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Posts posted by WolfbrotherKronos

  1. Jace, having significantly calmed down, stated that he would stay out here with them.  Being polite, he introduced himself to the pair, and learned the woman's name as well - Winifred.  Jace wasn't sure what to make of everything right now, so after the introductions, he went to work setting up camp.  Work always helped him think about things, he just hoped his new companions wouldn't think him rude for not talking much, but they seemed to understand that he needed to think.  It seemed as if the woman could communicate with the wolf somehow, he wasn't quite sure how it was done, but he now knew that he could do it as well.  He continued to work and after the camp was completed, he removed his bow, removed the bow string and sat down to talk.


    "I apologize for my silence," Jace started off. "I did not intend to be rude, but I had a lot to think about and work is a good time for me to do that."


    Jace then told them his story - how he had left the farm and his family because of his gambling addiction.  He felt that they would do better without him there.  He told of his journey to Cairhein, meeting farmer's along the way and working for food, money, or a bed to sleep in.  His story ended with the brawl in the tavern that led to his understanding of the wolf-like qualities that were beginning to show.


    "It was strange.  A man hit me and I fell, landing in a crouch.  A remembrance of the dreams I've been having came to me.  One of wolves hunting.  It was if I began to feel their ferocity.  It was then that I realized that I was becoming like a wolf.  My enhanced senses...my eyes.  I concluded that the wolves could help me.  That is when I left town.  I left to find wolves who could help me understand who I am."


    Jace stopped for a moment and exhaled audibly.  It was not often that he spoke this much, but it definitely felt good to let it all out.


    "I've been trying to think of what I should ask you, but there are so many things.  I'm sure some will come as I continue to travel with you." Jace continued. "So I'm only going to ask the things that are foremost in my mind right now.  The dreams - I don't understand them.  Is there a significance to them? They always seem to be hunting and they always seem...so real...as if I am there.  Also, it appears that you can talk with Midnight here, I believe you are trying to tell me that I can do this too, but have to say I've never spoken with a wolf before.  How does it work? You two also seem to share some sort of bond.  Will I find a wolf companion eventually?  I'm sorry that I'm talking alot.  I feel quite like a child seeing the world with brand new eyes right now."

  2. Jace turned around, pulling his hunting knife out as he did so.  He knew that bandits might be out and wasn't about to get waylaid.  He was surprised to see a wolf standing in front of him and shortly thereafter, a woman appeared and called out to him.


    "Greetings, I hope my brother here has not scared you too badly.  So, do you know who I am, or why I am here?"


    Jace looked at the wolf...and then at the woman.  The first thing he noticed about her was her eyes.  They glowed with a golden hue - just like his own.  Taking a deep breath, Jace calmed down and put his knife back into its sheath.


    Adjusting the bow on his back, more out of nervousness than for reasons of comfort, Jace answered her. "I have no idea who you are, but as to why you are here, I can guess.  You are here to find me, and strangely enough, I think I was looking for you."


    Jace's mouth moved more as he tried to think of the many questions he wanted to ask, but all that came out was, "Do you know what's happening to me?"

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