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Posts posted by CorenYi

  1. No trouble? Where's the fun in that?


    Ok, I'm looking for a couple of things. First, I need someone who'd be willing to RP as though Rin has been friends with them for a while. This would require discussing their friendship OOC and deciding the nature of their relationship since Rin has been around for a while. :D


    Second, I'm looking for some other people to RP with, and potentially a roommate (assuming the WY still forces new recruits/low level TGs to bunk up).


    I'd be willing and happy RP with any of you. If you have something in particular in mind, send me a PM or add me on MSN (kylin_drp@hotmail.com) and we'll chat. Thanks :D

  2. The idea of a 14 year old becoming a drunk is.... difficult for me to wrap my head around, but that's largely because of the legally imposed drinking age and my societal mindset. So suffice to say that's not actually an issue.


    As for the drinking problem disappearing, I would have to agree with Eqwina, it wouldn't just disappear. In fact, it would stay with your character for most if not all of his life. (this doesn't mean he would continue drinking, but he would always be tempted to turn to alcohol in response to problems.) So I'm giving you a CC on the condition that the character continue his struggle with alcohol.

  3. I have 3 issues that need to be addressed before I can CC this bio.


    The first is rather minor. As per the books and the WoT concordance, a lower class petty criminal would likely never see the inside of the Stone of Tear, not even the dungeons. Petty criminals are forced to work the channel dredges in the Fingers of the Dragons.


    Secondly, your character would have a surname.


    Last, while I have no immediate issues with the violent murder of a nameless younger son of one of the Tairen High Lords, I do have an issue regarding the nature of your character's escape. If he means to escape the city with clear and obvious evidence of the crime still on him he would need to do so BEFORE the body was ever discovered. This means he has no more than a few hours, assuming that the body was discovered at dawn(which is likely). After discovery the city would likely be locked down, and all people attempting to leave would be heavily searched. Which obviously screws up your time-line.


    Once these have been satisfactorily fixed, I will gladly CC your bio and I look forward to seeing you RP. It seems like a wonderfully rich character.

  4. Kory looked around the room as she finished her wine. Setting the glass down she thought carefully over the wild accusations before setting the now empty glass down and speaking.


    "We're all being a bit rash now, aren't we?" Looking around she saw that most were waiting to hear what she had to say. "This is a murder investigation, not the town mob. Let us at least try rationality before we begin throwing about wild accusations."


    Taking a step forward she looked around. "First I'd ask for alibis, but who remembers what they did the night after a fabulous party like that one?" She mimed clutching at her head for emphasis. That merited a few chuckles.


    "So barring that, why would anyone kill our dear hostess? Would an Aes Sedai stoop to murder? As I understand it their oaths stop them from harming people with the One Power, however there is nothing in their oaths that stop them from using a weapon." Watching the reactions carefully, she continued.


    "Of course, that doesn't mean that she did it, but it does mean that she could. Something we would all be wise to bear in mind. Now as for the votes piling up against poor hung-over Burgundy, what has he done to be suspicious other than having a headache? Can any of you say in earnest that you are not feeling the effects of last night as well?" The looks on the faces around her confirmed her words.


    "So who among us has acted suspiciously? The man who accuses blindly and waves his vote about for all to see?" She eyed the man known as Daetirion carefully.


    "But no, I think I prefer the woman who picks completely at random. Why should the killer bother seeking the killer through logic? Random deaths only aid the murderer."


    Turning to the table she lifted a sheet of paper from it and scrawled the name quickly before turning back to face the room. "As uncertain as I am at this point of sending anyone off to a questioner, there is one among us who, logically, is more suspicious than any other, isn't that right Thea?"


    Thea Taisse

  5. Donovan perused the courtyard from his vantage point on the outer wall. He normally didn't make more than a cursory appearance at these events, but tonight he just didn't feel like working. Taking another look around at the festivities, he spied a familiar face and started to make his way down to join them.


    He cut quite a figure as he descended. Larger than most of the children by half, the silvered thread embroidering around the cuffs and collar of his black silk jacket shimmered with reflected light, effectively drawing the eye to what would otherwise be an unremarkable outfit. The loose cotton and pleated silk trousers matched the jacket in hue, but lacked embellishment, and his boots, though polished, were the same dark brown, worn, heavy leather that he always wore. The entire ensemble was completed by yet another piece of jet black clothing; this one a garishly tilted fedora with a silver-white plume jutting from the silk band encircling the crown at its base.


    When he reached the courtyard his grin broadened and he readjusted his jacket to ensure that the leather harness he was wearing was properly concealed. He never did like to be without his vicious little axes, no matter how safe he felt. Making his way to a corner -- and liberating a decanter of wine from a serving girl in the process -- he plopped down into a chair next to a brooding figure nursing a beer.


    With a grin and a doff of his hat to Zoe, whom he recognised from one of his classes, he said, "You glare too much. If you're not careful your face might get stuck like that." He punctuated his comment with a long drink of wine and his usual grin.


    ~Donovan Rile

  6. Handle: Daetirion

    Character Name: Seidh (Seeker)

    Email address: Brokensky3@msn.com

    Division: Freelanders (Seanchan)


    Place of Origin: Shon Kifar, Seanchan

    Age: 29

    Height: 6'0"

    Weight: 150

    Hair: Dark hair, cropped closely

    Eyes: Grey

    Physical : Wiry yet surprisingly powerful. Short on stamina but with an innate sense of balance and ability to judge distance and height. Training has greatly increased his flexibility, and he relies upon this and speed in fights. A sprinter in all respects, if anything becomes extended expect his ability to decrease greatly. Ravens tatood upon his back, various other small scars, mainly to arms and lower legs. General choice of clothing is a tight fitting base layer of brown or grey. Over this, either a disguise (often armour) or undistinguishing clothing with a tendency for dark green.

    Weapon of Choice: Dirk (see Inspiration Note plain black hilt, no decoration)

    Secondary weapons: Throwing spikes (see Inspiration)

    Personality : Highly intelligent. Seemingly insipid normally, when truly excited he is seemingly full of energy. A tendency to solve problems in a vertical manner (both literaly and metaphorically). Most telling emotion is often frustration, and he has a rather bitter and cynical outlook over those outside of the Seekers. Whilst he is required to reduce emotion when investigating, when he is able to reveal his true identity, his sardonic outlook emerges - in fact when in disguise this may creep through anyway. Quite partial to Kaf

    History: Born as property to one of the more minor Imperial family, Seidh was content with his situation, having known little else. However, his owner was eventually suspect to investigation for that most common of crimes - ambition. Cooperating with the Seeker's investigating in secret, Seidh was taken under the wing of one of the elder Seekers, Uerus, who noticed his intellect and sharp wit, and potential to exploit. Following the successful prosecution and execution of the offending member of the Blood (with evidence from Seidh), the experienced Seeker successfully intervened once the property was auctioned off, and at age 14 Seidh found himself entering training at the Tower of Ravens.

    Progressing through training was rapid, Seidh normally excelling in insertion training, throwing weapons and stealth. Areas he struggled with included pressure situations which brought his frustration to the fore. Eventually mastering his occasional temper through working closely with his original mentor, Uerus, he was eventually deemed fit to assume active service within the field. Shadowing Uerus, Seidh began to pick up tips and tricks, and had some notable successes. His capabilities quickly reached a position for independent work, and participated as a junior officer within many successful prosecutions and investigations. A reputation for clarity emerged, although often his investigative techniques were called into question. His logic and investigation style were often slightly maverick, although whilst criticised it is without a doubt it brings successes.

    After a decade of active fieldwork, and during a placement investigating a general of the Ever Victorious Army, Seidh was recalled to the Tower of Ravens. Upon arriving, he sought out his old mentor...


    Seidh knocked softly, entering immidietly upon confirmation. Training kicking in he assessed the situation in the room. Uerus sat in his chair slightly slouching, indicating a degree of informality. A figure unknown was also sat, opposite Uerus and similarly at ease. Both had wine glasses to hand, filled with a rich ruby red, and with a third glass placed upon the writing desk. Moving to the indicated chair, Seidh nodded his greetings and seated himself, sinking into highbacked chair.

    "I understand i need to offer congratulations, Uerus. Your elevation to the Council of Ravens was long overdue." Seidh had heard of his old mentor's elevation to the ruling council whilst doing field work well outside the capital, but was generally happy at his appointment.

    Replying in a low, yet emotional voice, Uerus murmured his thanks, before moving to the matter at hand...

    "I apologise for recalling you when you were so deeply involved. However it is far more crucial. The Empress has finally announced the Corenne and all Seanchan is mobilizing for the greatest event of our time"

    Seidh indicated his appreciation of current events. Seanchan had been teeming for years with rumours of the likelyhood of the Corenne being launched soon although he failed to make the obvious connection with his presence.

    "Seidh, as one of the most promising field officers, you have been recalled to accompany the Daughter of the Nine Moons and the Ever Victorious Army to our ancestral lands. She will need the very best to investigate those presumed loyal, to maintain the integrity of the Return and keep it undivided"

    Taken aback momentarily, Seidh then listened intently to the details. The unknown individual was to be the coordinator for all the Seekers contained within the Corenne, including those allready undertaking covert works for intelligence purposes. Seidh would form an integral part of one of the most elite teams accompanying the Daughter of the Nine Moons, and the personal responsibility for her safety was stressed to the utmost. Hundreds of Seekers were tasked to the same cause, but whilst others would be situated carefully throughout the Ever Victorious Army and other elements comprising of the Return, Seidh had in effect a Carte blanche to investigate whereever he felt neccessary. Resources and aid would be availible, and he would only report to the direct coordinator of Seekers and the Daughter of the Nine Moons herself. This was notabaly different to the rigid structure he was used to, but certainly not unwelcome.

    Quite amused at the recognition accorded to him, Seidh began to discuss details with both Uerus and the Coordinator. The discussion lasted long into the night, and Seidh became more and more enthused by the prospects of what he was about to embark upon.

  7. Handle: Tigara


    Character count: 2


    Contact: tigara@look.ca




    Name: Craytos Sturm


    Age: 31


    Division: Freelanders – Seanchan – morat'raken


    Gender: Male


    Nationality: Seanchan, west.






    Hair: Sandy brown, hanging down to ears


    Skin: Coppery brown


    Eye Color: Hazel


    Physique: Very lean, but sturdy


    Height: 5'4"


    Weight: 135 pounds


    Voice: Mid masculine, strict. Seanchan drawl.


    Other: Narrow face


    Weapon: Falchion


    Personality: Craytos is free-spirited. He likes to do things filled with a certain level of danger. If his strong sense of loyalty didn’t prevent him, he would rather just fly his raken wherever he wanted. A strong military man by nature, he follows orders well and is loyal to the Empress, may she live forever.




    History: Craytos grew up on the westernmost peninsula on the Seanchan continent. His father was a der’morat’raken and his mother was as well, so it had been clear for a long time what he and his siblings would do. When they came of age, Craytos and each of his siblings joined the army and trained with animals. All but one became a morat’raken. The youngest brother went the path of grolm handler, so he was excommunicated from the family. Craytos and his siblings usually fly together and grew very close.





  8. Are you referring to the late bloomer thing... *ponders*


    If channelers with the spark can manifest at different points I don't see why someone tested for sul'dam couldn't fail at on point and succeed at another.


    I guess I'll ask for feedback on this. I hadn't thought of it as an issue though. I mean... spark or no, an 8 year old isn't going to be able to learn to channel.

  9. Handle: Tigara


    Character count: 1


    Contact: tigara@look.ca




    Name: Genevive Ra’Tan


    Age: 24


    Division: Freelanders – Seanchan – Sul’dam


    Gender: Female


    Nationality: Seanchan, Southern






    Hair: Jet black, hangs down to bottom of neck, usually held up with chop-sticks


    Skin: Fair


    Eye Color: Brown


    Physique: Slim, but somewhat fleshy.


    Height: 5’6”


    Weight: 130 pounds


    Voice: Low female voice with a somewhat French accent mixed with Seanchan drawl.


    Other: High cheekbones and tilted eyes, like a Saldean with a small, narrow nose.




    Personality: Genevive is very affectionate. She cares deeply for those around her, especially family and even her damane, Gwenny. Other sul’dam consider her soft, but she is far from it. If Gwenny needs punished, Gene will not hesitate a moment, but neither will she hesitate to reward her for a job well done. She is fierce on the battlefield and can kill anyone without hesitation, except the Empress, may she live forever. Likes to go to inns on days off and enjoys a good time when it’s appropriate.




    History: Genevive was born in the more southern part of the Seanchan continent. She grew up in a small village that grew kaf for the Blood. She enjoyed her life and loved her family deeply. At 17, she passed the test for sul’dam. No one expected her to, seeing as she failed the last two tests. She was what they called a “late bloomer.” But she learned the ropes very quickly and was soon busying herself with damane.




    She was chosen to go with the Return and she was thrilled with the honor. On their way across the Aryth Ocean, the ship she was on encountered another ship. They boarded it and found it to be a Sea Folk ship. The Sailmistress swore fealty to the Seanchan in exchange for their lives. Three marath’damane were found on the ship and Genevive gravitated toward one in particular. A young girl of similar age to Genevive. Her name was Zephyr dur Northwave and she claimed to be the “Windfinder’s apprentice”, whatever that was. Gene didn’t like the name, so she named her Gwendolyn, but often affectionately refers to her as “Gwenny”. Gwenny was quickly pulled to heel. Gene strongly believed in crushing the rebellious spirit quickly and without mercy. The old lands drew closer and Genevive could almost taste the battle.


  10. Handle: Tigara


    Character count: 1


    Contact: tigara@look.ca




    Name: Gwendolyn “Gwenny” (Zephyr dur Northwave)


    Age: 21


    Division: Freelanders – Seanchan – damane


    Gender: Female


    Nationality: Aeth’en Meire






    Hair: Dark brown, wavy and hanging to waist.


    Skin: Dark brown


    Eye Color: Dark brown


    Physique: Slim and graceful.


    Height: 5’8”


    Weight: 120 pounds


    Voice: Soft and sultry


    Other: Clan markings






    Personality: Until recently, Gwenny was an enegetic and fun-loving girl. She found pleasures by swinging on the ropes of her ship. She loved and still loves purple. She liked to lead on the shorebound men with her grace, then drop them. But now, she feels only affection to her sul’dam. She does her best to please and is very submissive.




    History:  Zephyr was the younger of her mother’s fraternal twins, daughters. Zephyr and Gale. Though they were fraternal, their personalities were much alike. They loved to climb the ropes and swing from mast to mast. They had an older sister, Breeze, who was always watching over them.




    At 16, Zephyr was taken under the wing of the ship’s Windfinder. She hoped strongly that her sister would be able to become a Windfinder as well, but she never could. She enjoyed her lessons very much and loved to weave the winds. The time was quickly approaching when her training would be complete and she would be taken to another ship to be its Windfinder. Her ship was on its way to Bandar Eban when a ship from the West approached, and someone said it had ribbed sails. That struck fear into her. She had heard what ribbed sails meant. She, the Windfinder, and the other new apprentice all worked their hardest to weave the winds and the waves, but they didn’t have the time to gain enough speed and the ship with ribbed sails caught them with their Aes Sedai on leashes. The Sailmistress was forced to submit to their Empress or have the ship destroyed and all in it, so she submitted.




    The leash holders searched the ship for what they called “marath’damane” and she was found out, along with the other two channelers. One leash holder seemed very keen on her, so she was leashed and put under her control. She was called Genevive, and she renamed Zephyr. Zephyr was horrified at the idea, but soon she was responding to “Gwenny” as if it had been her only name from birth. She was forced to wear no colors but gray, which did not sit well with her. But not for long. Genevive was a strict, but fair mistress, and any negative thought patterns were crushed at the source.

  11. The scream started Kory from the pleasure filled haze she had drifted off into sometime around sunrise. She blinked at the light until it stopped blinding her and began to extricate herself from the tangle of arms and legs that filled the bed she had chosen for the night. Though she was loathe to leave the pleasantly warm press of sweaty bodies she had slept in, the memory of that scream drew her into a washroom to cleanse herself.


    She stood in front of a tall mirror and admired her figure before donning her discarded dress. She waggled her hips at herself and smiled. Last night had been extremely productive. She'd have to be sure to make a count of her conquests on her way back out.


    She stepped back out into the room fully clothed and a grin spread widely over her face at the sight of six people slowly rising from the bed she just left. Four of them were men, all of them house staff -- she couldn't help but adore dabbling in common folk -- but the two ladies disentangling themselves from the heap looked more familiar. Could she have seen them at the party last night? She certainly remembered the touch of a woman's lips, but nothing of seducing one or inviting any to join in. Shrugging to herself she put it out of mind. They were either quests or servants and she didn't really care. Last night had been too fun for caring.


    Smiling at everyone in the room, she attempted to straighten some of the wrinkles in her dress, smoothed her dangerously wild hair, and stepped out into the hall.






    Entering the grand ballroom Kory let out a small sigh of relief. Wine! she thought happily. Just the thing to ease the beginning of this dreadful hangover. Making a bee-line for a glass, she eagerly downed half of it before noting the somber looks on the faces around her. Lowering her glass from her lips and swallowing slowly she said, "What? Did somebody die?"


    The scream played back and she stopped talking suddenly. When asked to introduce herself, she said in a reserved tone, "Kory Ni, Lady of the Court of Arad Doman."



    (OOC: I decided to have some fun and leave the spots of the females open to pick up by any of you players interested. If no one picks them up they'll simply be nameless housing staff I guess. :p)

  12. It has come to my attention that the previous regime left several people hanging without OP scores. Please reply in this thread if you are playing a channeling character in the Freelanders. Your reply should contain the Character's name, a link to their bio, and their One Power Strength and Skill scores, as well as the individual strength breakdown. If you have not yet been assigned a score, say as much. Thanks for your time.

  13. Welcome back! *Glomps*


    Erm.. I mean *waves politely*


    Your division missed you, though I tried to keep things from descending into chaos too deeply. Glad to be working with you though, and doubly glad you enjoyed your trip. :D

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