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Everything posted by Wassup

  1. It looks like it will be closer to “Where is the Dragon?” You have to keep the questions in order. 👍🙃
  2. Here are my thoughts on the pictures: The Seanchan on the left has half her head shaved; seems on point. I would hate to be Loial’s podiatrist. I am rooting for Dònal, but he has a challenge. I think Barney did such a good job. Moiraine’s outfits are generally pretty good. Interesting mesh undershirt. She is sporting the blue gem on the forehead. I always pictured it worn lower, more centered vertically. Egwene is too clean working in the kitchen. Get some soot and grease on that girl! Lab is Lan. I can’t say much else. Nyneave looks nervous about something. With that background could she be getting ready to step through some arches? This picture of Rand gives me too much of an Episode III Anakin Skywalker vibe. Avienda is about to yeet a spear at someone. As someone else mentioned Perrin looks a little scrawny in this pic. Is that a Seanchan soldier in the background?
  3. Do we need some spoiler warnings on this thread?
  4. They do not do specific character voices. They take turns reading the chapters and voice all of the characters in the chapters they read.
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