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Posts posted by tismeb4u

  1. Ahhh yes .... Meagan ...... the one I never got to finish playing with  ..... errrr .... talking with ;)


    I do remember ...... *eyes the other Red again* ..... This one could relly use some training ;) It's a shame Linten has to watch his step a little more in the present yard mood .... though I'm sure you know how well he finds ways around certain rules.  ;D



  2. *suddenly eyes the new comer with great trepidation and thinly veiled contempt*


    Ummmmm .... Hi. Nothing really to see here ...... Arath! ..... you didn't tell me they would be in here as well ..... *glances at the red fringes nervously* ..... You aren't going to let me teacher her what her proper place is are you? *looks around for any of his old fraction members* ..... A place filled with men and no backbone against the devious nature of those women.


    I told you Arath .... it's better whne the men hold the control. That way you can bend the witch ... errr ... the woman to your will and ensure she knows her place. Linten has nothing against bonding them, even relishes the idea. Or use to ..... but this ....



  3. :o  RED!!!!!! ..... Red Ahja!!!!! ..... Linten is suppose to be bonded to a Red! Under the control and scrutiny of a Red!! ...... Wow .... somewhere someone is laughing histarically at this twist of fate ......


    Hmmmm Interesting indeed .... Thanx for the link. I will pop over and do some reading.  :)



  4. Oh that I definately do ....... Say, I've done a little browsing through the board and I see lots of training threads but I haven't really seen what I would recognise as present events or storyline threads. Can you point me to some so I can get caught up and make a relistic post for Linten's return.


    BTW .... when you mean you are all getting bonded to Aes Sedai, I take it that's at the Dragon's suggestion / order?  Are the bondings player player or player NSW?


    Any help or info you can offer to assist me getting Linten positioned to the right timeframe so I don't interrupt someone else's flow would be greatly appriciated.






  5. *raises hand* ... Oh ya ... I am more then willing to say I'm guilty on the updating part ... Like I had said it's probably good that I have to do this so it is more up to date rather then still the joining one .... I will hightlight it and put in the major points and such to bring him to spec and then submit.


    Thanks so much for the information on this. I have a thought of how I would like to play out his return and it would make a difference to how I would update his Bio, who should I hit up with my idea for approval? I want to pass the info outside of the general boards if I could until it is approved just to make sure it is a viable option.


    Please let me know when you can, and thanks again everyone. :)



  6. I blasted an email off to the staff address just to make sure bases were covered when I posted this. But in terms of an updated Bio, I guess I can get started on that ... probably a good thing anyway .... I really haven't kept it up to date that well.


    I take it I would send it back into the same approval process as a new Bio?



  7. Hello all of the Yard,


      I was wondering if someone (read this as please tell me who to talk to in charge) could tell me if I can reactivate Corin Danveer and what the steps would be to do this ..... I have been gone for oh .... a little over a year I think, and would like to get back into RP'ng again.


      Please let me know if you have any questions and what the correct procedure would be to start using him again.




  8. Hey Arath,


      Congrats on the promo and glad to here you are still around. I was only wondering about the website as it only showed me in the progress page for dedies but iot looked like perhaps the active characters page had been updated.


      I'll do some perusing through th board and see if I can get myself up to speed. Do you see any major issues with Linten returning? Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Had a good break but I'm really looking forward to trying to get back into the flow of things again.



  9. Hello people of the BT 


    I was wondering if someone could direct me to the BT website so I can do a little reading on those active and such. I read the "READ FIRST" thread but I wasn't sure if the BT site it links to is the active one or not. I would also like to get an idea of who is running the great BT world now. I was looking at getting back into RP'n and would like to bring Linten back to active service.


    Hope eveyone is having fun.



    Linten al'Dracain

  10. Linten's blood boiled and seethed under a hair thin level of control. The witch's tongue continued to flap unrestrained. If he had the moment of forethought he might have found interest and gain in the freedom that Brent lent her to slander and further ridicule and condemn the men cursed to the black cloth and servitude to the Dragon. There were ears that could be turned with evidence such as that transpiring before him. But his hatred and fear of the Aes Sedai and those of Red who hunted men, leaving them to a slow and unforgiving death, overwhelmed him and kept his focus on her head. A pretty trophy to be severed from it's delicate neck and boiled till all remains of flesh had been removed from the stark white skull. An Aes Sedai dedicated to the White Tower, returned to the White Tower in equally brilliant white. That and a myriad of other options came and went as he stiffened under her verbal assault and readied to let fly a lesson she would not soon forget.


    His chance cut short as Brent finally found his tongue and his wits about him. The resounding slap only the barest of of starts to the vengeance Linten's mind demanded for her treacherous tongue. He would see her begging for deaths releasing blow before sunset if Brent would see true light. Instead a solid wall of air pressed on him, forcing him back. The first step he accepted but after that a greater resistance he placed. He left Saidin and it's sweet calling in his grasp, unused. To do so now against Brent while he held his full potential would be literal suicide. As if to enforce the idea Linten seen the weave pushing the witch back dissolve and the one against him double. There was little chance of fighting this further and still finding a gain. He would have to alter his tactics if there was any chance at remaining in the room and perhaps learning something that might allow him to make a very private and very personal visit with this high and mighty fool of a woman. It was a calculated risk but one that was needed. Stepping back freely, Linten released his hold on Saidin but maintained his grasp on the void. “If you preferred I did not hold Saidin M'Hael then all you need do is ask. I don't know why you feel such need to force your will when I am happy to comply if requested of me?” By now the considerable draw on Saidin had created quite a gathering outside and Linten used his elevated voice to ensure the conversation carried to those outside.


    When one was against superior power, it was a good idea to find added strength in sway and collective thought. Pressed to the room with little more then space to exit the building Linten offered Brent a crisp and perfect salute, “I am only here to ensure your own safety M'Hael. After what happened to our last leader it would be a shame to lose you as well. Do not get me wrong, I do not believe you incapable of defending yourself. But we have all seen what her kind is capable of when underestimated. The brethren we buried at their arrival amply speaks to that.” Thanks to that added help of several in the now growing crowd who understood and followed Linten's vision of the future, a murmur had begun to rise form the gathering as they remembered their fallen friends that day. Power was not just in what a person could wield on their own. Power was also how well a person could bring judgment and thought to a common need in a time when it served it's best purpose. “We all worry for your safety,” his arm sweeping to indicate the crowd outside and returned to point directly at Maegan across the room. “While they roam our home and only sanctuary. A sanctuary granted to us by the Dragon Reborn himself and violated by these blood thirsty women who have hunted our forefathers for years.” It took concentration to keep the satisfaction and joy from showing on his blank face as the murmur rippling through the gathering increased in fervor. “I am but a member of this Tower and only wish to see you safe. If you prefer to hold Saidin alone I will not embrace the source. But do not cast out a witness to watch your back should there be more then what is suggested in this visit she offers. We are not ready to lose you M'Hael, we can not afford it.”




  11. Simple mistakes, over confident slips, these were the corner stones to the unseating of those who loosely held power and sway but for a season. A little pressure here in conversation, a little pressure there in whispered action, and they fell from their heights with great shame and lose. It was the game that all walks of life in this Age and those that pasted played at to one degree or another. Up until recently it had served Linten greatly well in its snug embrace. But he too had felt it's bitter sting if only so slight. Slipping the collection of parchments back into the wooden box, the wards reset for any fool simpleminded enough to attempt to pry in his affairs, memories of that recent bitter wound resurfaced again. Brent Enios, a one time supposed friend, a now bitter if civil foe. Brent had been one of the many that had come to Linten's circles of his own accord first. It had been a slow and arduous process but the network at his fingertips had steadily grown in the wake of that fool Dalinar. A task made easier each day as the man continued to slip, power over the Tower in constant shift unbeknownst to him. That secreted darkness had allowed Linten to accomplish much in the past, put greater faith in some of his more lasting associations. It was through one of those associations it seemed that Brent has been introduced to a new vision, water for an unseen thirst. Even his first meetings with the man had continued to reinforce those idea's and feelings.


    His fist curled on the table, knuckles whitening. Perhaps that was why the mutiny had cut so deep. Perhaps more rightly was the plain stupid truth of the matter that Linten had needed a friend. As he and Isha continued to drift further apart, watched resentment and suspicion grow bigger between them, Linten had found the need to talk to someone. Brent had all the makings of a usable figurehead. Men seemed to find a reality with him that so many had craved since their isolation at the cursed touch of Saidin. But he had not suspected the puppet to have teeth, or to bite back.


    ~So quick to put faith in the damned. I told you they would turn, told you to kill them while you had a chance. Now the world is doomed and us along with it.~


    You are so quick to thirst for blood, are the witches at hand not enough to quell your voracious appetite at least a little?


    ~Does the rabid dog take a moment to select his prey amongst the flock or take that which is easiest to prey upon and dream of the tender still within the Shepard's care?~


    So you are mad?


    ~I am I? Who sits in the near dark and speaks to no form in his presence? Who would trade up his fellow cursed for the genuine warm embrace of flesh be she witch or not?~


    You are the Dark Ones own spirit I am cursed with. Doomed to madness at the hand of the Father of Lies, unseen, and unable to exact my revenge.


    The soft wrap at the door brought his head around swiftly and almost Saidin to his hand. It took slightly more conscious effort not to draw the One Power in during moments like these. A situation that tried to concern him on a deeper level, attempted to sound alarm bells in his deep subconscious. But with the noise of another and the focus on his great required plans, Linten's deep subconscious held no voice. “Come,” the command was simply that in it's truest existence. The man that stepped lightly into the room closed the door behind him quickly, set the note to the edge of the small desk and slipped out again. No words or suggestions as to the missives contents nor a greeting. He knew his job and did it well. Lifting the parchment it took but a moment to read it's basic contents.


    ~Even the closest of pets can turn on their master, as you will before the Age breaks and comes anew.~


    In that moment Linten was unsure if it was indeed his doing or that of the raving lunatic that shared his mind. But the parchment burst alight as a net of woven fire embraced it. Brent had company, company that had remained with him as they departed for a storage space like no other in the Black Tower. The outside of the building maybe plain and rather simplistic. But it's contents were far from the same. Rising he hastened outside, taking only a moment to whisper a few brief words to the two at seemingly idle chat near by. In his studies of the methods and workings of the Dark Lord, Linten had gleaned several useful idea's that had worked greatly in his favor so far. The small group meetings he had instilled among his like minded friends, if they could be classed as such. Ensured that no one but himself truly new who all the members of his underground alliance were and what those exact numbers might be. A procedure that had proved it's worth when Brent had taken to forgetting why he had found need in Linten in the first place. That stupid maneuver had cost him some additional men's loyalty as well. But the fungus had been restricted in size and quickly carved out to quell any further separating thoughts.


    By the time he had arrived at the outer door to the building, several men had suddenly found it an interesting place to mill around. There was no way to say for sure if they were indeed Linten's men, Brent's men, or just fools caught in the wrong place. Linten knew the ties and hearts of almost all of them. One of two set to watch the stores door was not under his direct influence but knew enough at least not to press his luck in the presence of a man who's tenure on the present reality might not be as strong a grasp as it once had. The perception served Linten's purpose for now so he had done nothing to contradict it yet. With a nod the man's eyes scanned the busier area around them now and quickly found his hand in favor of his own skin. Easing the latch slowly Linten swung the door open enough to gain entrance.


    “And we wouldn't want that to happen now would we my old friend.” From the first tumble of words Saidin poured into him, his grin cold and calculating as it swept from Brent's dark gaze to the witch while he leaned leisurely on the door frame. “Which is why I am sure you will find no objection in my presence and own embrace while we witness the great necessity that the witch deems so preciously important.” His eyes lingered intently on the ample swell of her bosom. A Red if his memory and those that carried whispers to him were correct. Pity he did not have access to her yet, the corner of his mouth pulled slightly higher as his gaze lifted back to her eyes, they could have a lot of fun together.


    OOC: Hey you two, the thread was listed as open, hope you don't mind me dropping in. If it's a problem just let me know and I'll delete the post for ya. :D




  12. Brushing unseen lint from his shoulder Linten once more inspected the wavered reflection in the mirror on his small desk. Good quality glass and mirrors were costly and being confined to the yard had limited extremely his ability to make additional coin to afford such luxuries. But all the was about to change. Idly a finger raised to stroke the silver sword pin at his throat. The indicator of his rank as Dedicated, and the only color against the unrelieved black that adorned him. It seemed almost and Age ago that Isha had presented them to him, pinned them to his collar with an almost unperceived hesitance. Once their meeting today was over the M'Hael puppet would have to willingly do the same with the coveted golden dragon, his finger stroked the ruff black wool wear the pin would go. He had imagined that moment for so long now, almost believed they might indeed find a way to keep him stuck in the rank of Dedicated and restricted to the yard under eye.


    His eyes cut to the small warded wooden box on the corner of the desk. It contained scraps of paper and writings that had begun build a case for his raising. He was not about to let the new puppet or his one time father figure keep him from the work required of him in the word under the Dragon's name. His fingers toyed with the silver pin again as thoughts drifted back to the beginning of his time here. A time when he truly believed that Isha was like a second father to him, the only true and comforting friend he had made in this strange and bewildering place. It seemed almost a wishful dream now. The friendship they had begun to build, the belief in what the Shienaran spoke of and had stood for. But Rion, it was Rion who had shattered his quiet little family like the darkness that had taken his real one. Rion was at the center of it all. It was Rion that had turned and tainted the one man Linten had been able to believe in against him. Pain lanced the tip of his finger and he pulled it back with a vile mutter, a ruby red drop blooming slowly from where the sword pin tip had pierced the skin.


    So much blood in his life lie in the hands of that falsely timid pretender. Anger surged anew, powerful in it's lustful calling of vengeance. Rion had turned his world around that night at the Inn. The night that resulted in Isha's abandonment to the blight and the nightmare that became his existence as both the need for survival and the thirst for revenge lay waste to pity and sorrow. Such weak and useless emotions, the prior mated to produce the offspring that now held Linten's existence. The twisted dark creatures of the Blight and the hunting rabid witches had failed to stop him back then. He knew so much more now, had focused and driven himself in secret, they would fail again in there next meeting. Only this time he would not be the one running, the one begging for his pitiful existence. Even this tainted place he begrudgingly called home still would find new life and favor in the world under the Dragon Reborn's guidance and Linten's instruction.


    Satisfied that his outward appearance was nothing more then that of a dedicated member of the Black Tower in service under the worm now at it's helm, Linten slipped out the door and began his quiet walk to the afore agreed on location. Mentally he prepared himself, reviewed key weaves he liked briefly and then focused on some others that were not as readily comfortable to him. Word surely had spread of his imminent testing as a strangled hush seemed to follow his passage and the buzz that returned in his wake was far from it's original conversation. He drew on the Void like a cloak as he neared, its calmness offering him the awareness of subtle changes now noted around him. The openness of the main yard offered little change as men from all walks seem to edge slightly away from the yard, working to create a distance without looking like they were trying to create that distance. Turning at some distance still, he faced his mentor and one time father figure, and nodded his accent.


    The movement had barely begun when the light of Saidin bloomed up around Isha and two weak fireballs blazed hastily toward him. Diving to the side, Linten seized Saidin in roll as he bound back to his feet, a short wall of earth pulled up between them afforded him the opportunity to change position once more. Still moving he pulled fire from the pulsing orb and wove it with a mix of air toward the space over the last location he had seen Isha. If the weave would have completed it would have produced a small rain of fire seeds. But the weaves cut still forming. Isha had been prepared, deep down he knew it would not be that easy. He only hoped he would not end up in corner forced to irreversibly harm his one time old friend. But he was determined to pass this test and gain his freedom, friend or not. As the last of his weaves were still being sliced apart Linten dove to the far end of the wall he had created earlier and wove cords of air wrapped in spirit. The weave was quick, a weaving he had grown a liking too and etched it to his bones in memory. The weave was set around the bottom corner of the short wall and low, arcing up to grab the edge of the building wall near his mentor. Moving as if pulling a rope with strain, several small blocks of rock slipped free of there mortar embrace and cascaded toward the ground.





  13. Glee tried to pull at the corners of his mouth as Linten watched Annais give Mia her orders and the warder, if not without certain looks, take her leave as commanded. Things were turning out nicely for the hand he had played at the beginning. Brent may not have the backbone or stomach for what was needed with these witches, but that did not mean the rest of the Tower followed his lead. In fact Linten had begun to hold a nice little collection of ties that he willingly used when he needed to help sway certain plans or thoughts. Brent still held the majority, though thankfully only a handful of those that had backed Linten in the beginning had mutinied with Brent when the old M'Hael had been disposed of. As long as the fool made no seriously fool hearted agreements or covenants with the witches Linten was happy to let him sit the puppet the former had become in the end. The time was not right to outwardly challenge the man. Besides, much more could be accomplished from the shadows, most assuredly while there sat a semblance of honey at the head to draw the witches into those shadows.


    “Very good,” he nodded his head briefly to Annais for what he hoped would be the last time less he feel the advantage to use it in the future. “I shall return in a moment. Please wait here until I do, it would be unwise to wander here alone.” With the last a slight smirk did appear, but it could hold any number of meanings with his last words. Turning on heel he stepped out at a quick pace for the edge of the building in front of them and disappeared around it's corner. It was now time to put what little time he had into action and see what metal this negotiator was really made of. Slipping the sword pins from inside his tunic, Linten reattached them to his collar and mentally prepared himself for the swift changes that would have to take place at the beginning of their next meeting. Any slips could result in a rather unfortunate incident with the witch. Incidents that would be hard to explain to the present ruling puppet. He knew the weaves well but still took the time to go over then all the same. Taking a final deep breath Linten seized Saidin and fought it's icy currents as they tried to pull him under. With the power of Saidin coursing through him from the singing globe just out of sight he quickly prepared the two weaves he would need initially and then turned back toward the space between the buildings.


    With the dark look of power and command firmly entrenched in his eyes and posture Linten strode around the corner and into the open space containing Annais. Without hesitation, as his eyes first fell on her again, he forced the shield of pure spirit weave into place followed by a weave of air, it's razor sharp edge pressed firmly into the tender skin of Annais's neck, just short of breaking the skin. “Do not call out witch. Say nothing and offer only reassurance and calmness into any bond you have with that woman else you see the ground at your feet red with your own life's flow.” Dark harsh edges clipped his words and held the tone of his conversation. He left no doubt in presence or voice on who he believed was in control of the situation. “You have two choices, consider yourself privileged, you can step inside that building,” his hand indicated to the far left of the three sitting at the edge of the grounds. “Or die where you stand. Make no mistake those are your only two options, negotiation is not one of them.”



  14. Linten listened to Annais's explanation of the Yellow Ajah and there ways. It was even mildly interesting that they accepted animals for healing. But he did get a good deal of information to benefit his future plans. He now had confirmation that the Yellow's mainly operated out of the infirmary and were a small Ajah. Both very good points to note as was the fact that only a handful would be out traveling at any given time. With healing being a rather special gift in the Power it meant that a blow to the Yellow would impede the White Towers ability to wage war on the Dragon and the Black Tower. Ignoring the few birds loose from the cage, those could be rounded up by small hunting parties later, the flock was nested together and ripe for the plucking. A faint smile played across his lips briefly at the thought, lost to his companions eyes as they followed his back. Passing the two building the space opened briefly to three more arranged in an almost semi circle. Beyond them was open ground and garden before filtering back into the thickening folds of trees. It was likely that the fool of a M'hael had warned her to not leave the grounds of the Tower yard. That being the case she would most likely not pass the last row of building. Then there was the guard, how to dispense with the guard without raising an alarm and spoiling the fun he might otherwise introduce this simpleton to.


    “Healing is a very interesting art if you think on it. Knitting flesh and bone back to one in a broken and battered body. Such gifts should not be taken lightly I would think.” Stopping in the middle of the opening no closer to any given door, Linten spun on heel to face his prey once more. His eyes had settled back to a blankness again. His skill in the art of facial deception was growing but still not the level of an Aes Sedai. Tightness remained around it's edge and spoke of a suppressed emotion. But his control was sufficient to keep that emotion ambiguous; forcing the mind of the observer to attempt to pinpoint which emotion it hid. “As I have indicated, our healers are few in number. Each one a treasured commodity that energy and opportunity must be invested in as we have precious little time.” He forced himself a weak and simple smile to create an illusion of concern over the topic. In reality, it was very true. But there was no way for sure for her to know that unless the bleeding heart figurehead they had placed in control of the Black had spilled out all his knowledge to her already. If not, when he was done with her, likely she would not believe most of what he had told her. “You will wait here while I fetch her from the garden area yes?” He nodded accent while speaking as if to obviously try and convince her of a rightful answer. Sometimes drawing from his simple farm heritage help to create the facade of the simple minded farm boy he had once been. Turning to go he hesitated briefly. “Umm ... Aes Sedai.” Oh how he hated that word. They were slaves alright, slaves to be on knee at the foot of the Black Tower.


    “I will return with your sister and her,” pausing briefly to ensure he made no further slip of tongue he settled on his wording before continuing. “I will return with the Asha'man and the Aes Sedai bound to him for your interview and permission seeking. On our arrival,” he turned sideways to be able to glance at her in fended concern. “I will escort the Asha'man back to those buildings,” his finger indicated the two they had just passed. “Allowing you time to converse with your sister. Granted the Asha'man agrees to it. But,” once more his eyes fell on the weapon in flesh at her side. “He has lost several friends and almost his life to the hands of those like her that came on your initial attack. It would be wise if she was not in this courtyard when we return. I wish no further blood shed over this already heated situation, as I am sure you do not.” His flat eyes returned to Annais's to measure her acceptance or disbelief. He almost had her now, if need be, the foolish woman at her side could be quickly disposed of. A benefit of so many already channeling in the area for practice. Another brief pulse of light from Saidin would be hardly noticed.



  15. Linten's eyes darted to the other woman with Annais and measured her quickly. Warders were a dangerous animal if not properly planned for in advance. He would have to work out a reason for Mia to be separated from them before he could properly introduce himself to Annais. The problem would be what? What might tempt a warder away from their charge? More likely what could convince and Aes Sedai to send their warder away? It was a puzzle he would need an answer to before they arrived at his chosen location.


    Raising his hands before him as if overwhelmed he stepped back slightly. “So many questions, I wonder if perhaps that is part of the reason so many here do not trust.” A hint of acid threaded around the words and was gone. “Perhaps if we could walk and talk I can answer some of the inquisition you have laid on me. But I believe it would be more trusting if perhaps we shared the roles of questions and answers.” Turning on heel he motioned for the sister and her guard to join him and stepped off at right angles to the path they had been on. He had several buildings and a small clearing to come up with a reason for Mia to depart before they would make the wood line. “I have indeed been sent to escort you Annais Sedai. But really for the most part it is personal curiosity that has brought my feet here.” Personal curiosity as to how well you can mediate your way out of submission in whole. The whole addressing her by title when he knew her true heart's desire was to see the men of his kind severed from the source and rotting in some distant corner of their great White Tower made him want to retch.


    His glance cut once more to Mia, “it was probably wise to have brought a woman for your shield and not a man. He would not have faired well with those of the yard. Some might even have thought violence against him. But with Mia, it helps to dissuade those thoughts. As she does not have the look about her from the One Power, she will find easier passage among all the men of the Black.” Linten's eyes resumed there casual glancing at the first couple of buildings they were passing. “I suppose you have already been told what most of our meager buildings are used for so I shall not bore you with a repeat. But I wonder if you might perhaps answer me a question in kind. Infirmaries in the White Tower. Here we have little more then a corner in a shed. The few we have with the gift have to move to were the patient is. In your Tower, it is said they have a special building filled with white linen where the Aes Sedai of healing ply their trade and teach others below them in your rank structure. If this is true, are there many that work there to heal those of the Tower and those not?”



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