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Posts posted by WolfbrotherKronos

  1. Kyle stood in the practice yard with the rest of the new recruits.  They seemed to be goofing off rather than taking the practice session seriously.  Hopefully soon some of them would get their act together and actually work at bettering themselves.  Kyle wondered how the rest of the recruits grew up.  On the street he had learned that you needed to focus and be prepared for anything and maybe that's why he saw things more seriously.  His sparring partner was focusing on another group of recruits that were making jokes.


    Kyle debated working on the forms on his own, but would rather practice his skills with someone else.  He looked around and saw most of the recruits were paired, some working hard and others not so much.  Kyle's eyes were drawn to Captain Damon Shinnin who was working on his sword forms by himself away from the group.  Kyle wondered if the captain would help him with his sword forms.  Kyle new from experience that moving towards someone from behind or the side could frighten them and Kyle decided that it was probably best to approach the captain from a direction in which he could see him coming.


    Kyle moved around the courtyard so that he could approach Captain Shinnin from the front.  He tried to display confidence, but he approached somewhat awkwardly, showing his nervousness in approaching the captain.  Damon put his sword down at his side as Kyle approached.  Kyle snapped to attention and saluted.


    "Sir, I was wondering if you would be willing to help me with my sword forms?" Kyle asked with nervousness in his voice.

  2. Jace ran. It wasn't the panicked run that he had taken upon leaving Cairhein. Instead, he was full of joy. He cycled through different emotions - surprise and happiness being the two main ones. He hadn't felt like this since he was a child.


    In a way, I kind of am a child again. Jace thought.


    He ran, following River wherever she would take him until Jace heard Winifred call to him saying "I can't think that Aislyn would be too happy if we made it all the way here for you to break a leg right on her doorstep. And here we are...".


    Jace stopped running, putting his hands on his knees and pausing to catch his breath. River stopped and look at him, turning her head sideways. Jace understood that the wolf was making fun of him for being out of energy, and he let out a chuckle. "Sorry, friend," he said. "It has been a long time since I have done that."


    Jace took the time to take in his surroundings as Winifred showed him the various places around the Stedding. Jace noticed some other Wolfkin walking around and Winifred greeted them. None of them approached to greet him though. Jace wasn't sure what to make of that, but it was nice to see their yellow eyes gleaming in the sun. For the first time since the changes had occurred, Jace didn't feel like he was alone.


    Jace followed Winifred into a building. She had told him this was the Infirmary. She had mentioned that a Sage was going to check him out and make sure that he was alright. Jace usually did most of his own first aid, and so he didn't know what to expect from this check up.


    "Have a seat here for a moment. This is where I leave you in Aislyn's capable hands. I'll just go let her know we've arrived." Winifred said to him.


    Jace felt some panic rise up. She was the only person who had befriended him and he honestly wasn't sure he wanted her to leave. He had also noticed that River had elected to stay outside.


    Winifred patted him on the shoulder and told him, "I'll see you again once you're settled in no doubt. Welcome home." He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to her seemingly being able to read his mind.


    Jace sat as Winifred moved to another part of the building. He sought out River and could sense her outside the building. She seemed to be relaxing and waiting patiently. Jace smiled, knowing that she probably didn't want to be around for the check up. It was an affair of the two legs, but his new friend would wait for him to finish.


    Jace let his thoughts wander and thought about his trip. He hadn't played dice since he was in Cairhein. He wondered how long ago that had been. It had seemed like a lifetime ago. Jace wondered if any of the other Wolfkin played dice.


    No. I've broken off that part of my life and will never return. Jace thought, but in his mind he heard the sound of the dice calling to him. He shook the thoughts free and turned his head as he heard footsteps approaching. This would probably be the sage that Winifred had told him about.


    Jace stood, bowed his head, and spoke nervously, "Hello, my name is Jace."

  3. yea Kronos that would be cool. I've started a thread which has Damon going through the forms by himself but if you want to join in that would be cool. It will help me to improve my own skill if I can teach so everybody wins.


    Arinth, hopefully we will see you active soon, the more children the better the stories :)


    Kathleen have you any ideas as to an RP we can do together? I've just returned to the Fortress so Damon is trying to feel the currents and get to know those who are new to him, so perhaps a simple bumping into each other thread or if you like theres the active canteen thread "chow time"?


    pretty much every thread I'm in is open, happy to RP with everyone if possible lol and if anyone wants a Captain in thier thread feel free to let me know. Just love RPing lol

    Posted :happy:

  4. Kira sat in Rasheta Sedai's study.  Kira wasn't sure why the Aes Sedai had offered to teach her a lesson, but Kira couldn't turn down the  offer.  Rasheta offered her a cup of tea, which Kira gratefully accepted, although it had remained untouched.  She was extremely nervous as Rasheta showed her the weave that she was going to learn today.  It looked pretty complex for her level and Kira wasn't sure if she could do it.


    “Excuse me, Rasheta Sedai, could you show me that weave one more time?” Kira asked respectfully.


    Rasheta smiled and repeated the weave.  Kira waited until Rasheta told her that it was ok for her to embrace the source before doing so.  Kira thought of the rosebud opening itself to the sunlight and felt the warmth of Saidar fill her.  She let the feeling take over her for a minute before trying the weave.  She tried to do it, but felt the One Power escape her.  She embraced the source again, but seemed as if she was having trouble holding on to it.


    Am I so nervous that I can’t keep a hold of it? Kira thought.


    Kira tried a couple more times getting the same results.  She was beginning to feel embarrassed that an Aes Sedai was seeing her failures. 
    She could feel the redness flooding into her cheeks and was beginning to feel frustrated.  The frustration kept building inside of her until she couldn’t hold it in any longer.


    “No! I can’t do it!” Kira yelled grabbing the first thing nearby and throwing it against the wall.  It was the cup of tea Rasheta had given her upon entering.  The cup broke against the wall and some of it got on some of Rasheta’s dresses.  Frustration was replaced with horror and Kira waited to see how Rasheta would react to her outburst.



  5. Jace kept quiet most of the trip. He spent most the time getting to know his new friend, River. Jace was awakened from his thoughts as Winifred informed him that they were nearing their journey's end. Jace perked up a bit and he could sense that River was feeling excited as well. It seemed like they had gotten to know each other really well in a short amount of time.


    so this is it. We are coming to our new home. Jace sent to River.


    The wolf remained silent, but Jace could sense the wolf's excitement. They had both traveled a long journey. Jace rubbed his shoulder to ease the tension that he felt from spending so much time on the road. bith the wolf and the wolfkin were excited to get some real rest.


    Fatigue was showing in Jace's posture. His shoulders were slumped over and his steps were heavy. Jace wiped some sweat from his brow as Winifred turned around to face him. As he neared the tracker, he felt the sense of weariness leave him. He stood up straighter and the tension in his muscles began to ease. Jace stopped next to Winifred as River sat down next to him. He looked around, his golden eyes gleaming with excitement. Jace took a deep breath and looked at Winifred.


    "So, this is it huh? This is home" Jace said to Winifred with a smile.


    Winifred nodded and smiled back. For the first time Jace really felt like he was home. He sighed and continued to follow Winifred farther into the stedding. His steps were lighter as he picked up the pace a little. He kept his eyes moving back and forth taking in everything. He saw every tree and animal. It was as if he could feel the presence of the stedding around him. It seemed so alive. He felt that life flowing inside of him and he wanted to run. He hasn't felt this way since he was a child with no cares in the world. He tried to hold it back though. He thought he should remained composed.


    Jace caught River running ahead of him. Run with me! the wolf sent to him.


    Jace couldn't hold back the urge anymore. A smile came into his face and Jace joined the wolf in a run. He didnt care what the tracker and the older wolf felt. He needed to feel alive.


    Yes, Jace thought. I am home - finally

  6. "I know...will we ever find out where everything is."  Kira said as her city girl instincts kicked in.  "Let's go this way."


    Kira's instincts served her right.  The tapestries on the walls looked familiar to her.  Kira and Hallia kept quiet on the way to their room, focusing more on their destination than conversation.  Kira thought about the other girl though.  Kira's thoughts kept going to Hallia's mother.  How would I feel if my mother died like that. Hallia thought.  Light, that would be so terrible.


    Eventually the two girls ended up at their room.  It was getting dark and Kira changed into her pajamas and sat on her bed thinking before talking to Hallia.  "You arrived today too right?" Kira said. "Are you nervous? I know I am.  It was hard to leave home, but I knew that I was meant for more than being a serving girl.  I don't think my life here will be easy, but it felt right to come here.  One day, I will be Aes Sedai.  I have to.  This just feels...right."


    Kira's expression was blank as she hugged her knees.  She wasn't smiling, but wasn't upset, she was just deep in thought.  She knew the people here would be helpful to her, including Hallia, but she was nervous.  "What if I fail though?  Could I go back to my life in Ebou Dar?  I'm not sure I could.  This place just feels like home.  Do you know what I mean?"

  7. Kyle waited...but the rest of the group seemed silent. He felt like maybe they wanted him to say something more. He kept eating and began to speak a moment later.


    "I'm new here and just learned that there are different divisions of the Chrildren of the Light. Would any of you be willing to share with me why you joined your division. I still don't know where I'll fit in."

  8. Kira and Hallia enter the dining hall.  There were so many girls sitting down and eating their dinner.  Kira got her dinner and sat down with Hallia to eat her soup.  It smelled amazing.  On the way to the tower, Kira and Elsyia Sedai had eaten at many inns, but none of her meals had smelled this good.  She brought the spoon to her lips and tried it.  It tasted just as good as it smelled.


    Kira looked at Hallia and told her, “If all the food tastes this good here, I might be getting heavier.” Kira giggled at her joke and noticed that Hallia smiled as well.


    Yes, Kira thought, I think we’ll get along fine.


    Kira told Kira a little more about Ebou Dar and her life there.  “The worst thing was when we would have troublemakers come into the inn.  They would gawk at me and even sometimes touch me.  It never ended well.  I would get angry and threaten them and my dad would usually yell at me for it.  It wasn’t that he agreed with them, but he always wanted me to have him take care of it.  He usually made them leave afterwards.  See…I had a tendency to get violent when the men touched me.  It didn’t help that most of them were ugly.  It often earned me kitchen duty for the night.”

    Both the girls finished their dinner.  “Well I’m heading back to the room to finishing getting my dresses hung up.  Are you going as well?” Kira asked Hallia hopefully.  She was really beginning to enjoy the girl's company.


  9. Reqs for NOVICE: Kira Tuvunenia

    • Novice Quiz - [Complete]



    Choice RP:

    [Meeting the Roomate] - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/78800-a-change-of-scenery-attn-kronos/?do=findComment&comment=2788726 - 4 posts of at least 250 words / [ 4 / 4 ] [Complete]

    [Character Centered RP] - http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/79779-learning-self-control-closed/ - 4 posts of 250 words [4/4] [complete]

    Three Arches- http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/81579-a-time-to-move-on-kiras-arches/ - 1646 - [Complete]

  10. Jace nodded at her answers, coming to an understanding. He knew he had a lot to learn, but for the first time since leaving the farm, Jace felt like he was finding a home.


    "I think my questions are answered for now. I'll be sure to ask more if they come up," Jace told Winifred. "I think, I will head to bed for now. I want to thank you for finding me and helping. Sleep well"


    The next morning Jace woke up feeling very refreshed. He had woken up earlier than the Tracker, so he got the fire going and set some water to boil for some morning tea. He took the time to break down what he could of the camp to get ready and waited. Winifred and Jace had some light conversation to pass the time over their tea and then they set out for the Stedding, heading west.


    A few days passed without much incident and Jace got into a routine. Tear down camp, leave, stop at dusk, and set up camp. They made good progress. On the third day of their journey, something broke into Jace's thoughts.


    They left their camp on a sunny morning. A few minutes out of the camp, an image popped into Jace's mind - a sun rising. Jace's walke slowed for a moment as confusion entered Jace's mind. It didn't seem like a passing fancy, and Jace remembered that Winifred had told him. Wolves communicated this way. Confusion was replaced with understanding and Jace thought about what it meant...a rising sun greeting the new day.


    its a greeting Jace thought. the wolf is saying good morning


    Jace opened his mind and tried to see if he could tell where the wolf was. He felt something, almost a prick, from the north and he sent an image focusing on that direction of a rising sun.


    hello Jace thought.


    Mor images followed. One came after another. His farm, Cairhein, Winifred and Midnight, and last nights camp.


    You've been following me a long time. I'm sorry that it has taking me long to find out about this


    He didn't sense any frustration, but he wasn't really sure he felt anything. He looked at Winifred and it didn't seem like she noticed the conversation that was happening. He wondered if the wolf was choosing to just talk to him.


    The images began to change to words in his mind Im interested in the two-legs the wolf sent to him.


    He had never heard himself being referred to as two legs, but it made sense to him.


    I don't understand. Do you want to know about...me?


    I come the wolf responded.


    A female wolf appeared as the group entered a clearing, entering from the woods to the north. Jace stopped walking. Winifred and Midnight stopped noticing the wolf.


    Are you wanting to come with me Jace sent.


    I come the wolf responded to him.


    I understand Jace responded. I'm Jace, what should I call you.


    Brother, my name is River


    Jace turned to Winifred and Midnight, "Winifred, Midnight, this is River and she will be joining us. River, this is Winifred and Midnight"

  11. Kira watched the Mistress of Novices bring out a large book.


    Wow, that is a very large book, thought Kira.

    "This is the novice book. In it you will find entries of every novice to enter the tower since its opening, mine included. Now, child, I'll need your name, age, and place of birth."


    Kira's thoughts went to the book. Wow! That book must be ancient.  It would be interesting to see what the names in the book.


    Second thoughts began to creep into Kira's mind.  She was now to the point where she could still go home to Ebou Dar.  Here is really where she had to choose.  She thought about it in silence, weighing each decision carefully.  She could stay here and never see her family again, or she could go home and live out her life as an innkeeper most likely.  She saw the Mistress of Novices look up in expectation, waiting for Kira to answer.  Kira looked down, thinking carefully.  This decision had seemed so easy before, but now at her last chance, it seemed daunting; however, deep down, she knew what she would choose, just as her mother did when Kira left.


    Finally, looked up at the Mistress of Novices and said "my name is Kira Tuvunenia," Kira paused and spelled her name for the Mistress of Novices. "I am 15 and was born in Ebou Dar."


    Kira watched as Valeri Sedai put the information in the book.  There was no turning back now.  She promised herself that she would one day be Aes Sedai.

  12. Kyle listened as his instructor finished the first basic training session that Kyle attended at the Fortress of Light.  Kyle had tried to pay attention as much as he could, but his thoughts kept drifting elsewhere.  Only the day before had he arrived at the Fortress to begin his training with the Children of the Light.  It was amazing how much things had changed for Kyle.  He had a home and warm meals three times a day.  He still had not gotten used to seeing himself with more bulk.  He had gained a significant amount of weight while traveling from Four Kings to Amador and he was still not used to feeling clean.


    In the next hour though, his life would change even more and that is where his mind was drifting to today.  Yesterday, he had admitted to Roudal that he couldn't read and write and had inquired about learning how.  After this session, he was to report to Roudal to begin lessons.  The thought made him nervous.


    What if I fail and can't do it? thought Kyle


    He thought it strange that those fears were only there for the literacy lessons.  He felt comfortable about everything else here.  Maybe it was because he was a survivor and felt a sense of purpose at the Fortress.  He didn't know, but he had to be honest with himself: he was afraid that he would fail at his literacy lessons.


    Kyle's thoughts snapped back to the instructor as the lesson ended and the recruits were dismissed.  Kyle gathered his things and walked directly to Roudal's office.  Stepping in Kyle said nervously, "Good morning sir.  I have come as requested to begin my lessons."

  13. Kyle was put into a situation that he wasn't used to.  All attention was on him.


    "Ummm...," Kyle said nervously. "I only arrived today and just got done with my orientation.  I learned of the Children by chance actually.  I was huddled in a corner of an alleyway when some Children went into an inn.  I overheard some of their discussion.  They were talking about the..." he said the next words with malice "Tar Valon Witches.  I had never met any who felt the same way.  I went in to talk with them.  That led to my arrival here."


    He took this time to start eating his meal.  He wasn't used to talking much and decided to wait and see what the others said.

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