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Posts posted by _Kynwric_

  1. "You worry to much... but never fear, we'll not get caught." Kyn laughed and pushed off against Thera, adding to the charade they were playing as they walked across the street and into the tavern. Good, just the one... was the first thought Kyn had as he took stock of the situation and headed for the bar right behind where the poor, unsuspecting Whitecloak was sitting at a table. He sidled up to the bar and called, loudly, for the barkeep. "Ale, a nice dark ale for me and whatever my friend here is having!" He backed the barstool back and bumped into the Whitecloaks chair. Turning Kyn looked down at the man, "Beggun' yer pardon sirrah, my apologies... you'd think I was raised at a Whitecloak brothel than my mothers with my poor manners." He saw the fight flare up in the mans eyes, but he held firm and murmured something in reply and Kyn just grinned. "Of course, right you are... be more careful." When he turned back around his cup was sitting there full with a nice brown ale which Kyn drank back in one long slug.

  2. “ Kynwric, are you ready? The decision on how to occupy the girl can be left to them. If we have to be about this sooner is better than late.” 


    "Aye, I am oh so ready. It has been far to long since I boxed me a Whitecloaks ears and made him squeal..." Kyn said as he rose from the table and tossed the napkin on his plate. He paused on his way out the door to press a kiss to the top of Loraine's head, then exited the room with Thera. "I'm proposing that we bait the poor thing into a barfight, but he may actually be too cool for that and we'll just have to kill him. But I'd prefer to have the cover of an alibi. Either which way, I was thinking that we'll go in, set about looking like we're getting ripped from one end to the other and set about spewing venom about the Whitecloaks being darkfriends and in league with Aes Sedai and other nonsense... unless you just want to kill him?"

  3. OOC: For a full scale invasion, yes. For just Whitecloaks riding about and causing trouble or carrying out there own missions, no. Whitecloaks pretty much travel in small packs and try to stir up their brand of zealotry where ever they go.




    Kynwric sat back for a moment and digested the information, the Whitecloaks could tell if a woman could channel. "With your permission?" He looked at Loraine before speaking as this was no longer Warder business, but Aes Sedai business. When she gave the slight nod he was expecting he continued. "We keep the girl here tonight, keep watch on her and keep her from leaving this place no matter what. If that means you have to flirt your way into keeping her here then do it, under absolutely no circumstances should she be alone." He glanced at Thera. "We both go to neutralize our friend across the street, it will take them some time to realize he is missing and if we're lucky enough that it takes past morning then we'll thank the light for it. I'd rather move her in the bright of day, there are enough here who dislike the Children that they'd dare not snatch her on the Queen's own streets. First thing in the morning we make for the palace as we had planned, only I want the girl with us, no ifs ands or buts. Make it happen. Do not tell her she can channel, that is Aes Sedai business and they can deal with it when we are safe." He paused for a moment. "You will all keep watch as Thera commanded. If we do not return by morning then it is your duty to get Loraine and the girl to the palace." He then looked at Jasine, "Can your sisters channel?" He glanced at Loraine. "Perhaps he should be shown the last report? If he knows the area it could help."

  4. Kyn threw a look over his shoulder and peered, then back at Loraine, then back at the corner again. He had to work it out in his mind for a minute that it was indeed Thera Trakand, the Mistress of Trainees in a dress and with her was Jasine. Turning back to Loraine he nodded, his smile gone from his face. "Yes, you do... The question is, do I really have to do what I must?" He sighed and looked back over at Thera and Jasine. He sat and thought about it for a few minutes while pushing food about his plate. "Love, I am going to hate this, but I have to intervene with their affair. It just isn't permitted and the continuance of it while Jasine is a Trainee... it just isn't proper." He looked up at her and knew this is exactly the type of thing that drove him up the wall about the tower, the incessant meddling in other peoples affairs, and now he was about to have to do it himself. He took a deep breath and let it hiss out his mouth as he stood, and motioned for Lor to stay when she made to rise as well. "Just give me a minute first... before you come over." he hoped she would trust him to do so, no matter how conflicted his feelings were about the situation. With that said he turned towards the corner and took the few steps to the table that Thera and Jasine were sharing.

  5. Kynwric followed Loraine into the Dining room. Barely noticed due to the spectacular display Lor was putting on, he was still attired in his traveling clothes and noticed that he was horribly underdressed for dinner. Not that it was going to stop him from eating though. He was about to reach for Loraine's chair when Thera beat him to it, and with a smirk he stepped around them both and took a seat opposite Thera, on Loraine's left side. Once they were all settled he heard Thera speak to him


    “You saw our friend across the street? It was only an accident that I noticed.”


    He nodded. "Yes, I was planning on taking care of him later this evening, at least baiting him into a fight... interested?"


    He then let the conversation pass over the Whitecloak for a while, studying each of the people at the table while he ate. He stopped for a while on Melenis, noting her appearance. He also noted Perivar was staring at the floor again, he wondered what was the cause of it. They'd have to have a talk, can't be staring at the floor all the bloody time. The rest seemed to be fitting in well and he hoped it continued through tomorrow.


    Finally as the dinner was winding down. "I have some information, while much of Caemlyn is how I thought I'd find it, and nothing too particularly much to worry about. There has been another kidnapping, near Four Kings and there is a Whitecloak watching the front entrance and alleyway of the Inn." He could see the collective urge to crane their necks about, even though he could not be seen from inside the room. "That in and of itself does not bother me, it could be any number of things. However, be careful, be vigilant and set up a guard rotation of one of each of you in the common room all night. Figure it out amongst yourselves, Thera and I will be making a visit to our firend to see what the interest of the Children are in this Inn."

  6. Kyn passed a more restful night than he ever did at the Tower, it still bothered him being inside its walls. You'd think after 50 years he'd have found some peace with it. But he hadn't and as such he relished nights spent away from it.


    When morning came he was up and rested, puttering about the room repacking their few things. When Loraine finally 'woke' as opposed to her watching him through her eyelids he smiled down at her. "Good morning love, sleep well?" Her nod was all he needed, he could always tell the difference in both their moods when out of the Tower. When she asked about breakfast he smirked. "I'll see to it, you get dressed and I'll meet you in the common room." With that he slipped out the door and headed down stairs, settling himself at a table just after he spoke with one of the stablehands about their horses.

  7. *coughs and confiscates Arath's stack of Thera's naughty magazines* Thanks... *takes a cookie* Thanks again...


    You forgot to check the file cabinet... *opens it and takes the bottle of liquor out* unfortunately for ya'll Jasine has started to dry her out and she's cut back on her stash.

  8. Kynwric made sure that Loraine was settled in her rooms before he disappeared into the city, he was certain that Thera, Melenis and the boys would be sufficient protection for her if any thugs made it past Borim and his cudgel. Much to his relief not much had changed since their past trip through Caemlyn. He made contact with some of their regular contacts, gathering information and paying out gold to insure the continuance of the information. He saw signs of Green eyes and ears, but avoided those places. Prefering to trust to their own sources and informants.


    Finally he decided to return to the Badger and Lioness, pausing just long enough to stop by Master Geoffrey's for a pair of growlers of his special Stout. When he walked back by the front of the Inn he noticed something that perturbed him, so he circled round and came up in through the back, through the kitchen and up to their room. He was as quite as he could manage, as he could tell Lor was trying to rest, but was foiled by the squeak of the door hinges as he opened it. He saw her eyes open as he entered and smiled. "There's a Child of the Light watching the Inn, from across the street. He isn't out in the open though, which is odd. I only caught a glimpse of their badge on the sword he was wearing. That, is very odd... even here they usually wear those damnable cloaks where everyone can see. I suppose we can tell everyone life is more interesting here when we're gathered for dinner. Nothing else truly of note except that there's been another kidnapping, a few miles south of Four Kings." He started back for the door, "Borim said dinner was to be ready in 5 minutes, so I'll tell everyone to gather in the dining room." He then ducked back out and knocked on Perivar's door. "Dinner will be ready in five minutes in the Private Dining room, please let everyone else know." When the boy... no man, nodded Kyn returned to Loraine and his room.

  9. The next morning came and went, and the next after that as well. Nothing untoward happened on their way to Caemlyn and the group of trainees came more into their own with each passing day. He hoped they were confident enough to work more independently throughout the trip as when it came time to track down the kidnappers he didn't wanted to spread out the watch shifts more so they were all less tired and more alert.


    Finally towards the late afternoon of the third day out from Tar Valon the large walls of Caemlyn came into view and Kyn smirked, knowing they were still a good ways off from the city itself. But he still felt the lifted spirits of part of their trip being completed. Eventually they passed under the wide gate leading into the lower city and Kyn headed straight for the Badger and Lioness Inn about halfway to the promenade.

    "This is it, the Badger and Lioness," out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of the innkeeper, Borim and he threw "...no bigger hive of scum and villany in all of Andor than right here..." in just to tweak their old friend some. Turning when he heard Borim clear his throat.


    "I beg your pardon m'Lord, we've not seen hide nor hair of any scum and just a tad of villany since you last graced our fine establishment, no offense intended on your Lady of course."


    "Why do you think I like it so much here Borim? It's my kind of people!" And Kyn swung down from his horse and introduced all those who needed introductions. He, as he alwys did, took  Loraine's hand and kissed the back of it in a florid bow. "So nice to have you again Lady. I received his note two days past and have everything arranged as requested.

  10. Kyn and Lor had been out hunting all day that day, in fact they had overstayed their trip due to the sighting of a good sized hart lurking in the woods. Unfortunately, even after pulling out all the tricks to lure the beast to them they could not get a good clean shot at him. This kept them long enough in the woods that the day grew dark before they were back to Tar Valon proper or even to the bridge towns. Fortunately for them they were on the road before dark and managed to pull up into Jualdhe late in the evening. The first inn they came too was called The Fiddlers Chase, and it seemed a decent enough place to stop.


    Kyn swung down off his horse and helped Loraine down from hers before tipping the stableboy handsomely to take care of their horses. Just before the horses were led off Kyn pulled the saddlebags and their weapons from the saddles and followed Loraine in the door of the inn. The inside was cozy an warm and most importantly reeked of good food. He met Lor's gaze and nodded, knowing she could hear his stomach rumbling. "Looks better than many a place we've paid good coin for before. I like it." He turned to greet the matronly woman who was obviously the innkeeper, "Two meals, wine and ale and a room for the evening mistress?" She nodded hastily and agreed. And while Kyn dropped their bags near a table by the stairs he couldhear the woman bustling about muttering to herself. Waiting till Loraine was seated in the chair he had pulled out for her before sitting himself. "Too bad we missed that hart... he'd have made a fine catch."

  11. OOC: We're gonna do a lot of this stuff once and then skip ahead to Caemlyn. After Caemlyn we're gonna be headed for the WC so things are going to slow down again becuase there will be nights of sitting around doing nothing. Also, for alot of the trainees this is a Evaluation Req so it we need to see what they can and cannot do. Also, you'll find when we get down to conversational RP that the posts shorten and you get more of them, at least from me. This will move along, but it isn't going to be short by any imagination.



    Kyn sat and ate Loraines cooking, explaining what he wanted dont for the watch to Arath and Perivar. Mostly it consisted of staying awake and making sure they weren't surprised, but it inlcuded tricks like keeping your back to the fire and not sitting still for too long and drinking alot of water, you can't sleep when you have to keep visiting a tree. Finally their part of the night passed and Thera was awake along with Amlaun, Melenis and Jasine. While he sent Arath and Perivar off to bed he listned in on what Thera was telling her watch, then he settled by the fire for a few minutes to make sure Thera herself ate something. When she settled down there too he looked at the Mistress of Trainees for a moment. "They'll be fine, we're almost as safe here as in the Tower. Besides half of them should have already taken the oath and be patrolling the Tower walls, have confidence." He took a long draw off his cup. "There is truly nothing going on in the night, it is all quiet. Wake me half an hour before first light, I think two long days in the saddle and we'll be there."

  12. Kynwric had called a halt for the evening and when Thera mentioned a good camp he was all for it, the clearing she mentioned was perfect. "This is it, set up camp." He directed the trainees in tow and once they were set about their chores he gathered together with Lor and Thera, "My first watch, your second and divide the trainees into four between us..." he asked Thera wanting to confirm what he thought.  In the meantime he was rubbing the horse down with straw he had picked up from the ground, taking Loraine's Horse's reins in hand as well. "well, this is the first time in forever I haven't set up camp... I'm not sure what to do..."

  13. Kyn nodded. "Very good, and speak up when you know something. Thera, Loraine and I have seen much, but we are by no means an authority on everything. And no we're not hiding exactly, if we were tyring to conceal our identities I'd have given you false ones. We're well known in Caemlyn by our given names though, so no need to hide them. But we don't advertise that we are bound to the Tower and so that we do hide. Anything else?"

  14. "Which should we call her, Kynwric?  We should all call her the same thing, or it would look suspicious."


    Kyn looked at Jase and noticed Perivar nearly squirming out of his saddle. Bemused, Kynwric didn't address the question and instead offered it to him. "You have an answer Perivar? Otherwise you may want to get that squirrel out of your armor." He said with a smile, thinking a moment later maybe he shouldn't have. "Believe me, it took me a long time to figure out how that all worked as well, growing up on a farm does not do one well for the complex social skills of Cairhein or worse, the White Tower."

  15. Kynwric waited till he saw Thera returning from the scout, then announced it was time to mount up, after a brief conference with Thera and Loraine he called everyone together. "First part of this mission is to make Caemlyn. We're delivering something there, and it wouldn't do for it to go missing. Once we're there I think we'll need to resupply and refit for the rest of the journey which won't be quite so luxurious, but we'll talk more on that after we're there." He glanced at all the trainees and nodded. "So far so good. One thing though, from here on out no Mistress or Master or Sedai or any other honorific, call Thera and myself by name, you can call Loraine my Lady or by her name or the Lady Kilaine. Yes it is precautionary, it also is what we're going to strive to appear to be, a Noblewoman's retinue from Cairhein, as opposed to an Aes Sedai and guard from the WT. Any questions before we move out?" He was teaching again, but he was also giving time for Thera to tend to her horse for a couple minutes before they left, tiring out a horse now would be a bad thing and there was no need to put the strain on an Aes Sedai yet either, that may be needed later... always use what nature provides first... sometimes he had to remind himself of that so he didn't become to reliant on Loraine's abilities.

  16. "Since we left the Tower the last time, its been 20 years since we've been back." Kyn replied, he had learned quite a bit about avoiding questions over the last 50 years, and part of that was redirecting. " As for the Borderlands, there's plenty to eat there, you just have to watch for eating anything that wandered out of the blight. Mostly in the Borderlands I'd try and eat fresh game, or carry enough for the patrol your on with you, that is actually the best way. I am sure Perivar has some insights there as well."

  17. Kyn just grinned broadly and threw out there. "See, she agrees with me."  He patted his stomach. "And no I am hardly starved, nor have I been for the last... 20 years? Ever since..." He let that trail off, realizing he did not need to comment on  what they had been doing the last two decades. "Either way, if for no other benefit than your own, learn to cook."

  18. Kynwric sighed deeply. "This is not going to be easy and I just have an uneasy feeling about something I can't put my finger on." He shrugged and leaned back. "But we can't coddle those kids forever and real experience is invaluable. I don't know..." finally he got up and paced a bit. "Nothing to really be done about it now though except survive and bring everyone home." With that he left it be for the evening, finishing the packing and checking and double checking and finally went to bed.




    OOC: I'd like to not spend a lot of time just travelling. So let's take a couple days travel time to get to Caemlyn, so let's ride in on Thursday.



    The next morning Kynwric was up before dawn, grabbed a bite to eat from the kitchens while they were still cooking and set about checking everything he had sent letters out about to the trainees. He was satisfied with the arrangements that had been made and noted that the stableboys were preparing the horses, he added his and Loraine's things to the stableboys chore and tipped them a bit, asking after feed for the horses. They assured him all had been arranged and that left him with nothing to do but be on the way. He returned to the Loraine's Tower quarters. Not unsurprisingly she was up and ready to go. They descended to the appointed location where the train had been assembled and saw that most of the party had been assembled. He greeted them pleasantly and swung up into his saddle, settling his cloak around his shoulders again. Kyn was dressed today for show, fan-cloak out and armor on, he even had his helmet. His sword was hung from it's saddle sheath and his shield was just behind his legs covering the horses rear flank. When all was ready he loooked to Loraine and waited for her assent before ordering them to move out.


    Once outside the Tower and city, he began to strip much of the trappings off, stuffing them into the saddle bags, soon he was down to a breastplate, cuisses and greaves along with his normal clothing. Even the cloak had been packed away. After about two hours of riding he called a halt to water the horses at a stream and while that was going on he packed away the rest of the armor. Kyn replaced it all with a set of leather vambraces, finally he was comfortable.

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