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Posts posted by tismeb4u

  1. Corin Sat the stool set on the platform for the judges as the progression of riders worked their mounts around the course. Some set a hard pace at the beginning and others eased their way around the first part of the course saving the horses legs for the big jumps near the end. Indeed after watching several take a spill on the last or near last jump Corin was more then happy he had chosen to work this position in the competition and not the participate role.


    Two riders intrigued Corin in their skills and somewhat differences in the methods of their start for the competition. A man he noted from the score sheet as Rodrik had his mount almost flat out as he took the first obstacle and tried to keep him at that break neck speed through the whole course it seemed. Surprisingly they actually did rather well, though the horse seemed to stumble heading into the fourth, which in turn caused Rodrik to over compensate in the fifth and almost come out of the saddle. But the two seemed to hold on to finish the course. It was not exactly clean but it was definitely one of the better runs at that time.


    The second Corin did not need his sheet to tell him who rode the young mount at a canter to start. Shawn was one of Corin’s mentees which was turning out to make this judging a little harder then it normally would. He was a judge and as such he had to remain impartial to all the competitors; reminded himself as the boy began to add speed to the approach of each successive jump. Indeed they where working very well together and the run so far had been nice and clean. As if the thought itself set a rock in motion down a steep slope, the horse Shawn rode came down in an awkward and hazardous landing from the fourth. Even Shawn seemed to recognise the potential for injury and drew back on the reins, but the feisty young mount seemed to have it’s own mind and carried them over the final jump cleanly if rather low. The boy had been smart to give him his head before the jump allowing the horse to complete the jump. More training was definitely needed to educate his mount.


    All and all the jumping turned out to be quite entertaining and for the most part injury free. There were a few spills but thankfully they did not need to put any of the mounts down in the end; one was definitely not going to be carrying a rider for several weeks after the fall it took on the fourth. But other then sprains and bruises the competition had completed without major mishap. Rising from the stool that had been less then comfortable after the time it had taken to get all the competitors through Corin proceeded off the platform and handed his score cards in to the head judge on his way out. Now it was time for a few ale and perhaps a hot bath for his backside; well at least he was sure he could find some ale.


    OOC: good work you two. Thank you for keeping your agreement to participate in the compitions and post. :D



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  2. The women before him was a puzzle of immeasurable complexity, though it seemed that the majority of that complexity was brought on by Corin’s own mistrust of her possible motives. Suspicion, caution, and wariness had become close friends to him under the tutelage of one of her order. Those close companions sought purpose in other’s words and actions that surely must hide some other, darker meaning to them. Her quick rise caught him momentarily off guard as he hastened from his dwelling thoughts to stand with her in less then a swordsman’s fluid grace.


    Something had changed in her though, her stance not one of solid footing and prepared grace. He was not entirely sure but the look that swept her eyes and the slight leaning lent to the idea of one who had consumed more then a clear mind would lend itself to. What puzzle does this Aes Sedai play at? More questions heaped further suspicion on his mind. But her offer to continue their chat as they moved along the streets in her somewhat unbalanced state pulled at the oath of duty he had taken. More over he found a general interest in finding out more about this rather unique sister he had encountered today.


    “I would indeed enjoy the opportunity to talk further with you.†He swept an arm toward the road and moved in beside her as she began to sweep past. For a moment mirth seemed to blaze in her eyes at his acceptance. The streets remained a bustle of activity, but he found himself in that more familiar bubble of space that lent itself around an Aes Sedai when they moved; even one slightly shaky as Christine. A path that seemed to be originally heading toward the safe familiarity of the Tower grounds suddenly changed as she turned down another side street. She almost seemed to have a destination in mind that did not include the tower or it’s grounds. “It is a lovely day for a walk, though myself, I prefer the open spaces to the confines of a city. Have you traveled the area around Tar Valon much? There are some remarkably tranquil places hidden amongst the surrounding forests.†A couple of times the change in the terrain seemed to cause her a slight stumble to which hands were ready to catch her before she could fall but she righted herself each time on her own. It had been drilled into him enough of late that one did not offer physical assistance to an Aes Sedai unless she requested it first. But then, he had not met another sister like her; she seemed more open and less absorbed in the ways of most.



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  3. Corin let the comforting sounds of wood meeting wood in a violent dance wash over him. After so many years in the yard the sound was a part of him that he missed when sent out on trips with Aes Sedai as they flittered about the world doing what they believed to be good. Some of those, Corin questioned in his mind. But even he was no longer foolish to voice all of those concerns to the sisters themselves.


    The trainee's seemed to be evenly matched as the dance swayed back and forth between them with neither making any real gain. Shawn was doing well but the boy was not thinking about the whole dance. He maintained the lathe and it's movements in his right hand where it had started. He was getting strong with both, but Corin had never thought to test his strategy should he find only one in hand. MisDirection was a path Corin followed with love and devotion; he had thought the boy would have picked up at least some of the basic thought patterns from him.


    When he finally disengaged Ran and moved the lathe to his left a broad smile split Corin's face. Now he was beginning to think like a soldier, to see advantage and use it. In time he would be able to make the transition more fluent but the effect was still there as shock momentarily touched the face of Ran. He leaned closer to Lyv, "care to wager on the duel’s outcome?" but before he could finalize the reward for the bet Ran's lathe skidded across the dirt toward them.


    "A pity, perhaps next time," he winked mischievously at Lyv before moving to collect Shawn. It was time to get moving and he wanted to put some distance between them and the other team. "Give me a minute to catch my breath Corin and then we'll start." With out letting the look slip on his face Corin mentally made note to adjust Shawn's routine and stress his endurance more. A single duel was no reason to be sitting around. The Tower need strong guards who could last in a battle to protect the sisters, he was still young but Corin was not going to let up on him until he passed from his care to the commanders. Sisters lives could be at stake, sisters he now knew as more then faces and shawls.


    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

    Shawn's Mentor

  4. The constant sound of water lapping at rock and earth as it made it’s rapid passage along a channel in the ground worn by the years of it’s gentle caress filled his ears. A peaceful reminder of the world around him; the twinkle of a rising sun felt more then seen against eyelids closed in meditation. Today was the big day Shawn and he had been planning on for the past week. Shawn had secured a race with a fellow trainee and his mentor. A mentor Corin was most pleasantly pleased to find out was Lyv. From the onset of that knowledge Corin had assisted Shawn in creating a modified course they would race together and one of its modifications was directly related to the company they would race against.


    His mind returned her familiar voice in soft mischievous tones to him, â€Tree Monkeyâ€. A nickname she had received somewhere in her past, a nickname she had tried to pass to him as he had hung there upside down from that bloody rope while they tortured him with those branches. A grin of pleasure spread out over his face; stood out against the blankness the rest of his face offered. Today they had a surprise for them, a surprise that made Corin both filled with immense happiness and great pride. Shawn’s added plan to the swim would indeed make this a very happy day for Corin. Lightly a thought floated up about struggles and drowning, but he pushed it aside. She was too strong alone for either of them, but that strength would ensure her mentee stayed afloat.


    The snap of branches in the distance brought his eyes open; the memorizing sparkle as the sun kissed the waters ripples begged him to return into himself. He allowed it’s pull only a moment before rising and heading back toward the start were the gathering of people had already begun. Nodding quickly at Shawn, he passed him and headed to the redheaded guard with the smile still plastered to his face. The momentary look when he pulled the cord from behind his back and handed it to her was almost enough in it’s self.


    After a quick run through of it’s purpose, and more enjoyment to start then he expected from a simple race, he returned to talk in quiet tones with Shawn to ensure everything was ready. The boy was becoming very skilled in many of his lessons; strategy ranking among them. With his confirmation that all was ready there was nothing left but to start the race which meant it was time for the two trainee’s to prove their hand to hand skills.



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

    Mentor to Shawn

  5. “You know nothing about Heartswood.†The words were little more then a whisper of air but the weight in venom and unbridled fury pressed down on him like the weight of the Tower it’s self. Inwardly he felt the last thread of hope begin to bend and waver. A knife, its edge sharp and lethal; she wielded it with such grace, her words cut through him seeking his heart. Everything he had given to her, dedicate to her cause to see wrongs righted and the glory of the light furthered. Body, mind, and spirit he had offered her; done everything she had bided him, anything she had scarcely had a whim for while he was present. Yet all this he had offered to her she laughed and scoffed at with the few sweeping simple words. Words that felt like ice and fire at the same time as they seared through him; the knife finding its target. She twisted it, deeply imbedded, while offering a simpering smile. All the dedication he had given to her since there fist meeting that dark and stormy night she rendered meaningless with the few simple words, “I never trusted you.†With the last fibers of control crushed under the bitter words she washed over him his hands whitened with their grip on the box. The spoken distrust leaving him feeling hollow and empty.


    His face became a blank mask of calm, placid, as the word echoed in his head, “Darkfriend.†That she of all people would mark him as such a low, vial, and disgusting entity as that feed his anger. Anger that wavered at the edge of existence since the onset of her spoken distrust. Anger that now flared like the sun it’s self. Even his eyes remained flat and calm; dangerously deceptive to anyone who did not know him immensely and have a deep skill in reading people. It was a calm that spoke of violence and death. She held no emotion physically, contrary to her words. But his voice matched the deadly calm that had become him; the calm of a skilled swordsman preparing to work his trade. “Insolent child ……. Darkfriend,†the words slipped from his mouth soft and twisted, light in weight but the underlying edge that the calmness gave it was as sharp as any sword. They had been spoken almost nonchalantly as if in passing, green eyes flat and calm met equally emotionless grey ones. Rising he moved to set the wooden box back on the table before he could harm it with his grip, the only outward appearance that something was no longer right with him other then the loss of light in his eyes. Easing his hands slightly in front of him so she could not see, he moved back toward the table; collecting the heated kettle from the side of the fireplace were it had been steaming.


    Memories of tasks and errands that he had attended for her flashed through his mind as if history played out years in a matter of seconds. Each one dark and twisted in its new view born from the festering anger within; a cold heartless old woman pulling at strings. He moved to a shelf on the far wall collecting a simple chipped cup before returning to the table facing her. All he had want was to help the great White Tower and its Aes Sedai occupants see Darkness defeated. Now here he was with this ice woman condemning him of being a Darkfriend, while she herself might very well be. The silver bob slipped from one of the saddlebags on the table; he let it swing from the end of the chain briefly. Flames meagre light flickering off the mirrored surface as it twisted on the end of the chain. Green eyes never left the frail form prone on the bed; once viewed softly as a future hope. Now he watched her as if watching a coiled viper awaiting the slightest drop in his defences. She would know the pain she had inflicted in him one way or another; a bitter seed growing, spreading it’s poison in his soul as the bob dropped in to the cup. Collecting the kettle he let the water slowly pour out; clear liquid swirling and spreading within the cup mixed with the dark as it leeched from the bob. “A message you might send one day Sirayn, but not until I grant you the strength to accomplish it.†No emotion touched his voice as it filtered across the expanse to her ear, the missing honorific bold in its absence. “You speak of Darkfriends with such ease. Perhaps it is time we see how much you truly know of them.â€


    A life with her was what he had sought, had thought possible until only moments ago. She had found him, drawn him to her, trained and used for her purpose only to have him declared and agent of darkness. She would know darkness, a deep pitted darkness to match the deep cold barrenness of her heart. He played back how she had drug him into her twisted existence; his hand swirling the bob to create an even dark fluidity that heaped minty aroma into the air around him. “You look cold, a nice warm cup of mint tea should take care of you,†he moved around the table toward her with the cup in hand. His voice remained flat, but where emotion was void before a light waiver of heat began to take form. “Rest, and sleep will perhaps soften that forked tongue of your’s my dear little Sirayn,†the emphasis on her being his possession now. A heated voice whispered to him, encouraged the bitter seed’s growth; caressed the venom she had filled him with. It suggested ways to break her, make her grovel at his feet the way she should; how to forever remove this blight from the world. He felt the sneer that molded his face without recognising its grip as he sat to the side of her bed again. With little softness he reached behind her head and drew her partway up; green eyes now piercing with intensity as they focused on her. Leaning in close to her ear he whispered the venom back to her, “How long does a mind last when the body is useless and the call of Saidar can not be quenched;†thick ropes of contempt filled the words. “Together we will find out,†as he leaned back he brought the cup slowly to her lips; grey eyes no longer on his.


    A heart beaten and bruised; savagely crushed in her hand pulled at him. Something in those eyes brought distorted images of a woman walking next to him on dark streets. It felt familiar and comforting; the cup stopping just shy of her lips as his mind and heart fought to bring him back. Moonlight danced off stone and slate; cobbles lightly repeating their steps back to them. It was a comfortable feeling though a strange tension seemed to sit between them. He tried to focus on the distorted face, her dress elegant as the moon set off its deep lustre. Her hair, the dress highlighting tints of … sudden clarity brought Sirayn’s familiar features into bold sharp images that filled his vision. A yearning to reach out and trace a finger along skin unnaturally ageless in tone offering it’s own beauty. Night glared then faded to green trees and soft grass, the sound of water emanated from no where and yet everywhere in the surreal grove he found himself in. A solitary familiar shape sat at waters edge, but it was not the Sirayn he normally new. She offered guidance and correction through soft and distant words; an underlying hurt wrapped around them.


    The cup slowly began to sink back toward her lap as his mind drew focus on a tall dark figure. Caution and wariness surrounded the form and set the hair on the back of his next on edge; phantom pain radiated from wrist and side as the figure turned and a solitary eye looked back at him, the other covered by a dark patch. “Seiaman,†he name escaped him with a hiss as he drew back; his hand releasing Sirayn’s head; allowing her to fall back into the pillow. Quickly he stood eyes darting as if he expected the woman to appear in the flesh. Warm liquid flowed over his hand and he looked down in disbelief at the cup the heavy scent of mint rising from it. A quick motion sent the cup careening through the air until it met with the hard rock of the fireplace; shards of varying size exploded at the contact point like an illuminators night flower. Steam burst from the fireplace’s opening as the concoction he had moments ago prepared for her evaporated on the hot coals.


    Hard firm pressure centered on his back as he came to rest against the back wall. He had slowly moved back in confusion; from her, from the fireplace, from his anger. Why did nothing seem simple around her, everything a thick cloud of confusion and chaos. He slide slowly down the wall to the floor as the realization of what had almost transpired washed over, bathing him in cold hollow guilt. He had let emotions, keen as a headsman’s axe rent cavernous gashes in his psyche; drew on the bitterness that is in all man and allowed it to control him briefly. It was not his way; not the way of balance he strove for. The things that darkness had offered, had planed. His eyes quickly flashed to her still form; chest constricted as if the weight of the world sat on it. But his eyes picked out the movement of her chest as each life giving breath entered; met eyes for lest then a heartbeat before his locked to the floor in front of him in shame. “Why do you taunt me, when all I want is to see …..†the quiet words broke off as his voice gave out; a loss greater then any he had felt before pressed down on him.


    For long moments he sat in silence, the room silent as his mind tried to find away out. A simple straightforward plan to secure her future was now nothing more then a dark ugly spot in history destined to be cleansed from existence. Slowly he pushed himself back to his feet and moved back to the table avoiding her eyes. His mind could find only one way to right the wrong she felt; the injustice and hurt he had caused her. He leaned on the table to steady hands that wanted to tremble; so much he was will to offer to the Tower but had not imagine this would be called for so soon. All he had ever wanted after time spent under her tutelage was to be with her; to offer his life for hers. He reached out and collected his bag opening it slowly; with loving care he pulled the red cloak of his position from in it’s depths.


    “My mother would have been so proud to have seen me in this,†his voice broke again as eyelashes barely held back the unshed tears that glistened his eyes. Fingers caressed the clasp with fond remembrance of his raising. “It was the first time I noticed a signet ring on your finger.†How proud he had felt that she would trust him, speak on his behalf. Now she hated him, loathed the boy she could not trust; would not trust. A finger collected the moisture as it tipped over the dam; scrubbed it away before it could travel it’s journey down his cheek. Carefully he placed the folded cloak in the center of the table and hefted his sword; pulling several inches of steel free. The reflection in the blades mirrored surface echoed back green eyes wet; emotion laid about them heavily. “She will weep long … sorry my mother …. But dad will understand; he will ease the pain I bring to her. I know I have no right;†focused on the eyes reflected back at him. He sought to gain some semblance of composure; blade sliding with a soft sound back into the sheath until it click at the crossing.


    Placing it on the cloak he brought his gaze up seeking hers for the first time since he had left her side. “I have no right to ask anything of you but please hear me out. I did not mean you any harm; it was the furthest thing from my mind I assure you. I only wanted …†a sigh left him like a rushing wave racing toward the shore. “It does not matter what I want, I have caused you hardship and disgrace in your eyes. I ask not for my self but for the heavy heart of a mother who’s grasp on life will be strained with the news of her loss.†Sorrow tinged his words leaving some broken off and unfinished. How had he come to this point; to such loss and distorted purpose. His eyes could no longer hold her’s in the shame of failure that took him momentarily; forced eyes glistening once more with fresh unshed tears to the floor at his feet.


    In this isolated cabin his future would end; future would not remember his name save for the quiet dark record of a traitor. His lineage would bear the burden of his mistake forever had there been anyone, a small gift from the Creator not knowing the joy of their birth. Feet of lead made a slow even progression to the side of her bed; the flash of silver once more at his wrist. Self preservation was so easy; the knife would sink into her flesh stopping her heart for eternity in this lifetime. Give in to the dark feelings that had taken him earlier and he would indeed see a lineage raised from his seed. A tear making its way slowly down a face too young to know such tormented decisions. Gently he laid the dagger on her stomach and sank to his knee’s at her side. He still could not force him self to meet her gaze. They locked on an arm bared of it’s hand; his sliding down its length to the stump, “I can not return your loss. I only wished to stand in the gap and offer myself, but that is not to be now.†He closed eyes now rimmed red and began a familiar exercise; dropping into a relaxed meditative state just shy of the void’s emptiness. Emptiness did not exist here as it did in the void, but peace of being and calmness supported his voice as he spoke once more, preparing for it to be his last.


    “Sirayn Sedai, I can not correct injustice caused by my hand alone. Trust has been lost and my future with it. Please ensure my mother receives the cloak and sword as due her right from my death. The drug will leave you soon, with it’s leaving I give you the means to blot out this transgression from lights knowledge. I assure you there will be no resistance from me; the blade will side home with ease. I really did not mean you any harm…†His chin sunk to meet his chest; head bowed silently in wait of the knife that would free him from the torment of this life and return him to the arms of the Creator.


    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard


  6. Borac studied Seiaman’s stoic face for several moments as he weighed her words and those of the other two who were addressing Ginae. There was obviously more to this that was being told though the animosity between Seia and Corin was obvious. Scratching his head the Master at Arms waited until Ginae was finished with her questioning and joined him.


    “It would seem to me that these two have a problem behaving like ambassadors of the White Tower Ginae.†The Mistress of Trainees nodded the frown on her face clearly showed her disapproval.


    “I don’t know what action you would like to take with the trainee but I have an idea of these two.†The crowd had quickly dissipated at their arrival and the five of them were all that remained.


    “Seiaman I want you to help Corin to the infirmary and see a Yellow Sister takes care of his wounds.†The disgust on Seia’s face was barely masked as her mouth tightened. Satisfied that the woman held her composure Borac continued.


    “After you are healed Corin you and Seiaman shall serve a penance together. The two of you shall report to one Master Luon Markat on the south harbor docks. There under his supervision you will unload supplies from the barges moored there.â€


    A slight groan escaped Corin and the Master at Arms frowned.


    “No doubt you two would prefer a physical punishment rather than one in which you have to interact. You will work together in this and if I hear different from Markat you will wish the Dark One had you instead of me. When you have finished with your days task you will report to my office where I will wait with Sirayn Sedai who you will both explain yourselves too.â€


    A hint of surprise flashed across Seia’s face. Borac smiled in satisfaction, he knew of their connections to the Aes Sedai and the last thing either would want to do is for the her to know of their foolishness.



    Maser at Arms




    Ginae’s face was blank as she heard Shawn’s defence, and listened to the punishment Borac dealt out. She nodded slightly, agreeing with the terms. She pointed at Shawn then. “You. Infirmary. Now. Next time I see you near Seiaman, I’ll make sure that you don’t get out of the infirmary for a month.†The look on her face was menacing now. It was her war face, and it had scared a few trollocs back in the day. “As soon as the attending yellow sister there releases you, you report to the stablemaster. You will work for him until he thinks you’ve learnt that a stubborn streak is not something to have in battle.â€


    Then she turns to Corin. If possible the look on her face was even darker. “And you…†her voice was low now. It was the voice that meant death. She had to admit to herself that she was tempted to beat some sense into his head. He obviously lacked it. “You will report to my office as soon as Borac and Sirayn are through with you. There we will discus the responsibilities that come with being a mentor. You obviously lack any form of it now. If I am not satisfied with out talk, you will be put under the supervision of your Grandmaster. Perhaps that will remind you of what it means to be an instructor.â€


    She stalked forward. Grasping Anwashawn’s arm, and giving him a shove toward to infirmary. “Move. And remember my words.â€


    WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

    WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

    SG - Nona Doronas, DF

    FL – Suraya




    Shawn tried to guess Ginae's reaction to his defense but was unable to. She was completey impassive, her face a solid blank. He winced when he heard the punishment that Borac handed out, and made a mental note not to cross the man without a really good reason in the future.


    Then Ginae pointed to him and he held his breath to hear his punishment. "You. Infirmary. Now. Next time I see you near Seiaman, I’ll make sure that you don’t get out of the infirmary for a month." From the look on her face that was no empty threat. On the contrary, from all he'd heard of the woman who'd taken over when Lyv left, she was a very hard woman. Rumors held that if she didn't think a trainee was worked hard enough she'd do it herself. As to staying away from the woman who'd beaten him, that would be easy enough...for now. Shawn wasn't stupid enough to get in a fight with someone unless he had a good chance of winning, he'd only done it this time to distract her. For now he'd be content to bide his time and refocus on his training.


    "As soon as the attending yellow sister there releases you, you report to the stablemaster. You will work for him until he thinks you’ve learnt that a stubborn streak is not something to have in battle." Well, that didn't seem that bad after all. He'd mucked out many a stall in his short life so far, and though it was exhausting work it wasn't that bad. Besides, this would give him another chance to talk to the man about the care and breeding of the horses.


    Shawn counted himself lucky that he'd gotten off so easily, especially when he heard Corin's further punishment. Hearing it, he almost regretted getting involved. If he hadn't been there Corin wouldn't be receiving this extra punishment. Well, he'd make it up to him by training harder and proving himself that way.


    Then, with a shove and a barked command from Ginae Shawn went to see the attending yellow in the infirmary.


    It turned out that Shawn had three broken ribs, one of which had pierced his lung. After receiving his healing, something he'd done before after a training incident but still wasn't comfortable with, he felt so drained all he wanted to do was sleep. This must have been a part of the punishment though, to work through the exhaustion.


    It was nearly midnight before Shawn crawled back to his room and into his bed. The stablemaster took it seriously when the Mistress of Trainees told him to teach a trainee a lesson, and never mind that he'd become friends with that trainee. If anything he may have even worked Shawn harder to make sure he learned his lesson, as he didn't want to see Shawn hrt anymore.


    Anwashawn Ellasser

    Tower Trainee

    Blue Team Captain

    ~mentee to Corin Danveer

    Burrich Fallstar(Mountain Fury)

    Wolfkin Wanderer

    ~mentee to John Dunbar

    Storm Hunter

    ~Wolf Companion

    Nakor Zorrander

    Dedicated of the Black Tower

  7. Seiaman stepped away from the announcement boards - having reviewed her newly changed Tower Guard duties. The increase of her work hours ensured that she didn't dwell too much on memories of times past. She was now allowed to join the City Guard in patrolling Tar Valon - something that she would learn to enjoy as it took her away from the Yards. She glanced up at the sky, dark clouds still hung low and the cold wind threatened to blow down weak trees. With a shake of her head, she walked towards the sparring ring to see if there were any interesting fights occuring. The new generation of Tower Guards were now more verbal and daring in their moves; she had to admit it was better than watching a tavern brawl these days. She passed a small ceremony nearby, an Aes Sedai bonding her choice of Tower Guard - the faint words were carried over by the wind but Seiaman could not give it much attention. The mere mention of a bond was enough to foul her mood, even when it was already pretty grim. But you have to admit that opening yourself to bond another may help heal your wounds, Seiaman. With a sigh, she pushed the thought out of her head - she was not ready yet.


    A drop of rain fell onto her face, sliding underneath her eye patch as she came to the sparring ring. It was quiet but there were small groups nearby - training with each other and practicing their moves. Oh, you might as well, Seiaman. She stepped into the ring, unclasping her cloak and letting it hang on a nearby branch as she pulled out her pole staff, ensuring that the leather caps were firmly attached. It would not do to have them go loose - the pewter spikes underneath may cause unnecessary harm to those who did not deserve it. And she did not want another meeting with the Commander of Tower Guards about her excessive sparring behavior.


    The sparring ring floor was muddy - worn out by its frequent use. But it was still suitable, battlefields almost never had sure footing - soaked with blood and guts. Seiaman settled into her own custom guard stance, waiting to see if any would see her challenge and step in for a spar.


    ~ Seiaman Kera


    ooc: Seiaman's WS is 15 - Path is Knowledge with the discpline of speed (closest to Me'Arearth as I can find!) Her weapons: Pole Staff, small axes/daggers, and hand to hand combat. There has been times Seia was beaten by a small group of TG with lesser WS than her. Aes Sedai with a WS and knowledge to battle with the forms combined with the OP are welcome.




    Dark steel gray sky’s held watch over Tar Valon; moisture heavy in their shape and scent as Corin made his way back toward the Tower Wall. There had been a cool breeze when he had departed that morning but now an ominous stillness held the threatening sky’s in place. The foreboding feeling’s it brought forth instilled the image of a short woman who’s hard gaze many had fallen under. He still had not worked out how someone so gifted in the great game could not seem to ascertain the simplest concept of his continued presence. As it stood she seemed to take painstakingly precise steps to infuriate, separate, and dominate his control. Appearing more then once to not even realize she was at it in the first place.


    He had begun to collect snippets and rumors on the wind of the few things that became some what public about her comings and goings; which was no small task with her. Everything kept closely guarded and veiled regardless of importance or lack there of. The fact only added to the infuriating confusion she stoked in him like a constantly fueled furnace. Why she effected him so was a mystery that further provoked frustration in him. He could feel the familiar tension building in his neck again at the continued unanswered questions plaguing him, including why he could not just make him self walk away.


    The sounds of wood meeting wood with a purpose; steel ringing on steel with intent drifted to him as he entered the yard once more. The clatter seemed soothing to his nerves; mind already adopting the beginnings of his meditative state. After all his time here, the yard felt more like home to him then he ever remembered any place else; the ranks and trainees his family for better or worse. As if the very thought had conjured up the darkness it self, his eyes caught sight of a form he had come to silently loath.


    Seiaman stood in the center of one of the spar rings; her stance spoke of challenge, something many of the trainee’s eyed from the corner of sight hoping not to be directly invited in. Rumors of her treatment of sparing partners had begun to circulate around the lower ranks and worked well to keep the foolish inline. White knuckled he watched her stand silent and ready, emotion not even a distant friend to the blank mask she wore. She was the cause of most of Corin’s recent misdealings with Sirayn; least that was how he saw it.


    His mind had already begun to empty, accepting the void’s company almost with longing; dangerous to allow feeling there. His feet moved, carrying him closer to the ring with each beat of his heart; anger building to furry battering at the void relentlessly. Muscles twitched and flexed as they prepared for use; a hand pulling a lathe free from the hand of a trainee working forms. “You need more foot work and balance before you have the right to this,†voice harsh and cold as he focused on the form still in the center of the ring. A fools intent must have been written plain on his face as trainees began to step back worried his wrath might be directed at them; reason from deep in his mind called for control, remembrance of training.


    Somewhere in the dark those never wavering gray eyes looked in and judged him again, stilling his feet; angers wrath muted in sudden consideration. He knew entering the ring like this would only result in brutal and bitter defeat. Clarity of mind and soul was need in battle not emotion; it was the way he had trained since his arrival. He drew a deep breath trying to bring emotion back to the flame and into smoke; rising from the center until only the calm soothing darkness of the void existed.


    Reaching up he unclasped the red cloak he wore and gently placed it over a post around the ring. Her head never moved but he knew she could sense if not see him. Unbuckling the belt for his sword he added that to the same post and then stepped carefully into the ring. A drop hitting his forehead as if the sky it’s self tried to warn him before it slide down into his brow. “You look lonely Seiaman, what no Sedia to torment today.†His voice held no life, no mirth; a blank expression, eyes cold with the slightest hint of the furry he held against this woman.


    Softly the wooden lathe created a whirling sound in the air as his wrist set the lathe in a circular motion at his side; moving to stand opposite her stance near the center of the ring. Slowly the yard near them began to silence as more eyes turned toward the fool challenging one with such a reputation. “Perhaps I can entertain you for a spell unless you have a certain woman to hold.†The lathe came to a stop in front of him his left hand grasping the hilt behind his right. Slipping into the ready stance Reikan and drilled into his core, Corin watched his unwavering opponent hoping to see his words draw reaction.



    Corin Danveer


    OOC: WS10, ouch




    ooc: just a WS10? *grins* well, this will still be quite the spar. In case you didn't know, am timing this spar after Seia and Sirayn return from the trip.


    Seiaman watched the boy as he walked closer - she knew the ending result would not be good for either him or for herself. You know that Sirayn will chase you down, Seiaman. "You need more footwork and balance before you have the right to this." Her warning fell on deaf ears and she watched as he prepared himself to enter the ring. "You look lonely Seiaman, what no Sedai to torment today." Seiaman kept her features cool and blank - after being bonded to Sirayn for nearly 15 years, she was used to being attacked about her treatment towards her Sedai. The surrounding environment slowly faded away, she knew the spar would draw attention. "Perhaps I can entertain you for a spell unless you have a certain woman to hold." And the boy settled into his ready stance. "I advise you to walk away." He didn't move. She didn't know why she was warning the boy, a part of her wanted to viciously murder him for the lies he told Sirayn.


    She started to circle him, he moved to counter her. "Last warning, child. You're not ready." She spun the staff as her mind raced - she had to decide whether to let him get off easy ... or to make him swallow his pride. She knew Sirayn would not approve of this - and if Seiaman nearly killed the boy, she knew it'd be the end of her chances to win her former bondmate's heart. She spun the staff to cross her chest diagonally and watched his reaction - none came. So he wants me to take up the offense. His hand positions told her that he was ambidextrous and she didn't see a second weapon - she knew that meant he could switch hands in mid-battle. Well, there's a simple remedy for that.


    Low Wind Rising suddenly attacked Corin, the staff spinning during the diagonal slash - and the form kept repeating as she forced him on the defense - she spun the staff diagonally-forward, bringing it to the other side and back. She didn't go to her full speed potential as she needed to test out the boy and find his weaknesses. The form abruptly changed into The River Undercuts the Bank, forcing Corin to jump back to avoid the end of her staff but he found himself facing Bundling Straw with the guard stance omitted. Right as he blocked a thrust, Seiaman leapt forward with the staff spinned into a simple horizontal slash across his face. And she gave the spin a twist - and it accelerated as the other end smacked into his cheek before he could react. If the spikes were not sheathed, he would find himself with a deep cut. She stepped back as he fell to the ground with the surprising force of the blow and settled into her ready stance, the staff resting diagonally across her back. "Has she ever seen you fight before?" Corin jumped back up to his feet, he knew who 'she' was. She let a small smirk creep up on her lips, "You might want to practice your forms a bit more instead spending it lusting after her." Now let's see who will react.


    ~ Seia


    ooc: Playing it easy right now Tease and play. *snickers*




    The side of his face exploded in dull pain as the force of the blow carried his body over his feet and into the soft muddied ground below. His mind reeling in what had just happened, trying to analyze the steps leading up to his now bruised cheek; a dark red mark staining his face where her blow had landed with solid contact. Control Corin, you must gain control of your emotions if you are to challenge. Coldly his eyes sought her’s as the taunting words met his ears. She plays at your game do not give in .. rage, like a coiled snake ready to strike was thrust to the flame in the void; calmness returning. He rose knocking some of the soften dirt from his shoulder, “You draw first mark.†His voice was hollow and even, a façade of control as he settled once more into the ready position for the ensuing dance; once again his left rising up to grasp the bottom of the hilt below his right. Hands twisting slightly on the grip looking for comfort; familiarity in his hand.


    The pole still remained casually across the back of her shoulders; his mind already planning out the next sequence of possibilities. Side stepping lightly he began to circle her again, the soft whirling sound of the pole once more in motion; eyes following it’s center. Boar Rushes Down the Mountain twisted into Lighting of Three Prongs. The loud crack of wood contacting wood echoed in his head; the two training weapons sliding and dancing off each other with purpose. His lathe’s blade raced down the poll toward her hand, not knowing if he caught it before she pulled back; but he counted it in his mind as a strike. Ducking low he heard the end whistle softly above his head, who said you can’t learn the though welcome yet distracting. Stepping back, the lathe in a constant circular motion in front of him while he looked for another avenue. She had attacked hard the first time, yet now she seemed confident to let him set the pace; caution, probing. Arc of the Moon became The Swallow Takes Flight without the slash as he dropped to a knee, the ends of the pole sweeping a clearing path where he had stood. Pushing off he rolled over a shoulder and back to his feet; an end of the pole spraying dirt at it’s point of contact where he had once been.


    Dropping the lathe tip low he deflected her rising blow from that same tip. Only to feel the sting as his leg left him hovering in mid air for less then a breath. That breath bursting from his lung’s as his back hit the ground with his full weight. Only training kept his body moving, rolling over and pushing himself back to his feet as once again the ground sprayed out from contact. Quickly he retreated back, watching her cautiously as he began to wonder on his ability to meet her here. An opening …. Find it or make it ….. words. River Under Cuts the Banks was proceeded by quiet words only her ears would catch. “Still stealing kisses in the dark with Jaydena.†He pressed hard not waiting to see if his words had any effect on her expression. Leaf Floating in the Breeze, his hands working to keep the pole from touching him again. The motion seemed to create and opening at her head; The Falcon Stoops darted the tip toward the opening as his breath left him, crumpling to the ground at her feet; the end of the pole still in his middle.


    Slowly his breath came back to him and he pushed himself back to his feet. She will pay for this one way or another she will pay. the silent vow echoed in his head; he did not give up that easy no matter who she believed she was. He stretched his tender stomach briefly and then had the lathe in motion once more; seeking an opportunity to find the softness of flesh.




    ooc: likewise, but I think I'm taking the raw end of the deal *chuckles*




    Corin charged ahead and he met with Thistledown Floats on the Whirlwind - she knew it wouldn't scratch him but it'd be a surprise. Striking the Spark followed, pushing him on the defense once more. Give him an opening, Seiaman. She brought the pole staff higher, to make the arcs longer and more powerful which rendered her lower body vulnerable. There was a number of ways for someone to take advantage of the opening and she watched Corin. He suddenly dropped to his knees, rolling to one side while she was mid-form and she immediately loosened her grip on her pole staff, allowing it to slide out more. She pivoted on a heel to spin outside of the range of his lathe - Parting the Silk came from his end and he leaned forward to have at least the tip graze her thigh. She felt the tip, it wouldn't have crippled her but when he saw her outstretched pole staff heading straight for his head, it was too late. It smacked soundly into his skull. But she didn't repeat her pattern of stepping back and letting him rise. She advanced quickly, a downward thrust come straight for his chest. Seiaman, no. And at the last moment, he spun away and Seiaman stopped her advance towards his chest. She stepped away further from him, settling in her customary stance. Sirayn. If not for the Aes Sedai and the protective shroud she wrapped around the boy - she would've ended this spar a lot quicker and a lot more painful for him.


    The boy slowly rose up to his feet and Seiaman watched. "Walk away. You can end this now." A flash of something passed through his eyes and she shook her head softly. Corin started to circle her and Seiaman met his pace, looking into his empty eyes. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Wind and Rain came from her sudden advance, the staff in a continuous spin and she got her opening with The Grapevine Twines ensnaring his lathe in a circular motion. And she simply thrusted the pole staff into his upper chest as her staff came on top of his lathe. Corin stepped back then advanced with The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain. Seiaman quickly sidestepped his advance and caught his wrist as it started to come down - and she gave it a hard twist until she heard a resounding snap of bone breaking. Releasing her pole staff as she brought her hand up, she slammed her fist into Corin's face and brought it back into a hook, pummeling the side of his ribs until she felt the bone giving way underneath his skin. With another twist of his broken wrist, she twisted his body through the air and watched as he fell to the ground.


    Without a second thought, she straddled his chest and wrapped her hands around his neck, tightening her hold. She pressed her thighs against his chest - pressing her elbow against the bruised ribs. Leaning over, she started to whisper in his ear, "It's obvious you hate me, boy. I don't care." She tightened her grip a little bit more, "But if you ever tell her another lie about me - you will regret it. You leave me alone. I'll leave you alone. Simple." She released her grip and pushed herself away from Corin. Picking up her staff, she stepped away and was about to call the spar to an end.


    ~ Seia


    ooc: Want to bring in your friends at this point? Figured it'd be a good cover for them to distract Seia while Corin gathers his wits.




    After finishing a rather large lunch Anwashawn had made his way out to the practice yards to watch the others train. He often learned more from observing others than he did in his own exercises. Sitting beneath a tree, enjoying the shade and digesting his food, his thoughts drifted. His time here with the Tower Guards had been rewarding so far, training him to be an effective protector of the residents within.


    His over large meal, combined with the gently falling rain, was putting him to sleep. Knowing that he wasn't to meet with Corin until later that afternoon he decided to let himself go and have the nap that was threatening to take over whatever he thought.


    Not long after he'd surrendered to sleep he was awakened by the sound of wood crashing against wood, the familiar sounds of sparring. Not an uncommon sound here in the Yards, he was snapped out of sleep by the proximity and ferocity with which it was occurring. Opening his eyes he saw Corin involved in a rather heated fight with a woman he didn't know. Corin had a practice lathe and the woman a polearm without blade, signs that this was a friendly sparring match. But, walking closer Shawn could see that there was more to it than that. This was an out and out fight, with insults thrown in between attacks.


    Shawn watched with interest. This was the first time he'd seen his mentor spar with someone without holding back. His respect for the man grew as he watched him go through the forms, seeming to dance with his opponent. It quickly became evident, even to Shawn's untrained eye, that the woman was better. She could have ended the fight several times already but she seemed to be dragging it out just to torture him.


    Then Shawn heard a loud crack and knew Corin's wrist had been broken. The woman had him on his back and was straddling his cheat and choking him. She was going to kill him. This wasn't right. It wasn't fair. They were both part of the Tower. If a spar got out of hand it was up to the straonger, more skilled combatant to end it. Only, instead of ending the fight it seemed that she meant to hurt him.


    Shawn didn't even know he had moved until he heard himself speak. He was in the ring, behind them, and had a lathe in each hand. The woman was getting up when he spoke. "Leave him be! The fight is obviously over, there's no need for torture!" He knew he didn't have a chance if his mentor had been beaten so easily, but he had to do something. The least he could do is give Corin the chance to get away before she killed him.


    Anwashawn Ellasser

    Tower Trainee

    Blue Team Captain

    ~mentee to Corin Danveer

    Burrich Fallstar(Mountain Fury)

    Wolfkin Wanderer

    ~mentee to John Dunbar

    Storm Hunter

    ~Wolf Companion

    Nakor Zorrander

    Dedicated of the Black Tower





    "Leave him be! The fight is obviously over, there's no need for torture!" Seiaman turned to the speaker and faced a boy slightly taller than her but with a slimmer build. Her face was blank at his heroic attempt to save the other. A friend? A mentee? She glanced over at Corin, he rolled over to his side, his arm with the broken wrist in a protective embrace against his chest. But he was starting to push himself off the ground. The speaker moved to stand between Corin and herself and Seiaman faced him. "You think that is torture?" Her voice was quiet - like the calm before a storm. "It's child play compared to what the Dark One's minions would do to us." She gave him a look-over and surmised that he was not a Tower Guard yet. He didn't have a firm guard stance and his face looked as innocent as a newborn pup. But his blue eyes spoke volumes of confidence. Do not destroy that. It is not your place.


    She reached up towards her eyepatch and the boy watched her warily. Slowly removing it, she let him stare at the void of her eye socket - a horrid patch of skin with blotched red marks, once burn marks from a hot poker. "Take a good look." Corin was on his knees now. The fury that came with the memory of torture was slowly rising from within. "The Yards are meant to teach you the basics of torture, so you can withstand the torture of the Dark One." Sirayn's face flashed inside her mind and she gave the polestaff a quick diagonal spin. The boy moved to block her attack, the sound of wood on wood echoed through the yards - when she suddenly stopped her staff and slashed it the other way. The end of her staff slammed into his side and Seiaman gave a sudden thrust, the butt of the staff making contact with his abdomen area. "Do not step into a fight until you know what you are facing." Corin was rising to his feet with his lathe in his good hand. "It's courageous - but stupid."


    ~ Seia


    ooc: I didn't have the heart to beat you badly. It's not really in Seiaman's caliber to do something of the sort when the boy is just trying to help Corin. *grins* Shawn, feel free to stay in the fight to team up with Corin if you'd like.




    “You leave me alone. I'll leave you alone. Simple," the whisper harsh in his ear as pain radiated through his mind, the void long shattered, each breath a struggle under the pressure of her hands. As blackness moved for him he felt the sudden rush of air; eyes closed, the pressure on his bruised and battered side released. More pain threaded through what little awareness he had left. His mind screamed at him to rise, get up from the vulnerable ground he was sprawled on.


    Teeth grit together, grinding threw the pain that radiated up is arm; a hot poker in his shoulder. He rolled to his stomach and pushed up to his knee’s, the useless right hand at his chest in a protective posture. In the haze of the pain; brilliant red behind closed eyes flashing like that of an illuminators display he heard another’s voice. Something seemed familiar about the voice, yet his mind was too occupied on the pain and the growing ball of cold fury that held him.


    Slowly the ring came back to him as his eyes opened and sought out the lathe; left hand closing around the hilt as he forced himself to his feet. Wood meeting wood echoed in his head as he rose to full height. Cold sweat ran slowly down his face; stung his eyes and fell from his chin. Eyes, ice green, flashing with fury eyed the women from under his brows. A form that he seemed to recognise crumpled at her feet; a grotesque empty eye socket staring down at the heap.


    He slowly began to circle around her, his lathe spinning in a quick vertical circle at his side as his hand worked the hilt for comfort. Slowly the void began to return to him; like shattered glass glued back into proper form yet not complete. His voice took on a distant hollow tone, desperation like that of a trapped animal threaded thinly throughout. He would find away to make her pay at Sirayn’s feet one way or another; reason blinded by purpose. “Stupid like the lack of discretion you’ve shown? We are not done yet.†He was now opposite the boy she had dropped as once more that empty gaze turned to meet him. He twisted on the balls of his feet, setting himself in a solid stance with firm footing. “Do they also teach you to be so lenient, I would have thought you would know better Seiaman.†He twisted her name as he spoke it, dripping with sarcasm.


    The boy had once more gained his feet, if a bit shaky and was setting into his stance again. Corin nodded approval of the other for not giving up so easily, who ever he was his mentor should be proud at his courage; though it was foolishly placed. A true warrior new when to fight and when to back down, and yet you continue this lunacy, who is the fool now Corin, who. He stamped out the voice in his head violently; he would see his desire met. Moving closer he kept the woman between himself and the boy, perhaps now he could land a mark that would make a difference.


    He watched as the boy thrust forward, Seiaman’s staff spinning to catch his advance. Without pause he dropped to a knee the lathe flashing out as if to strike at her middle, but he let the motion carry him through a roll. The pain from broken ribs and wrist lashed feverously at the void spidering across it’s surface, but it held. Completing the roll back up his left arm drew a solid arc that connected with the back of her leg. Had it been a true blade he would have hamstrung her, though if they where real blades he would have been dead long ago. His roll left him to far forward to correctly defend his open flank; the pull pain that radiated from the small of his back confirming her capitalization of his opening, before he could recover back to a protective stance; right arm still uselessly held to his middle. Stepping back slightly he watched as the boy continued to probe; she seemed to paid him little more attention then that of a bee.




    OOC: thanx for joining Shawn, as you can see Corin needs the help. Nicely done Seia




    Seiaman cursed under her breath - the boy had sneaked into her blind spot and managed to slice his lathe across her hamstring. The younger one was a good distraction, But enough is enough. A quick glance proved that Corin had stepped back and perhaps contemplating his next move. If she was him, she would've attacked mercilessly. But you are not him. The trainee was doing a quick diagonal slash with both blades, Seiaman quickly stepped to one side and hit his stomach with the side of her polestaff. Then a quick spin went above her head as she hit his head with a resounding crack of wood on bone. The boy fell forward but not down. Another quick glance proved that Corin was again taking advantage of her wayward attentions. Come, little mouse. Come to the trap. She quickly bent her knees and swept the pole staff around the trainee, who was starting to turn around. He jumped but she was quicker - adjusting her pole staff until she caught his legs. As he fell, Seiaman lunged forward and her fist contacted with his face.


    Seiaman heard a whoosh of air and she fell to the ground with the lathe slicing the air where her head was. With a spin of her body and the polestaff outstretched, she made contact with Corin's legs. He too fell to the floor and she heard a grunt of pain. But he spun away before Seiaman could pin him down. They both rose quickly and he circled her again. A parting of the crowd proved that authority was coming through. Corin advanced and Seiaman met his advance - his Parting the Silk was parried away their bodies with her staff as her other hand came crashing into the side of his face. He stumbled backwards and Seiaman stepped away with a shake of her head. "This spar is over."


    She turned away from him and instantly found herself faced with the Master of Arms and the Mistress of Trainees staring at her. Here we go.


    ~ Seia


    ooc: sira - the MoT and MoA is gonna get their hands on Seia first before Sirayn can.





    Borac sat in a plush leather chair across the desk from the new Mistress of Trainees Ginae. The younger woman had recently been raised to the position and this was the first time the Master at Arms had found the time to visit her office. Sunlight filtered through the window bathing the reams of paper on her desk in a soft light. Chuckling Borac knew the tedious nature of paper work. His own desk was equally as cluttered and he had been looking for any excuse to avoid going through the reports.


    The two seemed to get along nicely which please Borac since there would be many times when they would be required to work together. The hour they spent in conversation had been pleasant but that paperwork was not getting any smaller. With a sigh he sat his teacup on the desk resigned to go labor through the reports and stood.


    “It has been nice talking with you Ginae we will have to talk shop over an ale in town soon.†The dark haired woman smiled and rose shaking his hand. Suddenly a frantic knocking at the door caused them both to turn. “Come in.†Ginae commanded and the door opened revealing a young female trainee with a practice lathe in hand.


    “Pardon the interruption.†She bowed. “I have been sent to summon you Mistress and you two Master Borac.†The nervousness in the young woman’s voice was obvious and Ginae urged her to get to the point.


    “Seiaman is sparring in the yards and….and………and ……..I have been told to report to you that she is using excessive force. She has attacked a trainee as well.â€


    Borac and Ginae exchanged a glance and together pushed past the trainee and quickly walked toward the yard. The crowd gathered in the yard drew their attention and they strode toward it with purpose. The crowd parted at their approach, no tower guard or trainee wanted to draw their attention on the best of days.


    Seiaman stood with her back toward them her two opponents across from her bloody and bruised on the receiving end of the staff the woman held. Turning to face them Seia did not seem startled her face holding no expression.


    Crossing his arms Borac gave her an icy stare. “Explain yourself Seiaman! A spar is one thing but this looks like a beating you have administered.â€








    Time had passed swiftly ever since she had taken on the position that Lyv Tylin had left vacant. At first Ginae had been far too busy trying to get a hang of things, and figuring out just what to do to notice the way things had changed. The paperwork was a nuisance to some, but it was a nice distraction for Ginae. As long as she kept herself busy, either training people or working on the reports that required her attention, she didn’t have the time to wonder just what in the name of the Light she was doing, sitting in the office of the Mistress of Novices. Responding when people called for the Mistress of Novices. It was all still a little awkward.


    Fortunately those around her did their best to make the transition run as smooth as possible. Trainees walked on their toes, either frightened by the hard woman that had taken the place of the younger and perhaps slightly less intimidating Master of the Path of Water, or just uncertain about what they could get away with. Ginae might not have spent her trainee years at the yards, the way most trainees had, but she knew how youngsters thought and acted. She smiled at the Master of Arms, sitting in front of her. Borac. She would be forced to remember his name now. She would be forced to remember a lot of names now. Just as Borac got ready to leave her to her daily business, a young woman stormed into her office. The story she told was erratic, but the few words that were clear spelled trouble. Ginae was on her feet before the last word had left the girls mouth, storming out of her office. Borac was right there with her.


    They arrived at the scene of the trainee abuse soon enough. Ginae frowned as she took in the situation. Names and faces of trainees flashed before her minds eye as she identified the trainee and the Tower Guard that had been wounded. A bleeding nose, a broken arm. Nothing that couldn’t been healed. She let go of a breath she didn’t know she had been holding, just in time to hear Borac ask for an explanation. Good. Let him deal with the elder Tower Guard. “I’ll deal with the boys.†She whispered, barely loud enough to be heard by Borac. The pair was just crawling to their feet. Ginae walked past Seiaman, her eyes on the woman the entire time. She knew she could handle the woman if the Tower Guard did decide to attack her, but she wouldn’t risk being surprised. Ginae had faced dangerous creatures before, and Seiaman looked the part of the dangerous creature.


    When she passed the other woman she focussed on the boys. Corin. Anwashawn. Promising students, if she remembered correctly. One the mentor of the other. She raised an eyebrow at them. “Well?†she started. “Care to tell me your side of the story, before I come up with something plausible myself?†Whatever they said, it didn't look good. The Tower Guard had a good name, and a reputation to uphold. Mentors drawing trainees into spars they could not win didn't look good on anyone. Lyv might have been the one to assign the trainee to Corin, but if his actions proved him unfit for mentoring, Ginae would be the one who was left with the mess.


    ~Ginae Auvriani

    Mistress of Trainees


    WT - Nyssa Deschain, Gray & Black sister

    WY – Rosheen Than Sakhr, TG & Ginae Auvriani, MoT

    SG - Nona Doronas, DF

    FL – Suraya




    Seiaman kept silent as the Mistress of Trainees walked past her, keeping her gaze on the Master of Arms. She assessed their appearances. A borderlander. And a seafolk. She recognized the features known amongst the Northerners. But had only heard of the Seafolk from the native stories of Ebou Dar and what traversed through the lands she traveled. Their tattoos were legendary, as it goes, as well as their tendency to be fight well. Seiaman did not know of these specific two, only heard of them. As soon as the woman knelt down to give attention to the boys, Seiaman properly latched her polestaff to her back and put her eyepatch back over the ruined eye. She gave a curt nod to the Master of Arms and spoke calmly yet with confidence. "I came to the empty spar ring and posed a challenge to any who wished to spar. Corin Danveer came in - I warned him thrice to leave the ring, that he was not ready. I thought it'd be apparent that I would not be in the mood for a light spar. He did not step away."


    She wouldn't mention that they held grudges against each other. That was something they needed to settle between the two of them. The two authority figures would surely dole out harsher punishments if they learned that the spar was over a personal matter. Over an Aes Sedai. "The younger boy stepped in after I broke Corin's wrist and gave my third warning - he felt that I was inflicting torture." Surely these two would know what torture really meant. Everyone of the Yards needed to learn how to fight those who were better and faster. Even while they were being tortured. "As admirable it is to protect a fellow," she gave a slight shrug, "he stepped in without knowing what he was getting himself into. Not my place but I'd call it a lesson of bruises." The crowd surrounding them murmered a mixture of objections and agreements. She watched as the seafolk's eyes glanced over to the borderlander. She would not say anything more unless a rat of the Yards decided to share more about what the spar. And I wouldn't be surprised if that rat would be the one and only Corin. He had a lot to gain by placing Seiaman in the hot seat, making himself out to be the traumatized victim.


    But the overall truth, Seiaman didn't care much what anyone had to say. If they doled out punishment, she'd accept it and complete it without another word. If they believed her words or not - it wouldn't matter. And Sirayn? A mental sigh came through the Spring. She won't be pleased, that's for sure.


    ~ Seiaman Kera




    Corin staggered back from the solid blow; pin pricks of red and black slowly growing. They tried to blot out his vision of the world before him as it slowly spun. The copper taste of blood filtered in through the haze of thoughts; slow and thick with a lack of coherency. Seiaman had her back to him, something, words had tried to filter through. His mind work to make sense of the disjointed pattern everything seemed to be; why were things swaying. He shook his head as if to clear the cotton that stuffed his mind and impeded rational process. Her back, something about over and her back still faced him. He tried to raise the lathe in his left; catch her off guard and punish her. But his body seemed to react like he was in a giant vat of honey, commands of his body obeyed at agonizing slowness.


    The crowd seemed to part near the rings edge drawing his attention as two figures entered the ring. A groan escaping his lips at the realization of the Master at Arms and the Mistress of Trainees. Two people in the yard he would have preferred least to meet with he could not think of. There presence could only mean a long and arduous task would be in his future. “Care to tell me your side of the story, before I come up with something plausible myself?â€. For the first time true thought broke free of the fog in his head and he turned to see his mentee bruised and bloodied, but in one piece; he offered up a quick prayer to the creator in thanks that his mentee had faired so well. The Mistress of Trainees tended to be less then amused when it came to unnecessary harm to one of her fold.


    His eyes returned to Ginae’s as he fought to find the words to explain all of this and not dig a deeper hole. “Just a friendly competition that got a little carried away. Nothing too serious I can assure you.†His eyes slipped from hers and tried to read Borac’s mood from the expression on his face as he talked to Seiaman. The outcome of this untimely visit did not look very promising for him as he returned his eyes to met Ginae’s again. He could see a cold fury building in them that offered little comfort to the pain that continued to throb in his side and arm; breath still coming in short gasps. His knuckles whitened slightly as his grip tightened on the hilt of the lath; eyes flicking to the back of Seiaman’s head. “Seiaman did not believe me ready to try her, it appears she may have been right,†a tinge of emotion, frustration mixed with loathing, touched the very edge of his voice before he could bring control back. “Shawn thought I was in trouble and tried to help, I don’t believe he is use to seeing a spar of such intensity.†He would not allow the secret hated between Seiaman and himself be know as the cause of this misfortune. As much as he would love to she Seiaman punished harshly for anything, the debit between them had to be paid in private. One way or another Seiaman, I will see you pay. His eyes flat and void of emotion continued to bore into the back of her head as voices begun to rise from the gathered crowd.


    Corin Danveer

    White Tower Guard

    Promised to Sirayn Sedai


    Linten al'Dracain

    BT Trainee, Lost mentee of Isha


    "Life is wonderful. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that we trouble over." - Isaac Asimov





    Shawn was dazed from the blow to the head the woman had given him. He guessed that he probably had a concussion. If that wasn't bad enough it felt like he had some broken ribs as well, if the pain he felt with each breath was any indication. Something had gone terribly wrong. All he'd wanted to do was help his mentor out of a jam. It seemed that he wasn't even capable of that. He was weak and barely half-trained and that just wouldn't do.


    Gradually the noise of the crowd dimmed and shawn squinted to see why. the Master at Arms and Mistress of Trainees had come. Whatever trouble he may or may not have gotten into by getting involved in this had just escalated by their presence. Ginae, the new Mistress asked he and Corin for an explantion and Shawn listened to his mentor's answer. It was truth and yet it wasn't. There was obviously more to it than what he was admitting now. The words and blows exchanged were much more hostile than a simple spar would have one believe. Whatever the case it was also vident that Corin wanted the matter kept private from Ginae.


    Well, though he did not agree he would respect Corin's unspoken wishes. Something needed to be done though or Corin would see himself killed over this matter. For that matter, Shawn now had a personal reason to talk further with Seiaman, as Corin had named her. It was apparent though, that nothing more would be settled with the authority figures still present. They needed to be free of them soon so they could work out their problems on their own.


    "Ma'am, what he says is true. I saw what looked to me to be a fight, not a spar, and I came to help. The truth is I rushed in where I wasn't needed, and probably not even wanted, simply because I haven't yet learned to mind my own business. I came here to train so that I could protect others and sometimes I attempt to do that even when it would be better not to."


    Anwashawn Ellasser

    Tower Trainee

    Blue Team Captain

    ~mentee to Corin Danveer

    Burrich Fallstar(Mountain Fury)

    Wolfkin Wanderer

    ~mentee to John Dunbar

    Storm Hunter

    ~Wolf Companion

    Nakor Zorrander

    Dedicated of the Black Tower

  8. The silence and stunned expression confirmed his assumption in his mentee’s involvement in something earlier today. The underlying question was what, and who? He should have the boy in the yard just on the silence alone. But he was a patient man, and the chance he might gain further information from this stayed any judgement he might believe warranted. An eyebrow twitched as he began in a pattern that spoke of evasion. But it was short lived before the boy stepped forward as a man and accepted responsibility for his actions. Corin only nodded acknowledgement to what the boy said, allowing him to explain the circumstances surrounding his disobedience.


    Intrigue swirled with possibilities as he listened to the story his mentee laid out. It was obvious from the surroundings and the involvement of Novice that this some how involved an Aes Sedai, but which one and for what purpose. It agitated him slightly that one had begun to put hooks in his mentee, annoyed him that the vultures could not wait until he reached the level of Tower Guard and recognised as a tool the Tower could use. The boy should consider himself very lucky he did not indeed enter the Novice quarters.


    Who would have interest in him and what barter had taken place to secure the answers Shawn was offering him? It had taken Corin several days of searching to find that book that had been on the centre of the table when he went looking for Shawn. Definitely an Aes Sedai’s touch was in this. He should still punish the boy for his disobedience, there was little likely hood he would get the Aes Sedai’s name from him and really he did not deserve to be put to that task. As for the punishment; visions of a battered and bruised boy being lead off by the Mistress of Trainee’s flashed into his head. I pay my debits Shawn, whether the receiver knows there was a debit or not. Consider my debit to you paid. Shawn had come to his rescue during a spar with a particular woman Corin still had great contempt for. The memories still hurt Corin to a degree; the boy was his responsibility, but what was done was done. He remained at ease leaning on the column as he listened to the rest of the lesson Shawn had learned from the books. But his mind continued to work the puzzle, who?



    OOC: Well done, consider yourself raised :D


    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  9. The warmth ebbing through him from the potential prize at his side had become a comforting sensation; her reactions only increasing the boldness he felt. Somewhere in the muddled mix of emotions and desires that had become his mind a caution whispered to him but only succeeded in drawing confusion. What did he have to be cautious about, one Aes Sedai folded into a myriad game of words and reasons while the other molded to his wishes in the palm of his hand. Truly there could be nothing short of anarchy its self that could change the comfortable position of control he had placed himself in. Sirayn would learn how valuable a companion he could be sooner or later. If he could build his own little, network, as she put it. All the better when the time came; added favor for his offering. But would he be able to offer over the talents of his growing desire that rested so near him.


    The sudden coolness along his side as she rose to fix her skirts drew eyes to her; roving down her back. A puzzle even a blacksmith could not easily work out .. the thought broken as she seemed to fall backwards. Quickly Corin’s hands closed around her waist to soften the fall into his lap; steady her from tipping over. Her light scent assailed his nostrils and fanned the coals of his desire. Reason and awareness dimmed in the glow of that desire; his body flooded with the heat of her presence. Words soft and breathy floated in the air, transcending the distance between them with a promise. He stared at her befuddled like a school boy after his first kiss while she slide from his lap. He knew she had said something yet he could not bring words to those vibrations that had caressed his ear; only soft indications that pulled carnal thoughts to mind. Something had happened; somewhere she had taken complete control of the situation from him and he could not place the point. His leg tensed as he felt her finger trace light circles on his thigh; he had been proud of something, but what was that something.


    Looking back up his eyes found sharp clear green ones, Aleanda’s, intently capturing his, almost boring into his mind. Like a cold bucket of water her words and tones crashed over him. Clearing his mind from the spell Lavinya had placed on it; both serving as reminders to his station in life’s game. He was playing with Aes Sedai, a very elusive and tactful opponent, that reminder was now being re-enforced as the small calculating smile thinned Aleanda’s lips. The appearance of a cat looking down on a cornered mouse as it decided when to exact life’s cruel justice. Caught like a child with his hand in the cookie jar Corin felt the sardonic edge of her words as she made point in complimenting him on his budding skills at Daes Dae’mar, White coolness radiating from her. She indeed was a stronger example of their ranks then he had first gauged. A mistake that would have normally been fatal had it been made while dancing with steel; still might if his teacher found out. The simple small though of her displeasure in his failing brought quick sharpness to his mind once more. Of all the dreams and thoughts he had had over his possible future in the tower, none had ever found him seeking approval and wanting to please someone as much as he found himself wanting to find approval in Sirayn. He could already feel the deep cut of disappointment; it’s bitter edge ragged and raw as his mind dwelled on the unwelcome thoughts in the drawn out pause Aleanda let hang around them.


    Intricately she picked apart the web he had begun to lay out; emotion denied and then affirmed. She was better then he had originally given her credit; he had been sloppy in his order of placement and she now turned that back to him. He opened his mouth, leaning forward to interject and reposition. If quelled quick there maybe hope of salvaging this collapsing house of cards. But she drew him short with the subtle reminder of her acceptance of his request earlier. Trapped, he could offer no more defense of the situation until she had finished least he appear a spoilt self absorbed noble child. A stigmatism that would mark him for a great deal of time; silently he bowed his head in acceptance and continued to listen. Concentrating Corin tried to keep his jaw from clenching as his mind worked the situation over looking for an angle he could use.


    Her remark about not cutting his head off after using it as an analogy for the rose offered little comfort. Her cool emotionless delivery of the original comment had already produced the dark and frightening image in his mind she had sought; whether conscious or not. Red droplets, like the finest of dark rubies glittering on a silver serving plate, slid slowly down the natural angle of a knife; it’s hilt in a small feminine hand. Coldness filtering into his core deeper and deeper as his clothes became a gown of red; a warm slick surface strong with a coppery scent. Grey eyes in an emotionless face that slowly faded in from its edges; darkness growing till only grey eyes remained forever. Betrayal perceived by Sirayn would be fatal; that he was sure of and the shiver that gripped his spine in coldness and tried to shake his body fiercely was held off by nothing more then sheer panic.


    Furrowed soft ground, his mind latched on to the words as she stood, formed his departing plan swiftly preparing for her departure. Rising a fraction behind her; a sense of loss at the removal of pressure and warmth along his side. He dropped into a deep respectful bow, “Aleanda Sedai it has been a most pleasant time in conversation with you. I concede that perhaps the White is not as illogical in it’s followings a I may have first wondered.†His face remained neutral with great effort but some of the earlier twinkle had found his eyes once more. “I would indeed welcome further conversations on some of the other philosophies that have come to make the White what they are today. As time permits I will try to arrange an appointment with you, it is a most gracious offer. May the light see you safely through your journeys this day.†Perhaps things were not as far gone as he dread, she was not hauling him away and she mentioned nothing about this event leaving the garden. He held back the small grin that was trying to reach the corners of his mouth as the sisters said their departing words before Aleanda slipped from the garden and once more he was left in the presence of one.


    Trying to stuff his emotions into the darkest hole he could find in his mind he turned to face the soft alluring face of Lavinya; the garden seeming to shrink and press in on them. How was it that is red haired women could cause so much turmoil in him? She was a woman, yes. She was an Aes Sedai, yes. He knew what tactic she was using, yes. Yet for all this knowledge he might as well not even be in his own body; watching from the sideline as she wormed inside any defense he seemed to offer. Counter attacking any front he seemed to put up. How was it possible to know you were sinking in quicksand and embrace that pull without even attempting self-preservation? “Lavinya Sedai it has been a pleasure…†the heat burst into his face as a blush tinged his cheeks with a light stain of red. Bloody ashes get control of your self man you are not some simple school boy!!! “It has been wonderful talking to you, but I really should be checking on my mentee’s.†His eyes started to rove down her frame before he could catch himself and force them to the ground in front of him, his fingers playing with the rose still in his hands. “You have been marvelous company. Perhaps we will meet again and continue our …… conversation on the Grey Ajah.†His eyes flicked to hers, his body wanted to remain; wanted her to protest this dividing. But in silence he awaited her answer as he tried to gain the steel control he had held earlier. He felt wrung out and exhausted mentally. This meeting with two opposite sisters in a simple garden had worn him thinner then he thought possible. Even now as he stood, hopefully composed, he was not sure he could handle anymore without control slipping from his fingers like water through a sieve.



    OOC: nicely played Robin :)


    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  10. The deep booming rumble of a thunderstorm in the distant horizon echoed oddly and hollow under the bright sunshine bathing the yard in it’s radiant light. But it reflected harshly in the face of a stalwart guard as he made his way along the beaten path leading to the Tower; heels of his boots leaving a slight indentation in the packed surface of the path. His stride solid and purposeful almost militaristic in gait and force spoke of agitation. The brilliant rays from the burning globe already past it’s mid point only added to the look of displeasure; casting harsh shadows across a hard set face, eyebrows drawn down. If I find him flittering away his study time to prance around with a novice in the Tower he will not see his bunk for a week.


    A brief vision of the garden warm and bright; vibrant colors swaying softly to the music of a slight rippling breeze and the soft tender touch of a Red hair women pressed close to him. An angry growl rumbled low and deep in his throat as he crushed the picture viciously under heel in his mind. Not now Lavinya, I have more pressing matters to deal with. Your spell will have to wait. His boots rang out from the hard hallway floors and echoed ahead of him as he proceeded through the tower pausing only long enough to offer respectable recognition o the few sisters he passed. Looks from impassive eyes offered reflections of a face chiseled in stone. A simple task, research the books and find a simple answer. It should take the better part of a day for a trainee to find, especially if they inquired of a Brown for assistance. Even Dragonmount it’s self will not be a high enough climb if I find him in novice quarter. Turning down another passage he came to the entrance of a wing forbidden to trainees, forbidden to any man with out very good reasoning.


    “You … girl,†his voice came out low and sharp edged like a sword. “I’m looking for a trainee, he goes by Shawn; barefoot, ragged looking. Have you seen him?†The novice looked back with a shocked expression as plain on her face as the white of her dress, mouth half open. “I warn you, don’t play games with me I am not in the mood for silly childhood antics. If I feel for even the slightest reason you are hiding something related to him I will have you in front of the MoN before your feet can touch the floor. Are we understood?†Her head shook quickly up and down but her tongue remained frozen for several more moments before an answer squeaked to existence between them. “No … no sir. I have not seen nor heard of any trainee in the wing.†She remained frozen in place under the glaring stare for the span of several heartbeats before Corin offered her a nod of his head.


    Spinning on his heels he stormed back down the hall toward the library. He paused briefly in acknowledgement of a slender young Aes Sedai that seemed familiar to him for some reason. Something about her eyes had him looking back at her trying to put name to face before he continued. The new puzzle channeled some of the energy heating his anger away to its resolve and lightened the hard fall of his steps. The library was a quiet and organized bustle of activity. It took Corin little time to find a Brown Aes Sedai and locate where Shawn had been sitting. But the table now sat empty save for the mountain of books. The puzzle thickened in his head as he let his eyes wander over the books. His hand tracing lightly over one in particular interesting. His eyes traced over the room once more. Perhaps I need to approach this a little different, his finger tapped on the cover several times before he noticed the side look from a Brown a table over. With a brief smile and nod he slipped back out and headed back to the yard.


    With the late after noon hour and the time he had collected his mentee this morning it was a safe bet the boy had gone for food, a grin cracking the edges of his face. Perhaps it was time to have a little chat and see how the boy had made out. Slipping into the mess hall it took only a quick glance to find him; it would be a couple of hours before the dinner rush began. Walking up to the table he acknowledged the boy as he looked up from his meal. “Seems you have finished sooner then I expected Shawn. Perhaps I underestimated your skills at research, yes?†He studied the boy’s face but continued before he could answer. “Since you are finished I’m sure you can enlighten me in the answers to my earlier questions.†Leaning on a support column as if getting comfortable to listen to Shawn’s rendition he added one more piece to the game. Just as Shawn was about to begin his explanation Corin address one more sentence to him. As if in passing conversation, words with no great meaning. “Funniest thing happened while you where studying, I was informed there was a trainee in the novice quarters, ragged clothes and bare feet. You would think a mentor would keep a closer eye on his charge.â€


    With careful precision he used the tools Sirayn had grown in him. Studying the boy from the corner of his eye as he rested at his ease. His mind working out what purposes the boy could possible have in novice beside the hormonal one. Words filtered through his head in Sirayn’s flat instructional tones “sometime what is not said is more important then what is said..â€


    OOC: Don't want to make it too ease on ya :twisted:


    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  11. The shrill call of morning birds in song to each other carried in the still air of early morning; subtle shades of pink and orange still vaguely noticeable in the brightening sky of dawn. Mornings were still an enjoyed welcome to Corin after so many years in the Tower. The delicate blue and black wings of a butterfly stretched out across the vibrant tangerine peddles of some unknown flower in the garden before his eyes. Each morning since well into his training he came here to mediate in the Void. Lonrick had taught him the basics he needed to use it, but hinted and displayed such immeasurable mastery of it’s true potential. A potential that Corin hungered for and strove to reach.


    Rising from the soft grass, the butterfly already in flight from his movements, his eyes trailed its jittery progression across several bushes; leaves deep green with a lush sheen. He had a mentee to surprise this morning and time was slipping quickly away on him. He often observed their progress from shadows and distance, ensuring that they maintained the structured schedule he had outlined them to; gauged their progress and when he should test them again or offer words and guidance.


    The thought drew forth another, a strong seemingly gentle man who held discipline in high regard. A man Corin held in high regard and even to this day still missed. Reikan had been his mentor when he arrived at the Tower, had become like a father to him and a model to his method of teaching in many instances. It was through that, combined with some of the demands of a Green that seemed to have his fate tight in hand, that he was dropping in on Shawn unrepentantly today. Though this time it may start in the shadows he would ensure the boy knew he was there.


    Arriving at the tree line’s edge near the pond he surveyed his mentee’s work in the forms as he worked one hand and then the other. Good ….. he is making very good progress. This one has potential. As Shawn bent to retrieve the second lathe he seemed to pause before righting and working through some forms with both in hand. A smile grew on Corin’s face as he weighed the motions carefully. Surely the boy had seen him and knew he was watching, yet for all appearance you would believe him to have not noticed. Either he is getting better then I suspected at the game or he needs a great deal more training in observation. It would take little time questioning him to work out the truth; skills Corin had been learning to master for years now.


    But that was not the need right now; there was a more pressing goal to strive for. Stepping out into the light of day he moved to stand just out of the boys reach as he completed the movements and stopped facing him. Suppressing a small smile at his appearance of surprise whether it was real or not. “Good morning. Plan to join me for breakfast or was there something else you had planned for today?" Corin motioned to the pathway as he shook his head, “walk with me Shawn. I thank-you for your offer, but I am afraid breakfast will have to wait for both of us this morning.†He glanced quickly over to the boy walking along beside him before continuing with a slight curl to the corners of his mouth; eyes surveying the trees around them idly. “There is much to know in becoming a Tower Guard. Much needs to be understood for those chosen to protect the lives of Aes Sedai. Your training is coming along well,†drawing a pause out for the boy to feel proud of his accomplishments so far. The smile that bloomed on his face and lit his eyes said as much. “But, there is more to this job then mere physical skill. You have to have an understanding of why an opponent might react a certain way, why an enemy might position their men is such a way for battle. Why a certain weapon might be better then another for the same task. For this you must begin to understand history, lessons learned and losses felt.â€


    As they cleared the pathway and entered the training yard, Corin stopped and faced the boy a stern lecturing mask in place on his face, authority and command supporting tones for his words. “You will go to the Tower library. There you will research the loss of a great army, you will know for our next meeting what strategy the Manetheren army used to defend it’s home, and why it failed.†Puzzlement was thick in the boy’s eyes as he faced him and Corin chuckled inside. Sometime this really was a fun sport in a way. “If you remain here looking at me all day you will find your bell rumbling will wake the night watch. On your way …. You have little time before I find you.†With that the boy was off at a run for the tower library, Corin silently chuckling as he watched the boys back grow smaller and the distance between them greater.



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  12. The air sat still and stifled in the absence of wind causing the yard to feel like an oven in his present state. He crossed along the baked dirt pathway; dry, moisture hungry cracks spidery along its surface. The blazing sun a distant beacon of brilliant torture mocked him in his journey. Keeping his gaze down; eyes red tinged and glassed from the glaring reflection of unnaturally white stone. His late night adventure having kept him up longer then he cared to admit. Corin was rapidly beginning to understand that with Carhiens there was no simple parties or gatherings.


    All he wanted was to find Sirayn Sedai, give her his report and get some sleep; a sigh escaped him at the knowledge sleep would still be a distant stranger, the slip alone indicating how tired he truly was. Before his head would find the soft comforting embrace of a pillow thick with down feathers he would need to check on his mentees and ensure that they were still well in hand and deep in their studies and practices. A dull throb at his temples only seemed to accentuate the burning sensation of his eyes; pin pricks sharp and deep behind their lids.


    Stepping through the passage into the tower itself allowed some of the tension knotting his shoulders to release as the cool dim corridor embraced him in it’s serenity. One of the very few times he relished the idea of being within it’s stonewalls. Pieces, like random shards from a shattered pane of glass, snippets of conservations and events. Identities and places that offered no clue to a whole picture in his mind danced about taunting him as he made his way through the varying corridors; boots ringing softly off the hard surface. There was little doubt in his mind; to Sirayn these would mean something, purpose where none thought one would exist. She had great history and interests in their procession and affairs; something he lacked greatly which would allow shape and a key to their assembly. Even knowing that outright would not stop his mind running them over from every angle. Like a jeweler examining the facets of a fine diamond she had trained him to observe, record, and find a way to assemble what should not be.


    He rubbed absently at his left temple as a group of Novices scurried by, no doubt on a task or errand of one kind or another. To look at the yard and the tower as an outside observer one could draw many parallels in their views and desires when looking at the novices and trainees both held close. A study he had begun shortly after his raising. He had brought many of these snippets and seemingly trivial words to her over the years; some he had begun to understand if only the tip of the larger iceberg below the surface. But it was a start, besides which, there was other items of interest to him that he did not always offer up to her; knowledge was worth more then any gold in the game they played.


    Turning down another connecting corridor on his way to the stairwell that would carry him to her quarters his ears caught a faint and familiar tone lightly reverberated off emotionless walls that held more answers to secrets then one could imagine. The edged words filtered from a passageway that would take him toward the Novice quarters if memory served him correctly. This was a place in the tower even the guards themselves where greatly unwelcome unless directed and usually under the watchful shadow of an Aes Sedai. Surely in assumed protection of an Aes Sedai and their precious children a strong argument could be made, even preparing his mental argument he slipped softly down it’s length. A young man’s voice caring long the hallway brought a smile to his face as he spotted the pair; a delicate feminine right hand wrapped firmly around the sheath of a sword. No indication played on her face as to whether she believed the young trainee who held the swords hilt but he would have been beside himself with shock had she. Displayed indications gave way too much in Daes Dae’mar in which he was her pupil.


    “I do not believe even Orion will find much weight in that reason,†the boy’s attention turning rapidly in his direction; Sirayns a slower more controlled movement offering nothings in it’s presentation. Corin dropped smoothly in to a bow; it’s depth fitting her position to almost an exacted inch. “Good afternoon Sirayn Sedai, I trust this young traineeâ€, his eyes flicked harshly to the boy as he emphasized his meager title. “Is not bothering you too greatly.†Eyes once more taking her in; studying her eyes quickly in an attempt to gauge her mood. The look did not last long; he preferred not to raise her ire toward him but with all the time they had spent together he had begun to read some level of emotion in her eyes. Outwardly he stood at ease facing the two; but his mind already laid three options before him on the boy’s demise and his left hand was set to draw a dagger if needed. Not everything seemed as simple as it once had to him; not even in the Tower would he take a chance with a stranger around Sirayn; the warm smile still resting on his face.



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  13. Confusion played it’s game inside him bringing questions and suspicion to the forefront as she waved him away from the mess. She spoke sweetly to the boy and pressed a coin into his hand. Her tone seemed genuine and the smile she offered him reassuring. There was no commandment or authority threaded through her voice. She seemed the take a general interest and enjoyment in the boys as they ran off to continue their play after cleaning up. Very different indeed this one is. He would have expected orders, if subtle in there delivery, from most Aes Sedai. Whether they were directed at him or the boys was anyone’s guess; certain ones he was sure would have addressed both and warmth there would have been little. Again gray measuring eyes floated in his mind as if the very though of reprimand had called them.


    It seemed Christine shared his own thoughts; her words of protocol and respect caused the disembodied eyes to almost flair in agreement. He would have found a long list of disassociated tasks in his future had he been so clumsy in front of her. Oh there would not have been much openly or outwardly mentioned. The look would be simple and quick, yet the meanings he had learned to read into them spoke volumes. He had learned over their time together some of her thought patterns in certain situations and how she would normally react. That thought brought a slight startle to his mind at the realization. He was truly beginning to understand some of Sirayn’s patterns, more then he expected but only the very tip of the iceberg. Laughter at the comparison tried to bubble up inside but he pushed it back.


    Her soft voice, almost musical in a way snapped him back to reality as he realized he still held a slightly guarded look on his face. Barely holding the blush from warming his cheeks he replaced the empty glass in his hand with the new one on the table. He had not noticed its arrival or the completion of his first. He took a moment to swirl the vineyards work in the glass; allow it to radiate out its prized bouquet of fragrance and promised flavour before drawing in a mouthful. The rawness of it’s mix burst on his tongue bold and alive; swallowing carried the boldness off replaced with a resonating memory of apple spice that soon blended away to the familiar oak hinting. She did have rather impeccable taste in wine and he made a mental note of the Inn’s name so he could visit it again.


    Lowering the glass he met her eyes once more, “Again I apologise Christine Sedai, it was nothing you said. I was momentarily lost to my thoughts.†A smile fit it’s self warmly on his face, “sometimes the duty of the Tower stretches out further then we think. At times it would be nice to slip from it’s shadow for a spell and remember the life we had.†His voice held remembrance in the last words that flowed forth; eyes darting back to the jovial youth as they made there way up the street again. It was a dangerous statement to say to most, yet this one was so different. The standard rules and guidings he had come to expect of Aes Sedai seemed lost to her as though not fitting of her character. Or perhaps she was very good at Daes Dae’mar, his eyes once more in study of her face, but so young to be so well masked. Bloody ashes, I see the game everywhere now. Once I would have taken a pretty smile for a pretty smile. Now I see questions and daggers where none probably exist …. Or do they?


    Bitterness seeded it’s self deep in his stomach and tried to take root. Possibilities abounded before him as he observed the smooth feminine features of Christine. She was a Green and that held many idea’s in it’s own, her face marked her still young and therefore could not be of the Green and the shawl for long. That also brought further possibilities; less set in the staunch ways of the Tower, it’s grip not as ingrained and tight as the elder sisters. Perhaps if one treaded lightly, steered innocent conversation toward the right avenues. There was always a chance but would the cost be more then he could pay; Sirayn would probably love to see his hide stripped; dismissed as he seemed to be in her sight of late. If he could find an in road in an unwary Green, words and meetings innocently seeming, might come to his ear.


    It was a conscious effort to keep the smile warm on his face for Christine as a mischievous plotting grin filled his inner thoughts. Perhaps she was being nothing more then openly relaxed, only time might tell for sure. “You have a marvellous choice in vintage Christine Sedai. I did not know that so simple a tavern would carry so fine a bouquet.†He Leaned back casually glancing toward the sky, “a beautiful day for a walk. Always a treat to be out of the Tower if not far from it’s walls.†Swirled the glass again Corin drew back another sweet mouthful, “have you always had such commendable knowledge in the vineyards’ offerings?â€



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

  14. Corin slide the last of the few supplies he would be taking with him on this little adventure. Shawn had been the first to ask if he would accompany him to the competition so he could compete. A smile rested easy on his face as he remembered the boy’s exuberance; asking for a loan to purchase a horse and then permission to enter the competition. He had done well though, keeping his studies and training schedule up whilst advancing in his horseman skills. The boy had dedication and tenacity which impressed Corin; talents that would aid him in the future after he was raised.


    Crossing the yard toward the stables he could feel more of the tension leaving his shoulders. Several day’s away from the yards, watch duty and most defiantly Aes Sedai. He may have the duty of judging some of the competitions, but that was all he had to worry about. There would be no Aes Sedia to bow for, run errands for, jump at the most ridiculous of request; be lost to the depths of brown eyes. A touch of color warmed his cheeks at the memories of Lavinya Sedai and the trouble she had brought him. But the sensation did not last long as a vision of piercing grey disembodied eyes appeared in the dark recesses of his mind. “Yes Sirayn, I have not forgotten about your requirements of me either.†The words said under breath to the air around him. Even though he would be free of her as well; she would no doubt know everything he did. Her eyes and ears seemed almost to know what he did before he even though it.


    Arriving at the stable, Corin collected the painted mare he had arranged for prior, from a stable boy. He had not found himself traveling off the grounds that often and as such had not deemed it a priority to purchase his own mount. The Tower stock did what he needed and did not require extra attention from him. Tying his bags and roll to the back of the saddle he looked over the few gathered and offered Lyv and Rosheen a nod, the last a mischievous smile. Rosheen had mellowed since her rising to the guard, but the fire had not been completely stamped out of her. Collecting the mare’s reins he moved over to the group and wait for the remainder of the party that would be traveling to arrive. Nodding to Shawn with a warm smile as the boy came up next to him with his prized purchase, a grin beaming from ear to ear.



    Corin Danveer

    Tower Guard

    Promised to Sirayn Sedai

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