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Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Posts posted by Dar'Jen Ab Owain

  1. It is nice to find varied interests, but a great deal of overlap as well.


    (Munches a brownie.) These are awesome. They replenish, are incredible, and have no calories.


    It's going to be a long day. Very few people are at work today and now I'm waiting for others to get back to me. Ah, the joy of waiting.

  2. They were named Clark and Steve. They are both missed dearly. Some people may not appreciate reptiles, but we learned that these guys had their own personalities. Perhaps someday, once my son and I get our own place again we can get another beardie.


    There are different songs I like at different times. I have the Lord of the Rings soundtracks, and used to write to them all the time. My muse has been rather lacking so that has not happened in a long while. I like some metal and rock, though I tend to like older music. Honestly not a fan of much that is current or contemporary.


    And I realize again now how I really need to get a new laptop, cause this thing is old, very old, and the buttons work when they want to.

  3. Yes, I did "Slip in" at the last moment, didn't I. Hope that is acceptable.


    Ready to serve. Eager to learn. Apparently there are "threads" I do not have access to yet, so if there is anything I need to do to ensure that happens, please let me know.


    And thank you for producing the monthly news letter. It is very nice.

  4. It has been a long day, but I am happy to be able to stop in and visit with you all. I am eager to get busy with the various activities as well. (Rubs hands together excitedly.)


    Well, to answer your questions...


    It is encouraging to know that life long friends are possible to be found here. For a long time I was very shy and quiet. Reenacting helped me to crack that shell a little. I made a couple friends that helped me to learn to be myself. Life happened. A lot has happened. This past year has been very challenging. I am trying to make changes in my life to make things better. Thank you for accepting me here.


    As to reenacting, I was usually Union, though there was more than one event I attended where the numbers were too lopsided and we would galvanize and go Confederate. I enjoyed working on the artillery. There is definitely something to be said for the loud thunder of the cannon, and the cloud of smoke that would drift over us. And in that moment, with the shouts from the fiend, you could nearly imagine what the war must have been like in that moment. We were lucky in that in the end of the battle, any who had fallen could get up again and go about there lives. It is a very real war to help others experience and hopefully learn from the past.


    I like games. Bring them on. Just explain the rules, and what I am to do to try and win, and I'm good to go.


    Hello Locke. Nice to meet you. I guess time will tell.


    Balefire? There is much there for me to learn I think. Points? Yes, please teach me. I think there is much I need to learn.


    My insanity. Now that is possibly a very dangerous question at this particular moment in my life. Let us just say, I do what I can to stay busy so I do not have time to think too much because often what I think about will lead me to tears, and I have cried to much. I have probably shared too much. And if I have, I do apologize. So, yes, I can only imagine my closeness to insanity. There is a Queen song that mentions: I've finally done it, I've gone slightly mad. Alas, that song has taken on a whole new meaning for me.


    So, hopefully I haven't frightened you all off now. (Eats a brownie) So glad you have the ability to make there brownies replenish themselves. You've go to teach me to do that.

  5. I've had my share of issues with auto correct, so I understand. No worries.


    Currently I'm in book three. And I am enjoying it. I realize there are likely to be spoilers all around, and that is fine with me. Probably won't understand a lot of it at this point anyway, so I continue to read and enjoy. I am just happy I found DM.


    Pets. None currently. The last pets we had were bearded dragons. I hope to get another one someday, but at the moment, pets are not a possibility. I like cats, but alas, my allergies do not. I do like dogs. I've had a dog when I was a little girl, and I've had birds, turtles, and bearded dragons. Beardies were definitely my favorite of the later.


    You are not lame about asking questions. Sometimes it can just be hard to think of what to ask when you meet someone new.


    General things about me. My favorite colors are purple and green. I am a Supernatural fan. I worked on a Civil War Artillery crew (reenacting). I like action movies, am not a fan of chick flicks. I like to play Halo with my son, and watch him play Skyrim (I have my own character but don't play often) and Fallout. I like to work on genealogy. And reading is an escape for me.


    So, that's a little about me. So, besides the series, which is what has brought us all together, what do you guys like.to do when you're not on DM?

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