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Posts posted by CorenYi

  1. *bows* Thanks all. I'm Coren/Daniel/Fior(in chat) call me whatever you're comfortable with. I've been known to answer to everything from Thad to Slave. Of course, since I get to whip you louts into shape, you might want to be careful who you call slave. *winks*


    In general I'm easy to get along with. My contact information is


    Skype: thedreadpirateyi

    MSN: kylin_drp[at]hotmail[dot]com(if you email me here you will not get a reply, I don't check it :p)

    email: kylindrp[at]gmail[dot]com


    I'm always open for talk, day or night, and if I'm not reading as online, chances are I'm invisible, so just send me a message anyway. Worst case scenario: I don't reply until later.


    Also, I'm always up for RPs, so bring along the ideas. :)


    I look forward to playing with all of you.



  2. Tar Valon! I can't believe we're here!


    The sounds of the city washed over her as she stared about with wide eyed wonder. She had been trying to get her father to bring her here for years. The vibrancy, the wonder, the power that was the Tar Valon; everything that this great white city represented pulsed within these walls and was echoed by the beating of Eleanor's heart...




    ...Or was that her head? She forced herself to ignore the headache and tried to regain her focus on the city. Nothing was going to ruin this for her, time of the month or not. She heard her father call to her from ahead and she walked to catch up to him, wincing as pain erupted between her hips. Focusing on thoughts of the dazzling city. she tried to ignore the pain shredding it's way up her torso.She did her best to smile up at her father as she caught up to him, only to find his head buried in yet another book. There was no need to bother him with this, it happened every third week or so, and she always managed fine without any help.


    The breeze off the river carried tantalizing odors with it, and Eleanor's stomach reacted violently. Still, it would get his head out of that book, and she wanted to spend some time seeing the sites, not just shopping. "I'm hungry." She said aloud, knowing that he wouldn't hear her. Taking the book and tossing it back on the pile, she pulled him away from what seemed like the hundredth bookstore they had stopped at this morning and dragged him towards an adorable little bistro overlooking the Erinin.


    A servant approached as they reached the table, and Eleanor did her best to smile at him through the pain. "I do be wanting something cold to drink, Papi." she said to her father before heading inside and looking for a lavatory. The pain in her head was worse than it ever had been before. The lightning stabs that flashed before her eyes were reaching near crippling levels of intensity. She needed to splash something cool on her face and search through her pouch for the right mix of herbs to ease the pain. But as she picked her way through the interior of the crowded Bistro, the world began to fade from the edges of her vision.




    This time the pain came from both directions at once, her head splitting in two as agony stampeded through her. Her foot caught the leg of a chair and she stumbled, the floor crashing up into her. She barely heard herself cry out of the cacophony that now assaulted her senses. It drove her further down, away from the noise; behind the pain, behind her consciousness... and darkness washed over her.






    Eleanor surfaced for only flashes after that. Her father's face, his anxious voice, a small woman and a flash of red, the glint of spectacles. Worried voices prodded at her through the darkness, but she ignored them,, content for now to simply hide from the pain.




    Eleanor Maenin

    Cramping her style

  3. I'm slightly confused and want to clarify.


    Do you have to have a pre-exisiting WY character to qualify for advanced trainee? Or do you actually have to have a pre-exisiting TG?


    The reason I ask is because I was already under the impression that once you had completed the TG reqs you didn't have to do them again.


    Just looking for clarification.

  4. The Aes Sedai's request surprised him. He was, in truth, only being polite. He thought carefully on her offer for a few moments, weighing the the possibilities. He was supposed to meet up with Cairma later this morning for the next stage in his Ren'Shai training. But surely an Aes Sedai wouldn't be asking a trainee to do something wrong, and it only took a little more than an hour to walk to the docks from the tower. Surely he could make it there and back by the time he was supposed to meet his mentor.


    Nodding slightly to himself, he smiled up at the Aes Sedai. "I can be, sister, when the occasion calls for it. How will I know this man, and to which Inn should I take him?"


    Aramina smiled at him.  "I hoped you would be the right man for the job."  It only took a moment to give him directions to the dock his ship was anchored onto.  "You'll recognize him by the bald head and the overbearing manner.  He's convinced someone is out to kill him so he'll be a bit overwrought as well. Tell him that Mina sent you and that you are to take him to a safe place."


    She handed him a small bag of coin as she continued.  "The Silver Lady is a good inn.  He'll be happy enough there and let him know I will send further word to him when I can make arrangements for him."


    Fior and Aramina

  5. The noise from the bar faded slowly as the alcohol burned its way down his throat. He didn't want to think about anything. He just wanted to forget everything; forget it and all its consequences. But it wasn't to be. With every drop of brandy his thoughts grew less clear, but nothing would push the thought of her from them.


    His head swam as he ordered another drink, and when one failed to appear confusion filled his muddled head. The Tavernmaster's words were lost on him, and he barely felt the hands lifting him from his seat. Only one thought fully registered before he sank into the blackness: Why am I flying?






    Sound returned first. The soft scuff of leather boots on cobblestone filled his ears. His eyelids felt as though they were made of stone. The sound of laughter drifted through the air, derision made manifest, and he managed to force his eyes open just in time to wish that he hadn't. Before he could get a good look at the men staring down at him he was hit in the face by a stream of hot, foul smelling liquid. Opening his mouth in protest, he quickly discovered that it tasted worse. Two more streams followed the first, and Fior was left attempting to fumble his way upright beneath the torrent while his alcohol laden mind tried to drag him back down into unconsciousness.


    His fingers slid along the stone wall behind him, seeking a crevice, a crack, anything big enough for him to push himself up. His feet slipped as he tried again to stand, and he sputtered against the liquid, fighting to keep it out of his mouth and eyes. As the streams tapered off, his hands found purchase and he pushed with all of his might. He felt his body fly up, propelled by his arms, and he realized he couldn't control his momentum. Seconds later laughter rang from both sides of him, and he found himself sprawled atop the body of his third harasser, baffled as to how he had gotten there.


    His ears rang as muffled shouting echoed from beneath him and four strong arms dragged him to his feet. The alleyway lurched and his stomach exploded in pain as air rushed from his lungs. He struggled to control his breathing and focus onto his assailant, but no matter what he tried, the world would not stop spinning. Pain rocketed through his body as a second blow connected with his stomach and stars burst behind his eyes as a third landed on his jaw. His stomach heaved and, as the contents poured out over the four of them, a singular thought drifted slowly across his mind.


    Cairma's going to kill me.

  6. Her voice sounded crisp as ever through the thick wooden door, but under his raging thoughts some part of Fior registered an odd note of contentment in his mentor's tone. He pushed the door open slowly, his hesitation causing his hand to slip on the cold copper doorknob. His attempt to catch himself was ungainly at best, and he managed an akward stumble into the room.


    As his mentor's warm green eyes (Warm?) settled on him, he felt starkly out of place. He didn't belong here, in this room. There was happiness here. He fought the urge to turn and walk away. Instead he raised his gaze to match hers, squared his back, and faced his fate like a Ren'shai should, fueling his determination with his pain. He tried to pull on the Void but it wouldn't come, so he thrust it from his mind and attempted to drip as little as possible as he spoke.


    "We... we should talk." His voice came out weaker than he intended, and he cleared his throat before continuing. "I screwed up. I knew it would come to this, but I tried to ignore it and pretend that I could keep it all balanced. Now I don't know what to do and I.. I know you've only just returned, but I didn't know where else to go."


    Cairma's smile faded with the very wide look Fior gave her. He was not hesitant around her, or had not been a year before. Was he angry? No. Placing the shirt she held into the open trunk, she closed it shut and motioned for him to sit on it. Watching his steps with a calculating look she was was pleased to find that he did keep with his studies, but the sift in how he picked up his feet, it was obvious something was very very wrong. All thoughts of happiness fled her as her focus was completely on Fior.


    "What happened." It was not a question.


    The look of concern surprised him. Every other time he'd been in trouble she'd been nothing but cold eyes and hard looks. The compassion in her eyes broke him in a way even her hardest training had not.


    He fought for control of his voice as he spoke, "We... Sahra and I have continued our relationship, as you said we could. But while you were away, we wanted a place to be alone. I thought it was a bad idea, but I let my desires override my sense... we used Aran's room... she said it wouldn't be a problem. I should have listened to my gut." His lip quivered as he struggled to hold back the wave that had poured past his walls, tried to hold it all together. "W-we were there tonight, when Aran came back... I realize now that I've been putting her before my duty to the tower. I've never neglected a day of training, but she comes first for me. I train so that I can spend time with her, n... not to get better." He forced back his rage about Aran.... whatever the man's tactics, Fior had been in the wrong. "He walked in on us, and got angry... I did too..."


    His words trailed off and his teeth gritted together as he clenched his fists. He exerted all of his will to hold back the flood that he knew was coming. He was broken, but he would not crumble yet.


    Fior was not done, Cairma's eyes grew very cold at the mention of Aran. "And Sahra?"


    His resolve nearly crumbled when her eyes changed. "S-sahra's still up there with him. He wouldn't let her dress, but she was yelling at him. I tried to stop her before he threw me out."


    Cairma turned away from him, looking to the broken blade of Beast that was set on a table. All the warmer feelings of before were forgotten. Closing her eyes, Cairma thought on Fior's words as the implication of his actions settled heavily on her shoulders. Her greatest mentee was her greatest failure. Why did she allow them to continue their relationship? What was she going to say to this? Her words were soft, and very controlled as she spoke without looking at him.


    "You don't belong here." She looked to him. "You.. " Struggling, "Your actions have proven this. I have tried to teach you, Fior. It is not about personal gain. When you dedicate yourself to the Tower, your life is not longer than your own." She looked down at him, a sadness behind the cold in her eyes. How true this was, her own life given to the Tower over her love for Aran. How much she knew this. "But you seem to believe it is. You have no one to blame but yourself."


    Her words broke over him like gale and, though he fought with every ounce of his remaining strength, he crumbled. Without thought or understanding he was on his feet, the torrent inside of him flooding his senses, tinging his sight red. And then he was yelling, without meaning to, he was yelling at one of the only people alive that he trusted completely.




    The red started to fade from his eyes and he took several deep breaths before continuing. "I don't know what I was expecting from coming to you. You're right, I don't belong here... I don't deserve to be here..... I guess... I guess I was just hoping for some understanding before my life was thrown away.... Thanks." And with that he turned and left, the door bursting from its hinges and flying across the hall as his hand touched it.


    Ten steps from her room the world started to spin. Eleven steps and the floor was rushing up at him. There was no twelfth step. There was only blackness.






    Cold. She felt very cold, a dark shiver up her spine, as she watched Fior turn and the door to her room unnaturally spin away from its hinges. Her eyes wide as all of her instincts told her to run. Run far away and to keep away from her trainee as much as possible. 'You don't belong here...' were her words. How true could it be?


    It was only a second since he left the room that she followed, seeing him fall down the last stair. Cursing under her breath, the door that had blown away was now forgotten, Cairma ran down the stairs to Fior's side. There was no blood but he would have a fairly large bruise on his head from the fall. Touching his forehead, he pulled her hand away as if she had been burned. Fever. Her mind raced as she proceeded to pull him off the floor and back to her room. Placing him on her bed, she looked down at him.


    Wrapping her arms around herself, she looked down at him as the cold feeling continued to sink deeper and deeper. He did not do what she thought he just did. It was not possible. It could not be. Sahra. She must know the most of Fior, she would have to seek her out. And check on Aran.


    Closing her eyes for a moment, bitting her lower lip. And why did she suddenly feel like crying? Pushing the emotion aside, Cairma took one last look at Fior and headed out the broken door towards Aran's room.








    The world swam before his eyes. His head throbbed, sending shudders through his body, and causing his stomach to jump. He was in Cairma's room... on her bed......




    The door was still broken as he stumbled out of the room, his feet tripping him up on the stairs. He had to leave. You don't belong here..........




    The guards at the gate favored him with odd looks, but he simply ignored their comments as he stumbled past. The rain was cool on his forehead.  I don't belong........




    Thunder boomed above him as he lay in the alley, trying to muster the strength to go on. He had none left. But he had to leave........




    Nothing. Darkness and thunder embraced him, and he faded slowly into the black. Empty......






    Cairma Vishnu and Fior Canain

    Mentor and Mentee

  7. Fior's footsteps echoed heavily through the halls as he made his way to Sahra's door, the force of his resolution weighing him down more than any armor. The length of hall seemed to pass slowly, or maybe he just wanted it to. He wished that the hall would stretch off into the distance. He wanted the doorway to never get closer. But no matter how he tried, he couldn't defy the laws of reality.


    As he stood before the rough, grainy wood of her door, thoughts cascaded through his mind. A deluge of doubt poured over him as he raised his hand. He tried to hide within the Void but he still couldn't pull it on. He hadn't been able to since his talk with Cairma.


    With that cold comfort lost to him, he simply tried to push the thoughts aside and knocked twice on the heavy wooden door. He heard rustling through the door, and a few seconds later it opened to reveal a familiar face.


    "Oh," He said with a tone of surprise in his voice. "Hey Conor... what's up?"

  8. There is nothing a man can do that a woman cannot.


    Father Children. Done. See also, produce sperm and grow facial hair(except in cases of women with abnormal testosterone levels).


    Also, in regards to the chivalry argument. I would have to agree with Jellybelly. We're discussing the WoT, but we aren't doing it on it's own terms. Isn't it possible that rather than Chivalry coming about due to men thinking women were weaker, or too valuable to lose (which is historically inaccurate as, during times of chivalry, common thought saw women, or at least wives, as little more than property), it came about due to the fact that they DO live in a matriarchal society?


    Here's the reasoning: For nearly three thousand years the majority of Randland has been ruled by women. During this time the most powerful person on the continent has always been the Amyrilin seat. Now, before we go any further, we must address the issue of warders. Why do Aes Sedai have warders? It's simple, really. Aes Sedai are bound by the three oaths. They cannot channel to defend themselves unless they are attacked specifically (by the very wording of the oaths). Because of this they need someone who will stand between them and their assailants and even take damage for them if necessary. This is where the notion of Chivalry came from in the WoT.


    Viewed in this light, isn't the men's inbred need to protect women actually sexist against men? It isn't done because men are 'stronger' or more 'powerful', it's done because women are 'more valuable' and require, dare I say, disposable protection. (fortunately the nature of the bond keeps Aes Sedai from forgetting that they aren't disposable, but nevertheless, the lower classes always mimic the upper, and the reminder isn't nearly that far reaching.)

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