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Posts posted by tismeb4u

  1. His eyes watched her feet as they began to move, a small step followed by several more in quick succession until she stood almost pressed against him, his shirt and cloaked crushed in a white knuckle grip. This was not the reaction he expected. Her scorn, her anger at his failure, even haughty disapproving gaze as he was summarily dismissed. But the sudden physical contact, the shaking grasp and not a hard slap was confusing. Inside shock radiated through his body and stiffened arms, but his face held none of it. The internal turmoil of emotions was held at bay as he had been taught. An emotionless gaze looked to her's, a touch of defiance at the edge of his eyes as he waited for the inevitable strike only to have her words shake the very foundation of his resistance internally. She did not believe that man from the garden was lost? How could she not, had she not been at war with him since his return, scorned and hated him when he turned her down? The emphasis on her not being able to believe it confused him as he felt more of the thick barren internal wall crumble.


    It made no sense, was this more of his old masters magic made flesh in the form of torture perfected? His body tried to flinch as she mentioned his hurt for a lost love, tried but was unable under the rigidity of ingrained reactions. But her words effected him in ways she could never see or know. The scars rent open anew, salt poured into them as she turned her back to him; leaning heavily on the table. What did she know if his hurt? What could she know? Did she know how desperately he had searched for Sirayn? Did she understand how it was the memory of his very close friend, the very friend he had hurt, the level of regret he harbored over the pain he had brought to their relationship? No. She did not know how much he hurt, she couldn't. Her words, oh they seemed so perfect as they looked into his mind and heart, were words schooled to her in the discipline of the White. It had to be; the talent of a mediator to know her combatants and see their weaknesses. But he wanted to accept them, to collect her; feel her body crushed against him and weep in her soft red hair. How long had it been since he accepted comfort at the shoulder of a friend?


    Was a friendship even possible with all that had happened between them since that field outside the trappers cabin? He wanted to believe there was, deep down his heart cried out for the possibility. But the disconnected analytical side of his mind, the controller of the game, it refused the heart's voice. Too much had been done. Too much said and not said. The best he could hope for now was a civil coexistence as members in service through the Tower for the benefit of the Light. The acceptance rimmed his eyes in a sheen of unshed tears that he blinked back quickly fearing she might turn and read something other in their appearance. His feet betrayed the acceptance of separation and stepped tentatively forward, a small shuffling step, before he could still them and once more gain control of himself; to interject logic where emotion threatened to break forth in a spilling flood. His hands itched at his sides to collect her slumped shoulders and comfort her, to bring back that girl he had first discovered at the fountain so long ago.


    “You can not believe he is lost,” his voice was a soft low baritone; the stroke of emotion hinting at the edges. “I do not believe he can return with all that has happened. It is not always the obvious that wounds us grievously, sometimes it is something that only the bearer can ever comprehend. Lavinya,” his voice stumbled over her name before beginning to cool and become the lecturing empty voice he had come to accept as norm. “We can not continue like this. It is destructive to the unity of the Tower and to what might be left of a scared and damaged friendship.” There he had given voice to it; let her know that he still thought of her as a friend regardless of how much she must distaste him. If it brought further rents to his heart at her hand so be it. But the animosity between them had to be quelled soon before .... He dismissed the line of thought. It was not something he was ready to accept yet, if ever. Slumped as she was he could almost picture resignation on her face. Most likely his own wishful thinking and scorn would be her mask instead. “Can we agree to a truce for now, at least for the mission. I can not protect you both if I am to be at battle continually with you.” Emotion slipped slowly back into the edges of his voice, almost adding a warmth to it; hinting at the human that existed inside. A shadowy reminder of the boy that he had let out briefly to her and had since buried behind the mountain of cold chiseled stone that made the man now before her.



    Balancing on the edge ;)

  2. Linten could not help but chuckle at the cynical remark from the other man. He remembered some of the lessons he had watched others at. They had seemed so simple and menial, but looking back from his position now. Nothing was menial when it involved practicing with the One Power. Isha had always kept him at a challenged level; other then the abandonment. But it was the simple menial tasks that he learned the greatest degree of control from. He used it often back then to complete those small tasks and that had improved his dexterity with Saidin. It also reinforced those simple basic weaves to the fibers of his mind. It had been through some of them that he had survived certain altercations. Some times it was not some grand battle plan that won the fight; some times it was simple doing something your foe did not expect to give you the time you needed to end the situation.


    But lectures where for teachers and he was not one of Linten’s pupils. The man had potential, but he still did not have a solid feeling of where the man’s true allegiance would lie. The prospect of new weaves and idea’s were of a great interest. “Attract metal? Interesting, normally I try to avoid attracting metal to me if you know what I mean,” he offered Seyneru a knowing smile. But it could have its benefits in the right situations. More over, if one could reverse it, push or ward off metal that would be a huge benefit in many situations. “Come, please, you must show me this little weave of yours.” Reaching down, Linten pulled free a dagger from his boot and tossed it a few feet from them into the accumulating snow.


    I can not say I have an affinity with Earth and Fire, but I can hold my own and where my affinity does stand I can make a great deal of difference in my weaving of Earth and Fire. Mentally he added Seyneru to the list of people to check on in the dream. It was surprising what a person could begin to comprehend about another when you looked into their dreams. People were more apt to be who they really are inside their dreams. Precautionary nature thrust and invisible hand into the rushing river of Saidin and seized it firmly as he motioned to Seyneru to begin.




  3. Linten had felt the pulse of Saidin, seen the light envelope shadow on the rooftop. The sensation of a man channeling here at the Black Tower was not uncommon. But the gateway that rotated into view in front of the man was. Traveling was to be limited to the traveling grounds. That had been law for almost as long as he head been in black. Yes there were exceptions, but those were regulated to defense of the Tower and the Dragon. A gateway on the roof of a building brought too many questions to Linten’s mind not to investigate. He remembered all to well the Darkfriend that had infiltrated the ranks for a spell before he was found out. He was not about to let that happen again, and the pins on his collar awarded him a small amount of lateral movement within the laws when the situation could be warranted.


    The flows to build the steps to the roof were easy and from that point with the war of Saidin within sharpening his vision and hearing, Linten examined the residue of the gateway before opening another and stepping out next to the road not far from the Tower. Releasing the gateway Linten watched silently as an obviously drunk woman made her demand of the man in black. Unlike the other channeler here, Linten continued to hold Saidin; a select pair of weaves at the ready should they be needed. He knew the other man would be able to sense him and would most likely swing his gaze to where he stood. Listening to the woman and her rambling slur Linten took a moment to look over the old nag hooked to the cart and the dirty patchwork that he imagined was to pass as the tarp cover over what ever possessions she had scuttled into the cart.


    “You are exactly where most people prefer not to even acknowledge exists, and certainly would not ever want to visit.” He met the startled brilliant blue eyes that opened wide in surprise, with a measuring gaze. Her face was dirt smeared, as were her clothes. The rats nest that framed the delicate features of her face hidden under the grime had the appearance of thirst starved straw. In all it was a poor first impression, but he was not here for first impressions. He was here to see what had caused the other man to channel that gateway outside the traveling grounds and now who this simpleton was. Moving past the other fellow who had suddenly rooted himself in place Linten inspected the cart, lifting the tarp with a flow of air so as not to come in contact with the grime covering it. As he did the woman spluttered as if to object. Hard sharp eyes cut a quick glance to her pinning her in place as a single finger came up between them. “The Black Tower and a collection of cursed men is where you have landed and I am not interested in your treasures. But I do want to know if you are the only one here?” turning his attention back to the cart he began to look through its contents as if no one else existed. The other man had not embraced Saidin so he felt no worry from that source. If he did the weaves held at the ready would take care of the issue. More over, if the tingle of Saidar touched him she was in for a world of hurt.



    OOC: thought I would drop in as there hadn't been any movement in a while. Hope you don't mind ;)

  4. Silently he listened to her, his gaze trying to swing over his shoulder to where she stood but his body not willing to accept the movement yet. There was still to much safety in the separation, if only in example. She didn’t hate him. That certainly was not how it appeared the day he denied her. Nor had it seemed even a remote possibility since his return. But the fact that she thought he could be irritating almost had him laughing out loud with another scornful remark; will power from somewhere kept his tongue still and body frozen. There had been enough bitter words already. Further was going to accomplish nothing. Some how his heart had caught the change in her voice, the difference in inflection and intonation. Why could it not convince his head that the change was real and there? More of her games perhaps? The thought cementing itself in his mind as her voice hardened once more; the edge becoming sharper. There had been a time when they had been lovers if for only one night. It had been a time of learning and wonderment. Her teachings still haunted his memories and dreams in a pleasant and real way. But her use of it now seemed to cheapen and dirty the thought. To use someone simply for the release of tension and the touch of flesh was appalling. A man just did not take a woman into his bed, or even hers for that matter, outside of marriage. Well beyond that of perhaps a tavern wench. But that was part of who they were. Not part of what an Aes Sedai or a woman of respect was. When had that view changed? He remembered some of the games in the yard as a trainee, the visits with novices, the thoughts and flirtatious games all hinting at just that.


    Her sigh pulled back the thoughts and set his nerves on edge for more then one reason; heightening the battle that raged within. It seemed like an age ago they had been something else. So different then the combatants they were now. She had been his escape from the tormenting chaos that had become his relationship with Sirayn. A place to lose the tension of his unspoken duty and find the boy that had once been. A refreshing change in his life that felt comfortable and brought happiness he had otherwise forgotten. The girl he had found hidden within her was like finding a small gold nugget among the dark sandy bottom of a river and it made the boy more real. How much different would his life had been if he had met her first? It was not the first time he had contemplated that. Not the first time he wondered if he would have been as bold without Sirayn's teaching to be who he had been that day with her.


    The snap of her words pulled his spine straight again. That was a time that was no more, the wheel had woven it out and moved on. Was it time for them to move past it as well? He turned enough to allow himself to look over his shoulder at her, his gaze meeting the intense look in her dark eyes with one of guarded challenge. Battle tactics, that was what many of their meetings had become. A twisted version of battle tactics; never show weakness. Another strong contrast to the relationship they had shared prior. The simple act of rising would have been interpreted so different back then. They would have shared their hurts and their concerns. Everything about them had been open to the other. Well not everything but as close as they could for an Aes Sedai and a Guard of certain skills. Now instinctively he braced himself for another unleashing of her tongue. Ironically other then his willingness to openly challenge her their relationship was becoming more and more the one he had shared with Sirayn. Was that why he challenged her? Not willing to slip back into the chaos that he had come from, or was he too afraid to feel and be hurt in that same manner again? Perhaps that was to always be his place in this Age's pattern. Where quiet chaos had ruled his mind with Sirayn's loss, now questions once more swarmed him under the awakening of the player he had been. The player Lavinya had forced him to be again. Daes Dae'mar, he had come to love and thrive in it prior to Sirayn's disappearance. After that it was a curse he wanted rid of, had almost succeeded until Lavinya Sedai had forced it back onto him. How much easier his da's life must have been once he left the army and started farming. He had pondered going back, taking his hand at the farm, at any farm. But he knew it was only an attempt to hide. He would never again find the peace of it like he had before the Tower. That life was gone, a pleasant memory. But for now all it would be is a memory.


    For a long moment he met her gaze in silence, two statuettes forgotten to a storage room. Sirayn had trained him in the art of reading misdirection and the telltales of a lie. He had become astute at reading the eyes of a person, the only thing that seemed to hold any hint of the woman behind them when he was with Sirayn. An art he had largely ignored since accepting the failure of his mission to find her. Now, his dispassionate gaze studied Lavinya's eyes for the first time almost wishing to find the telltale in them. The pool of light around them moved with a life of it's own granting life to their shadows in the stretching silence. There was no lie, no indication of misdirection and yet he still could not bring himself to lower his guard to her completely. It had been too much with Sirayn. Her disappearance had been a cut that went deep and still caused a sick emptiness inside when he let himself feel. What could she offer him but further pain?


    Finally he broke the lock, eyes sinking toward the floor at her feet. She was Aes Sedai and he was a Guard, it was proper for his eyes to be lowered. A lie but it soothed the discourse a measure. “Misunderstanding happen,” the Wheel knows he had been bundled into many himself; the image of an unconscious Sirayn being rolled into a rug bloomed and faded. “But perhaps you can guard your off handed comments like the other secrets you keep.” He tried not to notice the emptiness in his own voice as he fought the mix of emotions that continued to swirl within. “If you truly want to help then accept that which I am and not that which died with her.  Sometimes the lost is just that ... lost.” His voice cracked on the last but he forced his way past it. The old was no more and it was best left in the past before anyone else got hurt by it. Inside something screamed defiance. Inside he did not want any of what he had been to be lost, did not want to be lost to her; his face remained void of the inner battle. Sometimes sacrifices of the self needed to be made fo rthe greater of all. Lavinya would be better served by a Guard or Gaidin of better training and emotionally grounded. Not the mess that presented itself as Corin. Where did that thought come from? I've already denied her request to be her Gaidin. Why is that thought back?



  5. It had become a game it seemed. Lavinya had interpreted his side stepping as a reason to be an ever present challenge. Nothing that would break the appearance of brother and sister; but close at times. She had become the sister who was afraid she would never see her dear brother again and was planning on making the most of every moment they were together before she was wed off. Time was now Corin’s greatest enemy. Where he had freedom of distraction and the ability to hide in the yard, here those protective defenses were gone. He had no recourse but to work though the game Lavinya had set them to. A game he was beginning to think he might not survive. Some things were becoming a little too natural for him. He knew he should be on guard against that feeling. But the constant presence of it was chipping slowly away at his reasoning and his defenses.


    She had succeeded it seemed in drawing him back to the game if only temporarily as a player. His mind now sought out puzzles once more and began to work them. But he had not been drawn in so deep as he once where. He did not seek out the rumors and tidbits of information that could be readily gleaned from the right placed word or question. He did not seek out to know the business of a passing town or village. The puzzles his mind work were those that directly affecting his world. The protection of both Sisters and the completion of their task at hand being two of them.  How many times now had she brought him his meals, ensured he had drink and nourishment at each stop. She practically mothered him at times. But nothing he could call her to task on as over stepping the guise of brother and sister; that was frustrating.


    It was the constant contact that was making it the hardest for him. He had know the trip would be a challenge and was determined to prove he could do what was needed to the Commander and the Aes Sedai alike, prove he was still a Guard of worth and use. But he had not counted on Lavinya being as capable as she had become in regards to turning him in circles and leaving him disoriented. He should have realized he was doomed from the start when she had entered that stable in that shimmering second skin. He had forgotten so easily it seemed her heritage. Something that dress reminded everyone there. No doubt could be left to a man’s mind who laid eyes on her then as to what she was.


    If it were only the dresses then he might have been able to find a reason to keep her figure out of his view. But she was far too smart and intelligent for that. Her constant touches; light and seemingly innocent. Those were starting to undo him, and he hated himself for the weakness. It was his weakness that had left her hurt the last time he had not been strongly steeped in duty. He had been working hard not to fall into that trap again. But the light brush of finger tips on his arms, the way she adjusted his hair with an innocent grin.  The sudden press of her as she hugged him from behind before slipping off to what ever it was she was doing. It was a sister intent on sharing every moment she could with a brother she may no longer see. Only his mind had begun to picture it in a skewed fashion. Her smiles in his mind didn’t always look so innocent; a mischievous glint to it like he had once know.


    That realization had set him on edge for a brief spell only to have it slowly dissipate under the familiarity of routine. How did a man protect against routine? His escape came as his mind, in the focus Lavinya had awaken it to, began to draw out observations and piece them together; another puzzle with holes and incomplete sections. But it did begin to form a picture, a picture of a woman that was nearing exhaustion. He had no idea what Lavinya Sedai and Saline Sedai were doing at night but in Lavinya’s case it certainly was not sleeping. Saline looked no worse for wear so if she was involved in it. She at least was still getting her rest at some point. Lavinya on the other hand was obviously not. The dark circles and puffy eyes that she tried to hid amongst the color she applied told the true story. The question to which Corin had no answer, direction, or inclination of was why? Even the men were beginning to notice in their escort. More then one had mentioned it in passing. First as if it was Corin that was keeping her up, and not played Cat’s cradle. He had been quick to squelch those ideas. But they were right. Lavinya was running herself into the ground and he didn’t know why. He had even taken a few turns at staying up to see if she was sneaking out.


    The final decision to question her on it came with their latest place of rest. She had practically stepped over Captain Mitya in the process of inspecting the place and near bit his head off in the process. Unlike every other day to date, there was no meal delivered. No doting or brush of skin. She had retired to her room as soon as they had finished and not come down since. He knew what their escort though his sister needed. They were not shy about it when the Sisters were not around. It was a small blessing that his cheeks no longer stained with heat as much. Once they had found out how easily that occurred they had wasted no time in ensuring their comments included enough graphics to heat his face. What they thought he did not know already they went into infinite detail. Some of which he was sure was impossible and made up to try and goad him.


    When Saline slipped from the common room without taking a meal to Lavinya he decided it was time to confront her on her condition. He didn’t mind that she had not come with meal in hand to find him, though he was almost getting use to that routine. But he would not let her skip a meal herself. Not when she was obviously not getting the correct amount of rest. With a quick scan of the room he noted the placement of the mercenaries and was adequate pacified that Captain Mitya had arranged for the nights watch. Emptying the last of his tankard of dark ale, Corin tossed a couple of coppers on the table for the serving girl that would be by to collect the empty vessel, and then proceeded to the staircase. With the swordsman’s swagger he climbed the stairs, adjusting the length of steel at his hip. The movement gave him the opportunity to subtly check the daggers secreted on his person. The sword was a fine instrument in which to dance with death, but only when room allowed for it. In the confines of the stairwell and the halls, daggers in properly trained hands would make an overwhelming difference.


    It took no time before he arrived at the door to Lavinya’s room. A flicker of light danced under its heavy door and through the cracks around the jamb. Not the finest of places, but suitable enough for their cover. Glancing further down the hall his eyes pulled the outline of the man leaning in the shadows. Like the moon reflecting off a distant lake, the small reflection of light against the man’s eyes was the only thing notable. The rest of the man was near invisible in the darkness, the shadow entrenched valley the lake was nestled into. A bride gift had to be protected from all manner of spoiling. Steeling his emotions away as best he could, Corin rapped at the door. His initial approach would have to be one of care and caution if he was going to succeed in anything other then a shouting match with her. That was the usual norm when he approached her; strange that it would be that way so often. Was that why he kept his distance and waited for her to come to him?


    The man at the end of the hall shifted his position and drew Corin back to realize Lavinya had not answered. He knocked again, this time with more effort. Time ticked past and no sound or movement emanated from the room. Panic began to rise in Corin as his fist beat upon the door; the guard that had been leaning on the wall was now moving toward him; eyes scanning the hallway in both directions. A dagger slipped free from one of Corin’s sleeves, the cool handle mating to his hand like it had many times before. “Lavinya! Open up!” He was now thumping on the door as it shuddered in its frame. Lavinya! Lavinya!” Stepping back Corin prepared to drive his shoulder to it when the door swung open, a furious Lavinya Sedai looking back at him. He could feel her words vibrate in his ears, but his focus was else where. The void had settled on him the moment he stepped forward toward the door. With a fluent movement his free arm swept her to the side and back toward the waiting guard whose sword was glinting in the dim light pouring through the open doorway. Stepping into the room a second dagger appeared, both moving in a silent dance as Corin worked his way through the room looking for the cause of Lavinya’s delay and anger. Nothing moved beyond the shadows of his own body, the room was cloaked in silence; a spluttering of noise from the entrance where the guard held Lavinya firmly pinned next to the wall.


    Satisfied that there was no danger in the room, the daggers flashed and disappeared back into the sheaths up his sleeves. Turning back to the guard, who was already putting his own naked steel away, Corin nodded to him. The guard saluted and slipped back up the hallway to his shadow. “What in the bloody name of light where you doing?” He had dropped the void with the sheathing of the blades so agitation and bewilderment where thick in his voice. “Do you have any idea the trouble this has caused?” He pulled her back into the room without paying attention to the darkening mood on her face and closed the door as the hallway filled with the sound of pounding boots; more of their escort racing up after hearing the noise. The guard in the hallway could explain the situation to them; right now Corin had more important fish to fry. Spinning to face her Corin once more dove in before Lavinya could offer any answer or resistance. “This has gone on long enough,” he grabbed her by the upper arm and drug her back to the bed. “I have no idea what in the name of Light you two have been up to; and frankly I don’t want to know. But you are bloody well going to get some sleep if I have to sit on you and force brandy down your throat to accomplish it.” His voice was not the hard sharp edges it had been in their altercation in the tower shortly before leaving. But it did hold a commanding tone and a measure of force. Too often he had found himself rung out and hung to dry when he tried to be the mediating civil person in their disagreements. He was determined not to be in that situation this time.




  6. Time stretched out in the small distance between them. A burden of silence growing in weight and size; his anger demanded he lash out and shatter the silence. Pain in a riot of colors like a night flowers bloom battered at the void he was wrapped in. But registered by his ears was only the soft plop sound of the blood droplets falling from his hand to the hard stone floor. Where had his path gone so terribly wrong? Many answers came flooding back into his mind a mire of confusion and noise as they played across the surface of the void. Too many to realize, far too many to acknowledge there individual identities. Perhaps this was the wheels purpose for his life’s thread all along. Perhaps he was never to be part of the happier weavings, his purpose to set the stage for the removal of one of the greatest threads he could think of in their time. Sirayn, her life thread was all that had mattered for so long in his life. It was the only one, until … as if on queue, Lavinya’s hands closed lightly on his head.


    He knew at the instance of contact what would happen. He had been healed before. Most trainees and guards had faced the healing weaves at least once in their time here. But even after knowing the reaction and the feeling it still took him by surprise as the icy sensation ripped through his body causing him to tense and arch backward slightly. He felt the oddity of bone kitting to bone, flesh sealing, the tenderness simply shrinking until it no longer existed. The time taken to accomplish the tasks was rarely long but in the grasp of the weave eternity could have passed. Finally the sensations stopped and he almost sagged for a brief moment before control returned to him. Her hands were gone, the light touch no longer there.



    Lavinya had moved back away from him, he heard the swish of skirt and the rustle of clothing. For a moment, just a moment, it had felt so natural; her gentle touch against him. Lavinya had become the other thread that carried meaning for Corin. It was not a plan, a calculated game as it had been with Sirayn. Lavinya had simply been a moment of chance meeting, a gift from the Creator he had thought. Somewhere deep down he still thought that; could feel the warming sensation within. But a guard could have only one true focus if he was to have any effect at maintaining the oath he swore in that servitude. He had sworn it to Sirayn, not in words spoken to her or offered up in servitude. But in the silence of his mind; the only place where Sirayn bloody Damodred would have accepted it. His jaw tensed for a moment at the thought then drained away as he instinctively worked the now healed hand.


    Hunger reached up from deep with in his core in answer to her words of warning. Another unfortunate side effect of the healing weave. But better then the alternative. His right hand rubbed over the top of his left knuckles working away the phantom pain. The mind did not always accept the reality of the body in equal time to the healing. But it would dissipate with the continued movement. He turned his head slightly to the side offering a profile of his face over his shoulder to her. Green gaze remained on the darkness of the room outside the pool of lamplight. “Usually”, the word slipped softly from his lips wrapped heavily in a blanket of disbelief. Usually she found all manner of ways to infuriate and belittle him. But she was trying to defuse the situation and Corin had already lost the hot head of his fury. Now only the smoldering coals of anger remained to heat him.


    There was so much between them, for so long it had been good. It had been more then good. It had been the best experience he had known. A friendship grown out of nothing but chance meeting that in another place might have had the opportunity to blossom into love. The very idea squeezed his heart. They were Tower promised and duty bound, there could be no room for love in that. Sirayn herself had taught him that quite bluntly. Turning back to the shadows that danced on the wall in the flickering flame Corin contemplated the full weigh of his actions. Disgrace to the Guard, to himself, and to his teacher Sirayn. His actions should have been that of a game player not a hot headed tavern brawler. Perhaps he had been out there to long, assimilated what he despised for too long. The thought made him feel stained.


    “You mean besides encouraging the world to believe I spend my nights grunting and panting with you. That I am bond broken and need lustful release to keep my will to live.” The words were void of heat, icy vehement edges. As soon as they were free of his tongue, echoed softly off the wall in front of him, Corin regretted them. She did not deserve this. Did not deserver the dark dwellings of a lunatic. That was what Corin had become. He was not the honorable man she had met. Then why did she stay? Was Sirayn’s grasp on her so strong as well that she would give over her own happiness to see his life filled with ruin?  He could tell of late, now that he actually paid attention, that she was not happy. There might even be a chance that she was not doing this all to get even with him; he was not ready to accept that answer yet, but it was growing. She had set loose the player again, and as he grew into the role he had once held so comfortably, he was beginning to see things differently around him.


    “The reason for our … visit has to do with a certain bit of information I received today.” His voice for the first time since leaving Saline was almost normal. A hint of strain at the edges but nothing compared to what had caressed most of his word until now. “By the way, Saline Sedai has invited us to a social gathering in celebration of a trainee being raised to the ranks of the Guard. She was simply full of happiness when she came across me and extended the invitation after informing me about your wonderful little idea.” He spun quickly, eye sparkling with intent and the distant glow of a buried fury. “You know … the one where I train with the bloody mercenaries to improve my multi opponent skills. The skills that the Guards have been able to build in me; the ones that have been good enough until now.” His voice had begun to rise during his rant and he stopped abruptly to gain control once more. Hands closing together in an interlaced clench to keep them from foolishness once more. “But I’m sure you sent one of those spooked doves with a message for me and it just hasn’t gotten here yet right? Perhaps the dove got caught by a trainee for a kiss or a dandle on his knee.” The sneer that had slipped onto his face laced his words as well.


    He was doing it again. The emotion was leeching its way back into his being, back into his words. Why did it have to be her? Why? He spun back to the wall. With his back to her he hoped he could gain the civility that had hinted out earlier. “You know of the search. You know what I had to do out there,” his eyes dropped down to look at hands as if seeing the blood on them again. “You have an idea about some of it at least. How could you suggest such a thing?” Slowly his voice had returned to normal again, softening in a hit of shame. “Do you despise me so much?”



  7. “Stop” The word held authority still, there was no doubt in that. But it was soft, almost soothing to his anger; a wet blanket trying to smother the edges of the rage inside. It froze his feet to the floor though he still wanted to depart from her. Something in that tone reverberated deep within. It awakened a hair thin thread of emotion he had buried a long time ago. Why did she have to be the one to hold the leash? Why could Sirayn not have tasked his punishment with someone else? Had he truly been that bad to her? No. No he had been loyal to her. If she refused that all he had done was in her interest it was nothing he could address now. But why did she have to use Lavinya of all people? He could have better handled this from anyone save her. Sirayn was a genius to the end in the art of making lives miserable when the task called for it.


    The sensation of her gentle firm grip on his wrist kept his feet planted as she stepped around to face him, his eyes trying to hold on to the heat of anger that had surged in them; the flames beginning to die down. His breath caught as the icy sensation rushed through his wrist and was gone. Saidar, no doubt she was checking his injuries before deciding how best to chastise him. His eyes met her furious gaze and he forced them not to shed away as her focus intensified. Pain burrowed deep into his arm and raced for his shoulder as her fingers pressed into one of his damaged knuckles. His eyes widened the smallest of movements; indicating she had his attention with the cleverly placed pressure. It would have been imperceptible from any distance beyond that of  Lavinya and she seemed to accept it as a response; suddenly releasing his hand and moving back down the hall to a door.


    His eyes flicked to the open door and then back to her own. She had taken over control of the situation and had narrowed his options in short order to acceptance or out right disobedience. The reference to the power the Commander had placed in her hands over him was not lost to him. It would not just be Lavinya he would face if he continued down the road he had started in the hallway. Was the cloak really worth all this hassle and frustration. His hand brushed along the fabric’s edge with the thought. He had earned the right at one time. A right that hung in the balance scales now in Lavinya’s hands. He still had not moved, his eyes studying the composed form of his aggravation; good hand still brushing the red cloth draped over his shoulders. A small arch in her delicate brow as it was raised over one eye in challenge was the final nail.


    The truth was he loved the accomplishment in reaching the red cloak. It was a part of him, part of his identity and he was not about to let it go with out a fight. That was why he had returned in the first place. It was also part of an oath sworn to a woman that in the end despised him; he could never bring himself to anything other then love for the infuriating woman. Now, her legacy had been passed down to Lavinya it seemed. Well at least in so far as controlling Corin’s life. A role she had jumped into with whole heart to see he was suitably punished for his transgressions. So be it, he had made the bed. It was time to lie in it … again. Jade green eyes flicked back to the entrance, after what he had already endured how could it possibly get worse. His back remained straight, his shoulders set back, but his steps now were soft. The harsh ring of his arrival no more as he stepped lightly toward the room. It was not an acceptance of defeat he told himself. It was simply a means to an end; to a return of full ownership of the cloak draped over his shoulders and his life. It was then, as he made the short journey to the room that he realized they where not alone. He kept his eyes trained on the room but could note others in his peripheral view. What had happened to him? This was not the man that use to reside here in the tower. The throbbing in his hand reinforcing the thought.


    His steps slow and purposeful brought him to a point between Lavinya and the dark expanse of the windowless room. Darkness, as if he had not spent enough time in its embrace. If it was not physical then it was the darkness in his own mind. Either way it seemed he visited the darkness all too often since Sirayn’s disappearance. Perhaps they were right, perhaps he was unstable. He paused before the entrance, eyes cutting to meet with those deep brown pools he had once found shelter and reason in. They held determined authority and cool distance now. So very at odds with what he had always seen before. The air around them seem to pause as if the Tower itself had suddenly held its breath. The dust motes in the slanting shafts of light seemed to slow their swirling dance as the air currents came to a stand still. He could feel the eyes of others on them; a distant twitch he gave no care to. They had gotten their eye full already. No doubt the word of this incident was rampant in rumors, eyes and ears carrying the scene to their respective handlers. How many times had he heard Sirayn talk down those that had found themselves in similar situation. She had to be livid as she watched the pattern and the great mess her one time student was making of it.


    Nothing in her expression changed, the challenge was still there. Her full drawn height still demanded respect and commanded authority. Did the innocent girl still peek out from behind those long lashes? Did she even exist anymore? For all that Corin held in his own darkness Lavinya held more. She was no longer the woman he had met in the garden, no longer the companion he had shared his feelings with. No longer the Aes Sedai he had rejected as a bondmate. She was harder now, more emotional, and under all the façade of control and authority; much more fragile then she had been before she had left on her own excursion. His eyes still glowed of defiance and his posture screamed of it. But the heavy heat of anger had subsided for now.


    Turning on heel without so much as a word Corin entered the room and settled into the darkness at the back of its confines. The room felt cooler then the hall; an effect of his dwindling anger perhaps. He could just make out the mortar lines between the stones in the shadowy light drifting in from the hall. How many times had he found himself in a dark room, the faint glimmer of hope flickering within, only to have his hope crushed and the floor stained red. His hands closed reactively and he winced as pain raged in his ruined left. A different room, different time, and a different purpose. The only red to stain the floor this time was the slow drip from his hand. Light suddenly bloomed as a lamp stand flicked to life bathing the wall in its flickering soft glow and harsh shadows. Was he still willing to go the distance to retain the cloak?


    The dim cast of the hallway light on the wall slowly fell away until, with the soft click of the latch, it was gone and only the flickering light of the one lamp pooled the room in its glow. Corin’s back remained to the room, straight as if he was in an inspection line. She had set the cadence to this meeting whether she chose to acknowledge it or not. He was not the one who had decided to train with the Red Arms. The thought added a little heat to the dwindling anger but very little. With the void still embracing him he could sense her movement; ears caught the slight swish of her skirts as she moved deeper into the room toward him. He should release the void and face her as himself, but he did not trust his control of emotions. The pain in his had would only be another distraction to agitate his ire and set him off again. Better to keep its caress and hope that the light found a way to bring a clearer mind for the game. The movement stopped behind him, how close he was not sure. He couldn’t feel her presence, couldn’t feel the heat of her breath so she was not right behind him. But without turning he did not know how far away she was. The pause stretched out, silence trying to wear down his defenses. Shifting his weight slightly to lean to one side, he focused on the wavy shadow of the rooms only other occupant and waited.



  8. Confliction surged within him as Corin regarded her; Lavinya’s voice filled with authority and challenge washing over him. Training relaxed muscles in the preparation for the dance. She stood her ground and offered up to him a challenge. Steel and martial training against the One Power and her weaving of it. Could she actually do it? Could she weave Saidar to do such a thing to a guard? Once more her tone challenged him and he squeezed down on her arm as a reminder of who stood in control at the moment. The other feeling that surged to make up the confliction was in the pit of his stomach. It was not fear or even regret. The feeling slipped past his conscious ability to discern like water through his fingers when trying to grasp it. What feeling could possibly reside within that would not fit the molds he applied?


    With his conscience distracted Corin’s grip on Lavinya’s arm slacked slightly and he felt her pull free before he could adjust. The unplaced emotion within forgotten as he faced off against her; his free hand now empty closing to shake under the force of the clench. The woman needed to be put over someone’s knee and swatted like the spoilt brat she was being. A muscle twitch in his face was his only response to the comment about whipping as tension seized it. A haze of red threatened to color his vision as fury tried to reach a fevered level but he drove it down hard; using the energy he wanted to use on her internally instead. He needed to find the flame, find clarity in the void. Only he resisted its calling. Too much had he done with out emotion. She wanted him to open up to her? Well he was open now. Every raw feeling was there in the tension and set of his jaw; the slight vibration of his hands. Let her look and see what he felt; then let her explain herself.


    The chaotic dark laughter that rumbled up from deep on his chest echoed off the dispassionate stone walls before he knew it had life. The vision of her frail form trying to man-handle him into the yard and attempt to swing the whip with any accuracy was absurd. She could straighten her back as much as she wanted. But in the end if she did not have the use of Saidar she could do nothing against him. From the dark swirling recesses of his mind a picture of dark tendrils reaching out of the glinting silver bobber as the heated water leached its contents to make the tea flicked into view. It had been the scene that night he had made that special tea for Sirayn. The thought of Lavinya without the use of Saidar has brought the image back. An image he had thought he had finally gotten over; had thought he had finally come to terms with. It bound his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he met Lavinya’s challenging gaze with his own.


    “No bloody idea,” a violent whisper filled with unbelief. “You stand there like the world owes you their lives and servitude and try to tell me you have no bloody idea why I am here!” His voice had been slowly climbing until he ended yelling in her face. He stepped in close to her again, body almost pressed against her. She seemed to tense for a moment, sending a thrill rushing though him. Her back was just short of meeting the wall, but it remained iron straight. “Next you will try to tell me that it was not your goat kissing idea to have me training with the Red Arms. That you hadn’t even thought of it. Well let me tell you woman,” for all the anger that stormed within him his face had begun to slip toward blankness. The void was slipping over him as he had always trained. It was rising to collect him subconsciously; his focus else where allowing it to claim him. “I will train in the yard with the guards as I have always and you can take your idea and go kiss an ox’s hind end.” His voice by the end settled into the quiet edge of naked steel common with the void. “I’m not your mentee Aes Sedai. I’m not your personal puppet and I am definitely not your bondmate Aes Sedai.” The last was emphasized with movement. His left hand streaked past the side of her head. Her title punctuated with the sickly wet sound of flesh meeting unyielding stone, the sound of cracking bones at odds with the emptiness in his eyes.


    Pain lashed up his arm, like lightening bolts it drove through his shoulder and crashed against the smooth glassy surface of the void. Enveloped it but did nothing more, not even a crack in its surface as the pain battered it and then fell away. When he let the void go it would be there waiting for him. A wolf waiting in the dark for the opportunity to pounce. Letting his bleeding left hand fall back to his side, Corin adjusted the Red Cloak on his shoulders as if to emphasis he still wore it. They had taken him back under several conditions. But for now it was his again and he would not stand here and listen to her try to belittle his owner ship of it. Without asking or waiting for permission to leave he spun on his heels as if to depart, pausing while the black spots in his vision subsided. He would not let her see him fall. He would not give her that satisfaction. 





  9. Corin was a thunderhead building on the horizon. Only this thunderhead was moving swiftly toward a dedicated target. Internally he fumed at the whole thought; it was preposterous. How dare she. The woman already controlled almost all of his waking time and also some of his non waking. How dare she now step in and dictate, dictate of all things, his training methods and partners. Anger seethed within him, the void farthest from his mind. Cool thought, the voids isolation, a moment of collective reasoning and he probably could have reined it under control. But he didn't want it under control. Not this time, not now. He grasped on to that anger, fueled it with more reason and basket in it's growing glow. She had gone to far and enough was enough. He would straighten this out once and for all. He was not a mat or shawl underling for her to trample and command as she wanted. A lawful order in the confines of the true relation between the Guard and the Aes Sedai he could handle. I could couldn't I? A small twitch of his head cleared the thought as he entered one of the plain doors from the yard into the Tower.


    Novices , normally flirty or cool in their attempt to mimic the sisters, scattered beneath the glare that was chiseled into a molten face of determined anger. Corin did not slow or soften that expression for them or the Accepted that look to challenge him for a moment until his steps carried him past while she was still pulling herself up to full height. A martial battle drum, the hard ringing beat of his boots on the polished floor stones announced his passage. Only the luck of the Wheels generous Weaving brought no sisters in his path or his journey would surely have ended there. Flames in stand lamp guttered in the wake of his passing; the red cloak swirling the air currents to whip the flame tops nearest him.


    He had both fought with and against mercenaries in the year he was abroad looking futilely for Sirayn. Blood and ashes the flaming woman should have know that. How could she possible have decided to put his training in tie with them without so much as even the courtesy of asking. The fires within leaped at the thought and he relished their caress. No, he was not about to train with something he despised. Oh sure, some of the groups where not that bad, but there was more rotten apples then not that he had found. Perhaps it had to do with the area's he had to work out of on his failing chase. But it still set a bitter taste in his mouth that he was not yet about to let go. How in the deepest pit of Shayol Ghul did she think he had afforded to be on that search as long as he had? It's not like he was noble born and everything he kissed turned to gold. Bloody flaming goats hind end was all he would have found at the end of his lucks kiss.


    Storming through intersecting halls Corin's gaze swiveled down both crossing halls and spotted the shape that would bear his fury. The cadence of the battle march hardly missed it's beat as his step swung around to carry him down the crossing hall. She seemed to pay no mind to the sound that reverberated off the walls; rung loud in his own ears. Nothing else existed to him in that hallway save for his target; the archers arrow destine on the archer's target without fail once loosed. No tapestry, no lamp stands, no servants nor any other occupant in the Tower existed in the focused view of Corin's target. If there were others they were oblivious in the rage that welled up for it's release.


    The stopping step as he arrived right behind her should have driven his boot through the stone floor with the force that was exerted in it's mating. It was pale in comparison to the sudden snap of her neck and shoulders when his grasp caught her upper arm and whirled her in place. He used her own forward momentum to complete the spin with force, fingers burying to a bruising level in the tender flesh of her right arm. “Who do you think you are woman!” His voice was raw with the heat of his anger and bounced heavily off the wall behind her. “You have no bloody right to tell me who I will train with. No bloody right at all. Mothers milk in a cup, you are not my commander nor my keeper. My training is my own, the cloak earned and the right given.” As if to emphasis the point his left hand rose with a clutch of the red cloth, darker next to the white of his over clenched knuckles, to ensure she could see the cloak. “Don't presume to think for one moment that I dance to your tune. I am not some fool girl in the snowy white of Tower servitude.” His face had closed to mere inches from her own as he had ranted at her. He could feel the tender folds of skin bulging between his fingers under the pressure of his grip but her pain mattered not to him. She was incapable of pain, incapable of any feeling other then the task of ruining his life in payment for what he had done to her and to her master; Sirayn. The thought bloomed stormy disapproving eyes in his mind. But he only challenged them more; sneering both mentally at the disembodied eyes and physically at the prize in his hand. “I decide who I train with not you Aes Sedai,” challenge laced heavily around the title as it slipped from his mouth. He purposely left her name off of it. Title she claimed by right of passage and even he could not fully rebuke that portion of the training ingrained into his fibers. But he did not have to offer it warmth or the acceptance of her existence beyond title only. There was a slim chance that the idea had been Saline Sedai's alone. But he gave it no time to live, no opportunity to become a reasonable explanation. He was angry, beyond angry. Everything since his arrival seemed to bloom into this one perfect storm of anger that seethed within him and rushed forth in his actions and words.



  10. Linten studied Seyneru for a moment as he talked about shielding; Saidin still filling him with the light of the One Power. It seemed even a bay shark had teeth. Best to remember that, least one was eager to be bit. Instead of answering first off Linten mentally reached out and seized Saidin. The rush of ice and fire flooded into him, the taint leeching into his bones like and acidic oil. He denied it full entry; held it instead to a restricted level. There was no need to draw his full ability for the small weave he was planing. It was useless now to try and keep their little meeting here unobserved. If the thickened air was not enough to catch the eye. Every man in the area would be able to sense Seyneru holding the power to maintain his weave. If secrecy was not to be held then comfort might as well be the reward for the payment.


    Weaving thread thin flows of fire, air, and water. Linten warmed the area inside the shield Seyneru held. Warmed it to just below the melting point of the snow they stood on and then tied off the weave before releasing Saidin. It would be less then comfortable to melt the snow into muck and then have it freeze to his feet when the time came to leave. “Shielding,” Linten glance at the man and then leaned back against the wall of the building. “Not a very complex weave, but more then I would have thought taught at your level. It seems the yard is progressing faster then when I left. Interesting.” Linten looked thoughtfully out into the swirling curtain of snow as if he could see the training grounds clearly and the lessons he had taken there. Why did Isha have to end up on the wrong side? They had been almost like father and son before ..... He let the thought shrivel and die incomplete. The past was not to be dwelled upon.


    “As for your request,” he turned to look at Seyneru. “As I have offered so I meant. If I can help you with your training I will. Is there a particular piece of your training that you are working on? Or do you have a thought on some other element of Saidin that you would like my assistance in? It has been a while since I have mentored a student. Polished lessons I may not be able to offer. But I will train you in what you seek if it can be learned.”



  11. (OOC: That you may find out in time. He likes to collect things ;) )


    The light enveloped the man as he embraced and channeled the air shield around them both to reduce the ferocity of the weathers bite. Linten read the weaves as the man wove them and eased the clench his one hand had become. Seyneru could not have seen the hand blocked by his body with its knuckles white from the tension. It was the one external hint to show how tense Linten had become for that few moments. From the moment the man had embraced Saidin, Linten had began the mental exercise of a few nasty but effective weaves. It was fortunate Linten was a little more relaxed here in the yard then he had been while away. If not the man would have found himself shielded and a whisper of death hovering over awaiting Linten’s permission to touch.


    It was nothing that could have been laid at Seyneru’s feet as a reasonable cause. The man was only following the dictates of the yard and his training. Here Saidin was embraced as the emotion struck. It was nothing and certainly not meant as a threatening move. Then again with the recent change in who held control here and how that had been executed he really couldn’t be blamed. Working his fingers to ease the tension from his hand still kept out of sight of Seyneru’s view Linten glanced once more around and then turned back to the man. Another tidbit the man’s reaction had provided along with the conversation was that Seyneru had definitely not heard any of the rumors about Linten good or bad. Perhaps his little group had been more effective in squashing those then he thought. But it was most likely just timing. Leaving the thought and the dance to explain those things for later he brought a warm smile to his face, “well, at least I know you have some ability in your weavings. That is a good start. When I was new to the Farm I was fortunate to have the same mentor right to my raising as Asha’man.” Though he doubted Isha would have voiced it quite the same. But dead men offer no information to the living beyond speculation.


    “The power is a wonderful thing once you get around the taint; well try to learn to accept it I guess would be a more correct term. However as much as I would love to believe your version of the world with a clean and pure Saidin, I do not see the Red any time soon stopping the hunt of men. We can hope, but only when I see it will I believe. Who knows, perhaps that cousin of yours that may have chosen the Brown. Perhaps in her studies she will find a way to bring pureness to Saidin once more.” He slapped Seyneru on the shoulder with a big grin. How long would he have before the questions started. For now the leadership was occupied with … another annoyance. A group had left with no information on where they were going. Anything Linten could not put a reason to, created a cautious worry. Too many plans and idea’s had been swept away and destroyed in the Wheels latest weavings, how many more would be added? How long did he have before someone from that group decided to delve deeper into those rumors?


    The thoughts and concerns never touched Linten’s face; he offered no indication of the conflict within. He had blood on his hands for more then one reason, whether the rest understood the Dragon’s requirements was no concern of his.  “Training with different mentors could be a blessing in a way. You get the benefit of many different views and tactics. Glean all that you can in these sessions. The Great Battle is coming and all of us will be needed with our offerings if the light is to continue. But, if you are ever short of mentors to train you, come and chat with me. I would be happy to help a fellow Black coat. Not all training need be with the One Power or the arm.” He favored the man with a brief knowing wink. “But you will begin to learn that when you are ready. My advice for what it is worth,” he shrugged and then offered a small chuckle. “As for Grandmother, if anyone in power might allow it to be it would be Covai. Regardless of whether he vocalizes it to the contrary or not. That is the man that holds the strings; the others should not be underestimated, but they all defer to him. It is a subject you can broach when you feel confident. But I would not rush. Words spoken in an ear can not be retrieved once said. Remember my offer; any time you want to leave to visit I will help you. I would extend that to your sisters and cousin as well. But even I will not travel to the White Tower.” Not yet, no, certainly not yet. Patience is everything and the time for haste has not arrived. In time my pet, in time. You know I am out here, you will always know. The thought warmed him in the cold bitter air but he kept that heat inside. A game played on the sleeve and not in the hidden recesses of one’s mind would only spoiled as others pieced the puzzle together. “How about your bunk mates? …. Have you gotten to know them very well?”



  12. The ride’s solitude help to ease the tension in Corin’s shoulders; relaxed ease came home to him once more. It had seemed like almost a life time since such ease settled about him. His mind still flicked across the many facetted pieces of the puzzles spinning in his head. But it no longer dwelled on the puzzles of Lavinya and his lose of Sirayn. They were just parts of a larger puzzle and his mind paid them no more attention then any of the other small puzzles that would make up the larger. It was just nice to be out of the Towers shadow and into the world once more. Here was where he was designed to be, the world a game awaiting the talents of a player. Sirayn had trained him for a purpose. One never realized before he … a pain laced his chest like a cold knife twisting at the edge of his heart. Still so many question and thing he should have done different. But it no longer took his entire focus and dropped him into the despair that he once lived in.


    He took a moment to draw the pain in and accept it as part of him, then let it fall into the shadows; protected in the edges of his mind and heart. The clunk of the carriage wheel as it bounced out of a rut in the road drew his eye momentarily. The carriage still held her inside, but the separation, the draped curtain seemed to do what the thick walls of the Tower had not been able to do. It held Lavinya at a distance that did not cause the conflicted and adversarial emotions normally suffusing him when she was around. Instead his eyes thoughtfully laid their gaze on the carriage as his mind flicked through the pieces that made up the unfinished puzzle of Lavinya. Her motives, like all Aes Sedai where her own and shadowed in mystery, but she had a very deep and secretive tie to Sirayn. That, she herself had admitted, something he was sure held no falseness. But to what target did Sirayn have her pointed? She was a diplomat, a debater and treaty maker. No doubt Sirayn found use for her obvious skills, Sirayn always found use for the people she collected around her. But to what would Sirayn have had her set about? A brief though of Lavinya being set upon himself by Sirayn passed through the workings of his mind and was quickly discarded. Sirayn would not waste valuable talent on the likes of him.


    The relaxed sway of the horse’s movements beneath the saddle lulled the attempted edge of agitation that stabbed at him. There was so many new questions now, so many additional holes in the puzzle with the knowledge that there was a deep tie between them. Swinging his attention once more to the road and the guard with them, Corin set back into his scan for trouble. Another bright point to the day had been the fact that the Red Guard was indeed happy to play the part and leave the escorting brother to his peace and his thoughts. A great blessing that, less chance of building tension and bad blood where there need not be any.


    It was after mid day when they set to the side of the road in a small clearing for a light meal and a stretch. Slipping from the saddle Corin arched his back briefly to ease the stiffness of their steady journey and glanced at the guard as they made a good show of setting the close sentry points. They would not be here long so picket lines and permanent sentry post would not be set, instead the horses where hobbled and watered before letting them crop the grass. Slipping a small apple form his coat pocket Corin offered to the horse while he patted its nose. “So my friend, what adventure do you suppose await us? As long as we can keep our minds and eyes to the task we should both live to see the shinning walls of Tar Valon again I think. Though it would be nice to just find an open meadow and run wouldn’t it?” He chuckled briefly as the horse nuzzled at his pocket. “No my friend, you have eaten the only one I brought. We will see what our dear sister’s maidservant has packed for us. May perhaps you will be in luck to be treated to another if I can find one.” He grinned at the horses deep chestnut eyes, knowing there was indeed more apples packed. He had been tasked, like everything else Lavinya had wanted, to gather the supplies and have them at the stables so Saline Sedai could look the part as they were loaded. Corin paused a moment, the horses eyes a larger version of Lavinya’s. They held a brightness of mind and spirit much like his taskmistress. But they lacked the fire and mischievousness of hers. The thought catching him off guard momentarily. But it was true. He had remembered seeing that light of trouble and fun that was unmistakable in the eyes of the girl that had slipped past the weight of the shawl when they were together.


    Corin shook himself, that was not the line of thinking he need pursue. Especially if he was to complete this latest task she had assigned him to. Collecting the brushes, he slipped them over his hands and began to work his way down the far side of the animal. “You know, I really should have paid more attention instead of fighting with the groom this morning. I didn’t even get your name. So big fella, what are we going to address you as beside hey horse?” He chuckled again as he worked his way across the horses rear flank before pausing with a quizzical look on his face before glancing back to the horses face. The animal had suddenly tensed and he was puzzled as to the reason, wondering if perhaps the horse had an earlier injury but did not remember finding it when he had inspected the horse back at the stable.


    A delicate hand slipped beneath the horse’s nose at the same time the light scent of Lavinya’s presence filtered around the horse to his own nose. The animal had been quicker to find the scent and react. He must have been too involved in his conversation to have noted it earlier. That was an unsettling though, and not just because he was merrily carrying on a conversation with a horse. His eyes met those of Lavinya’s as she stroked the horse’s nose. “Umm … yes. We … err … I was just pondering that. I never got the name from the groom at the stable so I was discussing …. deciding what I should call him for the trip, not that he is likely to respond to a new name for a while yet.” Corin quickly went back to brushing as an excuse to break the eye contact once more. She still was wrapped in that clinging material and he had to fight his eyes urge to drop their gaze from her face.


    With the tension once more in his shoulders, though the movement of the brushes kept it from gain much of a hold, he tried to set his mind to the task of the game. A skilled opponent was before him and his own hide was the payment that sat the table. “Though I suppose it will not matter much, once he is returned to the Tower his rightful name will be restored to him as well. I still can’t believe such animal would be in the guard stock.” Sensing movement he slipped around to the other side of the horse in an attempt to keep the animal between Lavinya and himself only to find she had not moved from the horses head. A glance told him she had leaned around the other side to keep him insight; an intense itch between his shoulder blades threatened to unleash his tongue with the edge it normally held for her. As long as he could keep the image of her in that dress from his eyes or mind he was confident he could meet her step for stubborn step in the game. She had placed the collar around his neck, well it had been Sirayn actually of his own doing at that, but she was the one that had seized the leash. Well that might not be entirely true either; Sirayn had placed him in her hands as a way to continue his payment for that foolish mistake. But she seemed to delight in the opportunity to have him bound by the invisible cord of servitude. Still the Commander had not offered and out for him. A feeling that set his teeth to clenching for a moment as he bent to check the horses hoof. How was it that the ride here could have been so relaxing and seem so right, yet here with her only a horse length away she could throw his mind in such turmoil? Sirayn must be laughing right now at how well her choice of taskmistress was exacting the payment of a debit owed. “Perhaps I will call him Ayende,” he could not help the slight edge that wrapped around the Old Tongue word for freedom. He was no scholar but Sirayn had been determined that her tool would present himself as educated and understand some of the more obscure conversations that may be set around certain gatherings.


    Biting his tongue to still any chance of further edge to any other foolish words that might dribble from his mouth, Corin slipped the brushes back into the saddle bag. There was a time and place for everything and out in the open in front of the hired guard and the other Aes Sedai was not the place or the time. There would be time later for discussions; he still had to sort out what they would do for lodging tonight. “If you will excuse me, my sister, I must follow up with Mitya and your maidservant. With luck he could find Saline Sedai alone and try to bury his tension and emotions in the conversation with the Aes Sedai. She was a puzzle he had not counted on, but was a good distraction for his mind. Slipping around the carriage Corin glanced once back toward Lavinya and found her with her head bent toward the horses, lips moving as if conversing with the animal. It was good that the horse was unable to talk back or he would surely find himself in a lot deeper and hotter water; perhaps even staked over an ants nest and covered in honey.


    Although he was successful in looking occupied and was able to stay away from Lavinya he was unable to pin Saline Sedai down to a conversation outside that of her prattling cover as the maidservant. It would appear that he would have to await another opportunity once they made lodging for the night. He couldn’t imagine the Aes Sedai would carry the façade once they were behind closed doors. But then he was never really sure about anything when it came to Saline Sedai. If she were one of those Asha’man he would have thought her going mad from the taint. A very disturbing thought, but she was Aes Sedai. What could set the mind of an Aes Sedai to such a delicate state? Was it just part of he own secret game? So many questions surrounded that one, one that he would have to be very delicate with any approach he may decide to broach. Several times as they packed up and broke camp he spotted Lavinya. His gaze studying, like that of the master who taught him. Only his gaze was far softer, lingered almost too long at times, which he attributed to the dress. It was going to be a long journey so he had to come to terms with her appearance. She was bound to have more then one of those tantalizing dresses.


    After successfully avoiding the loading of the women into the carriage, he had put one of the guards to the task while he appeared to be tending to a loose bridle, they were off. They would not make their lodging until near dark and take a late dinner once there in the hopes of covering as much ground as possible with out looking the part of rushing. Whatever held Saline to this mission seemed to drive her with a great haste, but why? Yet another question to add to those that had begun to rapidly pile up in his mind. Oh how Sirayn would have loved to work these puzzles over. She would have probably had them answered already. Corin would have to remain patient as he worked to find the answers. He was alone now, answering to Lavinya Sedai. An enigma at the head of a conundrum to which he now found himself firmly ensconced. How had a desire to live the adventures in a Gleeman’s story led him to this?



  13. Linten nodded in response to Seyneru's answers, his hand lightly rubbing his chin in thought. So many possibilities swirled in his head. A different time or different place he might have been bolder, more focused to a goal. But in light of the present circumstances surrounding the Black Tower and his own circle of knowledge Linten found caution a more amiable companion. At least it would offer the least likelihood of a negative meeting with the new controlling entity and the traitors tree. This new comer offered a lot of possibilities .... most would have to wait for future events, but they were interesting tidbits none the less and he filed them away for contemplation further.


    His eyes cut once more to his companion. “A diverse field of choices they have separated into. I would be interested in meeting this cousin of yours. Trading information on the One Power and it's intricacies is a fascination of mine. I do hope she has chosen Brown. From what I understand they would be the one's with the most knowledge in that field.” Glancing back out Linten noted how the yard seemed to disappear into the flailing curtain of blowing snow. A good cover against the prying eyes of the newly formed coalition. “Once you have reached a set level and become able to properly protect yourself. Perhaps you can convince your mentor to let you travel, if you knew where your grandmother was, you could visit her. If need be I could work the gateway for you. Even offer to be your traveling companion if it is required by those in power. I always like to see families reunited when it is possible. But that would all rely on your skills and your ability to find her.” He left the thought hang there for  spell as he looked back around the corner.


    “Well,” his voice rose once more as he directed it back over his shoulder, “the weather does not look like it is going to get any better. We can continue our conversation out here or indoors. There are the barracks or the Inn as far as indoors go.” He left off an offer to his own quarters. That would certainly rouse too much suspicion as would being found out here with the man if the weather did not let up. It was unfortunate really. The present weather offered him a perfect opportunity to talk without much in the way of prying eyes or straining ears. Yet, a lot could still be accomplished under the nose of those that might take a keen interest in his dealings. The smile was a shadow crossing his face before it was gone and control sat easily back in it's place. Yes, much could still be accomplished. Turning back to face the man Linten added one more question while he awaited the man's answer to where they should converse. “You must tell me of your mentor and how your training is coming?”



  14. It took work, oh how it took work, but Linten was able to keep that easy natured composure he had dawned for this new comer intact. He was new to the Farm, very new if he was bold enough to ask those questions out right. At one time Linten had a small well organize group he held influence over in the Black Tower. Large enough that he had gotten a little too cocky it seemed. No one could truly prove any of the allegations that had floated around with his name attached, once those witches had been added to the Black Towers residency. Well there was a couple, but Isha was dead and the light only knew where they had tucked Rion and Jocelyn. They had kept their mouth shut back then, thus anything the rest might have thought on was left as pure speculation. Even the old disposed of M’Hael didn’t have enough to truly do anything more then send Linten to that exile how ever he had worded it. Then again, he had succeeded in leaving Linten out of touch and now, with out the backing of his small internal army he was once more at the mercy of those that controlled the Black Tower. For now …. For now.


    Linten motioned for Seyneru to begin the journey back toward the yards. Even with the weather as cold as it had been getting around here, Linten was still more at home in this forest then in the yard. The forest offered him the warmth and pleasure of his memories; both his pet and his bond, even a few others.  His smile twitched a slight higher at the memories that flooded back in, so many he had visited with, yet so many others had been here that he had not. It was a frustration that was out of his control and only the Wheel’s weaving would prove if that wrong would be corrected and the screening of the witches once more placed in his hands. “You pose an interesting question Seyneru, one that is very hard to answer for any without the closeness of family blood to help guide them.”


    The snow swirled across the path in front of them as the wind began to climb, ice crystals already beginning to form in the air around them as the bone biting cold tried to freeze the very moisture in the air. Even without the trick of not letting the cold touch him Linten was sure he would not have been cold. Not with the sudden knowledge of another that had ties to the White Tower and some of its occupants; and then there was the wandering grandmother. A female channeler wandering alone. “Many of the men that have come here have done so to escape persecution from the one’s that wear the Red shawl. Those have very strong feelings, even when they agree that the need for the Aes Sedai in the final battle is unquestionable. The Dragon has said it and we his men must accept his word. Even those who might otherwise chaff at the bit.” His voice had remained calm and conversational and he was proud of the control.


    Stepping around one of the buildings in the yard afforded the two men with a reprieve from the growing wind and a chance for Linten to lower his voice back to a normal volume after having to raise it to talk over the wind. “Then there is those that welcome them with open arms and open hearts regardless of the color that fringes their shawls. What really matters is the Dragon has made his proclamation about the Aes Sedai and we all obey it. Those that don’t will be dealt with according to his desires. But for the most part men tend to keep their ties if they have them a little closer to their hearts and a little further from their lips until they know to whom they are speaking. There are circles and shadows at work even here as there is in all the world. We are no safer then the rest as the Dragon’s chosen men. You would be wise to remember that. But anytime you wish to talk know that I am always available to you. I will not hold what you have to say in prejudice over you, rest assured in that thought. So,” He took a moment to pause in the cover the building was offering them. “You are of mixed blood? There are many of us here not to worry. What counts is that you are able to learn and that you apply yourself. Your sisters, do you know what color they have chosen? Interesting that one building could hold so many differences is it not? Each color a different focus, desire, and strength of purpose yet all the same. Fascinating really, and your grandmother, wandering? I thought the Aes Sedai did not allow wilders to just wander the world. Just like the men, well I suppose not just like the men. They don’t insist on gentling them like they do the men. But I’m sure you understand that yes?”




  15. Everything was proceeding in perfect orchestration. Better then he had thought actually. The carriage that Lavinya had arranged for him to pick up was suitable to the purpose they would need. That was no real surprise, neither was his role as the fetch boy in it, but he was not going to let that bother him today. He was going to try to make this as pleasant a leaving as could be between them. Saline Sedai would now be a constant and he would need to use every ounce of modicum he could dig up within him if they were to survive this trip. The real surprise of the day had been the exquisite chestnut stallion that had been with the wagon and it’s team. It was one of the finest beasts he had seen in the Tower’s regular stock for the guards. He had argued at fist with the groomsman about that, sure the man had pulled the animal from a wrong stall or section. The indignation on the man’s face was enough for Corin to leave over on the subject and accept the situation as presented.


    While the organized chaos around him continued; the loading of supplies, final hitching of the carriage team, a last brush through manes and tail to ensure an elegant appearance. Corin slowly circled the stallion, his hand running over its sleek muscular surface. He was a fine animal; Corin could not help but wonder how fast the horse could eat ground when given its head. “You and I my friend. We are not so different.” Rubbing the stallion’s nose with one hand the other fingered the halter and reins. “Both of us serve a purpose not of our own and both of us must follow the lead of the leash or rein. No, not so different at all.” He offered the horse a crooked smile and a tilt to his head. “Though I suppose you have the better of it. When duty is done you will find a nice field with green grass and cool waters in which to live out your lasts. Of course being such a fine specimen you will also see more then your fair share of the ladies for breeding. Me, I will fine death at the end of a sword or knife, or ….” Corin shook his head. “My path will end far different then yours friend.” He patted the horse’s neck as visions played out in his mind. So many ways a guard could die. Some with honor, some with out. But in all, death was there waiting for him.


    Catching movement from the corner of his eye Corin turned his gaze to the arrival and found his breath caught in his chest. Lavinya Sedai glided into the stable area in perfect eye catching form. Work seemed to pause briefly along her path as respects were paid and glances lingered a little longer with her passing before once returning to whatever task they were at prior. The shimmer on the sapphire cloth that hugged her form seemed to have a life of it’s own as she moved. Almost offering up a view of the secrets it held within teasingly. Memories flooded into Corin’s mind and froze him in place while his eyes tracked her every move into the yard. Memories of the fountain and the path when they first met; of walks and shared talks that followed. The night on the roof with the stars above and the Ogier grove, its secrets staining his cheeks with a faint heat.


    A sidelong glance from one of the groomsman snapped Corin back to reality; his head bending to inspect a hoof while he tried to compose himself again. Those were not images he needed to remember. That was a part of his past, no, another man’s past. A man that died the day he hurt her in the field outside the trappers cabin. This man, the man he was now, had no claim to her. No right to even pretend to be worth of what she had offered back then. Now he was a Guard, forever more would he be just a Guard. Feeling the heat subside from his cheeks Corin let the horses hoof back down and stepped out from the horse toward Lavinya who had taken a place near the carriage as her point to wait. He noted her brief glance as he moved toward her before she turned away. A reminder that you are nothing more then a tool. Stop the foolish remembrance. That life is dead. The thought was logical but it did not stop the heart from living in the past.


    Wrapped in his own distractive thoughts Corin almost missed the arrival of Saline Sedai to complete the party. She was the reason behind this little adventure and one of the greatest liabilities as Corin weighed it. Saline Sedai was a puzzle he was not sure he wanted to solve any more; at this stage he was just hoping to survive her. She was pleasant enough most of the time. But she held such an air about her that one was left with the impression of holding a viper in your hand and attempting to give it a kiss without being killed. This journey could turn out to be a very long one if Saline decided that pleasant was not the side she wanted to show. His eyes followed their conversation, though they lingered on the woman who would now be his sister. He had tried to think of Lavinya as a sister back then. Had tried and failed miserably. Now they were to play the part and he would need to keep his thoughts and memories in check if this was to work.


    Suppressing the start of being addressed, he had lost track of their conversation, Corin inclined his head slightly. “Mr. Elisar, Corin Elisar good lady, and you know my sister Lavinya Elisar I see.” His hand gestured to Lavinya in front of him while he berated himself internally. It was a measure of how much he was not the man he had been. “Your assistance with the luggage would be most welcome.” Corin Danveer of the past, the one that trained under and worked for Sirayn, would never had forgotten something as important as the names that would accompany the disguise. That man, that player of the game would have all the pieces dancing to the tune he decided, when he decided. Now he was a false puppet on the strings of an Aes Sedai and not worthy to be even on those strings. Regardless, he shook himself mentally; it was time to be about the business of the trip. Watching the two ladies converse briefly again, Corin poured over the plan for their departure once more to ensure there was nothing else he had over looked.


    Watching as Saline took her leave to continue with the mistress’s luggage, Corin speculated on how long Saline would allow the part to be played before deciding to pop back into the authorative Aes Sedai role. It was going to be a constant dance for him. Sweeping a hand toward the carriage he addressed Lavinya, “This way sis, our armed escort awaits and we do not want to keep your future husband waiting longer then necessary now do we.” A light smile sat his face and his eyes were still softer then he would have liked, an effect of the dress surely, but his voice still hinted at an edge of sarcasm. The shock of her appearance that’s all. Rattled me a little but I can work through this. It’s just a dress after all. Even to his own mind the excuse sounded hollow like the chaff swept from the threshing room floor. Assisting her into the carriage Corin was relieved when he was finally able to close the door and step back. The scent, light, still teased his mind and tried to get his eyes to swing back to the window and the occupant inside. With a slight shake if his shoulders Corin returned to the stallion that stood impatiently awaiting their departure. Pressing his forehead to the horse’s briefly he whispered under his breath, “take my advise. Don’t get caugh up in the games of women. They will wring you dry and leave you empty and confused.” He glanced back at the carriage once and then swung up into the saddle. There was plenty of time to ride in the carriage later. Right now he needed air to clear his head and a hired guard to address when they met at the edge of town.


    It took only a little longer to have the last of the supplies and luggage loaded with Saline playing the part completely. Once she was loaded into the carriage to tend to her mistress they were off. The journey to the edge of town and the awaiting escort was short and uneventful save for the few sidelong looks at the carriage. Commoners creating their own stories in their minds as to it’s purpose, journey, and occupant. So be it, the less noticeable they remained the safer the Sisters would be. The meeting with the assigned guard and Mr. Mitya went as well as could be expected. It was not that the relationship between the two was strained. In a way it was a bit of a shame. Corin could have probably set up a good repor with the man in his life before Sirayn’s disappearance. Now, they tolerated each other enough and kept things civil. There might not even be anything there, but Corin was too closed off to allow anything to grow beyond the need for business and civility.


    With the guard in place both ahead and behind, Corin fell into a lazy ride next to the side of the carriage. He successfully kept his eyes from wandering to its windows and the occupants inside. Instead he setup the ever scanning view he had learned, watching both the surroundings and their guard while seeming relaxed. He was far from it internally, but it helped that he was still in the saddle outside the carriage and not inside with the two sisters and that dress. He felt a twinge of heat at his cheeks again and quickly steered his mind back to planning how he might survive the first night’s lodging and whether drinking to a stupor would be an option. Perhaps once they were away from the Tower he could get more time to have some general conversation with Saline and become a little more relaxed in her presence; maybe.



  16. Completing a full Circle Corin had the boy once more facing toward the bath when another trainee appeared before them on the path. She stood there as if she was in command of everyone with the darkest blue eyes he had ever seen. Taking in the girl and her measuring gaze one could almost make the mistake of thinking her one of the Towers children if she had been wearing the White. She certainly had the air and contempt for the part in her stance and attempt at a measuring look. A vision that might have brought a question of heritage had he not already been agitated this morning. With his hand still gripping the scrawny boys arm Corin prepared a litany for the girl blocking his way when she finally spoke. Her comments washed over him adding to the agitation already firmly awash inside of him. The girl was stepping far to high for her statue and needed to be slapped back down into place. Something, in his present mood, Corin was actually willing to do.


    The thought, like the slow steady thread of smoke from a candle flame vanishing under the guidance of a strong wind, swept to the side as a familiar voice twitched his ears from a distance. Corin’s hand fell to his side and his back straightened to his full height in ridged form as the authority in the voice registered. He had only met Saline Sedai a few times but he could recognize her voice. Turning slowly at a controlled measure Corin’s eyes fell on the form he had envisioned to the voice. Saline Sedai greeted him with a pleasant if not telling smile, a newly raised Guard on her heels in perfect attendance. The pair made another invisible finger poking at his ribs. The picture of sublime submission to authority rightly deserved and displayed in honor. Nearly the opposite of the farce Lavinya and he made in their interactions. But then Saline was a complicated puzzle that might just remove one’s face if a misstep at the wrong instance was made. Or at least from what he had heard of the woman and her loose hold on reality. Something that Corin could contest to from the few times he had been present with her at the meeting for this little trip of hers.


    “Good Moring Saline Sedai, it is a pleasure to see you again.” Corin offered her a crisp deep bow suitable her honor while issuing a dark glance at the trainees. Rising he met Saline’s gaze with a steady return of his own, waiting for the ensuing scolding for his treatment of the trainee. A scolding that never arrived. Instead he was greeted with a comment about his skills and training with the mercenaries, all wrapped up in those cool detached Aes Sedai tones. So the puppet was now to be displayed to the mercenaries. What a wonderful thought. First they had come up with this loose sketchy plan and decided to use mercenaries in it. Then instead of leaving him some level of authority in which to deal with them he was now to be put into their training roster. He could already see the bruises that little plan was going to birth. Once more his taskmistress had found a conspirator it seemed.


    With the equal speed in which Saline Sedai had stepped into Corin’s morning and dropped a darkening cloud, she seemed to dismiss his presence as her attention turned to the trainee at his side. He had not even broken his fast yet and already he was looking forward to the day ending. The wheel only knew what trouble Lavinya would have for him when she found out about this little escapade. Not to mention the argument that was ensured to ensue once she tried to pop her little surprise training idea on him. If there were any good in this meeting so far is that it would allow him time to formulate a direction for his argument in regards to the mercenaries.


    Corin patiently maintained his stance while Saline seemed to be rather enthralled with both the trainees and the new guard she held in tow. It was not uncommon for a guard to be in discussion with an Aes Sedai; most especially if the Aes Sedai was the one to act for him in his raising ceremony. Corin’s own ceremony played back in his mind while Saline conversed with the trainees. It had been a huge honor in his mind to have Sirayn there to stand for him and to allow him to secretly vow himself to her. Only it had failed, had left him in ruin and Sirayn gone, dead possibly. His eyes ran over D’Ashan’s form next to Saline, a reminder of how he had been. A glaring reflection of what he would never be good enough again to be.


    Waking from his revelry Corin suppressed the hiss that rose in his throat as the scrawny trainee saluted the Aes Sedai. A strong phrasing of words rose to his tongue but dried there as his eyes once more found Saline standing before him. Sometimes it was better judgment not to beat the bushes for their inadequacies for fear of wasps. Instead he made a mental note to have a discussion on protocol with the boy at a later date. One that weighed heavily on awaiting permission before leaving. Watching the exchange between D’Ashan and Saline, Corin’s shoulders tensed further as the new Guard left off the honorific for Saline Sedai. Her neglect to pay it notice only causing him more pause in his attempt to pin the woman down. Saline Sedai was proving a workout for him to understand and map out.


    Cutting one more dark glance at the girl who had still not offered her name Corin dropped into another bow, “your invitation is an honor to be included in Saline Sedai. But you will understand, if under the present circumstances, that I request leave to …” Pausing Corin cast another dark warning glance at the girl before continuing. It was bad enough to have to admit it to another Aes Sedai never mind in the presence of a trainee. “To request approval by Lavinya Sedai on the matter.” He could not keep all of the contempt from his voice but was able to mask at least the stronger edge of it. “As you have said, she wants to ensure I am in proper form. To which I am to work with those others.” Sarcasm shadowed his word while his mind mentally pictured the glee that must be coursing through the girl’s head right now. He would have to find her later and see what measure of mischief she got herself into that perhaps he could straighten out.



  17. White mist puffed in rhythm to the movement of his chest as Linten slowly made his way along the trail obliterated by the snow. It was from memory that he made the passage. How many times had the trip along this path ended in a mix of exhilaration and frustration? His

    pet. His pet had been an awakening in to just how strong a mind could be and yet how very fragile. A small shadow of a smile creased his face at the thoughts that flooded back in. His time had been cut short. Brent sending him, no banishing him off in that useless corner

    of the world. Sure there might have been opportunities if those shadows Brent had included were not so intent on their workings. But that was all in the past as was Brent.


    He paused for a moment, eyes staring off into the distance without seeing. Brent was in the past as well now. That was a large and complicated mess; one that Linten was not sure where to begin. Even though he did not exactly have any control over Brent he did at least

    have a strong working knowledge of the man. Knew his likes, his dislikes, how he thought and the patterns he usually followed in his deduction. So much work and energy; so much time invested and for what? For that fool Covia to destroy it all in a single blow? How the

    Wheel could create such a knotted ball of yarn for him was infuriating. Now he had a whole knew regime to try to understand. It meant once more going back into the shadows to watch, learn, understand, and begin again. Who was loyal to whom? How did that visit

    to the man himself change things? There had been oaths apparently, oaths he had missed out on, opportunities to observe and glean further info lost. What of the group that was missing? Some say they had gone to the White tower; what purpose were they about?


    Questions; Linten had been beleaguered with questions since his return. Before then even. He had received the call to return to the Farm as a welcome reprieve from the near isolation Brent had punished him to. But now everything he had worked for was on its ear. He was

    once more back at square one with no map, in the dark and only a thin winding path to find amongst the many faceted edges of death that lay around him. In the thought filled silence Linten heard the crunch on snow trodden under foot ahead and swung his gaze toward the sound,

    Saidin roaring in the distance just out of sight. Forced focus kept him from instinctively grasping it out right and beginning the weaves he felt comfortable in the use. She was not here; there was no need to over react. His eyes instinctively scanned around him anyway. Drawing in a calming breath Linten straightened his black coat and continued in the direction of the other footsteps.


    It was not long before he encountered the barren collar of a trainee leaning back on a tree. The man seemed to be lost in contemplation with his eyes toward the north. The sigh framing his posture in a picture of sorrow and weight, not uncommon among those dedicating them

    selves to the Black Tower. Linten studied the man for a period of time, questions and possibilities swirling in a kaleidoscope of patterns and options. His old circles had been broken, few remaining or willing to admit to the existence of the purposes he had organized

    them to before. “Tis a long and hollow release for someone so early to the Towers ties.” Pulling the corners of his mouth up, Linten let a relaxed and easy smile light his face making him look approachable and friendly. Better to tempt with honey then with vinegar.


    Stepping up toward the man Linten’s eyes glanced eastwardly toward where he assumed his pet must be and then back to the north in the direction the other fellow had been looking. “It is a troubling transition for most. Some accept it and show no outward appearance but

    let it eat at them internally. Twisting their purpose and darkening their thoughts. Others accept it with open arms and find friendship with others that hold a similar background. Through that somewhat common backing they find the strength and commonality to cope and

    strive in this new life. Still others look back and realize there was nothing back there and grasp hold of the new life and purpose the Dragon’s edict has granted them. For each that comes, no two are the same. Thus no two react the same.” Absentmindedly rubbing at his chin

    he cut a quick glance to the fellow. “Mine was confusion until a giant of a man, one of them boarderlanders, decided to use my head as a practice dummy for his sword skills.” He chuckled briefly, “needless to say I got a wake up, but we also became good friends and through

    that I learned a lot about myself and my purpose.” A shame that in the end a friendship that had been so close became such a chasm and brought a need for death from both. Linten stifled the thought quickly before it could show on his face or inflect in his voice.


    “But I forget myself. I am Linten,” he extended a hand to the fellow. “I have seen much in this place and beyond. But more importantly, I hate to see people lost or depressed,” a vivid picture of his pet returned to his mind and though he relished the sweetness of it’s return he let it fall from focus. “Tell me friend, from where is it you have found yourself now here and how could life’s weight be so much as to have you sagged against a tree?”



  18. Corin’s eyes flicked to the side to note her movement to the railing.

    How different this meeting could be if not for … no, he would not let

    the thoughts intervene again. There was a mission a head with much

    needed planning. He had to keep his focus on the job at hand, after

    all he was a tool. A tool for the use of Aes Sedai as the twist of her

    ring reminded him. Flicking emerald eyes back to the dark depths below

    he contemplated for the umpteenth time how easily Sirayn has set such

    a wide leash to him; a leash he would be ever bound to now that it was

    placed in the hands of others. How many are there truly? The

    question was as fleeting as the life of a shooting star streaking

    toward it’s end. Lack-wit, there was a term he would not use to

    frame the woman standing next to him. Lavinya was far from a lack-wit,

    and their time together talking and learning about each other early on

    had proven that. In fact from what Corin had been able to uncover,

    with his small little group, Lavinya was very far from lack-wit. He

    had still not sought out what had happened in the tower while he was

    away. But he doubted she could have changed that much. Somewhere in

    that head was a shrewd brain that found many different ways of getting

    Lavinya exactly what Lavinya wanted.


    He had expected it. Been watching for it. Of the many things Corin had

    learned since coming to the tower, the way of Aes Sedia was one of

    them. Give comment and praise in honey to temper the sting of bitter

    truth that was always near at hand. Her comment about being forced

    only solidified his belief in that. He nodded his head stiffly to

    acknowledge her comment; How many more strings to contend with?

    He caught the smile from the corner of  his vision and pondered it’s

    meaning briefly. Was it meant in friendship, something innocent and

    playful? At one time he would have thought only that … now? Now it

    could also be a snide warning that he should be very careful how far

    he decided to push that façade. The balancing act came in deciding how

    much of each was involved. It was in times like this he often thought

    that perhaps his old mentor had the right of it with regards to Aes

    Sedai. Though he knew he could no sooner walk away from this now then

    he could his own skin. Lavinya had relit a measure of the intrigue

    inside him and he did not want to see it snuffed out like a candle

    flame just yet. It felt too …. Comfortable.


    Patting the pocket lightly with the list his taskmistress had arranged

    for him. Corin began to absently match items to locations they could

    be collected from, while Lavinya’s words slipped over him. This was

    familiar; mind working on multiple issues. He attended an Aes Sedai in

    planning, logistics, and deed. All familiar to a life that was, that

    could be again. Only there were no gray eyes, no stiff regimented

    separation, and no cool controlling tones. Sirayn was not here, she

    was not the Aes Sedai he attended now; would ever again. His leash had

    been past and now deep brown pools he could not fully study as he had

    the gray guided and held the leash. His thoughts evaporating like the

    rivers morning mist as the sun’s heat touched its fragile existence.

    Corin’s eyes cut to find Lavinya studying him in that detached

    measuring way the sisters had. Something was there he could feel it.

    She was hiding something, something she was unsure of or wanted to

    keep from him perhaps. He had no proof of course, just a gut feeling.

    But Sirayn had long proven to him that his gut feelings usually had a

    reason if unknown until Sirayn bloody Sedai was ready to tell him.


    A new puzzle formed and began to spin in his mind; the mission and its

    pieces dimming slightly but still there. The pause came in light of

    the poor cursed men in black cloth. Asha’man he seemed to remember

    them noted as. Strange choice of titles, but then they were cursed to

    go mad. One did not spend a lot of time on the name of a rabid dog

    that would have to be put down soon. Actually Corin was finding it a

    little odd to see them here, unguarded. He would have expected the Red

    sisters would have dealt with them in a proper fashion by now. Once

    again, Aes Sedai not reacting or conforming to the mold one would

    expect. He pushed the new puzzle back a bit to leave more focus on his

    tasks at hand and the delicate cease fire Lavinya and Corin seemed to

    have temporarily come to. But he made a few mental notes to start to

    dig into the few off handed whispers he had heard relating to Lavinya

    and the Black Tower. Something had happened there, and now it appeared

    perhaps something more then what was being generally shared.


    Foul language, defensive posturing, and a change in tone once more.

    The woman was all over the map with her outbursts. For an Aes Sedai

    they would be considered all over the map. For a common woman they

    would be normal anxiety, a standard display of loosely controlled

    emotions. Something perfectly expected from the overly sensitive side

    of the human race. Something that he was certain they must removed

    from the sisters on their raising with the One Power. It was folly for

    sure, but how else could you explain the barren field of emotions that

    controlled the Aes Sedai; memories of his past meetings with Lavinya

    tickled at his mind. He could almost laugh at that odd thought if it

    didn’t feel true so often. He turned and met her glance with a flat

    expression. The smile, a bit of color still staining her cheeks,

    threatened to bring forth the morning rays and see him before the

    Mistress of trainees for filling a guard’s boots with honey and fire

    ants all at the same time. Why did she insist on trying to tear him

    apart? Why couldn’t she be happy with the leash she already used to

    control his life; always needing to find another way to torture him.

    The smile faded and the coolness returned. Better, at least if it’s

    kept to the business at hand the leash will not feel as much the mill

    stone as you try to make it my dear. A perplexing thought, why did

    he use such an endearing term for her? He had given up that right when

    he had hurt her; given it up before that even. What he had offered her

    was false and he knew it. He had tied himself to Sirayn long before he

    had met Lavinya. Why had he offered her such false hope? It was not

    like him. A lot of things were not like him since he had become

    Sirayn’s pupil. His fingers dug into his palm to try to bring his mind

    back to the task at hand, mainly surviving another meeting with

    Lavinya. An emotional meeting it would seem. If she would only get a

    hold of herself then perhaps his mind would not keep wandering around

    so many mind fields.”


    Corin pushed off from the balcony rail and turned to stand facing her.

    It was late; perhaps the hour was affecting them both negatively. He

    studied her for a moment and then came to an agreement in his head

    that it was past time she slept. That meant it was past time for him

    to be away from here and at the bloody list she had set aside for him

    rather then the Tower servants; who were most likely have a great

    laugh at his expense. The trivial things that she seemed to find for

    him almost made him wonder if she didn’t sometimes think he was one of

    the Novices. Once more pushing the cluttered thoughts back into some

    semblance of order Corin tried to put a measure of gentleness to his

    otherwise distant voice. “You have asked me to aid you in planning and

    process. I can not offer you realistic and thoughtful advise without

    having taken the time to put that thought into all you have laid out

    tonight in it’s regard. Thus I believe I should offer you a goodnight

    Lavinya Sedai and depart so that I may put my talents, as you put it,

    to full use. You are tired and need your rest. The journey will be

    long and soon upon us. Perhaps in the morning when we meet again I

    will have further insight for you to ponder.” He offered her a deep

    and formal bow. “Until”, his eyes glanced at the sky to confirm night

    had set around them, “the morrow then, if you have no further need of

    me. I will retire to my rooms and put thought to your request. With

    time I hope my services will be worth your level of expectation.” He

    paused waiting to see if he would receive her release or if she still

    had more coals to drag him over. Funny that. Why did he care if she

    released him? He hadn’t cared if she awaited him when he arrived to

    this meeting. Yes it was past time for sleep and clarity of thought.



  19. Corin was beginning to wonder if all these delays and antics where even having the slightest effect on his task mistress. Oh he made sure each task Lavinya Sedai assigned to him was done. It was, as often as not, done to his time line and not hers. But she could not say it was not done. The latest had left him with very little sleep; of his own doing. Though he vehemently would say it was hers. The whole situation had kept him in a foul mood and most others at a distance. That he liked. He was getting tired of all the side glances he still received. Some as if he was a rabid dog that could strike at any moment. Others like he was part of one of those traveling shows and expected him to grow a third eye or something.


    Spar was not helping either. He poured his frustration into it and had already had a lecture about the number of partners he had sent to the infirmary. That had been a very long lecture, longer still in that it was delivered in those cool aggravating tones that Lavinya Sedai seemed to have perfected while he had been gone.


    Corin was wallowing so intently on his own plight that he almost did not notice the scrawny fellow that seemed equally distracted. Stepping slightly to the side he watched as the boy, yes he was definitely only a boy, almost stepped passed him without seeming to notice Corin's presence. Had he ever been that young? Of course he had, everyone had. But still the boy looked to young to be in the Tower service. He was certain he had never looked that skinny and malnourished before. 


    “Hey boy. Shouldn't you be breaking your fast? If you ever plan on being a guard you need to eat and get to training. When I was your age”, those youthful carefree days seemed so long ago. “We had respect for our mentors time. They have a full day to put in and not just looking after you to make sure you don't cut yourself. Have some respect for them and make sure you are on time, not exploring the yard at your leisure.” His voice was a little harsher then he meant it to be. But then Reiken, his old mentor, would have had him running laps until he was unconscious if he looked like this boy did. Reflecting back Corin remembered a rather troublesome pair that were put to laps with him. If it had not been for Rosheen, he might not have survived that first day at the track. A slight smirk cracked the stern expression for a moment at the memory before he noted the boy again.


    “Come come now.” the smirk faded from Corin's face faster then a bolt from a crossbow. “Off with you now or I'll have words with your mentor about seeing you on the running track until dusk, and in full armor.” That will put some meat on your bones. The thought tried to bring a memory of his old bunkmate Orion but he forced it down. Grabbing the boy by the shoulder he started to turn him back toward the kitchens when the scent finally registered. “Whew!” Corin's nose wrinkled briefly, “what did you fall into lad? Hygiene is apparently new to you as well.”



  20. Tai,


      PM me and let me know if this becomes a using Saidin class instead of a finding Saidin class. If it does I will run Arani throught the finding Saidin right away. I know Arani has been waiting for the finding class and was just getting ready to start one for them.


      Any ho let me know.




  21. Corin noted the sudden shift in her gaze, the contents of the teacup

    suddenly holding interest or important information. It was a classic

    telltale of avoidance. He had learned many of his lessons well;

    perhaps to well in light of the past. He nodded at her offer of

    inspecting the mercenaries. How she could even think he would have

    gone along with any fool plan that did not have the guard watching

    their lives without checking them over first was a mystery. Did she

    really think that little of him? No, it could not be that. She had

    just stated how she knew he contained a skill set well used and well

    ingrained from the hands of a great master. Either she was lost in

    thought on another topic she was not ready to share with him, or she

    was trying to test him. Time would prove the truth of which, for now

    he simply nodded his agreement and continued to study her.


    His eyes hardened; the skin around them tightening as pictures of his

    fresh failure once more was thrown in his face. He had tried, damn

    them all, he had tried to find her. Went as far as he could along that

    boarder; into it until the borderland guards dragged him back. He

    could not find one woman and here she wanted him to find two. She was

    supposed to be his watcher. The one to ensure he assimilated back to

    the roles he had been awarded prior to his absence. Now she wanted to

    drag him back into the darkness. Focusing he relaxed the grip of his

    hands, taking note of the whitening of his knuckles where they were

    pretending to be at rest in his lap. The admission of the hearsay and

    conjecture the search was to be based on only heaped further tension

    into his shoulders. Not only was she going to drag him back in to the

    dark loss of failure, she was going to do it with two more lives on

    the line and information little more then insignificant. So he would

    have nothing really to go on, two sisters and a group of mercenaries

    to watch over, and some how find two other sisters. How under the

    light did she expect him not to fail? Perhaps that was what the over

    all goal was. If he failed yet again then she would have justification

    to keep him tied to the leash in her hand. Why did she want him tied

    to her when she still hated him for the hurt he had caused her?


    So, he was to be the façade in charge of the small group that would be

    traveling north. It should have pleased him; only his time with Sirayn

    had reinforced how little control that position held. What he might be

    able to force through while in the public eye, would quickly be

    changed and punished once that public eye was removed or distracted.

    When Aes Sedai was involved you were never in control of anything. How

    did the Gaidin keep their sanity? His eyes followed her to the

    balcony. The fading sunset bathed her red hair in highlights of silver

    tones and framed her outline in purples and shadow. She was stunning,

    a sudden catch in his throat quickly swept back under control. It was

    good her back was to him. Last thing he needed was for her to see he

    still remembered her as they had been. The only reason she had stepped

    out on the balcony was to get away from his presence briefly. He was

    sure of it; he had hurt her deeply and now she tolerated his presence

    long enough to ensure he was becoming worthy of the Tower once more

    and to exact a small measure of vengeance for how he had treated her.


    A dark thought slipped oily across his mind. Perhaps this was the

    final revenge Sirayn had set out to exact a payment for the cabin.

    With her last sweeping scheme she set him up to balance between

    traitor and whipping boy; giving Lavinya final control of his limited

    life. A parting gift to one of her trusted; revenge. It would make

    sense; Lavinya knew things only someone in Sirayn’s confidence should

    know. How deep the confidence was he might never find out, and by

    placing him in the hands of one he had devastated. It was only a

    surety that his suffering would be long. Even in death my dear

    Sirayn your schemes are brilliant. I had almost believed that you

    would not seek vengeance on me for that foolishness. As like all the

    others I have watched, I now pay for that under estimation.


    The movement broke his thoughts as she slipped back to the doorframe

    and leaned back, candlelight dancing over her silhouette, a mix of

    shadow and light. The display, a visual example of his internal

    emotional conflict. Corin’s eyes sharpened intently at her admission.

    So I was right, she had placed the leash in Lavinya’s hands.

    The confirmation brought none of the release he had expected. Instead

    it torn open the slow healing rent still across his heart. He noted

    the flush that touched her cheeks as she indicated their first

    meeting. It had been so fresh and innocent. How easily they had fit

    with one another in conversation; flirty tones and innuendoes

    intertwined in the conversation. It had been the first time he had

    kissed her. His eyes focused on her half shadowed lips as they spoke.

    That had been a lifetime ago. Now she only remembered it as a foolish

    step that got her hurt. The flush was surely suppressed anger at how

    he had played her. Only that had not been his intention; never was.


    So there it was, she had kept that secret. The question was, how many

    others had Sirayn placed him in servitude to? A new thought tweaked

    the edge of the puzzle spinning in his mind. Did Lavinya know if there

    were any others? Doubtful or he would have been serving more then one

    taskmistress. He knew there was a very mixed emotion in the Tower as

    to Sirayn’s disappearance, but he had some ties to Sirayn that certain

    people would know, or at least have a strong guess to. Conjecture, it

    was a robe he had learned to live and survive in. Now it was a

    double-edged sword that both saved and threatened him. For now he

    would have to trust Lavinya to keep her head and her word. Slowly he

    rose from the chair he had been fixed to like a statue. “You should

    not speak of the dead like that. Sirayn was many things but she was

    far from a bloody-minded ingrate.” Collecting a light cover from the

    back of the settee she had earlier been sitting on, Corin draped it

    over her shoulders gentle; taking her folded arms as an indication of

    being chilled. “I am truly sorry I was the cause of a meeting with her

    for you. She is … was a force when it came to reprimands.” He patted

    her should lightly and then slipped past her into the night air to

    lean on the railing and stare down at the yard below.


    How many times had Siryan looked down from the various heights in the

    Tower? Looked down on him while she plotted out the next thread in her

    web that she would task him to. Was it the same with all the sisters?

    Did they all sit in these heights like chess players and plot out the

    movements they would set the pawns in the yard to? He resisted the

    urge to look back at Lavinya; wondering if she too plotted the lives

    of his fellow guardsman. “There are things that are said for all to

    hear even when they are not in the room. Then there are those that are

    said for no other yet a room can hear. In the Tower any room can have

    ears and yet any room can be as silent as stone on a hill.” He knew

    the Aes Sedai could use a weave that would stop the movement of sound

    allowing non-other to hear words passed between them. It was something

    he never waited on with Sirayn. She new the weight of words and the

    worth of secrecy. She chose what was needful to be secreted from

    others and what could be left to chance so as not to draw suspicion.

    He only hoped Lavinya had also learned that lesson from his old



    How many times had he faced her and the rough side of her tongue? How

    many sudden duties and dismissals had been part of those reprimands?

    The banishment; it had to have been the breaking point between them.

    Things had been going so well up until then. If only he would have

    thought clearly before taking on such a foolish mission. Silence

    between them made the air around him feel heavy. The last time he had

    been alone with her on a star light night had been … He felt the heat

    touch his cheeks and was glad that he faced out toward the yard, face

    shadowed from her eyes. The Ogier grove would forever be a part of his

    memory; a part of their past. The lessons she had taught him. He felt

    the heat redouble and he forced the thoughts away, focused on the cool

    light breeze. A tool. I am a tool of Sirayn’s and now that tool is

    in the hands of one of her trusted. Be the tool, bend to the will of

    the mistress’s hand but do not break! The thoughts help ease the

    heat that had suffused his cheeks and helped ensure his voice remained

    steady. Taking one last look into the yard below, he gripped the

    railing forcefully for a moment to reset his thoughts then he turned

    back toward Lavinya; posture once more straight and tall.


    “Your plan has a lot of … flexibility to it.” It was the only way he

    could think to say it. The plan was full of holes; it was barely even

    plausible to call it a plan. But for the moment he no longer found it

    a need to pick apart everything she laid out before him. Even his tone

    was casual, a thread of friendship hinting at it’s edges. “I would

    very much like to meet this Red Guard you and Saline Sedai have such

    faith in. As for the disguise,” a twitch at the corner of his mouth

    hinted at a smirk that never bloomed. “You have chosen an interesting

    one. I will be sure to play the part fully when we are out and about.”

    Corin knew when it came down to it; Lavinya would listen and do as she

    was told. But it would be he who paid the price once they were alone

    again. “Have you arranged for lodging along the way or will we be

    doing that as we travel?” The significance of the question was small

    but it kept him from slipping back into thoughts of Sirayn and Lavinya

    beyond that of this mission.



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