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Posts posted by CorenYi

  1. OOC: I'll flesh it out a little bit later. I'm getting this up because I need to, but I'm dangerously short on time due to work. Sorry if it's a bit short.






    Word of the pursuit reached Donovan's ears early. News usually did. Even so, it was later than he'd have liked. He sent word to have Jitters ready to ride in ten minutes before reclaiming his seat at his desk. Picking up his old tattered quill, he unsealed his ink pot and set point to parchment with a purpose. The hectic scratching mirrored the pace of his thoughts as he scrawled out hasty instructions. Signing the final note with his personal stamp, he resealed the ink and stood. The time for plans was over. The time for action was now, and he had darkfriends to apprehend. The Lord Captain certainly couldn't count on the Hand to do it, so it was up to his Whisper.


    Passing the instructions off to his personal aid who would see them into the appropriate hands, he marched for the courtyard, his brilliant white cloak billowing out behind him. Those men would not escape the city if he could help it. But if they did, his own men would meet him in the field, and they would be his by morning.


    ~Donvan Rile

  2. Handle: bcxanth




    Character Name: Chesay Nysurn



    Email: kbartrum@gmail.com



    Age: 120



    Gender: Female



    Place of Raising: Arad Doman



    Physical Description: Chesay has the classic Domani physique, tall and willowy at 5’10” tall and 120lbs. Her blond hair hangs long, all the way to her waist, that she wears in loose curls. She has deep brown eyes and speaks in a soft and smoky voice. She seems to always have a small smile on her face, as if seeing something funny in everything, but she can switch to all business in a twinkling.




    History: Chesay was raised in a large family, the youngest of five daughters of a successful merchant family, she naturally took in the teachings of her mother and aunts about everything from men to money, and everything in between. Because of this she never took the men of her family seriously, and from that has never been able to have any respect for men in general. She was taught that men, and in some cases women, are nothing but playthings.




    She had a good childhood, but being the youngest she felt always in the shadow of her older sisters. No matter how well she did in her studies, or no matter how quickly she caught on to subtleties of the business world, she never felt she was good enough.




    When she was 12 years old though, something wonderful happened. She was visiting Tar Valon with her mother on a trading trip and they were staying at an inn not far from the White Tower. As she sat at dinner in the common room with her mother, a woman who turned out to be an Aes Sedai came in.  She passed by the table where Chesay sat and suddenly came to a halt. She looked down at Chesay with a look of shock on her face but quickly recovered. She began pelting questions at Chesay’s mother about Chesay’s age, where the came from, and if she had ever fallen ill from any strange sicknesses. Chesay’s mother, having been to Tar Valon many times, recognized the face of an Aes Sedai and answered the questions promptly.




    It turned out the Aes Sedai was interested because she’d felt the Spark in Chesay. The Aes Sedai gave her mother no chance at objection. Chesay was going to the White Tower that day, without even the chance of a trip home to say goodbye to her family. Chesay didn’t care though. She felt like the chance had finally arrived for her to be special and outshine her sisters. After a quick but tearful parting with her mother she soon found herself at the White Tower, and was enrolled as a Novice the next day.




    The next 10 years were a blur. She worked hard, got in trouble, made friends, and all the usual things for a Novice. She quickly became close friends with her roommate and soon became pillow friends as well. When Chesay had been there for nine years her roommate took her test for the Accepted and passed on the first try. The Tower was buzzing with her potential and how good she was at her lessons, and the jealousy as well as the distance from Novice to Accepted strained the relationship beyond hope of recovery.




    For the next year Chesay was plagued with doubt and insecurity, comparing herself to her former pillow friend and always feeling she fell short. Once again she felt that she was back at home being overshadowed by her older sisters. Then the day came. She was to be Tested for Accepted.  The walk down into the bowls of the Tower drove her nearly to the breaking point of her nerves. She was plagued with doubt about her ability to pass.




    She went through the ceremony mechanically, the words coming to her lips only because of all the time that had been spent memorizing them. When the Mistress of Novices asked her if she wanted to turn back, she hesitated, but then said no.  She went through the first arch, and her world was torn apart.  Jealousy and insecurity drove her to kill her former pillow friend. Even when she stepped out of the arch and she knew it was all just a vision, she couldn’t rid herself of the guilt.  She knew she was unworthy of being an Aes Sedai.  She refused to go on.




    The Mistress of Novices was kind and understanding, but beneath the words was the layer of disappointment she knew was going to be there. The Aes Sedai were good to her. They gave her a horse and some clothing, as well as a pouch of silver. Then she was kindly, but firmly, turned out with the unspoken command to never come back. She didn’t know where to go, so ended up retracing remembered steps until she found herself at the same inn where her journey had begun. It felt only right that it should end there as well.




    After spending a few days at the inn she was approached by a woman.  She talked to her about the Tower and soon the story of Chesay’s failure came out. The woman was sympathetic, and eventually she told her about a group of women known as the Kin.  They banded together, those who hadn’t been able to make it in the Tower, as a support group to help them survive in the world.




    Soon she found herself on the way to Ebou Dar and was accepted into the Kin. She set up shop as a small merchant, being the only thing she knew how to do, trading carpets and spices through various countries. Her time in the Kin over the past 98 years has been fairly uneventful. She eventually got over her insecurities and now believes in herself as a strong and capable woman. Her business is flourishing, but a part of her still regrets never having become an Aes Sedai.

  3. Character Name: Andraste [no given last name]

    Email address:



    Division: Freelanders

    [berserker] mercenary, [sea] merchant guard, [soon to be, perhaps] Kin?


    Age: early 20s

    Gender:  Female

    Physical Description: 5'5 ", 100 flat, well-muscled but small and thin features [facial and body], cold pale blue eyes, platinum and light brown hair [just above shoulder length], leathery fair skin, dresses in furs and silk, scar across the left side of her forehead, [appearing deep] scar [perhaps jagged knife]—right of back [near kidneys], other obvious fighting scars

    Place of Birth/Raising: found alone at a young age north of Maradon of Saldaea, nearing the Blight, raised by a lesser noble-born older border guard and wife, early on left for Bandar Eban of Arad Doman , grew restless and took to the sea with merchants [visiting many port cities], temporarily settled in Ebou Dar of Altara

    Character History:


    Though slight in physical form, it was often said that Andraste was supposed to be a boy.  Perhaps was.  And although disrespectful behavior, especially to females, is not tolerated in the Borderlands, as an orphan she was the blunt end of many quips made by the other kids.  She had no friends, and often found her [foster] parents antiquated and dull.  At a young age, she managed to purchase a throwing axe and began to practice; then a former warder, for some reason of his own, took interest in her and taught her the sword.  And though this upset many of the women of Maradon, much to the amusement of this ex-warder, he simply quipped that "women as well as men must know how to bear a weapon in the borderlands—for they can die just as easily on a blade of our foes".  After many attempts of socializing her gender, the women of Maradon finally surrendered after she brought back the head of a trolloc after a raid and carved a knife out of one of its ram's horns.


    Andraste found much pleasure visiting the Blight, or at least the edge of it, though severe punishment was given when this information was discovered.  Her foster parents always wondered if it was because of the rumor spread by some that she was discovered there.  "Children often try finding their real parents as they grow older," was what her father explained to her mother after one such expedition.  After the death of her father, it was this same manly, "audrenline-junky" behavior that took her, barely over 15 though several blade years, and her throwing axe and saber off to Arad Doman with some merchants as a merchant guard.


    Upon delivery of merchandise, Andraste became a mercenary, fighting for whoever could pay of the warring factions.  She developed berserker tendencies and roamed from city to city, visiting taverns, in gluttonous search of blood, alcohol, and other various pleasures, developing Domani tendencies.  Tiring of mercenary thrills, she took to sea as once more a merchant guard and a year later found herself in the hands of the Seanchan, slaying a few in her capture.  They insisted she could channel, though she felt nothing when they prodded but their torturous seemingly mental blows produced from the metal leash.  She asked no questions and remained silent except when forced to speak.  She was on one of the last ships over, after her brief capture, to the other side of the world.


    Not far into the sea, the ship wrecked in a storm on some reef.  Andraste was beached and discovered that the Seanchan and Falme had fallen to, what some people claimed is, the Dragon Reborn.  Still physically, emotionally, and mentally scarred, she took off, wild and reckless and stubborn as ever, south to get as far away from such preposterous claims and settled temporarily in Ebou Dar of Altara, ignoring all rumors concerning any neighboring countries.  Her ways began to fit more with fellow women, learning a little of the politeness of the Altarans and behavior of ladies, but her seething temper festers.  She often fights as many as 7 duels in a day, and not just with women as is customary, and plays festively at her former roots in the Domani Daes dae'mar.  Her behavior stirs much interest and sometimes she is hired by a Lord or a Lady to assassinate someone.  Every day she runs from the idea that what the Seanchan claimed, that she could channel, could possibly be true.

  4. Name – Lael din'Ciwa 'Cold Storm'



    Features – Lael stands at an average height for a sea folk woman, at 5'11". She has a womanly figure, which softens her looks a bit. Lael is a tough woman though, with a strong body to go with that. Her skin is dark, and covered in bright tattoos on her hands and feet, to indicate her clan and her status. She also has the clan Tanaka tattoo of a blade with a star for a pommel, with sea serpents twined around it on the back of her left hand.


    Face – her features are fair like those of most Sea folk women. The thin chain between her nose and her ear is filled with little medallions.


    Age - 32


    Personality – Lael can be a touch serious, especially in the face of a trade or battle. When not faced with any dire circumstances, she lets her warm personality show. She is good to her crew and her family. She won't go out of her way to avoid a good brawl, but she's always careful to avoid damage to her ship. When angered, one sees where the name 'Cold Storm' comes from.



    History – Lael was born on her mother's ship, a welcome addition to a family that up to that point consisted only of her father and her mother. Her mother, a sailmistress for Clan Tanaka, had refused to endure her pregnancy on land, even though the healers had said it would be wise. In the end, she was glad she had remained on the ship, to give birth to what would become a proud sea folk woman.




    As all Sea Folk, little Lael began her career at the very bottom of the standings. She cleaned bilges, climbed high to work with the sail and scrubbed the deck like no other, but even in those days it was clear that she was destined for different things. She rose swiftly in rank, learning how to navigate and how to negotiate from her mother, and learning how to respect the oceans and their strength from her aunt, the windfinder of the vessel. She was only disappointed briefly when she discovered she could not channel. There were other roles on a ship she could fulfil, and other tasks that she was groomed for.




    When she turned twenty, she commissioned the build of her own ship, with the backing of her family and the permission of Clan Tanaka's Wavemistress. In the two years it took to build the ship, Lael travelled with her family in order to secure a crew. Soon enough she had enough men and women, both young and old to make up a crew, but there were still two things lacking. Before she could become a Sailmistress, she would have to find a windfinder and a cargo master.


    On a dark and stormy night during a meeting of the clans, Lael went to shore on one of the many islands. Unfamiliar with her surroundings, she soon got lost. When she finally found her way to the shore again, she decided to board the first ship she saw, confident that it was the one of her parents. While it was indeed a ship of the same make and the same clan, it belonged to a sailmistress that had been a friend of her mother for ages. Lael stayed the night there, and the following day, as she found herself reluctant to leave the side of a rather tall young man she encountered on the ship.



    By the time the gathering was over, Lael and Felix, the tall young man from the ship she had accidentally boarded, and his sister, a windfinder, were ready to start their own family on the a'dendore, the ship that had been commissioned for her. Before the first voyage, she and Felix were wed according to Sea Folk tradition. Then, following Tanaka tradition they went exploring, speeding along the coasts and the open shores, always in search of something.

  5. Character Name: Aldar din Traviata


    Email address: quibby1[at]gmail[dot]com


    Group: Atha'an Miere


    Race: *see 'Group'*


    Age: 47


    Height: 5'11"


    Weight: 225


    Eye Color: Dark brown


    Hair Color: Black and silver, about 50% each


    Special Features: Standard Sea Folk tattoos, 12 earrings (six in each ear), one tattoo of a ship sailing the clouds on his right shoulder blade, one tattoo of a bloody knife on his left shoulder, one tattoo of a wilted rose on his right forearm, numerous scars from combat, the most prevalent one running from his hairline, around the outside of his right eye, and down to his bottom jaw.


    Other Characteristics: Aldar is very quiet and withdrawn, rarely opening his mouth except to give answer to some question posed to him or to command those who take up arms at his command. Most would probably consider him moody or irritable despite his melodious bass voice. Physically, he is quite strong, and he looks like a man who has spent all his life doing physically challenging work of some kind or another. He is, however, fiercely loyal to whomever he serves, and will willingly put his life on the line for those he respects or loves. Neither group, however, is very large. However, once people get to know him, they discover the man's quirky, slightly sadistic sense of humor, and his willingness to lend a helping hand or to just listen.


    Weapon of Choice: Two cutlasses


    Secondary Weapon: Ivory-hilted dagger


    Tertiary Weapon: Hand-to-hand


    Character History: "Aldar din Traviata, you have been summoned to swear your oaths before the heads of the Clans and before the Light. The Light willing, you shall be named Master of the Blades to the Atha'an Miere. Step forward and swear." A few men glanced towards the far end of the ship, their dark faces revealing little of the nervousness that some of them felt. Some had been students of Aldar's, some sparring partners, and Aldar had not been gentle. The soft footfalls did not sound threatening, but the man that accompanied them did. A determined look in his eyes, Aldar din Traviata strode towards the Sea Folk leaders and delegates. Across his well-muscled torso and arms, countless scars left their marks to speak of injuries both old and newer. Across his chest, a pair of bandoliers crossed to form an X, and from each one hung a cutlass, their hilts recently polished for this specific event. No one made any mention of the three tattoos on his body other than those found on every one of the Atha'an Miere. The bloody dagger on his right forearm, the wilted rose on his left shoulder, and the raker on his right shoulder blade that seemed to be sailing into the sun. Rumors spoke of pain in his past that brought those three about, though none knew quite what pain that could be. None tried to look him in the face, though most of those present were of a height with Aldar, and a few were taller. At 47, Aldar had not aged well, and the scars on his face coupled with the lines were not very flattering. The long scar from his hairline to his jaw that seemed to dodge around his eye and lips didn't help. His dark eyes showed no sign of his age, though they carried a sense of confidence in ability and sadness. Aldar's eyes always seemed to carry sadness.


    Reaching the gathered leaders of the Clans, Aldar quickly saluted them before he began. The words that he had to say had been drilled at him all night, though he had memorized them quickly. Aldar was not unintelligent. Holding out his left hand, Aldar drew the dagger tucked into the front of his sash and placed the blade against the palm of his hand. With a level gaze directed at every officiating member Aldar drew the keen edge of the dagger across his palm. Squeezing his hand closed, his blood seeping from out his fist, Aldar gravely intoned, "By the Light, my soul, hopes of rebirth and salvation, I swear to protect and honor all free souls. Life is a gift that I will cherish, and not take unless in defense of my People."





    Aldar din Traviata was always fated to live on the sea and die on the sea. Both of his parents were deckhands aboard an Atha'an Miere raker, the Sunray, one of the trade ships of the Catelar clan. The life of a seafarer was an obvious one for Aldar; his blood would allow for nothing less. As soon as he was old enough to work, Aldar began his service as a deckhand aboard the very ship upon which he was born. His early years were not terribly exciting. Any time that he was not working among the ropes and riggings in the masts was spent working with Boran din Atronos, the best-trained fighter on the Sunray. The man was about twenty years older than Aldar, and bore scars that were older than him, as well. The man was ambidextrous, was quite skilled at manipulating two weapons at once. As Aldar matured and became a bit more proficient in basic hand-to-hand combat and knife fighting, he began to show the same coordination, though to an astonishing degree. At the age of seventeen, Aldar was capable of writing two separate things with his hands at the same time. It didn't take him too long to discover, though, that writing and working with swords were two different things…


    "Come on, Aldar! Concentrate! If those had been real swords you were holding, you would have taken your legs off!" Boran yelled. Dropping the two training laths, Aldar rubbed at his calves where he had managed to strike himself with both blades. Taking a moment to reevaluate the situation, Boran said, "Okay, let's start simple: put one of those two weapons aside for now, we'll concentrate on one hand at a time, then we'll try to work both at once."


    "Got it," Aldar muttered in his deep, melodious voice, like the rumble of the surf breaking on the beach. Putting one of the training blades into a nearby barrel half-full of rope, Aldar positioned himself against his larger and more physically fit opponent…


    It would be another three years before Aldar was tested in battle. As the Sunray was leaving the docks of one of the Sharan ports and making for the open sea, the lookout on the mast screamed, "SEANCHAN!!" The whole ship was immediately alive and in action. Men and women armed themselves, the Sailmistress Jori din Saloser High Wave and the Windfinder Elona din Nitraco conferred with the Cargomaster Ablas din Derude, who would be leading the defense of the ship. By the time the Seanchan vessel had pulled near enough to the Sunray, those on board were ready for them. Despite how well the Seanchan were trained in battle, they were no match for the Atha'an Miere.


    "Aldar, stay close!" Boran yelled as the boarders rushed to meet the waiting Sea Folk in a flurry of steel and screams. Aldar was shocked by the abruptness of it all. There were men dying around him, and all he could do was stare in shock. Or until a man singled him out for death. The ferocity of the man's attack was astounding to Aldar, and even his ambidexterity was not enough to keep the man from scoring several cuts to Aldar. The blade that suddenly appeared in the man's chest was a relief to Aldar. Boran gave him a quick smile before turning back to the battle… and taking a blade to his belly. Aldar gave a cry of shock, and before he knew what he was doing, he had closed the distance between himself and Boran's killer and plunged his knife into his chest. The man turned to look at Aldar, an expression of shocked pain on his face, and it was all that Aldar could do to stand and meet the man's eyes. As if time had slowed, the Seanchan man fell to the deck of the ship, his eyes glazing over in death. His concentration was so great on this that Aldar never noticed the two women that appeared on the deck of the Seanchan ship until Sunray exploded beneath his feet, throwing him high into the air and dropping him into the sea. The Seanchan stayed only long enough to collect their survivors before setting sail again. Aldar, his wounds stinging from the salt water and his heart torn from what he had done, began kicking for the port. There had been another raker a week behind them; it would be dropping anchor here soon.




    "It is agreed under the Light," intoned the leader of the ceremony before nodding to Aldar to continue.


    With a nod, Aldar again spoke. "By the nine winds, and Stormbringer's beard, I swear to search for he who will give us all the seas of the world, and when I have found him, to serve and obey the Coramoor so that he may bring glory to the People."




    Aldar pushed himself hard for the next 10 years of his life, working the blades like he had never worked before. In his mind, he always remembered Boran's face, and the pain of watching him die worked like a scourge on Aldar's mind, pushing him harder than anything else could have done. Every minute of his day that was not spent working the ship, eating, or sleeping was spent in training. Until one day, three years after the Sunray found his way home…


    Elysa din Bosien had caught Aldar's eye when she had first began working aboard Seastrider. She was absolutely beautiful, with a laugh that Aldar could lose himself in for the rest of his life. Even better, she seemed to find Aldar and his constant work intriguing. She began to watch him as he worked himself, often making jokes at his mistakes. The two would talk during the breaks that Aldar would take only when exhaustion forced him to the deck. She made the days bearable, the first time that they had been in the years since the Sunray. Two years passed like this before Aldar and Elysa were finally and happily wed.


    As nice as it would be to say that Aldar and Elysa lived happily ever after, such is not the case. A sudden squall off of Windbiter's Fingers five years later caught the Seastrider by surprise. As all hands on board struggled to make him ready to weather the storm, the sea began to beat against Seastrider with a fury. A sudden scream from the stern caught Aldar's attention. Whirling about, he saw Elysa clinging to a rope, the waves beating her to the deck and threatening to pull her overboard. Aldar called another to take his place, and he ran to the stern, diving across the deck and seizing hold of his wife's hand. With his other hand, Aldar reached for anything he could use to hold himself to the ship. "Aldar! Help!" Elysa screamed in a panic.


    "Just hold on to me! Don't let go!" Aldar yelled back as he seized onto a rail and began fighting against the pounding waves. Another heavy wave washed over the deck, loosening Aldar's grip on Elysa's arm. Her panicked scream sounded again, and before Aldar could reposition his grip, another wave tore her from his hands and dragged her screaming into the wild seas. In a wild fit, Aldar ran to the side, but before he could leap in after his wife, his reason for living, the air around him seemed to harden.


    Craning his neck, Aldar tried to lock eyes with the Windfinder Voris din Malocen Sea Mist. "She's gone, Aldar. Don't waste your life going after her."


    His face a mask of rage and agony, Aldar growled, "Let me go, Windfinder! Let me find her! If you loved Elysa even one tenth the way that I love her, you would let me go!"


    Voris looked hurt for a few seconds before she finally said, "Before she was your wife, Aldar din Traviata, she was my sister. Remember?" In his rage, Aldar had forgotten that. With that sentence, he hung limp against the Windfinder's bindings. And he wept.




    "It is agreed under the Light," the leader of the ceremony intoned again. His nod to Aldar was unneeded. Solemnly, Aldar said, "Under the stars and above the waves, by the sky and water, I will not abandon the salt for the lure of farming off the fat of land, lest I be bound to the shore as do the land-men. On my word, I shall return by the salt coursing in my veins, never resting until there is freedom of the seas, when even the Islands of the Dead where the Seanchan dwelt will be known, and the Aryth Ocean be traversed by the People."




    For eighteen years, Aldar lost himself even further to learning the way of battle. His skill with his two blades soon grew beyond what his sparring partners could compete against. His nights were spent deep in the pages of books written by the great generals about the subject of battle. He was promoted many times, making it as far as he possibly could on board Seastrider. He served as a Swordmaster there for 9 years. Even at that rank, Aldar never stopped working himself. It soon came to the point where he was forced to spar with five people at a time, then six, then seven. Battles against the Seanchan or any other pirate were rare, yet Aldar was always at the forefront, his loud voice shouting orders in the midst of raging battle.


    He could not outrun his past, though. He could not outrun the first man that he killed, the friends that he lost aboard the Sunray. He could not forget Elysa. It was the conclusion that he could not forget them that brought him to a tattooist. In one grueling session, Aldar had the man ink three tattoos into his skin. Starting on his shoulder blade, the man inked Aldar's first choice: an Atha'an Miere raker sailing a sea of clouds and bound for the sun. On his left shoulder, the man inked an intricate dagger dripping with blood and tears. Finally, on Aldar's right forearm, the tattooist inked a beautifully-rendered rose, its petals wilting, its thorns seemingly digging into Aldar's arm. Carrying his three most painful memories for the world to see, Aldar left the man.


    It would be another nine years after that day that Aldar would receive a summons from a council of the Atha'an Miere clans. His forty-seventh naming day barely a month behind him, Aldar was brought to Qaim to speak to the council.


    "Your name is well-known to us, Aldar din Traviata," the spokesperson said. "Every ship seems to carry tall tales of the exploits of great men and women among the People, but you are seemingly a legend in your own time. They say, for instance, that you defeated the fifteen greatest fighters in Clan Catelar at once. Is that true?"


    "No, it isn't. It was only the seven best swordsman on board the Seastrider," Aldar answered honestly. He didn't like this for some reason; these people seemed to be sizing him up, as if he were just what they were looking for. Aldar hated being sized up for what could turn out to be a noose. "If I may ask the council, what do you want with me?"


    The spokesperson only smiled…




    "It is agreed under the Light," the leader of the ceremony intoned once again.


    Raising his left hand in the air, Aldar opened his bloody fist and said, "May I be bound to the sand, forsaken from the World, if I ever renounce any word I have spoken here, on this Ship on this tide, on this sacred water. I pledge myself to the People of the Sea. May the embrace of the eternal Mother, who has bathed me in her gifts, eased me in my tears, and cleansed me of my mortal transgresses, come rest my soul in water."


    "It is agreed under the light," the leader intoned for the last time. A hand gesture waved two women to Aldar's side, each one holding six heavy earrings. Reaching to his ears, they removed the lighter ones that he wore as Swordmaster and replaced them with the heavier ones that would mark him as the Master of the Blades to the Atha'an Miere. As the last two were clipped in place, Aldar smiled, twisting the scar on the right side of his face into a disturbing shape. On the ships gathered all around a thunderous cheer rose up, for once again, the Atha'an Miere had a Master of the Blades.

  6. Name: Yasuno'din Miraen

    Age: 34

    email: az_lindros@hotmail.com

    Clan: Rossaine

    Ship: White Rose; A raker, fast and agile ship. Two hundred paces long, with four large masts. Three towering masts amidships, and a shorter mast at the stern.   


    Crew: Sail Mistress: Yasuno'din miraen, Windfinder unknown. Cargo Master: Terin, a short but muscular man of high respect from all.   


    Family information: A younger sister, but no brother. Her parents were both caputered by the seanchan and as they tried escaping were executed righ away.

    Elder Mentor: Linae'din faire (deseaced)


    physical appearance: Long curly black hair, dark skin, dark brown eyes. Slender body, and slightly muscular belly. Her face beautiful with a nose ring of silver. She wears nine ear rings of gold, and her bang hangs down over her face. She's quite short for her years, but gains just as much respect anyway. She wears a white silk blouse and blue silk trousers. Her eyes sometimes glance and sparkle in the sun. Her voice are melidous and beautiful.         


    Personality: She's warm-hearted, and calm if a battle enrupts. Tends to smile more often then not, but if angered she can be fears. Would not betray a friend, she'd rather sacrifice her own life for those she hold close. But her respect is hard-earned, and well so as she's respected by many younglings in the seafolk. As being a veteran sail-mistress many come to her for advice, which she pleasintly  helps in any way possible.   


    History: Her life started long time ago, at shore on the island of Quim. Her parents fought over minor things, and in the end left her and her sister alone as they left the island for the wetlands instead. Yasuno had to learn of life the hard way, while raising her younger sister by her self. They grew and grew until she was 13 years of age, she accidently bumped into a rather good-looking man that wore seafolk clothes as her. But something with the way he acted told her he was not like the others on the island. And so they started talking about all kinds of things adn in the end, he agreed he'd teach her of trade, the sea, and let her meet his sail-mistress. After working day and night with him, helping with the trade as she learned it at the same time. She finally after 2 years of hard work, got to meet Linae'din faire; the sail-mistress of the raker 'wind scent' From this elder woman, she learned a lot of the working on all kinds of ships, both large and small. She also learned how to munnover the large Raker after another three years. She had finally found her calling in life, this and a new way of living. She kept on learning all that the sail-mistress could teach her of the sea, trading, customs, their culture, even their history. It seemed like a totally different land then from where she came from. As she learned and grew as a person, she also became to grow in ranks from a mere recruit to a full-fleshed sail-mistress when she turned twenty three years of age. And from that day she has had her own ship, which she named 'The White Rose' She's found her crew, that works just as hard as she had to do be where she is now. Yasuno has full respect for her foes, allies, but most of all for her own crew. Her cargo master Terin, were the first one to join her ship the white rose, only a few weeks of being out at sea. The second were her loyal and respected windfinder, which she's become so attached to as of late. Now she hopes, they can be one big family and knotted tightly as a crew. Or they may fall down real hard, when they face their first real threat. ' Seanchan'

  7. I'm more than aware of that, and I built the thing so I know how to install one. Right now I'm trying to find a place that doesn't want to charge me the ridiculous price of $80 for a diagnostic so that I can be absolutely certain that's what's wrong with it. The computer won't even reach Post right now, so I can't be sure of anything.

  8. Alrighty, as much as I hate to do this, my computer has died. I believe it's motherboard issues. Essentially this means that my ability to access anything at the moment will be limited and sporadic. I am doing everything in my power to fix this. I will return as soon as possible. I'm sorry to everyone for the inconvenience.

  9. The noise of the common room assailed him as he opened the door. Beyond the faint scent of spiced apples there was little remarkable about the interior of the Green Lady. It was exactly like the dozen other common rooms he'd been in while chasing this woman. Sure, the layout was different, and the last Inn had square tables instead of the low benches and long tables that made up the Lady's decor. He made his way to the back, making his way towards the scrawny man behind the bar.


    Great, a thin Innkeeper. I won't be eating here.


    "Good evening sir." He said in a cheerful voice over the din of the bar. "I was wondering if you could help me with something."


    "If yer lookin' fer a room, we're full. Young woman just purchased the last one." The skeleton of a man said, turning his back to the bar and putting the glass he was polishing under the counter. "Lots'a drink though."


    A woman? Hmm...


    "Can you tell me what this lady looked like?" The Innkeeper turned back to him, his sunken eyes taking him in as if for the first time. They widened a little when they noticed his cloak.


    "Restricted information. I doon let Darkfriends stay here, and I no be needing trouble." With that he turned to walk away. As his eyes fell on the rather large purse on Donovan's belt, he stopped for a moment, his eyes considering. "Maybes I could point ye in the direction of her room though.... fer a price."




    Donovan caught the man's eyes and held them. He slowly laid two crowns on the bar, his hand remaining on top of them. "For the room."


    The man grinned revealing his blackened teeth and gave him the room number. 303. The girl liked to live dangerously. Well, he had caught her this time. Stupid of her to buy a room.


    He made his way out of the common room quickly, his footsteps echoing up the stairwell ahead of him. He checked his harness, making sure that his axes were secure and ready. As he approached the room, two down on the right of the stairs, he slowed his pace and waited cautiously, listening for sound from the other side. He heard a muffled scuffling coming from somewhere, but he couldn't quite place it.


    Burn this!


    Sliding one of his axes out, he held it at the ready and kicked in the door.





    ~Donvan Rile


  10. Ooc: Sorry it took so long. I'm not quite done, but I'm falling asleep. If you come up with a post, feel free to reply to this one, if not, I'll finish it up tomorrow.



    Donovan straightened from his crouch and wiped his hands on the edge of his pristine cloak with a heavy sigh. She had not been difficult to follow; the girl knew nothing about covering her tracks. Not that it would have mattered really, even if she had been a master woodsman a trained monkey could have followed the trail of bodies she left behind. It looks like I'm going to have to get my hands dirty with this one.


    The sinking sun flashed through the trees setting the woods ablaze with its gentle radiance, and Donovan looked down at the town bustling before him. The smithy, fletcher, and several other services lay nestled within the bend of the stream that curved around the east end of town. Several smaller building constituted the town square, most of them minor shops and residences, though one appeared to be a stables for buying and exchanging horses. Odd for a town of this size. Must be along a well known messenger route.


    A decent sized paddock swept off to one side of the stables, crossing the brown grass to meet up with the three story building off to the side. The embossed wooden sign marked this building as the Inn, if its size hadn't, and the hideous shade of green it was painted drew the eye like rot to a corpse. A small section of the building jutted out opposite the stables, and a small chimney puffed out a steady stream of grey smoke.


    Turning, Donovan walked back to where he had tied Jitters to a stump. The horse shied when he got near, and Donovan couldn't help but laugh. By all rights the horse should have been put down years ago. The poor boy had been through so much in his short life that he had developed an almost female like quality of jumping at the silliest things.


    He shook his head as he knelt to untie his 'valiant' steed and thought on the situation with this Kenan character. Her killing spree had started back in Amadacia with the deaths of her father, and later her husband. Donovan had already been on her trail when he found the body of the ex-Captain. In truth he hadn't mourned the loss. He had never been much of a fan of the Questioners, and wasn't about to change his mind now. They served their purpose, however, though many times a single member of the Whisper could accomplish more than a contingent of the Hand.


    Of course, he was biased. Still, it was clear that whatever was going on here, it ran far deeper than simply a frightened little witch learning to channel for the first time. No one left a trail of bodies this long that didn't have a story to tell, and Donovan meant to hear it.


    Placing his foot in the stirrup, he mounted Jitters carefully, moving slowly so as not to spook the animal. Taking one last look around at the forest, he headed into town, his thoughts never leaving the young Mrs. Ana Kenan. If he was right, she was choosing her victim now. He'd probably a patron at the Inn, likely a traveler with his own room so that no one would miss him too soon. She'd look for someone attractive, but if she couldn't find one, it wouldn't stop her from making a choice. One way or another she would kill someone before sleeping tonight.



    * * * * * * * * *



    Jitters cantered nervously as they rode up to the stables. Dismounting quickly, he smiled at the lad who appeared from the shadows and rummaged about his belt pouch for a piece of the Altaran hard candy he was so fond of. Flashing it before the boy's eyes, he smiled and asked, "What's your name son?"


    "Tomas, Sir."


    "Well Tomas Sir," he said with a grin and a wink, "I'm Donovan, and this here is Jitters. I need you to take extra special care of him. He's a bit skittish, so you have to be careful that he doesn't get spooked." Donovan placed the candy in the boy's hand and recieved a broad grin. "Do you think you can do that?"


    Tomas nodded vigorously as the candy disappeared in his pocket. "I can do that sir!" The excitement in his voice was palpable. Donovan grinned and patted him gently on the cheek.


    "Good boy. I'm sure Jitters will like you just fi- oh, wait, what's this?"


    Pulling his hand away from the boys face, he brandished a shiny silver penny. "You must have money growing in your ears." Tomas' astonished laughter brought another smile to Donovan's face, and he placed the coin in the boy's hand as well. "I'll tell you what, Tomas'. If you promise to feed and water Jitters here, and make him ready to leave before the moon rises, I'll go ahead and let you keep this one. How does that sound to you?"


    The excitement in Tomas' eyes shown like a candle in a dark room as his head bobbed up and down. "That sounds just grand Mr. Donovan! I'll wait with him all night if you need."


    "Thank you Tomas, but I don't think that will be necessary." Reaching back up, Donovan pulled a small brown sack out of his saddlebags and handed it to Tomas. "Jitters likes his sugar cubes. They calm him down. Make sure he gets a few after he eats." Tousling the kid's hair, he stood and smiled down at the boy. "I'm sure you and he will have plenty of fun. I'll see you later tonight Tomas." With that he turned and entered the Inn.





    ~Donvan Rile


  11. Well, as many of you have probably heard, I'm the new teacher in charge of classes for your Rank Requirements. (May God have mercy on your souls *maniacal laugh*) Well, we have a new and improved list for you to choose from. The 14 classes should offer plenty of variety for your character development purposes.


    This is how the classes will work. I hope to be running at least one class every two weeks(barring significant RL issues). After the first post of each new Class I will start a new thread like this asking what classes you want to take part in. Just reply here and let me know what you want to take next, and the class that has the most requests will be the one I teach. I will stop taking requests two days before the start date of the class, and begin working on the post.


    This is not the only way to get the class you want, however. I am never opposed to teaching a class for individual characters, so if you've got your heart set on a class, feel free to PM me or IM me at any time. (Skype: thedreadpirateyi MSN: kylin_drp@hotmail.com) and I'll work the details with you. We don't want anyone feeling left out, I'm just working it this way for efficiency and to keep myself from getting bogged down with too many classes. (this is just a trial method, I may alter the system in the future if we run into problems.)


    Now, with all that said, I look forward to tortur... *coughs* I mean teaching all you new recruits.


    New Class List

    - Obedience class

    - Children of the Light Philosophy class

    - History of the Children of the Light class

    - Basic Calvary class

        - Mounted Combat class

        - Advanced Calvary Tactics

    - Group survival class

    - Military Tactics class

    - Herb class

    - Interrogation class

    - Basic Stealth and Subterfuge class

    - Espionage class

    - Infiltration class

    - Daes Daes Mar class

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