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Posts posted by CorenYi

  1. OOC: Continued from The Warder's Yard Forums: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=323529#323529


    After collecting their gear, Fior and Sahra made their way towards the wall that surrounded the Tower and the Yards. They had decided to go on foot since it would be easier to sneak out, and back in. Waiting for the change in the guard didn't take long, and, as the shifts were changing, the two of them slipped out a small side gate that was momentarily unwatched.


    Making their way down through the streets of Tar Valon, Sahra lead the way to the orphanage where she had grown up. Asking Fior to wait outside for a moment she headed in and, a few moments later, returned with a second pair of skates large enough to fit Fior's feet. Smiling he tied them to his pack and they continued to make their way out of the city.


    Leaving the city took little more than a half an hour. Once they made it past the city gates though their speed was cut by the massive drifts all around. Even with this hindrance, however, it took them only a few hours to traverse the distance between the city and the lake. Fior stopped, cresting a large rise, to stare in wonder at the magnificent sight below him.


    A copse of firs stood several hundred yards off, their persistently green foliage contrasted sharply by the pure white of the snow they strained to hold up. The sun glinted enticingly off of the frozen surface of the lake, More of a pond really, that sat next to the trees. Turning and smiling broadly at Sahra, he said exuberantly, "I'm famished, so how about we make this a little more interesting? The first one to make it to the copse gets to relax while the other prepares lunch?" Without waiting for a reply he leapt from where he stood and hit the ground with his hands first, followed by his right shoulder as he tucked his body in and began to roll downhill, picking up momentum as he went. Within a matter of seconds he was at the bottom of the hill and springing upright to continue forwards with an awkward sort of leaping run through the heavy drifts.


    Fior Canain

    Trainee and Roommate to Sahra Covenry

  2. Her words made no sense to him. He always made jokes to lighten a tense mood. She clearly hadn't understood that he had no problem with women training in the yard, in fact he happily welcomed it. Light, my mentor and my roommate are BOTH women! he thought in exasperation. Then she did the last thing he was expecting her to do. She kissed him.


    It was his first kiss and, for a few seconds he had no idea what to do. He was still angry with the light blasted girl, but this was just plain confusing. Pulling his head back he let his arms drop so that her feet touched the ground, but he maintained a loose but firm grip on her arms. Fior looked down on her, his dark green eyes draining of the fire they had once held and fumbled for a simple question. "w-why?"



  3. Shaking the snow off his face as he rapidly rolled another frozen projectile, Fior shouted to Sahra. "Bet you can't hit me again." Hurling his snowball at her as hard as he could, he turned and dove over a fence into a drift of snow. Sticking his head up to see where he'd hit her, he was rewarded with yet another face full of frozen bits and cursed himself for not dressing more appropriately.


    Chucking another snowball over the fence at her he began running in a low crouch along the fence, hoping it would provide him with some cover...


    Letting out a surprised ouch when a snowball thrown at full speed caught her in the belly, Sahra crouched low and did her best footwork to keep on the move and out of harm's way. With Fior hiding behind the fence, she bid her moment and caught his head as he peeked out. It was pretty hilarious after him just declaring that she wouldn't hit him. "It is hard to miss a big head like yours!" she called with a voice tinged with mirth. "And what were you betting on? Your well-shaped bottom freezing before this is over?" She began to run in zigzag pattern toward the fence with the intention of landing on the same side than him and giving him a snow wash.


    Hearing her footsteps nearing, Fior stopped and reversed direction, waiting. Within seconds she was over the fence and, though he caught a face full of snow, the broad shouldered youth tackled the emerald eyed vixen, tumbling with her through the snow. Straddling her stomach, Fior used his weight to hold the wrists of both her hands crossed above her head with his left hand. Raising his right one in a gesture that spoke of impending ticklement he cocked an eyebrow and asked, "Truce?"


    Fior and Sahra


  4. There was something in his nature, something that she couldn't put her finger on just yet, but it was in part of his intelligence that was giving him away. The boy was not naive - at least not like Braxton of who Aran would complain about one the odd drunken rant. “Let’s move to the yards than. It's too nice to chat in the Armory." She turned as he nodded and lead the way along the fences of the Yard. "You wish to learn about me? What would you like to know?" She always hated this part. However, the sooner it was done the less it was questioned later. Theoretically.


    Fior thought for a moment before answering. "I guess we should start at the beginning. Where are you from?"


    "Probably nowhere that you would know of. Kings Crossing, along the western border of Andor.. if even that. My town had barely 50 heads and was greatly out numbered by cattle and sheep. I had 5 older brothers and I never knew my father." If she could even claim to have one. "I left because I didn't want to be a farmers wife. Too much inter marriage."


    Fior could sense from her tone that there was more that she wasn't telling, but he wasn't one to pry. Especially not into private matters that someone intentionally left out of conversation. "Where did you go after you left?"


    “Travelled." She said simply. "And then I ended up here. After hearing what were fables of Aes Sedai, I was curious to know if maybe I could be one of them. However I had neither the talent or the spark. With no other real set goal in mind I signed up in the Yards. it was tough as I was assigned to many mentors, as I was assigned to you. My first mentor was a woman. Bril. She was amazing with the blade, but she was sent away. She never returned. At the time I joined there were very , very few woman that had picked up the blade. I was probably the 5th Woman to complete all of my training and stay within the ranks without being bonded."


    "You said you were from Saldea? Where abouts? I have yet to travel there, is it nice?"


    Sensing that she was trying to change the subject, Fior went with it and, rather than pressing on, answered her questions."I'm originally from Northern Saldea. My family has an estate just south of Maradon. My father used to be a captain in the Saldean Military and is now a prominent merchant. He hired on some other retired military to train personal guards for our family. It was from them that I learned what little I do know of the sword." Inclining his head towards her, Fior voiced what he was wondering. "What of your family? Surely they must be proud of your accomplishments. Have you spoken to them since you left?"


    Her eyes flickered cold but warmed instantly with a forced sadness. "We were never close. I have not heard nor seen them since I was 12 when I left home."


    Seeing the change in her eyes and unable to determine it's meaning he replied cautiously. "I'm sorry for that. I don't know what I'd do without mine. But I seem to have encroached upon a sensitive subject, so let's move on. How long did it take you to complete your training?"


    Thankful for the subject change, she chuckled at his next comment. "Finish? That would depend. I became a Tower Guard when I was 18. So training took about 2 years. but I doubt I’ll ever 'finish' my training." She smiled with a bit of a shrug. "What do you expect to learn, or want to learn while your here? Many do leave after they reach the Red Cloak."



    Fior gave a quiet laugh at that. "I'm here for more than just a red cloak. I want to be the best, and I'm not leaving 'till I'm bound to a Sister and can take the war directly to the Shadow."


    "Bound to a sister?" Cairma laughed.. truly laughed. It was the second funniest thing that day... "Burn me... Bonded?!" She took a moment to breath. "Few are bonded and even then most that reach the Red Cloak prefer it than to the political headaches within the tower. Be warned, Fior. Aes Sedai live only for Aes Sedai. We are only a tool. At least without a bond we have the right to claim our own name."


    Smiling at her concern he said simply, "I believe I understand all that, though I'm sure I will come to understand it far better in the future. But it seems to me that there are some things that are more important than a name." Leaving it at that he decided to change the subject again. "So, is there anywhere to get some food around here? I'm famished."


    She could see a few other guards waving her way, waving back she smiled at Fior. "Tell you what. Food is that way," she pointed towards the mess hall, "And consider yourself dismissed for the day."


    Bidding his new mentor a fond farewell, Fior hurried off in the direction she had pointed to search out some food.

  5. The light streaming through the windows battered against Fior's eyelids until he reluctantly awoke. Arching his back in a catlike stretch, he turned onto his side and saw that Sahra was still asleep. She must have gotten done with training late. She still hadn't returned when he had gone to sleep. Standing up and crossing the room, he splashed some water on his face and pulled on a shirt. As he stood there, watching her small frame rise and fall slowly, a slow smile spread over his face. Picking up his boots he moved towards the door as quietly as he could.


    Once out in the hall he put on his boots and headed outside. He was still smiling when he stepped out into the crisp, fresh air of the yard. Looking him he tried to find an undisturbed drift of snow and set to work. It took little time to pack the snow into three small balls. Grinning broadly now he stood and headed back to his room. Opening the door as quietly as he could, he saw that she was still sleeping soundly on her side, facing the wall. Barely suppressing a laugh at what he was about to do he took careful aim and let loose. The snowball shattered into a million pieces as it collided with her rear.


    Sahra bolted out of bed and looked wildly around the room trying to get her bearings, but there was no way she could miss the laughing Fior standing in the doorway holding the two remaining snowballs. Seeing her face redden, Fior tossed a second snowball at her, hitting her in the shoulder. He was out of the door before he could see her reaction and bolting for the yards chuckling the entire way.


    Fior Canain, Trainee.

  6. Fior pondered for a moment at her choice of words. "more trouble than I." If his mentor had a reputation for making trouble he'd have to look into it a little around the yards and see what he could learn.


    "I think I've got it, and I'll try my best to respect the rules so long as they respect me." With an impish grin he continued, "I certainly don't want to be kicked out. So, should I just wander my way around the yards? I'm sure I can find everything alright on my own if you have something else to attend to." Almost as an afterthought he added, "Though I wouldn't mind getting to know you a little better if you did have the time. As much as we'll be together in the near future, it certainly couldn't hurt." Smiling at her, Fior moved towards the door.

  7. She caught him off guard with that knee. Doubling over he dropped the lathe and took several deep breaths. Fortunately he had been able to close his legs at the last second and soften the blow... but even a graze there was more than any man wanted. As the water cleared from his eyes Fior saw the little git running for the barracks. Oh no you don't. Taking off after her, he still wasn't sure what he was going to do. All he wanted was an apology from the wench, but the sudden shock and several deep breaths had helped to cool his temper... some.


    She was fast, but he was faster. Catching up to her as as she opened the door to the barracks he whipped her around to face him. Grabbing her other arm he picked her up with ease and pushed her against the wall, making certain that she wouldn't be able to get the momentum to kick him again. This time he managed to control his voice as he spoke.


    "What is your problem? All I did was make a joke and you go off about my family? You little wench! Why can't you just admit that you overreacted and apologize?"


    The fire threatened to spark in his eyes again as he waited for her response...


    Fior Canain, Trainee

  8. Blushing, Fior raised an eyebrow, appraising her once more. "Well thank you. I'll keep your words in mind. Though I believe that I would be as happy knowing that I was fighting to overcome the shadow anywhere. After the last battle, Saldea will be free of its constant struggle and able to prosper into the nation it always should have been. If I have even the slightest hand in that I will be grateful."


    Looking out the window he realized that if he didn't leave he would be late for his training. Picking up Fang and Bruiser he smiled at Sahra and matched her emerald gaze. "I have to run if I want to make it to training in time. Let me know when you choose your weapons. I'll help you care for them until you get the hang of it." Pinching her chin softly he grinned, "I can tell I'm going to enjoy having you as a friend." Winking at her he added, "You should go grab some food before the cafeteria stops serving breakfast. Take some time and get settled in and I'll see you later tonight." Heading for the door he said, "Oh, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."


    Smiling he headed out the door to meet Cairma. This was going to be an interesting year.

  9. OOC: *Grins*


    Maybe it was because he was already angry about oversleeping, maybe it was how hard he had been pushing himself to get better, or maybe it was the throbbing at the back of his head, but for whatever reason, when this impudent brat mouthed off about his mother Fior simply snapped.


    Red tinged the edges of his vision as she turned her back to him and it was all he could do to keep himself from lashing out physically against her. But she was a woman and he wouldn't throw the first strike. Instead he grabbed the lathe again, just above the hilt, and used it to spin her back towards him and stepped in so that his right foot was between hers to catch her legs should she try to move without him wanting her to. Leaning in so that she had no choice but to look up at him he said in a calm voice that was belied by the fire raging in his eyes. "I don't know who your darkfriend lover of a cousin is, nor do I care, but if you're going to swing a bloody lathe at someone's head, not bother to apologize, and then insult his flaming family, you little wool-headed twit, then you'd bloody well be ready for the consequences! Now apologize!" Drawing ragged breaths Fior realized that he had been yelling and that a crowd was beginning to gather around the two of them. Burn them he thought, not caring who saw. He was pissed.


    Fior Canain, Trainee

  10. I can't believe I overslept! Fior fumed, infuriated with himself, as he hurried through the yards to where he was supposed to meet Cairma for his training today. I knew I should have never taken that nap after this morning's training. He wondered what Cairma had in store for him this late in the day as he dodged around another trainee. He was hopping a fence to cut through one of the trainee rings when suddenly the world was spinning and all he could see were stars.


    But it's not night yet... he thought as he struggled to comprehend what had happened. Looking up from the ground where he had tumbled, he realized he was on the other side of the fence that he had been trying to jump. Flushing with embarrasment he wondered how he could have possibly fallen.


    The cause of his tumble became abundantly clear as he pulled himself up. Seeing the lathe on the ground and the flushed-faced girl several paces off he quickly put together what had happened. Hopping back over the fence he picked up the lathe and headed towards the rapidly reddening trainee.


    "I believe you dropped this. Lucky for me it wasn't a real blade. If you're not more careful they might decide women shouldn't be allowed to train here anymore." He said, thrusting the lathe back to her a little more harshly than he had intended. He started to open his mouth to apologize but was cut off...


    Fior Canain, Trainee


    Ooc: if this doesn't work talk to me and I'll edit.

    *edited to maintain consistency... plus I liked the night time training idea ;)*

  11. Returning her amusement with a smile of his own Fior gripped the center section of the staff and took a test swing. Seconds later he found himself fumbling to keep a rack of swords from crashing to the floor while a section of the staff came around with a resounding thud to his head as thanks for the attempt.


    "Bruises I can live with." He began, straightening the swords with a bemused smile. "And besides" he continued, rubbing his head thoughtfully, "I never back down from a challenge, and that sure felt like a challenge."


    He smiled broadly at his mentor as he collected his new sword and, carefully, folded the staff into the crook of his left arm and gave the green eyed warrior an exaggerated wink.


    "So...." he asked impishly, "When do we start?"


    Fior Canain, Trainee


    Ooc: Was supposed to be tacked onto the end of that last one, Sorry I kept you up so late dear mentor. ;)

    Ooc2: I edited it a little to give it some more body.

    Ooc3: Also, You should edit the length of the staff in that post. It should be 2 feet per section, not four. Sorry about that, it was my mistake. *sheepish grin* Sleep well.

  12. As they reached the Armory, Fior could see laughter sparkling behind that emerald gaze, and guessed at the source. "Take a look around and see what you can find. Ask any questions you wish, as I'll be able to answer them all, or so I hope." Smiling thoughtfully, he followed her gesture into the room, first with his eyes and then with his feet.


    Passing through the large double doors into the Armory, Fior's eyes widened as he slowly took in the sight before him. On the walls hung weapons of every variety, from axes to bows, and even whips. Swords of all types filled the racks covering the floor, and armor of various sizes hung on wooden mannequins forming a ring around edge of the room. Stepping over to a rack holding training lathes and placing the ones she carried on it, Cairma said, "But bear in mind that the weapon you choose now will be the weapon you work with the most. Be it a long sword or a stave, that will be what I teach you. Possibly some of another, but if that is what you wish to learn now, I'll be sure that you learn it."


    Dragging his eyes away from the stunning collection of weapons before him, he looked to his new mentor with surprise. "You mean that I get to pick any of these?" His words hung in the air as she merely smiled and nodded.


    Looking back around the room, Fior didn't know where to begin. Walking once around the room he took a closer look at some of the weapons that graced the walls. Quickly ruling out axes, No finesse... he moved on to a section of polearms. Not seeing anything that caught his eye, he turned to the nearest rack of swords. He hefted a couple, but none felt quite right. There was a beautiful Katana that struck his eye... but I'd rather something one-handed.


    Stopping at a rack he had passed before he began to examine the swords more carefully. Amongst the other straight-blades on the rack, one stood out. It was almost elegant in its simplicity. The leather wrapped handle was the same soft black as the sheath. Reaching out to lift the sword, he was surprised at how light it was. Placing his left hand on the sheath, just below the quillions, Fior attempted an awkward Unfolding the Fan. Even while wincing at his error he couldn't help but marvel at the balance of the blade.


    The sword truly was a wonder of craftsmanship. It must have taken a master smith to shape the steel and form the complicated S of the guard. Three grooves ran down the center of the double edged blade. Fullers, he thought suddenly, remembering their name. The rounded pommel, while not ornate, added to the elegance of the weapon nevertheless. The entire length was a little over 5 hands, a good hand shorter than a bastard sword, and was two and a half fingers wide at the base. He took a short test swing and nodded appreciatively. He would be able to get a great deal of power out of this sword without sacrificing any speed.


    Turning towards his mentor he smiled, "I believe I've found my sword."


    Fior Canain,




  13. "I will wait outside for now. And I would highly recommend locking your door. You never know what might barge in."


    "I'll try to keep that in mind." He said with a self depreciating smile as she pulled the door shut behind her.


    Dropping the sheets to the floor he made sure the door was locked before rummaging through his bag to find his clothes. I really need to do laundry.


    Securing loose fitting breeches suitable for exercising around his waist he began searching for a clean shirt. Tossing that over his head he laced up his boots, grabbed his favorite green jacket and headed for the door, pausing only a moment to wonder exactly what she had meant by "what".


    Stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind him he saw her leaning against the wall and waiting for him. Blushing slightly upon seeing her sly smile he extended a hand in formal greeting. "Fior Canain, at your service."


    She pulled her head away from the door frame as Fior walked out. It took a lot of control not to burst out laughing once leaving the room, but she seemed to have managed some how. Ironic the one thing that she was hoping her roomate would learn she had already taught to a trainee. How to lock a door. It could be ever so very easy.


    She smiled at his direction but she allowed him that little bit of personal space. However, as they walked, she could tell that it would be hard as he was significantly taller than her by many inches. It would be hard to intimidate a boy his height. But than she did not have Beast strapped to her back. First day of training, he will know.. she smiled to herself. "I take it that you have only just arrived? Tell me of yourself, Fior. What knowledge of the Sword do you have? And why did you come to the yards?"


    "I arrived late last night with my sister Fiy. As for my knowledge of the sword; I began practicing with lathes when I was 12. Mostly just simple arm exercises to help build the stamina required to weild a true sword in combat at first." Fior replied, flexing his thick arms unconciously. "It wasn't until around a year ago that I began to practice the basic forms. With the rest of the schooling that my mother insisted on giving me, it has been slow going. However, I've been practicing the forms during every spare moment that I can find, and I believe that I'm beginning to make some progress." Though I'm far from mastering them "I also know a little of the bow, and some basic hand-to-hand."


    It was clear that she took in every word he said, weighing it... Or was she weighing him? as though searching for something. Remembering her last question he continued, "I could tell you that I came to the tower as a part of the tradition of my family, but that would only be a partial truth. Honestly, I came here to learn. I want to learn to dance with blades. I want to be a part of the battle against the shadow. Ever since my mother first told me about warders when I was a boy I've wanted nothing more than to come and train with them; to learn their arts; to master their ways. I wish to set my land free of the constant struggle it faces so that we may know a life of peace." Knowing that he probably sounded like a naive fool, he waited for her to respond.


    Fior Canain, Trainee




    Cairma Vishnu


  14. Ooc: he arrived the night before, so It just seemed appropriate :-P Enjoy.

    Ooc: Also RP'd Cairma a bit, feel free to fix/change anything you want.


    "Is there a Fior Canain around?"


    Startled from his sleep Fior bounded from his bed and looked at the woman standing before him confused. As he struggled to throw the sluggishness from his sleep addled brain he ventured."Y-yes. I'm Fior. How can I help you?"


    The woman before him wore her blonde hair close cropped and had the most strikingly beautiful green eyes he had ever seen. She also had an odd smirk on her face and seemed to be trying to surpress a laugh. And it was then that Fior realized he was wearing little more than the bed sheets strewn about his feet.


    Blushing brightly, he quickly gathered the sheets about his waist and gave an embarrassed smile to the woman. "Guess I should start locking my door, huh?" After which the humor of the situation overcame him and he began laughing at his predicament. The woman's mirth showed through those striking eyes of hers as she too began to laugh.


    After the laughter died down she put on a simple smile and, extending a hand said,"I'm Cairma Vishnu. I'll be your mentor..."


    Fior's body turned an even brighter shade of red as he blushed again. This was his mentor... Oh bloody Light, of all the things to happen on his first day!

  15. Following the Mistress of Trainees out of her office Fior struggled to get the butterflies in his stomach under control. He didn't trust himself to talk, so he just smiled and nodded as she lead the way to what would serve as his new home


    "The barracks are just this way. You'll be assigned a mentor who will help you with your training. Of course I am always here as well if you need me, though mostly if you see the inside of my office, it's not a pleasant visit. So let's try to keep those 'training issues' to a minimum, shall we?"


    Fior chuckled at that. "I'll do my best ma'am."


    After a few more steps they arrived at a wooden door. "Your new home. Go ahead and get settled in and I'll send word for your mentor."

    Smiling warmly at him, Ginae turned and began to head off in what he could only assume was the direction of his mentor's room.


    Smiling exuberantly Fior faced the door to his new room and, remembering his manners, called after the mistress, "Thank you for everything."


    Turning back to the door as she waved over her shoulder in response he opened the door and stepped in. It wasn't until the door shut behind him that he wondered just who his mentor would be. Setting his single bag on the nearest bed, he surveyed the room before taking a seat.


    It was a simple room. Clearly meant for two people, it was lightly furnished with two beds, a small chest of drawers placed against the wall between the beds to serve as a night stand, and a table and two chairs. A small metal pitcher sat atop the table and next to it sat a small, unlit candle.


    Searching around inside his pack for his flint and tinder, he rose and lit the candle on the table, moving it beside the bed in the process. Setting his dagger next to it, he decided he would leave the unpacking until tomorrow. Kicking off his boots he lay back on the bed and thought about what lay ahead.


    Fior Canain, Trainee

  16. Fior stepped forward and took a seat in the chair the woman had gestured to. Returning her small smile warmly Fior took a second look around the room before replying.


    "There's not much to tell ma'am. I've spent most of my life in Saldea with my family. My mom came and trained with the tower when she was younger, but apparently didn't make it very far. I've wanted to be a warder since she first told me about them. I can't tell you how excited I am to begin my training." It all came out in a rush of words. He hadn't realized how nervous he was until he started talking. Taking a couple of deep breaths he focused on slowing his heartrate and hoped he hadn't looked too foolish.

  17. Fior smiled as he looked up in the grey light of dawn and thought back on the weeks since he had left home. The journey had taken the better part of a month and, despite the reports of trolloc patrols and Shadowmen south of the blight, the greatest trouble they had encountered was the weather. The horses kicked up enough dirt into the air that breathing was like trying to drink the ground.


    Though the heat beat down relentlessly, Fior remained excited about what lay ahead. Much of the days were spent in pleasant conversation with the guards his father had sent along, when he and Fiy weren’t talking anxiously about the new life they were about to begin. Each night he practiced the forms tirelessly, hoping to master as much as he could before he arrived. No matter what else happened, he was determined not to disappoint. When he was simply too tired to continue he would lie back and watch the stars or play a game of stones with Maxxer, Captain of his father’s guard.


    In this manner the weeks had passed quickly and pleasantly. They purchased what little they needed from the occasional village or farming settlement and, on two occasions, were even able to spend the night in a real bed. Just short of two weeks into their trek Fior caught his first sight of the cloud covered top of Dragonmount. Nearly a week later, as they crested a rise, he was able to make out a vertical line in the sky just to the left of the fabled mountain that could be none other than the White Tower.


    And now, as he lay awake waiting for the day to begin he felt excitement stir inside him along with the slightest twinge of nerves. Today they would enter Tar Valon for the very first time. The soldiers would escort them to the bridge into the city but no further. It was something of a right of passage that the members of the family make their way from that point on alone. A symbolic first step into their new lives.


    Hearing a soft sound from the other side of the fire-pit he sat up and smiled at his sister. “Couldn’t sleep?”


    Stretching inside her bedroll she grinned to herself. “It doesn’t feel real. I almost can’t believe that we’re actually here. Just think, less than a month ago we were just children of the house of Canain, and by this time tomorrow we’ll have presented ourselves to the Mistress of Novices and Trainees and be starting our training.”


    Looking back towards the city that was now shimmering in the light of dawn Fior thought about just how big this actually was. To devote yourself completely to a cause, it was a staggering thought. And yet, he couldn’t help but feel comforted by what it meant. To devote yourself to the eradication of the Shadow. Could there be a more noble purpose?


    Yawning, he stood and stretched before he responded. “It is pretty awe inspiring.” Not entirely certain himself whether he was talking about their future or the city. “But if we’re to actually be ready tomorrow morning we’ll need to get a move on soon. We still have a good bit of ground to cover before we reach the city.” Looking over to where the Guards had set up their campfire he saw that the last watch was beginning to rouse the others and reached down into his bag for some dried fruit and bread to ease the gnawing in his stomach. It was going to be a good day.




    Just after midday the small company rode into the village or Jualdhe that lay on the western bank of the Erinin. As they made their slow progress through the town the eyes of all were captivated by the magnificent sight that lay before them. The white city grew from the island as a magnificent flower, it’s leaves spread across the island, it’s roots stretching to the far banks of the river and there, in the center, the flower towering about it all.


    Fior could not help but stare in awe as Lancer cantered excitedly behind the other horses. Realizing his jaw was all but dragging in the dust of the road he shook himself to get his bearings and patted Lancer to calm him. Glancing over to see how Fiy was taking it all in he burst into laughter at the look on her face.


    “Fiffers, you look like about as stunned as a trolloc who was just run through by a squirrel. If your mouth was hanging any lower you’d have rocks for teeth.” He grinned.


    Blushing a bright red, Fiy glared at her brother and spurred her mare forward to catch up to Maxxer and his grey charger. Laughing even harder Fior took another look back up at the city and smiled as they stepped onto the bridge and began the walk to the other side. A short distance from the island end of the Bridge Maxxer raised his hand and signaled his men to halt. “Alright you two. This is as far as we go. Good luck in your respective trainings and don’t forget to write.”


    Extending his hand, Fior clasped wrists with the older man and wished him a safe return journey. Then, turning to Fiy he asked, “Ready?”


    “No.” she replied simply. Waving over her shoulder at Maxxer, she turned her mare back to face the Tower and smiled up at her brother, “But let’s go anyway.”




    Tar Valon was a labyrinth of winding streets filled with shops, houses and inns. Try as he might Fior had difficulty figuring out the path to the Tower, though it towered directly in before him. And so it was that, after hours of wandering the city trying to make their way to the elusive Tower, the two siblings found themselves on a wide thoroughfare dotted with large sprawling shop fronts running straight into the center of the city. In the distance he could make out a wall and just beyond that, the Tower. Grinning at Fiy he spurred Lancer to greater speed. Mere moments later the two leapt down from their horses before the main gate to the White Tower and approached the two Tower Guards standing before the gates.


    Offering a traditional Saldean salute to the two men, Fior withdrew a letter from his cloak and presented it to the guard on the right. “I’m Fior Canain and this is my sister, Fiy Canain. We’re here to begin our training.”


    After a quick glance over the letter the guard looked up at Fior and smiled. I hope you two enjoy your stay here, and let me be the first to welcome you to the tower guard. I’ll send someone to alert the mistress of novices that your sister is here, and someone should be down shortly to escort her. In the meantime you should follow me. I’ll show you to the Mistress of Trainees so we can go ahead and get you settled in.


    Turning back to his sister Fior pulled her close for a quick embrace and kissed the top of her head. “I might not be there as much as I used to be, so you’re going to have to learn to look out for yourself now. But if you ever need me, I’ll come running. The Light shine on you sister. I love you.” And with that he turned and saluted the guard once more.


    “I’m ready sir. Lead the way.”


    Following the man through the Warder’s Yard, Fior admired it’s beauty. However, a few minutes later he realized that he did not recall the path they had taken to get where they were and, as they turned down a final hallway he realized that the guard had stopped. Fior waited patiently as the man knocked three times on a door. His ears barely picked up the word, “Enter.” come from within the room. Opening the door the Guard said, Mistress, I’ve a new trainee here to see you. His name is Fior Canain. Stepping into the room, Fior took a moment to take it all in and waited for the woman to address him.

  18. I have no problem with either of those solutions. I'm not certain which would be the more... appropriate. If I'm understanding you correctly, either way he's going to end up a member of the Black Tower, but, if I apply to the Black Tower first and get him in, I can still come and train as a Warder until his powers... manifest? That doesn't sound too bad.. Just one quetion though: Could I keep my same mentor? :-D

  19. The 12 channelers was a mistake, I honestly just forgot the rule of 13 and arbitrarily chose a number... can't believe I screwed something up that obvious. >.<


    The medallion was supposed to be simply sentimental. I never intended to have it be any sort of power wrought item, just a keep sake to anchor him through the troubling times I have planned ahead for him.


    And that brings me to the final, and possibly most important, aspect. I'm going to attempt to argue my case, so here goes: Well, I ultimately realize that, were he to channel, there is little if any likelihood that he would be approved. However, here is my reasoning. I wrote Fior in the vein of the traditional tragic hero. He was born to a high station. Most things in his life come easily to him. Which, were that dynamic to remain, he would ultimately be an uninteresting character. However, as with any other tragic hero, Fior has a flaw. Unlike the tragic heroes of Greek legend, Fior's flaw is born into him. Something that he does not know exists and never really expected; something that, upon discovery will not only shake him to his core, but bring his entire world crumbling around him. (Though whether he has the spark inborn or can merely learn to channel is a secondary point. I've no intention for him to channel in any way except accidentally, if at all, during his time in the training yards)


    What you said in your response was very similar to what I had hoped to do with him. I wanted for him to proceed in his training as any other would until discovery of this curse drove him away from the one place he ever wanted to go, cut him off from his home, his friends, his family, and left him alone as he struggles to discover his place and purpose. (Yes, I'm mean to my characters.) I don't know that he would automatically be transferred to the Black tower, but he certainly would be leaving Tar Valon (as fear for his life would drive him away).


    As for why the exception should be given to my character, well, ultimately the best reason I have is: this is who he is. I don't write my characters, they write themselves. They are born inside me as full people, with full lives, struggles, shortcomings, triumphs, defeats, loves and losses. My head is simply the stage on which their story unfolds. I knew as I wrote this bio that Fior might be too radical for you to be willing to risk. I'm sure that you get many people joining who simply wish to build... well, for lack of a better term, a god. That is not my wish with Fior. I simply wanted to share his moving and tragic story with you while being able to enjoy playing it out a bit.


    I hope we can come to some sort of mutually appeasing agreement. I really do hope I'll be able to play this character, and that you can see that my heart is not to build the most powerful person ever, but simply to create a character with a great deal depth who honestly has to come to terms with who he is and figure out how to deal with life in general. Let me know how I can work to make this happen, and I will do everything in my power to respect the spirit of DM.

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