I think the show is doing a fantastic job of having Rand's journey be more realistic and him come into his own with the power. We see little sparks of how powerful he is (like when he takes out Turak, and he seems surprised after like "holy shit did I just do that?"), but he doesn't have the control and it's made very clear with the Aes Sedai shielding him like he's a child. It's very believable, and I think it fits well with a TV show.
In the books, we had patience (mostly) to deal with RJ's inconsistencies with the power levels. RJ had to retroactively add in challenges to the hero's so that their power levels didn't just make things too easy. Madness and sickness for Rand. Block for Nyn. Duty, capture, and apprenticeship for Eggy. Duty for Elayne. Etc. It made things a little confusing at times because there would be chapters of struggle that were suddenly resolved by a quick power blast moment from one of the heroes. And they have the challenge of having to make the struggles visible...where-as in the books we had the luxury of inner dialogue to exemplify the struggle.
I also like how they are subtly showing the different channeling strengths, styles, and talent in the show. As well as context. I hope non-book readers are picking up on these things and are really trying to question why the Forsaken seem so fast and talented compared with the Aes Sedai. I hope they give us more moments of Rand seeming to 'remember' a complicated weave and then be surprised (again like the one he did with Turak, that was later repeated by Ishamael so clearly seemed to be drawn from an AoL memory.), and then unable to repeat the weave at a later time.