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Everything posted by CaddySedai

  1. This thread needed some cleanup, Caddy to the rescue. Now with an image for just such a thing!
  2. To be clear the Canon remains unchanged. That is like saying that because Tom Bombadil wasn’t in the Jackson films that he ceased to exist. At worst there is the Book canon, and there is TV canon. Hell if they ever make a movie there may even be movie canon - heavens to betsy how will we keep up lol. I find it interesting how within this fandom we hyperventilate over things that other fandoms have gotten the hang of. Trek has Memory Alpha and Beta which deal with the books and tv/movies separately and even within them there can be differences like the Roddenberryverse and Kelvin Timelines. Star Wars has Canon and Extended universes. Resident Evil has the original and remake timelines. They are not mutually exclusive and even in the most extreme example (Disney actually decanonizing stuff) they still exist and we are free to enjoy them. That has not happened here. The books remain canon in full.
  3. I am of the opinion than any Wheel of Time and Wheel of Time adjacent content is good content. I mean they could have done us dirty like what happened to RoP. You think our fanbase is vocal? Eep. That said even the most faithful of adaptations would have found detractors. Less? Probably. But all good things are subject to the winds of change. The current winds dictate the current adaptation. Perhaps in the future should there remain demand for such - we could see a retelling. I mean Max is about to reboot Potter and totally hijack one of the greatest movie scores of all time lol. And their fandom just got a new banger of a video game. I would kill for a new video game in our fandom. I want content, I want to grow, I detest stagnation. I mean look at Star Wars - my kin in that fanbase had to suffer through so much shovelware just for a few gemstones. And its not a Disney only problem - this goes back to Lucas era. Disney just has had the unfortunate ability to produce so MANY turds in such a small window. Lucas really had to stew on his. lol. People coming to vent is also content. So carry on.
  4. Good “Fiction” is still dominated by Romance. Both in print and screen. Last year in Fiction romance accounted for 1.4 billion dollars in sale’s versus somewhere in the mid 500 millions for Fantasy. Sure it has a bigger footprint than say self help books but it is still not the king of the Fiction castle. On the Silver and small screens even less so. Full on fantasy makes up only a fraction of the content. Which is mind boggling to me as one would think that its a match made in imagination heaven lol.
  5. Realistically Fantasy is a niche genre. Even amongst the broader “Fiction” category it comes in about half as big as the fiction heavyweight “romance”. Fantasy is personally my favorite genre. Followed by sci-fi. In films and shows Fantasy is seeing a major push thanks to Lotr, Got, and Potter. But just because its seeing a push now does not mean it is not niche, nor does it mean the push will last. There were pushes in the 90s and early 00s as well. Just because streamers are willing to unload dumb amounts into the genre does not necessarily mean long term success. Or even short term lol. So many fantasy shows (even good ones) fail to find legs.
  6. So two properties managed to break into mainstream? That sounds like a niche genre to me. Or are you implying every other fantasy adaptation ever has been terrible?
  7. Where did this get confirmed? Last I saw there was no indication of this change being made. A ton of speculation went around for a time because of how Rand said something since it grammatically was poorly written (the writers room on S1 was kind of terrible at seeing how words would translate to screen) Most people seem to have left the issue as “undecided” until another more clear reference is used. It centers around where punctuation actually is (and so far I have yet to see anyone with the actual script in hand.) Thanks to Rand for being confusing - again. For all we know the script says himself - our actor said herself - and noone in edit bothered to care. No I… A girl I know used to read this book every day. Thought she was Jain herself. Reincarnated. vs No I… A girl I know used to read this book every day. Thought she was Jain, herself, reincarnated
  8. There is a reason that most booksellers have a sci-fi/fantasy combo section. Increases size and visibility in the hopes of getting bleed over sales.
  9. I appreciate coming to respond on an external forum, you didn't have to. That is more along the lines of what I had hoped for from the start. I certainly understand COVID causing issues top to bottom across the process, but I am not entirely sure if I simply was "missed" during the communication phase. It is entirely possible others have had different and better experiences and mine was unfortunately the outlier 🙂 For me however all updates came from the gradually changing red text on the item pages, I received no direct communication from Jalic-Blades save from the receipt on 8-31-22, the response to my query (second query) on 5-8-23 where someone did let me know that they were en route to the warehouse (an exciting development for me at the time! I even came on here on the 13th to post about the exciting news) 5/31/22 with a shipment notice (woot) and finally 6/7/22 an invitation to review the product. Which I was waiting to do after wearing it a bit and getting to know it 🙂 ) That said, it was, as I mentioned, worth the wait. Just had wished for more active communication 🙂
  10. Some of the desaturation might be from the cool white LED's that I have on my ceiling border 😛
  11. So the ring has arrived and I am pleased as punch. I would be more pleased had I had this since last October but hey, it arrived. Collectible box is nice. Ring feels smaller on the hand than it seems in the show but I think the camera added pounds to the ring look - as in reality it is only ever so slightly talker than my college graduation ring. Shape feels good on the hand, the tapering allows it to be tall but no wider than even the badali classic ring.
  12. So I joined DM back in the early days, before that I was already involved in a real time post by post chatroom based RP centered around the Cantina in the SWU. That rp is still active today and I am still involved. I find that it has its pros and cons. In chat short form RP you tend to see very little writing flourish like you would in paragraphs posted to a forum style RP. Everyone publishing mini chapters. The exception being what we call “text walls” - when you have prepared a longer almost forum level post to convey an idea or setting. Since I rp in both settings I tend to regularly post wall lol. That said the forum RP (depending on the style) does have you sometimes including others in your posts which removes some agency from the other characters. In a chat based RP since each post is essentially a one shot from your character of their thoughts, actions, or words - it does mean that every action posted is that of the character owner. It is also faster, if parties are active you can bang out an entire scene that can have unexpected twists and turns.
  13. I still build LEGO...but that's cuz I still own the mega tub that I had as a kid in the 90s lol. None of this "model set" era...but the here's a bunch of stuff...do something with it. haha
  14. It better be. In a different fandom I could have forged my own ring in the fires of Mount Doom in the time it took for a professional company to produce these lol.
  15. *grabs you by the collar and shakes you* Stop. Freaking. Out. Maaaaaan!
  16. I would likely run a greenie...I mean surprise surprise. I would like to maybe roll the timeline back a bit to around the Fall of Malkier. Then you'd be in semi uncharted player territory - EF5 have not been born yet. A key battle is happening or on the horizon. And it is not so far out of the events of the books that we do not know the state of the world and the One Power. Either done as a trad RP (book like events) or even maybe as a Game of Thrones like drama focused on the individuals inside Malkier near the fall with the world as a backdrop.
  17. Rules: One upmanship at its finest. The sillier the better! Here is how it began.... CaddySedai: I used to walk ten miles from home to the local internet cafe in order to post every day on the 14.4k modem. 56k? Hah… you think we had Sean Connery money? No. We had 14.4k and we liked it. During winter it was in six to eight feet of snow - uphill both ways - and under that snow it was just nothing but broken glass and old razor blades. Back then we didn’t have any shoes - you just walked so much the soles of our feet turned into leather. And you know what, we had fun. And we liked it. And we never complained. SinisterDeath: Man you were loaded! Back in my day, we trained pigeons to delivery binary code for our internet! CaddySedai: Oh man...I would have to apologize then for any bandwidth drops.... You see I was so poor we often had to eat those pigeons just to save up enough money to be able to afford to even say the words AT&T. SinisterDeath: You ate? F'in rich you were. If we weren't working 30 hours a day, we were lucky if we got rock soup for dinner! CaddySedai: You had 30 hours to work in a day? What were you - made of money? I actually had to sell back all the hours in the day and only have about 1 minute 14 seconds left.
  18. So I'm not really sure why Amazon decided to roll with a collectible sword maker to also allowing them to create jewelry which, to the best of my knowledge, they had no prior experience with. They probably should have stuck with Badali at this point but good news on that front is they let them bring back the silver classic Great Serpent ring and Badali seems hopeful they can get Amazon to roll with a full "classics" re-release. So that's lit. That said, we find ourselves with having Jalic Blades (aka Valyrian Steel) putting out the first TV show ring. I am willing to work with them when they are tooling to do something they have never done. Delays and growing pains were inevitable. That said my concern lies in their just terrible unresponsive and frankly non existent communication from a customer service perspective. Preorders opened August 28, with a expected delivery date in late October. Now one goes into preorders knowing full well that timeframes slip. I have a Kickstarter finally delivering in 2023 that was supposed to be completed in early 2021 - that's fine. They keep us abreast of the problems and issues and development update, and the end is in sight finally (it is Firmament, a game by the makers of MYST). That said, the preorders slipped from October to November, and now November to December. Again, this would not be an issue if they were a responsive company and maybe, call me crazy for even thinking this, letting preorders know that the timeframe has slipped. Instead one has to go onto the site, click into the ring as if wishing to buy it, and see the updated preorder expectation. This, is stupid. This also was never communicated and one wandered into it by accident. And the only communication was a facebook post saying "its taking us a bit longer than expected" followed by posts wondering how their followers liked House of the Dragon. It's just, bewilderingly unprofessional, and forget trying to communicate with them via their website "questions about your order" option cuz apparently that inbox isn't even monitored lol. I have no doubt they will come through, I actually have some of their blades and until now have never experienced an issue. But if you are interested in getting a Great Serpent Ring I would suggest you wait until they get their extremely delayed preorder situation handled. And that maybe in the future Amazon pick partners who have experience in the industry they hope to produce goods in.
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