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Posts posted by WolfbrotherKronos

  1. Kira ran trying to keep Aes Sedai calm, but at the same time she was excited.  She knew that she would beat Hallia to class today.  She slowed as she neared the classroom and saw Aureli entering the room with a basket.  Kira walked in and took a seat, smiling as she realized Hallia wasn't here yet.  She turned to face the door and flashed Hallia a grin as she entered and Hallia took a seat beside her.  Kira turned and waited patiently for the lesson to begin.


    Kira listened intently as Aureli described the uses of the Earth element.  She watched as Aureli used it to make the rosebud bloom and gasped as the flower opened.  It never ceased to amaze her the things that the One Power could be used for.  Aureli repeated the weave a second time and then passed out the rosebuds for the novices to practice.


    Kira accepted her rosebud and waited until she was given permission to embrace Saidar.  She allowed Saidar to fill her, feeling the joy that often comes with it.  She could understand why Saidar was addicting.  It always felt so good.


    Kira attempted the weave, but Earth was more difficult to work with.  She eventually was able to form the weave and place it on the rose bud and a red rose beamed out at her.  Kira smiled as Aureli congratulated her.


    "Excuse me," Kira said. "Are we allowed to keep the flower?" Kira asked smiling.  The flower would be a good reminder of her successes.


    Kira then watched as Aureli showed them how to light a candle and explained the dangers of drawing heat out of fire.  A brief smirk came to Kira as she thought of several of the novices without eyebrows, but the smirk quickly vanished as Aureli gave her a stern look.  Aureli passed her the basket and Kira took out a candle and passed the basket to Hallia.  Again, Kira awaited permission and then practice the weave.  Fire, like Earth, was harder for her to use, than Water or Air, and Kira was really excited when she was allowed to use a weave of Water to douse the flame.


    Kira was really excited to see the next weave.  She wasn't sure how Spirit would work, but when Aureli told them that she would be showing them the weave to ward against eavesdropping, she became excited.  This weave would be very useful.  Kira watched intently as Aureli formed the weave around two novices and gasped as their voices suddenly vanished.  It was absolutely amazing.  Kira smiled, but frowned as she realized this would be their last lesson with Aureli.


    Kira stood as Aureli dismissed the class and faced Hallia. "One moment, please." Kira said to her and approached Aureli.


    "Thank you Aureli for teaching us," Kira said, offering a curtsy.  Kira then rejoined Hallia as they left class.

  2. Kyle was really getting into a routine.  He woke up fairly early every morning, did some stretches and ate breakfast.  Kyle was still getting used to having three meals a day, but he had to admit, anything was better than scrounging for food.  Life had changed a lot for Kyle in a short amount of time.  The biggest change was physical.  He had gained a lot of weight and no longer looked malnourished.  He was consistently clean and his fair complexion shone through.  Working with several people had made him more outgoing.  Kyle was also working on reading.  He had learned all of his letters and was still working on reading.  He could read simple things though and comprehend them.


    Kyle thought of the day he had worked with Captain Damon in the practice yards yesterday.  The Captain had told him to come talk to him sometime about the Army of the Light in his office, so Kyle made his way to the Officer's section of the Fortress after breakfast.  He approached the Captain's door and knock.  Kyle entered after being told to do so, saluted, and asked, "Captain, do you have some free time to talk about the Army of the Light today?"

  3. Kira listened as Valerie gave her the penance.  Scrubbing dishes was nothing new to her as she had to do it a lot growing up at the inn.


    "Understood Valerie Sedai." Kira said somewhat nervously.  "I will come back after I have finished the dishes so we can talk.  I think I'd like that very much."


    Kira was completely sincere in what she said.  She knew that she needed help.  She would never become Aes Sedai if she kept losing control.  Kira waited until she was dismissed and calculated how much time she had before having to report to the Mistress of Kitchens.  Kira realized that she still had some time.  For this she was thankful.  She needed some time to think and wanted to go sit in her room for awhile.  She hoped to the light Hallia wouldn't be there.  She loved her roommate dearly, but she needed some time alone.


    Kira sighed as she entered the room and saw it empty.  She sat on her bed and hugged her knees close to her chest.  It had been a rough day, and Kira was very upset.  She couldn't stop the tears from coming.  Kira let her head lean against the wall and closed her eyes.  It felt good to cry.  Rasheta Sedai had said that she would help her, and for that Kira was grateful, but Kira wasn't sure it would be easy.  In fact she expected it to not be easy.


    Kira sat up as she heard voices outside her door and the door began to open.  Kira quickly wiped her eyes and tried to paint a smile on her face.  She did not want Hallia to see her crying.

  4. "Delighted to make your acquaintance, Jace. Winifred has told me what little she knows of your story but we won't get into that yet. Standing about in this drafty hall is no way to make you feel welcome is it now? You must be hungry so I think some food and a bath would be the best place to start." Aislyn greeted Jace warmly.


    Jace hadn't realized how hungry he was until Aislyn mentioned food.  As she spoke, he put his hands over his stomach in a feeble attempt to hide a growl.  He hadn't had a real home cooked meal since he had left Cairhein with Winifred. He followed Aislyn as she led him to a large, high ceilingind room.  The first thing that hit him was the smell and his stomach growled again for food.


    In record time, Aislyn had utensils and food placed before him.  He thanked her and nodded in appreciation for the meal.  He started to eat, trying to keep from eating too fast and watched as Aislyn washed some dishes.  She let him eat in silence and Jace assumed that she wanted him to think more about what his life was becoming.  He ate, thinking of his journey and realized he had no where idea where to go from here.  He frowned before finishing the last bite on his plate.


    Jace rose and took his dishes to the sink and thanked Aislyn one more time.  He then moved back to his stool and began to speak.


    "I have a few questions if I may." he said scratching his head.  "Ever since I met Winifred, I've felt as if I have had a purpose.  Now that I'm here, I can't help wondering now what?  I'm assuming that I'll learn how to use my abilities.  Also, this isn't meant as an insult or anything, but I felt that many people seemed to ignore me when I first got here.  It seemed like they were wary of me.  I guess I mean, besides you and Winifred, I don't feel like I'm very welcome here yet." Jace grimaced a bit.  He didn't want to say that, but it just came out.  He waited nervously for Aislyn to answer, hoping he didn't offend her.

  5. Kira offered Rasheta Sedai and deep curtsey and thanked her for the lesson before turning to leave.  Kira tried to keep calm like the Aes Sedai she had seen walking around the Tower, but she knew that her face was likely very sheet white. A fact that was brought to her attention any time she passed a Novice or Accepted.  They solemnly stepped out of her way and gave her a sad look.  Many of them knew what is was like to visit Valerie Sedai when you were in trouble.


    Kira kept walking and focused on her breathing and thought of what she was going to say to the Mistress of Novices.  She decided that the complete truth would be the best option.  Kira remembered that Rasheta Sedai had said she would let the Mistress of Novices know what happened and Kira had no doubt that she would leave nothing out.


    Kira looked at her hands as she arrived at the Mistress of Novices' office.  Her hands were still shaking a bit from her encounter with Rasheta's strength in the One Power.  Kira took a deep breath to calm herself and knocked on the door.  She entered as the door opened, curtsied, and approached Valerie's desk.


    "Valerie Sedai, today I was working with Rasheta Sedai.  I had trouble forming the weave she wished me to do, grew angry, and lost control of myself.  In my anger, I threw a cup of tea against the wall and spilled some on Rasheta Sedai's dresses.  After my lesson, I was sent here to receive whatever punishment you see fit." Kira said as calmly as she could.

  6. All sorts of things, but bear in mind that you can't leave the Stedding alone as a Wanderer. You'd need a full rank with you. That can be arranged though, depending on what you want to achieve with any RP.


    Can my character specialize in being in the wolf dream?

  7. Kyle worked hard listening to the words of the elder swordsman and taking them to heart.  Sometimes Kyle felt his form becoming more stiff and he received reminders from the Damon with either words or a quick rap on the knuckles.  After an hour of practice, Kyle found himself drenched with sweat and quite tired.  As he tired, it was harder to hide any frustration he felt.  As they got closer to finishing, Damon spoke.


    “Very good lad, tell me when did you first learn the trick of suppressing your emotions? Do you use a flame, a well or perhaps a river? There are many visualisations you can use to achieve the Oneness but the effect is the same. I, myself use a sword and I visualise it being sheathed encasing all my anger and fear allowing my mind to both think and react clearly.”


    Kyle thought about it for a bit before answering.  I learned to supress my emotions when I was living as a vagabond.  I learned that sometimes it is better to not show emotion or allow emotion to affect decisions.  There are times when I cannot surpress them - times when I lose control." Kyle tried to supress a wince as he thought of the few times where he couldn't think clearly.  It usually came when he saw fathers with small children or channelers.  "To achieve it though, I usually think of a hole and allow my emotion to drain into it."

  8. Kira almost screamed as she was picked up by a weave of air.  The scream would have been audible if Rasheta hadn't put a ball of Air into her mouth.  Rasheta moved so that Kira was forced to look at her.


    "You must learn never to lose your temper.  If you do something like this could happen." Rasheta said with nothing but calm in her voice.


    "An Aes Sedai has serenity at all times, even when she does not feel like she should. Now we will continue your lesson and you will do what I have asked you. You will continue to do it even if you are angry I will ensure you don't eat or drink till you get it right do you understand child?" Rasheta continued and Kira felt the weave of Air leave her mouth.


    "Y-y-yes, A-a-es Sedai," Kira stammered with fear.


    "Good now continue and when you are done you can go and see the Mistress of Novices." Rasheta said while letting Kira back down to the ground.


    Kira was afraid.  She looked at her hands and saw them shaking.  Her breathing was quick and shallow.  She was on the verge of hyperventilating and she could feel her heart pounding, trying to get out of her chest.


    Kira took a few deep breaths before stammering, "A-e-es S-s-dai.  C-c-could I see it one more time."


    As Kira watched Rasheta form the weave one more time, Kira focused on her breathing.  She began to calm down and felt she was at a place where she could begin to try the weave again.  Rasheta had given her an ultimatum.  Kira would not leave this room until she did it successfully.  After being given permission, Kira embraced Saidar.  It was surprisingly easy now that she was calm.  Kira attempted the weave slowly, trying very hard not to mess the weave up.  Her thoughts soon drifted though.  More and more, Kira was feeling like this session wasn't because of the weave.  Kira had been brought her to learn how to deal with her issue.  As Kira wondered whether or not Rasheta would be willing to help her, she lost hold of the weave.  Kira tried again, this time, the weave, slowly, but surely came together.


    Kira didn't stand, instead she looked at Rasheta.  Kira's mouth moved, but the question Kira wanted to ask - if Rasheta would help her, would not come out.  Instead, Kira said, trying hard to sound calm, "Rasheta Sedai, should I go to the Mistress of Novices now, or do you require anything else of me."

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