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Posts posted by TheSociopath

  1. well, yeah, that is what the fades job has been described as, but that doesn't mean that its the most effective use of them. As a random thought: during the trolloc wars, what would be more effective? A fade leading a battalion as a sneak attack? or a couple fades shadow-teleporting into camp, and even if all the commanders happen to have perfect protection, the fades could still kill all the watchmen pretty easily.

  2. On 8/20/2019 at 9:56 PM, DemandredFO said:

    You know what would be cool is Moiraine(Rosamand's) voice over the end of episode one as they're all leaving, telling the Manetheran story as I think that has to be in there.

    That would be a good way to allow you to cut the mob scene.

    And, yeah, you really need to get the story of Manetheran.

  3. On 1/10/2019 at 11:43 AM, Man Landragoran said:

    If it needs to be moved elsewhere, then that's obviously fine. It's your board. I vomited all of this out of my brain over Christmas because I guess that's what happens when I'm off work for two weeks and I stupidly spend my time reading six or seven books of WOT in a row. And if no one here thinks any of it is funny, I will certainly refrain from posting any more episodes.


    Although I should mention, you'll be missing out - in Episode 3, our most action-packed episode yet, Lan utilizes an ancient strategy of the Malkieri to deliver the bad news to Rand's three unsuspecting widows.

    Even if no one else is interested in this, I think its hilarious, and would ask you to tell me where I can find the rest of this.

  4. On 8/17/2019 at 6:50 AM, MasterAblar said:

    Except that kinda takes away the huge moment for Lan that sums up his character so nicely. 


    Besides I think Egwene defeating Demandred in a battle of the power is a bit far fetched...


    I do agree though that it would be nice if the Ashaman would have a bigger part even though I think Logain’s story arc there was nicely done (turning his back on power, overcoming his fears to do the right thing and achieve the recognition for himself and the Ashaman that he’d been seeking).

    I wouldn't change Lan fighting Demandred, 

    Logain gets Taim, 

    Then, Egwene could take Moghedien, as opposed to Moghedien going out like a chump. 

    Admittedly, I think that for a Last Battle conflict between Egwene and Moghedien to be good, Moggie needs to get some kind of angreal or sa'angreal buff.

  5. That was one of my other ideas. 

    When showing the PoV of channelers while in a battle, I often visualized it as being on another plane entirely.

    All of the imagery describing Rand "Feeling at knots" and "battering at the wall" always made me think of him doing that sort of thing physically inside a mental space.

  6. Most of the stuff with Logain will probably be in episode four, as you placed it. 


    As for it being the first non-Moiraine introduction, I suppose, although there were earlier lines about "how if I had known I would have found trollocs and Myrdraal I would have dragged a half dozen of my sisters" 

  7. I agree with 1-4. 5 and 6 could potentially be Moiraine backstory ground. Honestly, I prefer your idea, but on the other hand, an episode title like "The Flame of Tar Valon" should have some exceptionally large Tar Valon content, of the sort that I'm not sure Rand meeting Elaidia would generate.

  8. A few random things


    A - as far as the episode title for 6 goes, it might very well be a flashback to some Moiraine backstory


    B -  "5. One of the female forsaken needs to be a general" Near the end of aMoL, Moghedien starts commanding after Demandred dies. You could either play this up, or you could play up Mesaana's abilities. These are the two that could concievably fight this criteria, in my opinion.


    C - I personally really like the idea of combining Gawyn and Galad. As an earlier poster said, if you just drop the Galad name, and have Gawyn start as he does, and then, after the tower, he lets siuan out, has his identity crisis earlier, and then drops out, joins the whitecloaks, and then plays Galad's part in Perrin's arc. 

  9. As far as comparing aSoiaF, and WoT, someone mentioned being curious on the perspective of a person who hadn't watched the show, but had read the books. 

    While I have watched the first season, I haven't watched the rest.

    I would say that aSoiaF is grimmer in tone, but not by much. Honestly, the only sex scenes that I can remember lasting any amount of time at all are completely consensual.


    There is also a lot to be said for how the characters in WoT are always either with an army or are magic. The main exception that we see to this is at the very beginning, when the whole company is traveling across the Taren. And they are worried about the ferryman trying to rob them. 


    Also, returning to the casting, (based nearly entirely off of the pictures shown) I like Perrin, and was ambivalent at best about the others, although that clip someone posted earlier of Mat's actor improved my estimation of him a lot.


    In general, I doubt that this adaptation will be good.

  10. 12 hours ago, Vambram said:

    I realize that I am probably in the minority of WOT fans here on dragonmount when I say this. However, I remember when I read AMOL and the introduction of the Sharans being led by Demandred that I was absolutely thrilled at such a revelation. Personally speaking, I was glad that RJ and Sanderson held the Sharans back for such a huge and important part of the story. Without the Sharans, I believe that the forces of Light armies could have rather easily defeated the trolloc armies and the dreadlords. 

    I actually agree with this. I really liked it when they came out of nowhere because it makes sense that they would be doing something during the last battle and we just hadn't heard anything about them in the last while. Why wouldn't a forsaken be over there, particularly with Demandred having been broadcasted as being off the map during the last few books.

  11. Honestly, how closely do you see the Black and White towers working? Sure, there'll be about a hundred pairs of male and female channelers working together, but I really don't see very many more bonds being created.

    Furthermore, while Randland could subjegate shara if they worked together, They probably won't. Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to decide which Nation officially would gain control of it.

  12. First, it is shown repeatedly that the average person in seanchan held lands are fine with their rule. 

    Not many people would have a daughter taken. 

    Also, I think that Tuon and Elayne would be largely comparable in generaling abilities. 

    Furthermore I think that there are a number of situations where mat would help seanchan take over the rest of the world. 

    I also don't see many situations where the black and white towers wholeheartedly join forces. Both Cadsuane and Logain would want to be the greater partner.


    As far as Avi's vision goes, that's what would've happened if the aiel where left out of the dragons peace. Now that they are in it, I expect things to continue, as one would expect until the seanchan have control of their randlane holdings and have regained control of Seanchan. They would then proceed to grow on relative power economically as they would have far more potential inventors in their lands.


    I also think that they would experience a slow movement towards Damane rights through bleed over from the other nations.

  13. I actually really like the Seanchan

    What would change though, is give Fain a proper conclusion.

    On 1/10/2019 at 1:54 PM, Lethira said:

    I would see more of the forsaken and have them to be an actual threat. 


    I thought for the most part, they weren't explored enough and when the protagonists came into contact with them, they fell over pretty easily.



    I also wholeheartedly agree with this.

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