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  1. When you think about it, the Ogier willingly supporting an empire that enslaves people seems against Ogier way and culture, as we have seen in Randland, so I am really curious to how the Ogier developed culturally in the Seanchan continent and how they came to support joining the Deathwatch, and whatever other roles they have in the Empire. Perhaps they didn't experience the Longing, but I have a feeling the Breaking changed them in other significant ways. Maybe it was a forced choice. But either way, when you dig deep, there's got to be some fundamental differences in their values.
  2. I don't think Perrin is immune to compulsion...but using it on him successfully probably took a lot of care and sublty, which I know Lanfear was capable of. My interpretation is that she slowly got to know how he thought and maybe did small weaves on him until the end. She was probably also assisted by the fact the area around the hole in the D.O.'s prison was somewhat in the dream world. Perrin was duped by Lanfear and I applaud how well she did it, cause the readers were duped as well lol
  3. Some things I liked, some I hated. I liked: Rand's confrontation with the Dark One Demandred not having the luxury of fighting Rand. Sorry bub. The Asha'man being recognized as true guardians by the people. All the chaos of the various battles. The turned channelers being captured for rehabilitation by the Ogier. loved it lol I did NOT like: Siuan getting killed off screen. Egwene having to die. Honestly, pissed me off. Rand got to live, but after all her struggle, Eggy died? Just so she could yell at Rand as he confronted the Dark One? WTF. Alanna's storyline and role at the end. Kinda a dud. I hope they do better in the show. The final confrontation of killing of Padin Fain was also a dud to me. I expected more and I hoped that his presence would really cause some chaos between both the dark and light forces. He was setup as a wild card, and then he's just killed off handedly. Boring. The confrontations between Rand and Egwene. I think Brandon really missed the mark and their talks were off character and dismissed all the character development both made. Alivia's role at the end. I think Brandon's interpretation of how she "helped him to die" was incorrect. I wanted her to have a more interesting role. Maybe even be the one that finalized the body swap. It's still possible she did, as the scene after Rand leaves the cave is kind of vague...but still.
  4. Honestly, she took my love of Verin and elevated it to new levels. I really love her take on the character.
  5. Yas! Bringit! I am a glutton for all content WoT related! Maybe maybe one day we'll get the post-final battle spin off and see Mat and Tuon's work in the Seanchan lands. Maybe =]
  6. I think the show is doing a fantastic job of having Rand's journey be more realistic and him come into his own with the power. We see little sparks of how powerful he is (like when he takes out Turak, and he seems surprised after like "holy shit did I just do that?"), but he doesn't have the control and it's made very clear with the Aes Sedai shielding him like he's a child. It's very believable, and I think it fits well with a TV show. In the books, we had patience (mostly) to deal with RJ's inconsistencies with the power levels. RJ had to retroactively add in challenges to the hero's so that their power levels didn't just make things too easy. Madness and sickness for Rand. Block for Nyn. Duty, capture, and apprenticeship for Eggy. Duty for Elayne. Etc. It made things a little confusing at times because there would be chapters of struggle that were suddenly resolved by a quick power blast moment from one of the heroes. And they have the challenge of having to make the struggles visible...where-as in the books we had the luxury of inner dialogue to exemplify the struggle. I also like how they are subtly showing the different channeling strengths, styles, and talent in the show. As well as context. I hope non-book readers are picking up on these things and are really trying to question why the Forsaken seem so fast and talented compared with the Aes Sedai. I hope they give us more moments of Rand seeming to 'remember' a complicated weave and then be surprised (again like the one he did with Turak, that was later repeated by Ishamael so clearly seemed to be drawn from an AoL memory.), and then unable to repeat the weave at a later time.
  7. I can't recall if it was said directly by RJ or how it was info, but we know that the Ogier on the Seanchan lands did not experience the longing, as there were apparently more stedding and they had access to them. They seem to have a very different history post-breaking than the mainland Ogier, including some how going from peaceful singers to guards/policemen to the Empire.
  8. Here's my thinking, besides them stretching things a bit for plot point (which we have already seen them do). 1. Moraine convinced herself that so long as Rand is shielded, he is in danger of dying, and therefore, ALL of the world is in danger of death. No Rand, No Dragon, means end of the world and the Dark One wins. It's a stretch, but I think Mory is quite capable of mental gymnastics to accomplish this. The explosions were focused on the ships and, though also a stretch, she may have reasoned folks had a chance to save themselves. 2. She isn't over powered, because it looks like her weaves were quit big and took quite some time to gather up. She may have been right at the edge of her power level and straining herself. I think the "dragon" later was a mix of fire and illusion, which probably wouldn't require as much one power as a true fire dragon. I'm not confident she had the angreal any longer. But again I think they ramped things up a bit for plot and effects. Including the cheesy dragon at the end. lol Not as bad as they did for Season 1 finally, but close.
  9. In ref to Rand's unwillingness to hurt women, and how it grew and expanded over time (esp in reference to the list of women who died), I always attributed it to one of the effects of madness that was less obvious than hearing voices. I did think it went a bit too far and wasn't realistic, but if you think in terms of madness it makes more sense. Obsessions like that can easily develop and have far reaching effects in someone's psych. It's kind of a loose theory though. Ultimately I didn't like RJ's plotpoint with this and it made it hard for me to relate to Rand. Back to the topic, I agree with Alanna possibly being merged with Myrelle. It would make a lot of sense as their characters are pretty similar (if only talking about show Alanna and not book Alanna). I think that's about as far as it will go though and I hope they continue to develop Alanna because if she does bond Rand against his will, I want it too be a real struggle for us audience members. I want us to deal with a violation vs. a character we have grown to like. I'm curious to how Alanna will reason it out. P.S. Oh, and some of y'all need to stop with the 'orgy ajah' quips. Seriously, how childish can you be? I know this is an assumption I've seen folks make to anyone who is polyamorous. I've had it lobbied at me as well, and it just isn't true in how we practice and live our lives. To apply it to an entire ajah just cause you have immature feelings towards a healthy, if non-traditional, relationship in the show is ridiculous. /endrant
  10. Okay, wow. Over all, it both felt kinda hurried and I was surprised at the direction of most things, but after what they did with Siuan last episode I wasn't surprised. Is it bad that I'm sad Nyn didn't get a big power scene? 😂 I guess it was too convenient for her to be able to work up her anger in the books, they are making it harder here. Or she hasn't figure it out just yet. Disappointed that they had Eggy kill Renna. I think it was a misstep on her part, and she'll have to grapple with it. They are giving her anger more of an edge here than in the books. Moraine's channeling was exquisite and beautiful to watch. From the Bonding scene 😭 to the fire weaving. Just beautifully shown and performed. Heroes of the horn! Uno! Others! Oh Turak. Bless your heart. Nice move Rand lol I'm enjoying how much more involved and manipulative Lanfear is. She's scheming all over the place! Ishy, wow. Crispy. Felt a little too "vampire turns to dust" in his death moment.... Eggy smarty pants working defensive weaves cause she know's she's too weak for offensive. Well played. I'm already loving Moggy!!! I am hoping they keep the rivalry she has with Nyn! Didn't like Hopper's death and then lead to Perrin's rage. Could have been better played, and was more of a "revenge" kill than a "defensive" situation like it was in the books. Rand's got googly eyes for Elayne already. Mat's all fine and. hero-y now. Someone get him a better coat and shirt with lace! When's Season 3? 😆
  11. OOp, you right, I got Aviendha's ability mixed up with Elayne. =] ty! Though Nyn did get some similar readings to other Ter'angreal like the male A'dam, but all of her stuff was too vague to really be useful. Like she picked up pain from a rod, etc
  12. Both of them could read Ter'Angreal. Nyneave in a different way, it was more feelings, impressions, and general thought son use. Elayne was more specific and technical.
  13. This episode absolutely f**ked me up! Too many dang emotions. The hardest moment was watching Ryma's battle with the Damane. On one hand, it was a brilliant depiction of the restrictions the Aes Sedai have against the Seanchan. She couldn't do any lethal attacks until after her Warder was attacked by the Damane. If she hadn't been bound by the three oaths, they would have been taken out so much sooner. I also appreciated that her attacks where body based, really honed in on how nasty a Yellow sister could be if she used her weaves and knowledge of the body offensively. On the other hand, her sacrifice, her emotional reaction to her Warder's death, her leashing, it was almost too much to watch. That scene being overlapped with Egwene's torture was intense. Justice for Ryma! I really really hope she gets unleashed at some point, I got so attached to her for her short scene presence. Other thoughts: Mat + Rand reunion was cool. Mat failing to meet Rand at the end also strong show of Mat's love and care for his friends. Curious to where they are going with Min and loving this deeper depth to her character Lan, you are letting me down. Alanna, just as meddling as in the books it seems Nyn & Elayne pairing is continuing to be great and dynamic. Elayne really shining with her control and check on Nyn's impulsiveness and need to run headlong into danger to save folks I didn't like that they left Nyn to expose them when trying to unlock the A'dam...but I did like the example of Nyn's ability to read Ter'angreal like she did in the books. Siuan's "Aura of Swords" was pretty cool visually, not sure how practical of a defense though, and why would she be traveling with such a small company? Liandrin continues to be such a powerful character. I can't believe I'm so invested in her in the show, when I absolutely HATED the character in the books. Renna, you can freaking suck a bag of puke! Ryma crushing the Sul'dam's body reminded me of the opening scene to X-men Apocalypse. I thought the singing bit with Loail was cool...though I'm at odds with how they made it sound. Barthanes is being depicted as such a sweet person. Will Tudor always has that "innocent/sweet" presence. If they continue having him being a DF that's going to be such a twist. I'm with the "Moraine thinks she is Stilled but that isn't confirmation of the actual fact" camp. I'm still hoping for Siuan to somehow unweave the shield. Still leaves room for other plots we saw in the books.
  14. Again I think it will be revealed later that Liandrin had a lot of help, maybe even in placing and tying off shields. Otherwise, I agree, it's been a sttreeettcch that she could have gotten them to and through the waygate so easily. To me, that was the weakest link in the episode. On the girls getting their heads hit, well it's in line with the books. How many times did the wondergirls get knocked out from head trauma? 🤪 At least this time it was done by a Warder to a Yellow Ajah, who I presume healed them (I hope!).
  15. I feel like we have to just infer that it was a collection of tricks to get the girls into the Waygate. There had to be some time and possible cooperation with others, because: 1. There was the log in Sheriam's book, either there by "compulsion" or Sheriam herself (I think they did this to make us book readers really question). So either Liandrin did it, or she had help, OR Sheriam's in on it. 2. Liandrin clearly had to be channeling the One Power in the Ways to keep the girls bound and shielded, yet the wind never shown...I suspect that like in the books, Padan Fain can manipulate the wind. OR, something else was protecting Liandrin. It's too convenient that she just managed to miss it's spawning. It's possible it was egged on to attack the Two Rivers folks by Padan...but...*shrug* 3. Liandrin wouldn't want to cart three passed out girls on horseback through the city, because I am sure the other Aes Sedai eyes and ears would say something, and there is supposed to be a story of them on their way to Camelyn...honestly there are some plot holes there. 4. Where did the asparagus come from? Did Liandrin have time to make a detour in the Ways, grab them, and come back? I think she had help in this too. Ultimately, I just think it wasn't a solo task by Liandrin. She had help from others, whether they be other Black Ajah, Darkfriends, Forsaken, etc. Which is why it seems so iffy to us, we weren't shown the assistance, just the outcome and certain milestones.
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