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Posts posted by WolfbrotherKronos

  1. As Jace entered the woods he began to slow down.  He had been running since he left the tavern in Cairhein and it was nightfall as he entered the woods.  Running might get him to the wolves faster, but thought it would be better if he went to them in a calm manner.


    I must be going insane. I'm actively seeking wolves. Jace thought.


    Regardless of his thoughts, Jace was still convinced that the answers that he was seeking would be found with the wolves.  He heard a wolf howl to the moon coming from the south and continued to move in that direction.  His enhanced senses helped him see in the dark and he was able to make it though the woods without tripping over roots.  He could hear small night animals scurrying throughout the woods.


    After traveling for about an hour, a smell wafted into Jace's nostrils.  Someone was coming and whoever it was, they were close and coming from behind.  Jace fingered his hunting knife and turned to face whoever it was.

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