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Posts posted by tismeb4u

  1. The sigh, like the beginnings of a pressurized steam whistle slipping from Lavinya should have pulled a smile to his face. He was still stunned by the turn of events on his return, to which she deserved any vexation he could offer her really. But the smile never came, the feeling a hollow victory in the pit of his stomach as a glimmer of a forgotten feeling niggled at his mind. Had this been just a game he would have pressed her hard now; given her no time to react or form a path away from the frustration he offered her. But there was more to this then some simple game. That had become apparent early on. A simple test of wills this was not to be, as for proving himself trust worthy to Tower and Duty. He was certain that was little more than some semblance of order.


    His focus slipped as his thoughts wandered and he found himself once more turning the puzzle pieces of Lavinya, the Commander, and the Amyrlin. Something about the way his arrival was handled did not make sense to him and he hated what did not fit to a pretty picture. Sirayn's gifting all over again. Only now the field had widened to include the reasons for this trip to the blight and Lavinya's association to it. The Grey where diplomats of a sort, but there was no treaty he could foresee that would need to be attended to so immediately. Not with all that was transpiring in the world and the White Tower. Could it be yet another attempt to vex him? An attempt to throw him off balance and in doing so ..... What?


    Her offer to put to voice that in which he believed her metal state to be in, pricked the interest of his mind and brought the many faceted puzzle pieces to a stand still. Oh how he could inform her of the blatantly obvious ways in which she falsely believed her self in control. To add barbs to the tension between them. The vocalization of how her false bravado was so much chaff in the wind; pity for the debater who's skills lacked that of a novice. To gently stroke the flow of her red hair and tell her the world would never harm that girl she held hidden. Where did that come from? He barely kept the frown from his face and was glad that she plowed on with her own thoughts. Sparing him the need to find words while he sorted the confusion in his mind. Confusion quickly forgotten as the weight of her words registered; a slight faltering in his step. She could not be serious? Travel to the blight without a full escort of guards? It was beyond reckless.


    Quickly Corin came to a less then fluent stop before plowing through Lavinya as she quickly came to a stop and spun to face him. The shadows on her face held the edge of fury, something he had experienced before, and he braced himself; offering a quick prey to the Creator to give him the strength not to react. The anger no longer fully veiled in her voice set his back straight as a board. Not from it's berating tones; but in defiance and an exacerbating of his own buried fury. “Friend ...... friend,” the words dripped with sardonicism but his features remained schooled to his station. He paused to regain the flatness in his tone, smooth out the bitter edges and stuff his emotions once more into the pit of darkness at his center. “You have an interesting choice of words Lavinya Sedai.” His focus remained ahead, emerald eyes shadowed in anger avoided looking directly into her own deep chestnut pools where he knew his strength may falter. “Perhaps this is the way Aes Sedai view friendship; a result of your training. But in the Guard and society as a whole; we do not enslave a friend under the bonds of duties honor. We do not use our influence and power to ease our aggrieved feelings by leashing our friends through others hands.”


    Every word delivered without emotion, no edge or hinted inflection. Even Sirayn may have actually been proud of the way he had been able to hold control of his tongue. Doubtful she would have found fault in the amount of internal information he offered. She always seemed to have a knack at slapping you in the face with very few words and offering nothing for you to use in return without sounding childish. Oh how she loved to pounce on those offerings. A mistake one usually only made once before learning in a rather hard and harsh way when to cut your losses and accept she had out maneuvered you and always would. “If all you seek is a mindless mule and no protection, why stop at the blight? Why not go all the way to Shayol Ghul?” So much for the Creators guidance. His hands twitched slightly; a barely controlled need to shake the fool woman thwarted. What is she thinking? A thread of panic bubbled out from a dark and forgotten corner. She needed to be shaken, berated, switched, something! Why would she throw her life away so easily. Was it just to get back at him for hurting her? It always was; women were worse the mules when it came to letting go of a wrong. He wanted to turn her over his knee and spank her soundly like a spoiled child. To kiss her and erase his past mistake. Where did that thought come from? His grip had slipped once more on his emotions and things were beginning to blend in ways that made no sense.


    Clicking his mouth shut he eased his shoulders and mentally readied himself for the blow that would surely mark his face. How could she continue to shatter the wall he was trying so hard to build. Rattle the steadiness that he needed to prove he was once more a Guard of the Tower. Perhaps there was no hope for him. If he could not keep his composure when an Aes Sedai was foolish how was he ever going to be of any service to the guard. After all, it was well known that the sisters were bound to fits of foolishness from time to time. 



  2. No matter the appearance from a distance, this actually felt somewhat right to him. In step behind a sister that had a need of him. No ties to heart or life. No games for him to decipher. He was simply a tool of the Tower set out for the purpose of Aes Sedai and their grand plans for this Age. At a time earlier in his life he would have been in this place behind another. Ultimately receiving word of his next match, the next person he was to be set upon by the master he served. Just the simple thought creased his forehead briefly and brought a fierce look to his face before he could school it back. He hoped Lavinya had not seen it, but he noted the sudden twisting of her serpent ring while her hands remained behind her back. Perhaps a warning to him that she still controlled his life? He had sworn service to the Aes Sedai and perhaps she was reminding him that she indeed was Aes Sedai. That she was his master now and he would serve her.


    A deeper crease folded across his forehead, eyes taking on a glint of defiance at the thought. He was no one's pet; and yet he was. Frustration, his new companion thanks to Sirayn's abandonment of him, smiled silently at him. Taunted him to react, to voice his displeasures. The sound of Lavinya clearing her throat snapped his mind back to the task at hand and instantly set his face to emptiness. Her words washed over him and tripped the switch in his mind easily. Without focus he began to spin out possible types of news that could be taking place in the North that might concern the Tower. His eyes took in the path before them but noted little as his mind ticked away at a puzzle offered to it. Had the North fallen? Perhaps it was under threat and they had been able to get word to the Tower for aid? Perhaps they had caught a darkfriend of influence and needed the sisters to ensure he was delivered to the Tower safely for questioning? Perhaps one of the High families had found discourse with the Tower and where about to receive a reminding visit? His mind rattled on for several spans in it's well oiled fashion before he realized he was at it and ground the gears to a halt.


    Those were the thoughts of a player of Daes Dae'mar, something he was no longer. At least something he was trying to avoid being again. He was a Tower Guard. A simple Tower Guard here to serve the needs of the Tower and die for her. Her? Was it the Tower that breeched that thought or an Aes Sedai. His mind plucked movement from his peripheral vision and flicked a quick gaze to the fall of red hair to his right. It wasn't ..... No ... Pay attention man. You are a guard and nothing more. Privately he berated himself before her voice once more filled the air before him with an offer. An offer that the old Corin would have already been at work on. The man he had been before the field; before hurt Lavinya, before Sirayn had abandoned him. Even before he had thrown logic away to search her out and failed. Even at the thought his mind tried to betray him again and attempted to start it's spinnings.


    Ruthlessly he crushed it's will and brought it back to heel. “Intricate knots are the specialty of Aes Sedai and those of your own order most assuredly Lavinya Sedai. But as a guard sworn to the service of the White Tower and it's occupants. I will serve as one of the squadron you assign to this task if it is your wish.” He bowed slightly remaining in step and noticed the clench of her hands. It made no sense, surely she wasn't asking him to lead the guards that would be assigned to this mission? The Commander held that role and set the terms of rank and order. Could she have requested it of the Commander? He was a guard, what did he care for the mysteries of secrets. But he did care, that was what truly bothered him and set his jaw to clenching.


    Corin Danveer

    A blacksmiths puzzle


  3. Linten's ears rang from the noise of the explosion, a burning heat smell suffused the area. Neither touched the man or swayed his focus. Wrapped in the void they were mere shadows sliding across the glassy surface of focus. There was only one chance left and he had to be quick. He did not know what had happened to his mentor; why the man now seemed bent on his total annihilation. It was a puzzle to work on when this was over, light help him, if he survived.


    He knew the weave. Had been practicing it's form it seemed almost as much as he had breathed air since it was introduced to him. He had plans and uses already set out for it, but Isha had not been one of them; well .... not yet. But it was something he would need for his desires to come to fruition. Isha had taught him the weave but once, it was all that was needed. A weave to separate another from Saidin or Saidar. The later was what he dreamed of, shielding the Red Aes Sedai and ....


    ~Bloody focus!!! We are going to die!~


    Rising up from a fragmented wall behind Isha. Linten's right hand thrust to the sky as he mentally grab at Saidin. The torrent river of icy fire and sickly decay that was Saidin crashed over him filling the invisible conduit and threatened to burst it. Pain bloomed in his head at the sudden connection; the near overwhelming crush of Saidin as he seized the river and forced all he could take within himself. At near the same time his left had flung out toward Isha's head as if throwing and invisible net. He knew the weave well and his practice and need for survival commingled to draw it's form complete. The weave seemed to snap into form rather then be visibly woven as his weaving normally did. His strength in Spirit, the greatest of his favorings and his very life in the balance he attributed to the success of the weave as the blunted wedge of Spirit slammed into the conduit to Isha. It looked like it would fail at first, shuddering at the blow but it's pause was only the length of a heartbeat before it found it's way home.


    Even as it fit into place, Linten had no time to find pleasure in the moment. With haste he tied the weave off before forcing Saidin from him; pushing with all his focus as the river of icy fire tried to scour his bones to the maro. He felt like something in his mind was about to burst. Then slowly the pain subsided and he collapsed to his knee's; Saidin once more a blazing sun over his shoulder. His hands where grasping his head as he knelt on the ground, vision slowly beginning to sharpen once more. A dark blur slowly taking the shape of a fractured rock.


    OOC: Perhaps Isha can call the trial done now :)

  4. The gleaming spires of the White Tower of Tar Valon had at one time

    felt more then home to him. They had been a part of his soul and inner

    workings. They were a friend and a companion; they housed a heart

    strong and talented. A heart that would see light brought back into

    the world and goodness restored to it. That was before, another

    lifetime it seemed. Now, the Tower no longer glinted, its stark harsh

    white towers empty of heart. Disembodied eyes that seemed to watch

    from above, always seeing, always knowing his steps. They were gone

    now, blotted out from existence. Only bleached bones now to stare

    vacantly down on him, a constant reminder of his inadequacies.


    He had been looking toward the path his feet had traveled before. The

    path to the winter roses and a burned line in the lush garden grass.

    The line would of course long since grown in again. But forever could

    he find the line Sirayn had burned in that private courtyard. Smell

    the sweet scent of it's incineration, of the flower she burned during

    their practice. She was a good teacher but a lousy student. The though

    brought a ghost of a smile to his face briefly. So many memories held

    this place; held the gardens and the Tower. Even his clothes, the

    loose white shirt and fit dark green breeches he wore now held

    memories of their own. Perhaps this had been a mistake, to come back

    to the tower and all the memories that continued to haunt him. Oh

    Lavinya and the Commander had done a good job at keeping him occupied

    or exhausted; Lavinya more so. But nothing could completely blot out a

    life he had almost grasped. Nothing but time and his own acceptance of

    the Wheel’s spinning.


    He unfolded the note once more and read the short request in a flowing

    feminine hand. Even that had brought back memories of the

    correspondence lessons Sirayn had taught him, the .... He shook his

    head. She was gone; he had to get use to that. It was Lavinya Sedai's

    hand that now moved his life. A life given to her by the Commander. It

    should not have been his right to give, yet by agreeing to return and

    wanting to remain in the Guard Corin had given consent to his Command.

    The Commander of an army must remain strong and his men must be

    willing to follow his orders, regardless of their personal opinion or

    the army is ineffective and men would die unnecessarily. He reminded

    himself daily. It was not that it should be hard to be under the

    guidance of Lavinya. He had loved her once. Had, the word seemed so

    final and yet Corin knew if he allowed himself to feel, to release his

    heart and follow it he would find she still held a strong portion of

    it. She just seemed to find the wrong buttons to push since their

    reunion, perhaps it was just him. He wasn’t sure anymore if he was

    still sane some days the way she pushed him.


    His fist crumpled the missive and tucked it once more into his pocket

    before slipping a dagger from his forearm sheath. It was a throwing

    dagger, the handle a continuation of the blade all in steel with

    rounded edges to fit smoothly in the small hand of Sirayn. He

    remembered when he had presented them to her, keeping one for himself

    in memory. They had been plain, but this one was slightly different.

    The small engraving of a winter rose in its grip. Why, a thousand

    times why? Always questions and never answers any more. The garden

    seemed to press in on him in oppression. Lavinya, it was her doing

    that brought him standing here alone with his thoughts. She seemed to

    try to keep him off balance all the time. Another of her ploys

    perhaps, but how could she know the garden held so much memory for

    him. Perhaps Sirayn had confided in her, no, unlikely that. Sirayn

    kept things too close to her chest for anyone else to gain the

    benefit. More like she herself had been brought here on several

    occasions and happened across him in passing. That felt it would have

    more truth to the matter.


    A tickling of memory reminded him of their first meeting. He had been

    banished from Sirayn's presence and had found a sort of solace at the

    fountain in the main garden when Lavinya had happened across him. She

    had actually startled him from his daydreams; had shocked him at

    first, forgetting himself so. But there was something warm and genuine

    about her back then, probably still if he would only take down the

    wall around his emotions. A small smile of remembrance settled on to

    his face as he played out the scene in his mind. While his eyes,

    unseeing, remained on the daggers engraving.


    The suddenness of her voice behind him tensed his shoulders slightly;

    a schoolboy caught staring at the girls in his class when he should be

    studying his lessons. He turned to face her the smile still loosely

    pulling the corners of his mouth. His eyes touched her face noting the

    smooth surface and the edging of red hair pulled back loosely. It was

    unexpected that his eyes dipped slightly to the chain that circled her

    exposed neck; the depth of her gowns neckline in his peripheral view.

    A flash briefly at his wrist as the sun kissed the daggers edge

    announced it’s departure before it disappeared up his sleeve; eyes

    cutting sharply to the ground between them. She was Domani, and as

    such, she wore what some would almost consider reserved for their

    society. But it set a touch of heat to his face as an underlining

    tinge of anger touch him again. He still could not follow his feelings

    around her. Embarrassed, sorrowful, enticed, protective, and aghast.

    They all grabbed him at various times and he seemed unable to control

    their visits.


    Bowing to the exact measure of required courtesy for her rank Corin

    kept his eyes from her form, instead setting them on a tree just over

    her right shoulder. “Lavinya Sedai, I have come to report as you have

    ordered. How may this Tower Guard serve you.” His voice was formal and

    crisp, emotion held at bay. Perhaps held at bay in too tight a grip, a

    slight emptiness caressing the words. Was it her method of dress that

    edged him today? He had no right to question her choice of how and

    when she chose to display herself. Was it because she had summoned him

    like a pet? No, that was just his anger; she had been polite in the

    crafting of the missive. It actually had almost had the familiarity of

    a friend. Perhaps as they had been before all .... He stuffed the

    thought away and pulled down the scowl that had settled on to his

    face. It was not her fault he could not find the peace inside him

    amongst the chaos.


    Turning slightly he dipped his head in acquiescence and swept and arm

    out toward a junction of the paths waiting for her to move before

    falling in a half step behind and to her left. Old habits where hard

    to break. The walked a spell in silence and he kept his eyes ahead, a

    quiet shadow that mirrored her steps. She had called him to this

    meeting; she had to have something in mind. If patience was something

    he had had before, his stubbornness had only lengthened them it



    Corin Danveer


    A leaf at the mercy of a hurricane of emotion.


  5. Corin allowed a flicker of hope to breath inside at the hesitation in Jaydena, the attempt to voice something. The slight softening he seemed to feel from her. Aes Sedai of the Green were battle hard and ruthless when it came to emotions. At least that was the opinion he had created at the hand of their once controlling sister. Sirayn felt no need of emotions, felt them week and a hindered in others. She had done much to try and beat them from himself and offered none to others he had witnessed. No, that was not true as a wavy vision of Seia floated across his minds eye. She had shown emotion there, affection, a hint of loss. It put a foul and bitter taste in his mouth just remembering how Sirayn seemed to soften for Seia when all she seemed to have for Corin was a sharp tongue and a demand for perfection.


    Jaydena's words washed over him in a torrent of ice and pain, thoughts he had begun to grudgingly accept voiced in another's tone. The talk of wishing her in a cell was too much. It was surely meant to be comforting in some strange manner but in his present state only illicited the darker side of reason; feeding the fires of anger. His eyes cut with a flash of heat to the source of such vial thoughts and challenge edged his eyes. A sister of the Tower he was sworn to, it danced on the edges; tried to gain mastery over the tide of anger and almost failed. His jaw cracked with the tension lacing it but he held his tongue for the moment; mind racing ahead with plans tainted by his emotional state. Plans quickly frozen at the mention of Sirayn passing quietly in bed.


    Once more unwanted visions swam before him. Visions of an ageless face relaxed of tension and reserve. The softness of her warm cheek against his hand; fierceness of the storm in her grey eyes as she awoke in the cabin. Death then would have bee so much easier then this. Perhaps that was it. Perhaps Sirayn had finally decided the best way to punish her student for such a foolishly bold move was to abandon him. Make him feel as helpless as he had done to her. Terrorize him even a small degree to what she surely must have felt when he .... The image was too harsh, to stark in it's rawness for him to finish. Corin's head dipped slightly as his eyes glassed over, vision distorting slightly behind the unshed tears. A quick thrust of the blade he had given her and he would not be here to live through this nightmare. Even in death the woman found a way to lash out at him.


    So there it was, the Tower was all that was left to him. Jaydena's remarks almost salt in the wound as she idly spoke of not forcing him. He had lived so long as the tempering steel beneath the hammer of Sirayn and the Anvil of sworn duty to the Tower. Now Jaydena offered him a return without force or tribulation. He hardly believed the Guard would welcome him back with open arms. By now he would have been labeled a deserter, the fact that they had not tried to seize him on sight meant little. It could be a clever ruse to ensure his co-operation and keep him meek as mothers milk. Or it could be genuine concern from a person that held ties to Sirayn and knew something of their history. How much was of each part and what was known were questions he had no answers to. Unlike the player he had been under Sirayn's tutelage and control. He was no longer sure if he wanted all the answers; if he could be subtle in their drawing.


    He blinked away the unshed tears and rained in the emotions, feeding them to the flame as he had been taught. This was useless banter that was getting him no where. Turning slowly he avoided Jaydena's eyes and instead brought a cool flat gaze to rest on Kynwric. His voice was empty, the void having settled completely on him, as he addressed Jaydena in quiet tones without taking his gaze off Kynwric. “Did you ever wonder why Seia suddenly went so cold on you?” He did not know if she had or not but it was a calculated reality that could have come from his actions. Seia had hated him openly after what he had done to drive the wedge between Sirayn and herself. Jaydena had been the innocent, if there was such a thing in the Tower, bystander he had used for that wedge. “Did you never see the darkness, feel the added edge in Sirayn's voice?” Vengeance flared over the surface of the void and he stuffed it into the flame, dashing the ashes under foot ruthlessly. “She knew you know.” Slowly Corin rose with a swordsman's ease from his stool, his eyes still intent on the Gaidin. The thing he should have been to the woman who had vanished. Right now he hated the man for his status, somewhere in the depths he knew he shouldn't. Raw emotion battered the voids glassy surface and drowned out the inner voice of reason. “I told her. I followed you and Seia in your less then subtle romance. Told her of your prevalent show of affection, the depth of the passion shared in kiss; the actions behind closed doors.”


    If there was a reaction on Jaydena, Corin did not register it. His focus was on one man only, the words mere fuel to ignite a fire storm of emotions with any luck of the Wheel. “Seia was there when I told Sirayn and denied nothing. Painting you in the broad brush of acceptance. Really, did you think something so dark as taking Sirayn's own Gaidin would go without notice, without consequences.” The tinder lay out in the open now, dry and ready for the voracious embrace of a flame. Not everything may have been as he had said. In fact he had taken liberties to embellish the story some what as he made some of those reports to Sirayn, watched with a buried glee as they seemed to harden her away from Seia and he had hoped turn her to himself. Bitterly that had not happened. Instead of being as Kynwric was to Loraine, Sirayn had only held him at arms distance. Toyed with his emotions until he had foolishly stepped over that invisible line and alienated himself from her permanently.


    Sliding his gaze away from the Gaidin he let it rest on Loraine. He had no knowledge of her, no past history or unpaid debit between them. But like all things Sirayn touched, she was now a pawn for Corin  and he intended to make use of the pawn. Resting his hand lightly on the hilt of his sword he began to move forward toward the pawn, his senses fully aware of the Gaidin.


    Corin Danveer

  6. *eyes from a casual distance*


    That one will be a handful I assure you .... She has a penchant for trouble and loves to include company in said trouble.


    *glances uneasily at the Red Sister*


    Almost make a Red seem reasonable .... no quite, but almost



  7. Linten still couldn't believe it. His eyes held a darker edge of color to the skin under them. He had spent the night fully awake and ready. Sleep had not visited the man as he pondered all of the possible angles and results that could come from yesterdays events. For now he would count his stars lucky in that he had survived the night unchallenged and the party under Covai had not come hunting him .... yet. He was not likely to let his guard down for some time now. The fact the same group had arranged this assembly did little to ease the tense knots in his shoulders. Linten made a point of avoiding eye contact with all those he had ties to. If the web was to unravel, he did not want to get caught in the threads. There was no reason given for the meeting so it was anyone's guess just what Covai had in mind at this stage.


    With the small party Linten had been able to re establish a quiet conversation with he was going to keep his head low for now so that it remained affixed to his neck and shoulders. It was evident that the new party had a difference of opinion in ruling standards then Brent. It had taken Linten a long time in figuring out the man's buttons. Now he would have to start a new, at least he had his life to start a new with unlike Brent. His eyes glanced at the dark burned patch that had once been his partner in a previous coo and later an adversary with the witches. Now once more Linten was forced back into the shadows to begin again. One day, one day he would have all the strings in his hand. But for now he would do as he had many times before. Become one of the obedient and slowly milk out the information he would need to step out of those shadows again.


    Taking his place in the milling mass he watched as Arath made his way to the podium. Quietly he sifted through his memories of what he knew of the man and what he had said to him during earlier attempts to recruit him when he was still low in the ranks. It appeared in Linten's absence the man had made a position for himself in the ranks of what now would be a ruling party of sorts. How close he was to Covai and whether there was a fissure between them that Linten could begin to exploit was still hidden. But he would be watching the interaction of those two carefully. Especially after what had transpired yesterday. Catching Arath's eyes glancing over him he lowered his own gaze to the ground at his feet briefly and then back up once the man's eyes moved on. A measure of meekness would be needed for a spell.




    A cautious observer


  8. The hook caught Linten low on the jaw and snapped his head back with the force, temporarily disengaging the combatants. His vision narrowed as he shook his head to clear his thoughts and vision. He had not expected something so simple from his mentor. Something so simple and yet so effective. He would have to study that later when he had time as it was there was little in battle. Spinning back to face Isha, Linten readied the sword for another jab as the weave he had held in reserve was beginning to form later then what he had wanted. It was only from the grace of Saidin that he recognized the giant weave of fire as it formed and threw himself back. He felt the heat wash over him, felt the exposed skin of his hands as they dropped the sword to shield his face heat to mild burns. Had he not been looking at his mentor he would most likely been incinerated where he stood.


    ~The man is trying to kill you!!!!  Do something~


    Without thought, numb still from the shock, he fell back to the safety of training and rehearsed weaves. Spirit bound and wrapped heavily around the weaves of water and fire that sunk into the ground on the other side of the fire where the immense draw of Saidin was. The pit of mud would hopefully by him sometime to set his escape. Linten drew in Saidin to near bursting levels. His bones ached with the amount of power rushing through him as he set to cutting through the weaves of fire that continued to rain down on him. He would not die like this, so close to power and control, he would not let Isha destroy him. Rolling away he pulled all he could through his talent in earth and pulled it up into a wall as long as his strength would allow and then released Saidin altogether as he ran in the opposite direction. If his timing was right and luck was on his side he could get away from Isha enough to set the next trap. The wall would keep him from view and the lack of hold on Saidin should blind him to the Linten's location. Stepping off he triggered the weave he had set with the wall and the ground behind him exploded.


    Now he just had to hope Isha took that bait and focused his wrath on that location and the possibility that the boy had been hurt. Linten just needed a little time, just a little that's all he asked for.


    ~A little time before we die you mean. You can't defend us without Saidin~


    Help me or shut up, I have no time for this and Saidin is close at hand I assure you.



  9. A grin twitched the corner of his mouth at her comment of  bruising kiss, he had an inclination that she was all to familiar with a bruising kiss. Deep brown eyes rose up from the dark depths of his memory, eyes that held an edge of disapproval. Slowly the face of Lavinya began to take form, framed in her fire red hair, anger and ownership etched in her brow. The vision caught him off guard and he choked briefly in mid gulp as Jaydena voiced her question. Wiping some of the bitter dark ale from his chin Corin set the mug back down, cursing his timing and that of Lavinya's vision. Her timing even now, separated and hating him for his weakness, was impeccable. Only Sirayn and Lavinya could cause one man so many trials. How indeed ... the though was heavy with grief and regret, some leaching through his loose grip on control and played in the shadows of his face. “If that is why you have traveled all the way down here Jaydena then who am I to refuse the wanton needs of an Aes Sedai.” The grin was framed in dark sarcasm as Corin tilted his head slightly and leaned toward her as if to take that kiss from her. The vision of Lavinya's face darkened further in anger, but it was her eyes. Her eyes that filled with hurt like they had in the field that stilled his movements and brought Corin back to himself. Not the man that seemed to surface more oft then not of late but the loose control he had on the man that had earned the Red cloak of the guard. “Had I found her Jaydena ... Sedai,” memories of the verbal lashings he received from Sirayn when he forgot the honorific added it finally to her name if slightly delayed. “If I had found her I would not be here. I would be at her side or dead.” Corin could not keep the edge from his voice. He no longer cared if Jaydena knew of their relationship or in what form it took. It was gone, he had been deprived of the goal he had reserved his life to and hurt deeply the only other close friend he had made in the tower. What did it matter now if even the world knew?


    It did matter of course. It would always matter. Sirayn had secured a private vow of secrecy from him and even in death, and for all likely appearances Sirayn was dead, he would keep it. That didn't explain why Jaydena and her little party would be in this hovel. He let his gaze deepen, taking in the composed mirror reflective eyes of Jaydena searching for telltale signs, then let years of rooted training in the Tower yards take over. “As soon as I heard of her disappearance I left in search of any trail her captives might have left. I could not believe that she would have left willingly in such quiet and secretive ways. Sirayn .... Mother was good at playing in shadows and smoke. Even long before she became mother, but this ....” His voice had been quiet, an uneasy calmness seemed to caress the words as they floated up from within him. “Even for Sirayn this was too much, too out of character to be her own doing. I have been looking ever since and in the process covered more lands then I knew existed before coming to the Tower.” Turning his head slightly he met Jaydena's eyes once more. A cautious hint of desperation and hope seemed to drift in the shadowy depths of them. “Did you find her? Is she here, or perhaps she sent you and the little ones?” his head nodded back toward the other sister and her shield. By now Corin was certain the man was bonded to the other sister. They seemed too in sync with each other and mirrored each others emotions in their subtleties.


    OOC: sorry for the delay, I'm back now



  10. The wavy form offered no answers and only more questions. The game player within rattled about in his head trying to gain a purchase on his thoughts; worked to bring his attention back to the woman in green and what purpose she might serve here. A low soft growl rumbled from deep in his throat as he shook the mug slightly, the wavy image dispersing in the sloshing liquid. The slightly damp coolness of the ale as it wicked over the rim and slide down over his fingers helped bring contrast for him to focus. He used it to mute the players voice in his head and noted the soft sound of fabric caressing wood as someone moved past the chairs. He was guessing it would be the one in green. He was sure she recognized him and was equally sure he knew her name as well. But he fought the urge to turn and meet her in greeting. If I pretend to be average, to be the plain person I am, I will be. Perhaps she will pass by, perhaps she will see the failure before her and not wish to dirty her hands with such filth. Only .... what if she does know where Sirayn is? Could she?


    Lost to his own thoughts Corin did not attune to her arrival behind him, nor to the momentary pause she used to compose herself. The player he had been before loosing Sirayn would have noted it all. That man would have had several different angles in which to approach the Aes Sedai in conversation to find out what exactly had her in this hovel. But that man was not here. He had been lost the day Corin accepted the fact that Sirayn was gone, vanished, and he had not been there to protect her.


    He tensed slightly at her touch and mentally berated himself for the action. He was in the company of Aes Sedai again. That meant he had to play the part of a properly trained and truly attentive guard. That was his station now in life and he had to learn to accept it. No one wanted a failure at there side, especially not in their mind. The Daes Dae'mar player flared again briefly but he resisted the urge to draw him on and instead simply turned his head to acknowledge her with a simple nod and then looked back to his mug. He noted how she sat on the stool next to him and began to fill her pipe with tabac. “You know that will eventually kill you.” He tried to make his voice sound subdued, relaxed. But a reed of sorrow vibrated under the surface and it irritated him further. The pipe had brought back yet another example of his ever growing portfolio of failures. Deep brown eyes dance first merrily in his mind and then glass and heavily ladened with verging tears. Lavinya had tried to introduce him to the pipe and he had gaged something fierce. Feelings washed over him, softness, strength, humility, envy, passion, betrayal, and lose.


    They swirled in him and battled for his attention. His hands clenched the mug tightly as he focused his mind to push it all away. He had hurt her as well. Another woman that had run from the tower, only that one had foolishly run into battle of a sort. He hoped the rumors he had picked up on his journey weren't true. He had driven her away, he could not bear to know that he had driven her into the waiting clutches of those men and their cursed lives. Feeling fell away like the rain shed from the roofs of the buildings in Tar Valon; emptiness rushed in to fill the void. The emptiness added a edge to his demeanor, relaxing hands in a way only a swordsman could appreciate.


    A measuring gaze swung silently over to meet the mask of the woman at his side. She had been tied to Sirayn in some fashion, she had known her longer the Corin. He had never questioned any of the sisters directly about the disappearance of Sirayn. But here she was, a perfect person and a perfect opportunity to see what else he could learn. Jade green eyes, eyes that swirled with traces of anger, confusion, hope, and need, locked to the emerald green filled with Aes Sedai stoic composure. He was vaguely aware of the dance of life against his fingers; the pulse of her heart as it surged life giving blood through her arteries. His hand had closed firmly around her wrist but he did not remember moving it there. It was a move the player in him would never had done, but the lost soul that presently held sway in his mind cared little for protocol. “What is it you want Jaydena?” His grip was not hard, just firm enough to ensure his point was  understood. His voice remained low, wrapped in the softness he had become use to using in his search; the softness of a swordsman. If there was a chance she had information that lent to the location or condition of Sirayn he would get it. She would tell him what he needed to know or ... or what? Are you mad! Two Aes Sedai, of the battle green even, and a warder. Just what are you thinking you goat kissing wool head. Are you trying to get yourself killed? His eyes never left her own, but as quickly as it had come, the storm left. His eyes softened and became empty once more. His grip loosened, he patted her wrist lightly before returning to his mug; his eyes sweeping back to the mug's contents. This was wrong, if he was to be accepted back in the ranks of the guard he had to get a hold of himself and be what a guard would be. His old life was over, why could he not let go of it?



  11. Light bathed the floor once more, a harsh glare from the corner of his vision as the door swung open and three silhouetted forms began their entry. The light breath of freshened air that brushed over him emphasized how stale the room truly was. He had been here too  long and this procrastination was serving no purpose. Only a fool remained where nothing could be gained. Reminiscent of a life before, of a person he might have been and the guiding hand that directed him. Will I be for ever haunted by your specter? The silhouette's seemed to pause just inside the band of shadow as if adjusting their eyes. Even from the corner of his vision he could note the wealth portrayed by their choice of dress. It made them stand out like the glaring light of noon day bathing the entry way in a harsh and demanding light.


    Fools, only fools or someone of believed influence would enter such an low brow hovel the likes of this with the arrogance of such display. His vision adjusted to the light and he could now distinguish the party members. A single male in front followed closely by two women. Perhaps a hired sword or house guard, the thoughts tickled at his mind. Begged him to play the game. Fibers now so ingrained from training and use itched to draw in the spectacle and spin out the many faceted reasons behind their appearance here and the goals they may seek. I will not dance to your stings any more Sirayn. You abandoned me. I have no desire for the game. I will not play it. I will not! Even as he waged a bitter argument more for himself then any memory of his former teacher he let his eyes draw his movements to the new arrivals.


    His hand never left the mug as he turned, view washing over the closest form. The stature of his stance alone told Corin more then he wanted. Eyes that seen everything in a glance yet appeared to be at ease mixed with the light sit of his sword screamed of the tower. So are you here by chance or for a purpose to which I may regret? He left the question to spin in the back of his head as his focus continued back toward the remainder of the party. It caught first on a gleaming display of one of the women. The bight slashes in her sleeves seemed muted and dulled in the shadows when set against the brilliant dazzle her skirt displayed still touched by the open doors light. A mask hid her face, something that would have normally drawn a deeper interest to know it's occupant and the secrets she was trying to protect. But again he resisted the insistent pulling of a life he could have had and forced himself to take in the last member.


    A Deep green velvet grown revealed nothing in itself of the person it wrapped. Any noble woman might have worn similar though why she would find herself on this side of an alley he could  not fathom. The mask, dark green as well met at first glance with little more then an odd pondering of why they both would be hiding. He did not remember a celebration of sorts in the area, though he had cared little to pay any note to the happenings beyond his failure. It was the meeting of emerald eyes, twining eyes to his own only feminine in a drawing almond shape that stopped him. They tickled a memory that he had pushed back from a life he had given up on. He watched as they widened briefly in recognition before control swept an even coolness back over them. Sirayn, storm grey and so contrasting to these green ones before him bubbled back up again. A purpose, he felt a purpose in their recognition. Seiaman; a faded image rotated around those grey eyes that forever had been a part of his mind and desire. Rotated around beaming of affection, perhaps even love. It stabbed him with a jolt of jealousy he had not expected to still be alive. He knew Seiaman had sought out Sirayn on her return. It was all Corin could do to sway Sirayn's thoughts away from her former warder. He eventually had built a skewed story of another woman that Seiaman seemed to find herself in the company of.


    Dawning realization struck as the image of Jaydena came into view. Her eyes tied the rest of her outfit together with the sudden control, a reaffirmation of what his mind continued to bombard him with. Jaydena Sedai, member of the Green Ajah and tied intricately to Sirayn in some fashion he still had not puzzled out. He had seen her with Sirayn on a number of occasions, not all had been in their knowing. The realization tightened his grip on the mug. It also completed the picture of the party. Two Aes Sedai, one he still did not recognize to a name and a single guard. No, the man was more then a guard. His attention seemed suddenly very attuned to Corin, as if sizing him and the room for a dance. The timing seemed to coincide with the turning of the unknown. So a Warder and bound to the bright one it would appear at first observation. An ability he once again had Sirayn to thank.


    His mind became a swirling clatter of chaos as the game and his station with Sirayn came crashing back in. He had worked so hard these last several weeks to mute the game; to turn if off and force it into the dark at the back of his mind so he could forget it existed. Now it bombarded him in a cacophony of questions and angles. Why was she here? Did she know Sirayn's where abouts or was she sent from the tower to find him? Did she know the tales he had spun to Sirayn on her and Seiaman? Was this a convenient opportunity for revenge? Who was the sister with her? Was her loyalty to Tower or the secret game that Sirayn had played at?


    In a way it was ironic how quickly he had dismissed the only man in the room that would be a dangerous threat if the dance of blades where called upon. In a latent thought he imagined it must be a benefit of being Tower trained that allowed him such an ease. Not that he deemed himself more skilled or more capable then the fellow. Only that he knew instinctively that the man was tethered on an invisible leash. A leash one of the two Aes Sedai held in hand. Most likely the bright one, but at this stage it really did not matter. As long as he was right and the man was bound to one of them he would be held in tight control. Only if Corin seemed to threaten the life of one of the sisters would the man be allowed any large amount of freedom to act. In a way he almost chuckled inside. Something he hand longed for, a bond to Sirayn and a leash snug in his mind tied to her. It had been his goal for many years and now it was little more then water vapor in the heat of a noon day sun.


    With three set's of now very controlled eyes watching him and a beginning unease starting to build in the room near him. Corin did the only thing that came to mind clearly at the moment and tipped the mug back pulling hard on it's contents. He knew it was a mistake the moment he did it, the dark foul liquid blazing a fiery trail down his throat. His eyes tightened briefly before composure claimed him and a face he had not worn in weeks melted into place. Daes Dae'mar was not about to release him so easily. It took another few moments of internal battle before Corin was able to slip Sirayn's well placed training and become the man he was when they had entered. Nodding briefly to the woman he was sure was Jaydena; hope it was her. He turned back to the bar and tried to puzzle out her purpose here. A brief flair of hope sprung up from deep within; hope that perhaps she had been sent by Sirayn. His eyes cut a quick hopeful glance back to the lady in green before dulling as he squashed the idea ruthlessly. She was gone. He had to accept it and move on. Perhaps if he could convince Jaydena to ..... to what? To help him get reinstated in the Guard? To vouch for his character after what he had used her for with Seiaman? Folding his hands around the mug, Corin let his gaze once more return to the distorted reflection of a failure in the dark reflective surface of the liquid within. 



  12. As Linten neared the far corner and began to prepare the next set of weaves to unleash on Isha, the ground under him began to tremble pitching him onto his side and knocking the wind from him. The sudden gasping need for air scattered his mind momentarily and the weaves slipped apart like oiled ropes. He barely maintained his grasp on the source; feeling it surge and ebb as he fought to maintain control of the rushing river.


    ~Do something already!!! Do you want to die?~


    He pushed the sensation, the voice, the what ever it was back into his mind and answered only with a grim tilted smile that revealed nothing of his teeth. There were still many ways a man could wish for death. Pushing back to his feet Linten's hand closed on the hilt hovering over his head and slowly drew out the blade. His control and focus returning to him in the same flowing motion under the cadence of the soft scrape of metal on metal. His first day's in the yard returned as a distant foggy memory. The ease in which Isha had flattened him with the practice swords, practically splitting his head open, bubbled up again. Well, a lot had changed since then. Isha had taught him well, the giant still had the years of experience on his side. But Linten had the benefit of movement, speed of step and light of foot. Something that had been robbed from Isha.


    Coiling like a spring Linten readied himself. He did not need to beat Isha at the dance of death with steel, he needed only to occupy his focus long enough for the next trick. Drawing in thick threads of Fire, Air and Spirit, Linten prepared another set of small weaves. He had to remember not to throw his full weight and skill into all his work until the moment was right. Part of this dance was to keep your opponent from guessing your full potential until it was too late. He had studied his mentor for a while now knowing this day would come. He had spent many days practicing in seclusion and intermixed with other students. All without Isha present to try and bring his control and abilities to a level he hoped would be higher then what his mentor would expect. Surprise was his only true weapon and hope. But once they pinned the golden dragon on him he would hide no more.


    As the ground settled Linten launched himself from around the corner. With the sword held tip down and pressed along his side blinded from Isha's view, Linten raced toward the giant. His opposite hand pointing out the path of his weaves. Fire seeds unraveled over Isha, the heat he wove under the rocks at Isha's feet cooled as that weave was also cut. Each distraction brought him closer to the target. A thin weaving of  Air moved out like a fist, while he worked another weave of Fire to form darts jetting swiftly from his fingers tips. The source tried to surge into him with it's full force but he held it at bay. A little more time was all he needed. Springing a step to soon, Linten took the opportunity to lunge at his mentor; naked steel arcing in a crescent moon motion between them. The tip would still be too short in reach to purchase blood. But it was the reaction Linten sought.


    OOC:  Sorry for the delay, but I'm ready now to get through this. :)



  13. No problem Jaydena, I know it's hard to write when inspiration isn't there. As for timeline, this would be about 1 year after Sirayn's disappearence .... wich would make it about what, 7 or 8 months after the sisters returned to the tower from their extended visit at the BT. ;)


    Let me know if you need any other information or have any other questions. I'm looking forward to RP'ng with all of you wonderful writers. :D



  14. LOL ... interesting ...... do I sense a bit of glee in your voice when you say that? ;)


    Your just looking for a dejected puppy to kick :p


    Just remember after a while even a puppy can learn to grow teeth. ;)




    Anyone who's interested please feel free to join in the thread and post. Have to get this AWL guard back to Tar Valon and a meeting with the Commander. :)




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