statistics and evidence?
  13. https://www.wotseries.com/2023/10/23/scoop-the-wheel-of-time-season-3-episode-1-title-revealed/#
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