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Posts posted by tismeb4u

  1. Welcome friend ... welcome to the mighty Black Tower. A source of refuge and strength. A place where you can learn to control that very special gift the Wheel has granted you. Yes friend, I said gift. Many will argue that fact, some will not. But I can tell you that it is a gift. One like no other the Wheel weaves. If you really want to understand the depths of the gift, you need to understand the lies that the Father of Lies has added to the Wheels weavings. A lie perpetuated by a certain fraction who falsely believe they can save this Age with their twisted plan.


    The philosopher can no doubt tell you a great deal of information that on the surface might seem important. But if you want to truely know how to use your gift for the Dragons purpose, there are but a few left who can answer that. Perhaps one day we will talk more of this when you think you are ready to take off the vale of deceit. Until then practise hard and listen well to your trainings on the weaves, they will become your greatest asset. When you are ready, come, find me and we can discuss your true calling and potential.



  2. Tai'Dashan my friend,


      That's a nice shiny pin you have on your collar. *Pats shoulder* The silver sword is a honor, you should feel very proud to have such adornment on your collar. Perhaps one day you will lend me your ear, share an ale and discuss matters of this Age and the intricacy of the fine lace of lies the are interwoven in the Wheels great pattern. You might find it interesting to see who deep teh Father of Lies touch can be. *warm smile


      Let me know if you every want to discuss the truth, not everyone in black will speak it. ;)




  3. Welcome back to the fold ..... kick back ... enjoy ... observe ... and remember ... not all things are as they seem. Sometimes even a leader or leaders can be wrong. If you what to discuss that thought or the skewed dynamics in the power struggle between those of the light and those who have brain washed the world with thier lie's of being from the light then let me know an we'll talk.


    There is always room for open conversation and an open mind in my circles.  ;)


    One thing though, Raeyn, isn't italics with an i and /i. I thought the u /u were for underline. :)


    *glances over toward Covia and Arath with a shrug* Can't blame a guy for trying to recruit while the opportunity exists can ya?  ;)



  4. For those interested or have known Corin in the past his appearance in this thread is largely different then his usually impeccably dressed self. Those lucky enough to come across him at the tavern will find a very different person. Corin's few clothes that he still has with him are travel warn and thread barren. His present attire is rumpled, has crude rudimentary patching, and stained from too much neglectful travel. His normally short cropped and well kept hair at the moment is long, shaggy, and  disarrayed.


    Having spent the later part of the year in the seedier side of towns and cities, his personal hygiene and grooming have become one with their environment. His boots are dry and cracked, they have a look of many sole replacements and the present ones are beginning to show their wear yet again. The leather on his sword hilt and scabbard is also worn and neglected, dirt ground into the cracks and joints of the leather. The steel cross brace, pommel, and if it were drawn, blade is dull and tarnished. The edge is the only true tended piece of the weapon, it's edge keen and well honed.


    Hope that helps. ;)



  5. Sorry EQ .... totally misread that .... I would love to have Thera there. It would be nice to have further interaction with someone from the guard and see how they react to one of their own running off. :)


    As for Eqwina .... *edges a little further away* I seem to recall a little of her reputation ... funny how that shadow seems to fall on those near her. ;)


    Welcome to the fun. :D



  6. OOC: This is part one of a two part return for Corin of the Tower Guard, please see: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php?topic=42008.new;topicseen#new for RP information and OOC conversation. Anyone who might have a character in the area and would like to interact with us please feel free to join in.



    His eyes cut a dark and brooding glance skyward. The full noonday sun’s intensity broken only by the long and ratty bangs of his hair where it fell across his eyes. Corin’s gaze set hard on the flock of birds. Their merry twittering only seemed a mocking condescendance to him. So complete was his humiliation that even the birds laughed at him knowingly. With a grunt he spun back toward the tavern door and slipped inside.


    Cool musty darkness enveloped him and he held his station at the door, ears focused on the sounds while his vision slowly adjusted to the darker interior. The heat of the day had not fully penetrated the common room with its shuttered windows, but neither had the relative freshness of the air outside. The room was like so many others that he had visited during this never-ending journey of colossal failure. His nose twitched slightly, well perhaps this one was a might bit easier on his sense of smell; but not much. For most of the past year he had spent it in dives and back alley holes chasing a ghost.


    As his eyes finally cleared Corin made his way to the main bar counter. At one time he would have scanned the room, noted the occupants, entrances, and places of concealment. He would have positioned himself in a corner with his back to a sturdy wall and his eyes covering the room. But that was when he thought he could still be of service to her. That was when he had foolishly believed that he was the one person who could keep Sirayn Sedai alive no matter what. A glaring falsity that he could no longer hid from. Not only did he not protect her, he had lost her and could not even accomplish the simple task of finding her.


    He had though in his arrogance that he could find her no matter where she might travel or try to hide. That he knew her so deeply, if not intimately as he had hoped, he could follow a trail she would have no doubt taken great care to hide. She was a very secretive and closed off person. He knew that, proved that with the little he could finally piece together of her family. Something that still had glaring holes of missing information. Mothers milk in a cup woman! Why did you not trust me? Why! Why could you not just tell me, leave me a sign, something. You knew I would follow and search for you. Surely you must have known I would. His thoughts were momentarily broken when the owner, a willow of a gent, paused in front of him.


    Two days he had been in Samara. Two day and not even a whisper of her presence or passing. Two days of gut rot in this very establishment and he still did not know the man’s name. “The usual, in a clean mug this time if you don’t mind.” This tone was neutral, the bitterness long since leached from his voice buy his journey. The keeper simply shrugged and moved off. Sirayn would have flayed him then and there. She had taught him the importance of information, the importance of surroundings and all that could be gleaned in a glance. But she was never going to do that again. Sirayn would never again care what mistakes he made, how foolish he was, or what actions he took in the name of protecting her. She would never again care because she had made sure to distance herself from him completely this time. His return to the Tower was his silent acceptance of that. With luck they may still allow him to serve on the guard and walk the wall as a watch member. He had proven he was useless as a protector of Aes Sedai. No one would want a failure as their warder; and so he accepted the death of his dream.



    The keeper passed again slipping a tankard in front of Corin. The splash of flat dark liquid over the tankard's rim released a bouquet of pungent fermentation. The ale may be flat and past it’s prime, but it was cheap. Something that Corin relied on of late having used all the coin he had saved since his arrival at the tower. This journey had cost him almost everything. He had long since hawked anything of value that he had taken with him, all but his sword, which still sat his hip. That had become his source of income during times when his monetary levels had required it. A hired sword, not a glamorous life like that of a Warder. But it had carried him when it was needed. Looking down at the wavy reflection of himself in the dark liquid an image of Reikan floated across his mind. Hours upon hours he had put into cleaning and tending his sword under the guidance of his mentor. The one on his hip was not that sword, that one had been exchanged long ago; or so it seemed. But the one he carried had seen many days of tender care before it too befell the failure of a misguided search and the lack of time, money, and care on the part of it’s owner. “It is good that you are no longer at the Tower to witness this old friend.”


    Corin’s hands closed around the tankard as his head slowly sunk forward. It was almost over, a short journey and he would be back at the Tower. Back at the place it had all began. He should stop and see his family; his mother no doubt would have been worried over the silence from him. Two days in Samara and he could still not bring himself to make the small journey down the river Eldar to Boannda. Perhaps that was why he was still here in Samara. Since he had made the decision to give up on his quest and return to the Tower he had not spent more then a few hours in any one town or village. Yet being this close to home had frozen his feet to Samara. His guilt at failing and the disgrace he might have brought on his family did the same in keeping him from traveling that short distance to the place he had know as home.


    In a way it was ironic that a man trained in Daes Dae'mar by the spider herself would not take notice of the people around him or even those who entered after him. His thoughts continually turned to his inadequacies and the failures they had produced. Those failures and his loss of Sirayn troubled him deeply and consumed a mind that had once proven a sharp competitor in the Great Game.




  7. The wall was a basic defense. It helped hide the visual view of the person from his assailant, but it hid the assailant from the person as well. Linten could sense the change in flow of Saidin that surrounded his hidden mentor on the other side of the earthen barrier. He used that sense to follow the movements as Isha began to move around toward the end of the wall. Glancing over the top he saw the debris slip around his target as they met the air shield Isha held. The opening moves of both had been sad at best had this been a real fight.


    ~It is a rel fight you fool~


    Linten ignored the voice's grumble from the depths of his mind. There was time to argue, now was not that time. His eyes widened briefly before he threw himself to the ground. Parts of the earthen wall exploded in heated debris as Isha's weave touched the simple defense. Swearing under his breath Linten rolled to his side and pushed back up to a crouch as Isha rounded the wall, more fireballs cascading from him. The weave sprang up without thought, the fireballs cascading off the invisible thickened wall of air surrounding him. He could feel the heat from the first few until he had fully set the shield. This is foolish, there has to be a better way to beat him. Linten pivoted, pulling more Saidin from the pulsing orb over his shoulder. Warping the air weave around him he pressed it into the earth below him and jumped as it set. The resulting pulse of air lifted him in a high arch over the wall.


    Landing on his feet, Linten released the shield to pull threads of fire and air from Saidin's well. Weaving the air he collected several stones from the field at a distance behind where Isha would reemerge and then set the fire to a weave he had used before. Holding the weave read, Linten pressed into the wall tight and watched as the edge of his mentor began to come into view. Come father, the dance is far from done. A fireball seared the edge of the wall in front of him; heat descending on him in a wave. Trying to set his timing, Linten pulled on the air thread to draw the stones quickly toward his mentors exposed back then set the fire thread to the ground off to his side but in the travel of his path. It had worked in the past to sink his mentor into a soft pit of mud.


    Without waiting to view the results of his labors, Linten dove from his cover and rolled behind the wall of an out building. Drawing a knife from his boot he raced toward the back corner of the building.



  8. First off,


      Thank you to all those that have voiced and interest in these Rps. The first RP of the two part return threads for Corin will be titled “A broken tool ... A shattered purpose” and will be put up on the south board (hope I got the location right) It will take place in Samara in Ghealdan as Corin struggles to decide if he should visit his parents. A visit that will not take place because of his collection and return to the Tower.


      In that regard I have had several AS characters interested (thank you very much) and a couple warders (seems the guards are all busy ;) ). Jade' character would have the most history knowledge of the events related to Corin and Sirayn. I would love to see her there and her reactions. However I would love to get some interaction with some of the other characters as well. So thus stated, I will leave the invitation open to all on a drop in sort of fashion. If you have questions please let me know. I do not know if Jade would have a warder with her, I would hope so, as I would really like to explorer more of how Corin would take the judgment or presence of that which he longed to be under the present realization of his failure.


      So far the only complete team that has stepped up would be that of Loraine and Kynwric. Don't know if there is any history between Jade and Lor or if there is any reason they would be in the same town. (Been away for a while so I don't know much about present character interaction.) Eqwina has also offered up an AS or warder though EQ I don't who your warder is bonded to and if they would be interested.


      Any how ... sorry for the rambling. I will be putting the starting post up this week. Hopefully in the next day or so now that I am not traveling in the near future. Please feel free to hop in and join me. OOC conversation can be done here in this thread for the first return thread if need be. I am always available via PM if you have a question and don't want to post it here in the OOC thread.


      Thank you very much again for helping me get Corin back into the swing of things and I look forward to posting with the great writers at DM once more. Hope to see you in the thread.





  9. Excellent,


        Let me know what your AS replies .... I might have one interested from the post I have on the White Tower but still have not settled plans out with anyone yet.


        The rest of you are more then welcome as well .... still looking to plan out the location with an AS and then I will give you further information.




  10. *peeks in*


       Oh .... now that sounds interesting ... Jaydena would definately have an interesting outlook on this ..... I certainly like the idea. :)


       Ummmm .... just watch what you tell the Grey ... she tends to be emotional. :p



  11. Hello fellow Guards, those aspiring to be a guard, and Warders,


        I am Corin Danveer of the Tower Guard. I'm lookign for people interested in a couple RP's. The first is outside of the Yard and Tar Valon so it would exclude those still at trainee status (sorry folks). But the second is the yard and you are all more then welcome to join in that one. Please see below for further information.


      Corin Danveer for those of you who may not know him, was a shy trainee that under the watchful eye of a battle hardened sister became a player of Daes Dea'mar and a deep seated schemer. He was the prodigy of Sirayn Sedai while she was the head of the Green Ajah and continued to be an associate of sorts during her rein as Amyrlin. I would be more then happy to answer any question you have in the process of building out the RP with any information that would have been publicly known at the time.


      The story continues in that he also, after a rift formed between himself and Sirayn, found a friendship with a Grey sister named Lavinya Sedai. A freindship that furthered the rift. Again, I can answer question related to the subjects that you might deem necessary for the RP. Due to his relationship and a deep personal feeling for Sirayn (please see the update in his Bio), shortly after she disappeared from the Tower Corin left in search of her.


      He did not secure permission or a leave of absence to conduct his own private search for Sirayn and spent over a year traveling the various lands in search of her. After over a year searching he finally accepted the fact that he had failed her and began the return journey back to the Tower. This is where you come in if you are willing to assist me.


      I would enjoy having Corin found / caught / arrested (your choice) by a Aes Sedai, or delegation that happens to be out of the tower and on their way back(I am assuming they would have a guard / warder/ or group of either with them as their security detachment. I have posted a thread in the White Tower with the same information. SO you will ahve to find out which sister (s) will be helping me and arrange with them if you want to be part of thier security detachment.) I was envisioning that they would basically come across each other by chance (we can discuss this more with anyone interested.) For the entire run of both of these RP's I would ask only two things. Corin not be permanently maimed or killed. Other then that I give and encourage open writer creativity. Meaning feel free to act as you believe your character really would in this sort of situation. Coming across a deserter (for all intensive purposes) of the guard with known ties to Sirayn Sedai. Feel free to counsel him, or arrest him, perhaps just escort him, or even attempt to interrogate him. What ever you feel your character would do in this situation. Perhaps your character was a support of Sirayn when she was Amyrlin and believes Corin had something to do with her disappearance .... what ever you would like to play out is fine with me as long as Corin is not killed or permanently maimed and must be delivered to the Tower and the Commander of the Guard.


    That is the first RP and would be played out where ever would work for your travels (Aes Sedai in the RP will get thier choice of location). The second (this is where the rest of the yard members can join in) would be played out in the yard. Once he is handed over to the Commander you may remain and play out any part of the ensuing conversation / fate decisions, or you may simply return to your rooms or duties at the Tower. Anyone not interested in the first RP is still welcome to jump in at any time in the second as it is held in the Tower grounds. Your only limitations would be set by the Commander and any restrictions he determines during this conversation or trail depending on what the Commander decides is warranted.


    As for the Commander .... same rules apply please, no death, no permenant maiming, and no dis-honorable discharge or exile. Other then that .... he broke the rules, you can decide his punishment. Let me know if you have questions.


    I would be honored to have any presence you are willing to offer in these RP's. Please feel free to contact me or post here with any questions you have and if you are willing to assist.


    Hope to see you in the RP. :)



  12. *Enters in full ceremonial dress and cuts a sharp deep bow*


    Greetings Aes Sedai,


        I am Corin Danveer of the Tower Guard. I come into your presence requesting your assistance in a series of RP's. There will be two separate RP threads that I would be honored to have your presence in.


      Corin Danveer for those of you who may not know him, was a shy trainee that under the watchful eye of a battle hardened sister became a player of Daes Dea'mar and a deep seated schemer. He was the prodigy of Sirayn Sedai while she was the head of the Green Ajah and continued to be an associate of sorts during her rein as Amyrlin. I would be more then happy to answer any question you have in the process of building out the RP with any information that would have been publicly known at the time.


      The story continues in that he also, after a rift formed between himself and Sirayn, found a friendship with a Grey sister named Lavinya Sedai. A freindship that furthered the rift. Again, I can answer question related to the subjects that you might deem necessary for the RP. Due to his relationship and a deep personal feeling for Sirayn (please see the update in his Bio), shortly after she disappeared from the Tower Corin left in search of her.


      He did not secure permission or a leave of absence to conduct his own private search for Sirayn and spent over a year traveling the various lands in search of her. After over a year searching he finally accepted the fact that he had failed her and began the return journey back to the Tower. This is where you come in if you are willing to assist me.


      I would enjoy having Corin found / caught / arrested (your choice) by a Aes Sedai, or delegation that happens to be out of the tower and on their way back(I am assuming they would have a guard / warder/ or group of either with them as their security detachment). I was envisioning that they would basically come across each other by chance (we can discuss this more with anyone interested.) For the entire run of both of these RP's I would ask only two things. Corin not be permanently maimed or killed. Other then that I give and encourage open writer creativity. Meaning feel free to act as you believe your character really would in this sort of situation. Coming across a deserter (for all intensive purposes) of the guard with known ties to Sirayn Sedai. Feel free to counsel him, or arrest him, perhaps just escort him, or even attempt to interrogate him. What ever you feel your character would do in this situation. Perhaps your character was a support of Sirayn when she was Amyrlin and believes Corin had something to do with her disappearance .... what ever you would like to play out is fine with me as long as Corin is not killed or permanently maimed and must be delivered to the Tower and the Commander of the Guard.


    That is the first RP and would be played out where ever would work for your travels. The second would be played out in the yard. Once he is handed over to the Commander you may remain and play out any part of the ensuing conversation / fate decisions, or you may simply return to your rooms or duties at the Tower. Anyone not interested in the first RP is still welcome to jump in at any time in the second as it is held in the Tower grounds. Your only limitations would be set by the Commander and any restrictions he determines during this conversation or trail depending on what the Commander decides is warranted.


    I would be honored to have any presence you are willing to offer in these RP's. Please feel free to contact me or post here with any questions you have and if you are willing to assist.


    Thank-you for your time Aes Sedai. *Bows once more in perfect ceremonial form*



  13. allergy to steel ..... ummm ... yes I am familiar with that allergy. *edges back into the middle agin away from the smiling Elgee.


    Really Linten is not in need of any education or discipline ... He preferes to be the educator.


    Arath .... that opportunity for scouting still available .... the witches are bringing more people to this party. *getting extremly nervous*


  14. *looks at the three different parties forming up around him* ...... hmmmm .... Arath offers death, The witch group from the past offers torture and death ..... and the new witch ... errr ... elgee offers protection?


    *edges slightly closer to Elgee* ..... Does not want to end up in the hands of the ever growing group of spiteful women over there and is not overly keen on the idea of a gerbil and a toothpick as his only supplies for scouting out Shayol Ghul. But like it alot more then the prospect of being left to the fate of that blood thirsty lot still over there.


    *looks back toward Elgee* .... But then again, a new play toy and an opportunity to perhaps escape both by trying another might hold the best chance at survival. *grinz*



  15. ummmm ... welll ... that may be but he still has the advantage of her rage throwing her guidance and levelheaded thinking off .... The problem would be the leash they Red would have. *eyes the two causiously* ..... Something tells me they are not going to look kindly on Linten (even if he was only defending himself ;) ) if he tried to put Lavy back in her place like she was when she was his pet in the BT.  ;)



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