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Posts posted by themann1086

  1. Well. I did not see a LOT of that coming. Let's dig in.

    • Age of Legends! Very interesting stuff in here. Gonna need to rewatch to catch everything they're doing. Love the futuristic sci-fi vibe. Lews Therin was good
    • Like what's happening with the Gap and Fal Dara early on.
    • I'm glad Perrin and Egwene got to clear the air. Yay for platonic love ? 
    • Hey, I predicted Lan would go after Moiraine! And we got the speech! My wife cried
    • Oh man. Ba'alzamon is so good. Smart move to just hand wave away the look. Anything to make him on screen more. He absolutely stole the show this episode. Loved it
    • Also loved the deja vu with Rand waking up from the dream
    • Min seeing all that death around her... oof. Makes me think of her visions before the Tower schism in the books.
    • Like the setup for the Gap. Lot of this works.
    • The Eye. Hmm. One of the seal locations? In the books the seals themselves are only foci, not the actual thing keeping the prison closed. Maybe they're doing something like that? I'm hoping we get some more explanation next season.
    • The Horn! Well spotted by the viewers last week. I like Perrin picking up a pickaxe to help haha
    • Love, love love love everything going on with Ba'alzamon and Rand. The actor is absolutely killing it
    • RIP Agelmar
    • FAIN makes his move. Finally!
    • A bunch of poorly trained women channeling in a circle. What could go wrong?
    • "What about what she wants" good boy Rand!
    • Oh no Loial! Uno! Ahhhh!
    • Fain has the dagger and the Horn
    • Mat not looking too good
    • Gonna want to rewatch Fain's speech but I like a lot of this
    • Oh, that's what could go wrong. A weak channeler could become so enticed by that much of the power provided by the nuclear bomb that is nynaeve (and egwene is a major power too) that she draws and burns out the members of the circle. Literally!
    • The grin on Ba'alzamon's face... we just got xanatos gambit'd.
    • Rand peacing out to protect his loved ones is very in character for him. "Tell them I died" "I can't lie" "youll find a way". You can't outrun fate though
    • Egwene managing to heal Nynaeve, whew. I was worried
    • Moiraine cut off from the Power. Well now! Is she stilled or is this like what Lanfear did to Asmodean? Or actually maybe it's more like what was done to book!Liandrin. Either way, woah woah woah. Major implications
    • RJ: "so they control women that can channel with a collar and leash." Me: "jeez, could you make that more sexualized?" Rafe: "hold my ball gag"

    Woo. I think I'll need a 2nd watch of the episode, and a binge watch of the season, before I can organize my thoughts. Be kind folks.

  2. 1 hour ago, Ralph said:

    Just re watching ep5 (doesn't look like I will finish my re watch in time for the finale ?


    And I noticed M's line "I have no designs on the Seat - I never have" can be understood completely differently after ep6



    The Seat being used to refer to the chair, the person, and the title is very confusing! She certainly has designs on one of those ? 

  3. Alright, I've now watched the final teaser a few times and I'm ready to give my Finale predictions.

    • Cold open will either be an Age of Legends flashback to LTT, or a Padan Fain montage of what he's been up to this season. I now think the LTT flashback will not be the prologue, but rather the leadup or prep for the Strike at Shayol Ghul. The Fain flashback will definitely include Shadar Logoth, and a Mat scene. Whichever we don't get as the open will be later in the episode
    • Rand and Moiraine struggling through the Blight. I think we'll get some on screen discussion about how he came to realize it and more of her opening up about her mission. I hope we see the Blight get vicious as they get deeper in
    • Lan and the rest begin prep to chase after them but oh no, Trolloc army! We have the scene where Loial tells the girls that they're gathering channelers; Lan has an emotional convo with Nynaeve because he must go to his Aes Sedai
    • Perrin offers his blacksmithing ability to repair/make weapons for the ensuing battle at the Gap, staying at Fal Dara. He will be the primary character to face off against...
    • FAIN! Who will have snuck some Fades and maybe a small handful of Trollocs into Fal Dara. If he wasn't the cold open, we'll get that sequence here. Perrin must face his inner demons and fight the one that brought the Trollocs to the TR; the man who is actually responsible for his wife's death
    • In the Blight, Moiraine and Rand reach the Eye. I don't think we'll get the Green Man, sadly, especially with Loial still in Fal Dara. But there will be someone there: Ba'alzamon
    • MEANWHILE we've got our big set piece battle between the Shadowspawn and the sheinarans. We'll see the girls and some other channelers as a part of this, and Nynaeve will be unable to channel. Egwene, the swot that she is (compliment!), will learn quickly as the battle progresses.
    • At the Eye, Ba'alzamon will disable Moiraine immediately and then begin tempting Rand to join him. We'll likely get some combination of bribes and threats (his mother's soul from the books is the template here). If it wasn't the cold open, we'll get the LTT flashback around here
    • In Fal Dara, Perrin will pick up the axe and drive off some Shadowspawn. Fain will escape of course, probably taunting something about his friends at the Gap ("at least Mat will be safe with me"? Something about Mat too).
    • The army and the channelers have held the line, but whatever Fain was doing results in reinforcements or a flanking that threatens them. The women link. It won't be enough
    • Rand rejects Ba'alzamon. He goes to kill Moiraine but Lan interrupts, giving Rand enough time to seize untainted saidin and "kill" BA. Lan warns them of the army at the Gap. "We'll never make it".
    • Rand Travels to the Gap while holding pure saidin and just absolutely destroys the trolloc army
    • Denouement in Fal Dara. Moiraine and Lan return with items from the Eye: the broken seal, the Dragon banner... and maybe the Horn. Discussion also of Mat and saving him. We'll definitely have some discussions about the whole "Rand is the Dragon Reborn" thing too
    • Fade to black... then fade back in on the Seanchan ships approaching the west coast. We'll see damane for sure so we know these are Bad Guys. Cut to credits

    Whew. Probably my most in depth one but I'm excited. See y'all tomorrow night!

  4. 8 minutes ago, Sabio said:

    The Ingtar plot line from the book is now Lord Yakota or will a new Ingtar be introduced?  So little of Ingtar has been shown, I think they could easily introduce a new actor and not have too many fans go what??

    Yeah Ingtar has been re-cast for next season and it is expected he will have a larger plot arc.

  5. 7 minutes ago, JaimAybara said:

    I think visually the biggest critique I have had in season 1 is BZ himself. Man…if they learn anything at all from season 1 it is that practical effects layered with sparse CGI is the way to go. Comparing him to Narg I can’t help but ask, “what happened?”

    I'm wondering if that's why we haven't seen more of him in later episodes, if they cut some content because it just wasn't looking good enough and they decided they'd laid enough ground work and it'd be better to do something more visually interesting at the finale. Pure speculation of course! I'd say the lack of Ba'alzamon in the later episodes has been the thing I've been most puzzled/disappointed by, narratively (and definitely not because I kept predicting more of him and he didn't show up, who would be so petty?)

  6. Oh cool, yet another episode thread devolving into arguments about who the True Fans are. I am once again begging folks to stop thinking that their thoughts or opinions are either universal of or worth more than other fans'.


    On the subject of characters having sexual relationships... sorry, but like I said above I like that the characters are being portrayed as sexually healthy adults. Also, I'm pretty sure Rand and Egwene didn't actually have sex in the common room; it fades to black with them kissing in the common room, and we come back to Egwene in the common room and Rand walking in from another room saying "you let me fall asleep". Pretty clear they went to that room (Egwene's room?) when things escalated.


    Actually on topic for this thread, we don't know exactly what Lan and Nynaeve did. Maybe they just made out partly naked and cuddled (sounds like a good night to me). The show leaves it ambiguous so think whatever makes you most comfortable

  7. Swingers clubs are a lot more boring than most people think. It's like 80% folks hanging out with their friends, getting something to eat or drink, watching some sports, etc.


    2 minutes ago, Bruan said:

    They wanted Archie to feel more mature in ‘Riverdale’. Now we have Archie banging Ms. Grundy instead of hanging out with Jughead and mixing up date nights with Betty and Veronica

    I mean, it's not like Rand was getting with Mistress al'Vere. He was sexually active with his longtime girlfriend. He's still an awkward boy (that strawberry), but more in a young adult way and less like a pubescent teen. I'm glad for the change, personally

  8. I think I've said this before, but seeing folks trying to parse out prophecies and viewings again just makes me so happy. Wheel of Time is back, baby!


    I really love the idea that the baby is a metaphor for future generations. I wouldn't have thought of that! I don't know if I believe it (I think I'm on Team Min's Baby) but it's a great idea, and definitely plausible.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Windigo said:


    I loved this scene, and having been through labor several times, I can say that there is quite a bit of adrenalin and determination that could make it possible. 

    My wife told me on our rewatch that it might be best to keep spears away from her or for me to stay well out of stabbing range during labor, all while smiling sweetly. If she would have understood the reference I absolutely would have gotten her a knife for our wedding last week haha

  10. Ok, in order, Min's viewings and my thoughts. Don't think this needs spoilertext? Anyway:

    • Perrin: golden eyes, blood running running down his chin. Definitely wolf related, although the blood might be more symbolic of violence
    • Rand: holding a dark haired baby. Rand's gonna be a dad!
    • "The girls": white flame and a ring of gold. The Flame of Tar Valon (readers know), and my first thought was a crown but other's said Lan's ring and I like that better; either works. Could also be their Aes Sedai rings
    • All four: they're all linked; sparks of light trying to fill the shadows, and the shadows trying to swallow the sparks. The importance of all the Emond's Fielders working together to fight the Shadow. Pretty much word for word from the books
    • Moiraine: the Amrylin Seat in full regalia will be your downfall. Wording matters; this ain't about Siuan
    • Tam in her past in TV: snow and blood, a baby born on the slopes of Dragonmount, raised in a wooden house beside fields of sheep in a sleepy village between two rivers, that baby was something impossible. Self explanatory, this has happened now
    • Rainbows and carnivals and three beautiful women. Min acts like she's joking BUT! The three beautiful women are the ones in Rand's polycule romantically attached to him; the rainbows could be the ones he causes in the future when his mere presence starts warping the Pattern to counter the Dark One's touch; carnivals = valan luca confirmed!
    • "Do you see the Eye of the World?" "Wish I didn't. You seem like a decent person. Do I make it back? *silence*" Ok, so obviously Rand lives through this, but he's going to come back very changed and traumatized. That's my interpretation.


  11. One scene that jumps out at me thinking on it more is when Moiraine is telling them the risks and says "I dont want you to die, any of you"... she thinks she and Lan are going to their deaths, too. So when Rand comes to her and says "it's me", she thinks she can spare Lan's life by leaving him behind. He's formed a bond (er, metaphorically) with Nynaeve, and that should keep him alive past her death until Nynaeve is trained enough to warder bond him. "I like her, you know. The Wisdom."

  12. Yes. Yes! Yessss!

    • BLOOD SNOW. That was awesome. Tigraine absolutely killing it (this wasn't suppose to be a pun lol), in active labor... total badass. Wife's comment: "that knife wound probably hurt less than the contractions"
    • Obviously a little forced/rushed with Mat but I thought they did a solid job with it. You gotta play the hand you're dealt
    • So we got SOME Ways backstory, about how they use to be. Would've liked a little more but acceptable for now. Gonna want more in the future though!
    • Perrin with the sharp eyesight!
    • The damaged guidestone!
    • Trolloc in the Ways! Eg* with the instinctive channel. Enjoy falling in an endless void for all eternity!
    • Hi Padan Fain you creepy SOB
    • Machin Shin is here! As someone that's listened to the audiobooks recently I definitely approve the auditory change, targeting each person individually; the book Black Wind speech is, uh, not super great in the audiobook. Some sort of change was necessary, and I liked this. The visual is fine.
    • Targeting each person to make them all insecure and suck out their souls: smart. Miscalculating and making Nynaeve angry: dumb
    • Fal Dara looks awesome
    • Dai Shan!
    • UNO!!!
    • I like that we're getting some miscommunication here, in the scene with Angelmar and Moiraine. Cleared up, sure, but still!
    • Bloody hell Moiraine. Absolutely vicious. Poor Mat ?
    • More Fain!
    • MIN! So great to see her here in action. Viewings!! Gonna need to freeze it on the rewatch but that baby Rand holds totally looks like her, yes? "Like any other baby", uh huh...
    • Moiraine actually being upfront with the kids about the risks. Good job
    • Oof, conversation turned ugly, and Nynaeve here spilling all the tea
    • Nynaeve "tracking" Lan. Lan does not fail his perception check this time. Love their banter
    • Is that a still living Bukama?? Or am I forgetting another Malkieri who carried Lan out on his back?
    • Also, jumping ahead a little, LAN BACKSTORY HECK YES
    • Rand and Egwene convo has a lot of great lines. "I was waiting for you to come apologize for an hour". Wife's comment: "Rand knows he's the Dragon Reborn"**
    • Didn't think the Wisdom had it in her. Good for her!
    • Flame and the Void, even if not named, aiding that archery
    • FLASHBACK REVEAL. Tam's fever dream ramblings, breaking down the door in E3, and *TOSSING THE TROLLOC OFF THE EDGE, I actually did not see THAT coming. Wife's comment: I CALLED IT!
    • Min and Rand having a more private chat is nice. Gonna have to break down all of Min's comments aboutnher viewings. FIRE UP THE FAQ AGAIN!
    • More seriously, I absolutely love having kid!Min see Tam and baby!Rand in TV. So she's about Nynaeve's age in the show then?
    • So glad to see Tam help Tigraine. There was, ah, concern in the preview thread that Tam would have been the one to land the killing blow. Not our Good Dad!
    • Eg teasing Nynaeve was fun. And then Perrin walks in and *awkward turtle hand gesture*
    • Loved the knocking on the door cut. It's a classic and I suspected it was coming, but they still got me! Clever editors
    • "It's me" and Moiraine trying to keep the despair off her face, "ah damn it's not the girl"
    • We also see the appearance of one of Rand's character flaws: his martyr complex meets his "I'm going to make decisions for other people (for their own good of course)" tendency. Glad we're seeing it already, laying that groundwork
    • Blight! Fine for the fringes. Hoping it looks really creepy as they get deeper next week

    Probably my favorite episode. I'm going to want to rewatch this one and prior episodes to see how Rand's actions feel knowing he's had this growing fear the whole time. Only one more episode to go this year


    **that scene has a lot of great subtle acting. Rand hesitates juuust enough before promising Egwene about going to the Tower and being her Warder (this is what tipped off my wife). And! In the previous big argument scene, Rand is all "I don't want to lose anyone in this room", which would only be the case if he was the Dragon Reborn. Good writing, good delivery

  13. Yeah, the first major lockdown happened before filming could begin on E7 and reporting suggests Barney left the show during this period. Probably had to do a lot of rewrites and some reshoots to make it work.


    Also, it was pointed out in the E7 Prediction thread that there's a couple extra shots in the Instagram version of the teaser, specifically what appears to be Egwene channeling and a Trolloc in the Ways. I snipped the Trolloc, in the spoiler box in case you want to avoid it!







    Awesome ?

  14. Ok, my pre-teaser predictions:


    I think this is the episode with the Blood Snow, and the Tam fever dream flashback.


    I'm hoping we get a quick explanation of the Ways (how they were built, why they're spooky af) while we're in them. Like I said above, I also think their original planned exit will be Malkier before diverted to Fal Dara by ???. Probably get some Lan backstory hints as well.


    Fal Dara! Actual Lan backstory! MIN!


    Tarwin's Gap setup, presumably. I don't think we'll actually enter the Blight this episode but we might end just beforehand.


    Oh, and we (the audience) learn who the Dragon Reborn is.

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